Lux's Farewell

569 [0563] Black mist infighting and surprise attack

569 [0563] Black mist infighting and surprise attack

If the aura of the darkborn on Mr. Godin played by Vladimir is like a spring breeze, then when this jet-black sharp blade appears, in Kyle's perception, the power of the darkborn seems to be a mountain In general, she was completely pressed against herself, making her barely able to breathe.

Kyle has never seen such an astonishing momentum, so that after being hit and turned back to the city wall, she didn't dare to open her wings and take off immediately, but stood carefully in front of the crenel, squinting The eyes carefully observed the situation in the black mist.

However, what Kyle never expected was that the guy who mocked him before did not show up, and the black mist surrounding the city wall was still there. After one blow, the pitch-black giant sword seemed to melt into the tumbling mist Among them, there are no dark descendants at all-if it is still flushed with anger at this time, Kyle may even suspect that the insult he heard was an illusion.

"Come out, Darkborn bastard!" Kyle greeted actively with the most vulgar words he could think of, "Don't hide in the black mist furtively, don't you lose your sense of shame when you fell? Is it?"

"It's so funny, the lackey of the giant god, the bastard of mortals, actually stood on the top of the city and asked me if I had lost my sense of shame... Hahahaha, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard, second only to the coldness of a certain bastard What a joke!" The mocking voice began to roll like thunder in the black mist again, "The great warrior of the gods has never lost his glory, and he will never give up to the bullshit giant god who thinks he is a god but ran away after seeing the void. Kneeling - little bastard, don't express opinions on things you don't understand, just like me, at most lamenting your father's quirks, but not putting on a moralist look and telling him he shouldn't love The last sunken star..."

This kind of behavior of starting personal attacks while talking is somewhat tasteless, but it does make Kyle unable to bear the unknown anger, what the hell, obviously his parents are human, but the mother became a human being when she was pregnant. Protoss and his father did not fall in love with a star with pits and holes.

But it is impossible for Kyle to explain this kind of thing on the battlefield, so he can only get more and more angry!
In addition to being angry, Kyle also clearly realized that it was not mortals who hindered him from ascending to the rank of God, but this blasphemous dark descendant. Kyle believed that as long as he defeated this dark descendant, she would definitely be able to get Approved by the giant gods, become a member of the giant gods.

By the gods, this Darkborn is worth a fight!
Kyle, who decided not to suppress his anger and strength, spread his wings again, summoned a more blazing fire of judgment with all his strength, and rushed towards the black mist again.


There is almost no room for resistance, and Kyle suffered a "home run" for the second time before he found the enemy in the black mist, and was swung to the city wall with a sword. If she hadn't spread her wings in time, I'm afraid Already seriously injured!

"Get out, bastard!" The voice came from the black mist again, "Even if it is war or twilight, you are not qualified to challenge me now, your soul has been polluted by giant gods, you are not qualified to accept the undead trial!"

Trial of the undead?

On the city wall, everyone heard this sentence - when the trial was named as the undead, it was indescribably weird.

"Come on, except for this bastard, I welcome any Demacian warrior who has confidence in himself to walk into the black mist and accept the trial of the undead." The voice finally restrained the sarcasm in its tone, " Take part in this great trial, where you will see the truth of the world and embrace true eternity."

"Whether you stay like a coward and wait for the black mist to completely submerge everything, or be a real warrior and take the initiative to enter the black mist to accept the trial, the choice is in your hands!"

"Friendly reminder, those who have entered the black mist for trials will have the opportunity to realize their dreams. As long as you become one of us, your dreams are our goals!"

"This may seem like a scary thing, but believe me, the truth of this world is far scarier than a trial."

"Come on, you have a month to prepare to participate in this trial, if you miss this trial, you will never be able to touch the true greatness!"



The soldiers on the city wall looked at each other in blank dismay. They couldn't figure out what the black mist was all about. They could only look at me and I at you with subtle expressions.

At this time, no lunatic would directly enter the black mist to participate in the undead trial that sounded very strange and dangerous!
Fortunately, although everyone can't figure out what is going on with the black mist and the trial, at least from the current point of view, the Forbidden Stone City Wall can stop the spread of the black mist, and judging from the meaning of this voice, the black mist lasts at most one month. moon?

Holding the weapons in their hands tightly, the soldiers defending Xiongdu still chose to stick to their posts and perform their duties.

It's just that no matter how strong the soldiers of the Demacia Xiongdu Garrison Legion are, after such a toss, the overall morale has completely dropped.

The Feiyi sisters, who had high hopes, were directly swung against the city wall twice and three times like playing baseball. Anyone could not help but feel anxious. Coupled with the suffocation brought by the black fog like black clouds overwhelming the city Suddenly, the entire Xiongdu fell into absolute silence.

It seems that this will be a very difficult month.


When the news that Xiongdu was surrounded by black mist came out, the German nobles who had previously withdrawn from Xiongdu and summoned private troops from various fiefs were also a little confused.

What's happening here?
In the city of black mist and mist, the royal family has gone against the law and been condemned by heaven?
However, soon, the news about the regular version of Soul Eater was spread with the help of people with good intentions-Xiong is all right, the menacing black fog is just a ghost festival in Bilgewater, because this year's ocean currents and The monsoon is not normal, so it spreads to the west coast of Demacia.

Most of the nobles actually don’t know what ocean currents and monsoons are, but they can at least understand one thing: there is a Soul Eater Night in Bilgewater every year, and the time is long or short. It will cause trouble, and the time may be longer, but it is not a fatal event.

After realizing this, the nobles of Demacia finally couldn't help but become active.

Since this is not an invasion by a foreign enemy and requires a united effort to face difficulties, does that mean we can take advantage of this opportunity to act preemptively and catch Jarvan III by surprise?
Wait, this is not preemptive action. Jarvan IV has already attacked the "innocent nobles".
Under such circumstances, the aristocratic lords who had already assembled their private army quickly formed a coalition army, planning to go directly to Xiongdu for an armed protest, and in order to avoid their home nest being pulled out or being attacked halfway after leaving To intercept, the noble lords near the frontier showed their special abilities, either by luring them or making a surprise attack, and temporarily controlled the commanders of the Sorrow Gate Legion and the Green Tooth Peak Legion.

Since the defense of the border has always been carried out in cooperation between the lord and the border army, the senior commanders of the Sorrow Gate Legion and the Green Tooth Peak Legion are completely unprepared for the sneak attack of the lords——Imagine if Lux asked the Northland No. The commander-in-chief of the three armies, General Roberts, went to the banquet and said that he wanted to talk about the conversion of the militia this year. Will General Roberts bring heavy troops there?
After taking down the Gate of Sorrow and the commanders of the Green Tooth Peak Legion, the lords clearly expressed their attitude - this is a conflict between us and the royal family, it has nothing to do with the military, and you are not the fearless vanguard, the garrison The Legion and the Flying Wing Legion, which are closely related to the royal family, are usually neighbors with us. This time I acted recklessly, and I was really forced by the situation. When we return from Shangluo with our troops, we will definitely take the initiative to serve wine and punish ourselves. .

Regarding the audacious behavior of these aristocratic lords, the commander of the Border Legion was angry and helpless. The border land has always been relatively remote. Unable to leave their posts without authorization, they have some understanding of the conflict between the nobles and the royal family, but they are not very clear. They are completely unaware that the confrontation has reached the point of using force.

Caught off guard, with the exception of a lucky few, most of the commanders of the Frontier Corps were placed under house arrest.

And just as the lords advised, in this case, there is no need for them to fight desperately because of the disputes between the nobles and the royal family-the commander of the border army is not the commander of the elite armed forces. It is necessary to work hard.

For them, perhaps it is a better choice to sit and watch success or failure?

In the end, the commander of the border army and the lord of the border fiefdom reached a tacit understanding. Although they were under house arrest in name, they actually remained neutral. They represented the frontier army and did not intend to involve the disputes between the royal family and the nobles. to go.

And after solving the worries and confirming that Xiongdu has been besieged by black fog and has not dissipated, the noble coalition forces finally began to gather in mighty form and marched towards Xiongdu.

Along the way, the number of noble coalition forces gathered more and more, and many people even began to recall the surprise and astonishment on the faces of Jiawen and his son after seeing such a large army after the black mist dissipated.

No matter how strong the royal family is, it is all nobles who define the order of Demacia!


It's a pity that neither the commander of the frontier legion who intends to sit on the sidelines nor the noble lord who is raising troops to Shangluo, they have never thought that everything including the outbreak of conflicts and the arrival of the black fog is a deadly trap in essence.

It was as if no one could have imagined that shortly after the departure of the army, the commanders of the frontier regiments, who were nominally under house arrest but had only temporarily left the army station to recuperate in the aristocratic territory, were assassinated almost on the same night.

Poisoning, assassination, accidents, sudden wind...

The commanders of the frontier regiments who had left their garrisons and remained defenseless in the noble fiefdoms were dealt a fatal blow overnight.

Although the preparations for the assassination were somewhat hasty, nearly half of the commanders who were assassinated managed to escape, and rushed back to the legion to take charge of the situation as soon as possible, but Demacia's stable border defense system was still torn out into a terrible situation. loophole.

Before these escaped commanders regained control of the border legion and arranged for supplementary manpower, the Noxus army, which had already assembled in Triwell, set out in mighty form, with their soldiers pointing directly at the mourning army. door!
The Noxians, who were determined to seize this opportunity, were completely ruthless. They drove away the incomparably precious adult dragon lizards, and forcibly used their flesh and blood to widen the mountain road to attack the Gate of Sorrow. As the leader, launched a fierce attack on the Gate of Sorrow Fortress, regardless of casualties!

The frontier garrison, which barely recovered a little organization, put up a tenacious resistance relying on the Fortress of the Sorrow Gate.

For six whole days, the Gate of Sorrows Fortress seemed to be a flesh and blood mill, crushing countless lives and killing countless brave warriors here. Under this reckless attack, the Demacia border without militias to help defend The Legion finally couldn't hold on anymore.

Demacia's elite soldier policy has indeed greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the army, but the "miscellaneous tasks" including some logistics and garrison tasks will inevitably be handed over to the militia and reserve soldiers to complete.

Originally, with the support of the militia and the young and strong reserve forces, Demacia's border defense corps can still complete the task of border defense even if there are not many people-but now because the nobles on the border have put their territory inside The private army has been taken away to Luoyang, and the militiamen have been taken away to make up for it. The border defense system is missing a very important link.

Under normal circumstances, the elite soldiers of the Frontier Legion do not need to be responsible for firepower coverage on the city wall all the time, nor do they need to personally carry equipment and materials, nor do they need to deal with logistical issues by themselves. enemy.

However, these tasks now need to be done by the border soldiers themselves. As a result, their energy has been greatly involved and their manpower has been diluted a lot.

Coupled with the onslaught of the Noxians ignoring casualties, even using the dead dragon lizards as stepping stones, and trying to climb to the top of the city covered in blood, the defense line of the Gate of Sorrows finally became unable to support it.

On the morning of the seventh day, Noxus revealed a long-prepared trump card.

Following Swain's order, a tall and terrifying puppet like a giant was sent to the battlefield. He seemed to be a corpse, but he could move freely. After holding the Demacia flag on the ground, he seemed to activate the endless rage in his heart, and rushed towards the city wall with a huge ax in hand.

The hand of the former Noxus once strangled Jarvan I and twisted his head in the army, but this time, his appearance became the last straw that broke the camel's back—— He ignored all the arrows piercing his body, swung his huge ax and smashed on the city gate again and again. The tired and sleepy defenders of the Gate of Sorrows finally reached the double limit of their physical strength and spirit.

In the end, Sion smashed the wall of the Sorrow Gate Fortress, bowed his head and rushed into the Sorrow Gate.

This time, he is no longer the leader of Noxus who went deep alone and took the king's head among thousands of troops. His resurrected body will be the banner and vanguard of the empire's attack this time!

In this way, after six days of persistence and two days of street fighting, the Gate of Sorrows Fortress completely changed hands, and the blue flag representing Demacia was discarded on the ground, replaced by the dark red double-bladed battle axe flag .

After taking down the Gate of Sorrow Fortress and gaining the entrance to the Shimmering Silver Mountain Range, the Noxus army was left with nothing but flat land.

 Kalya's Little Classroom: The Darkin with the Smelly Mouth:
  Because of a certain teacher, although most Shurima Ascendants usually look great and upright, once they enter the combat state, all kinds of trash talk are always going out. Among them, the two bastards Aatrox and Raast are the most representative-the former is very strong in people and trash talk, and you can't refute it if you pretend to be X in front of you; the latter is not so human Strong but the mouth is really cheap, the kind that makes your teeth itch with hatred until you lose your mind.

(End of this chapter)

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