Lux's Farewell

570 Trial of the Undead [0564]

570 Trial of the Undead [0564]
Shrouded in black mist, Xiongdu has little knowledge of what is happening outside.

Whether it is the formation and remonstrance of the noble coalition, or the surprise attack of Noxus, the people of Xiongdu know almost nothing about it-as the black fog becomes thicker, even dragon and bird knights can hardly pass through the ethereal Black mist, bring and send any message.

During this period, the Darkborn hiding in the black mist kept repeating his words, as if he was very much looking forward to someone coming to accept his undead trial.

And seeing that no one is willing to participate in this game of the brave, he even expressed a little annoyed that if no one comes, the black mist will always cover Xiongdu and linger forever!

As for the previous promise of besieging the city in January...

That is on the premise that someone is willing to participate in this trial!
Such repeated actions made the residents of Xiongdu panic. Under such circumstances, many people began to secretly pray that a few warriors who were willing to sacrifice themselves would appear in the black mist to accept this trial.

Under such circumstances, Xin Zhao, who had always been taciturn, found Jarvan III and expressed his desire to go to the black mist to accept the trial.

"How is this possible?" Jarvan III's eyes widened in disbelief, "You are the head of the royal family and a relative of me and little Jarvan, you shouldn't risk yourself in this weird and unpredictable black mist! "

"When I was in Ionia, I used to be a fisherman." Facing the astonished Jarvan III, Xin Zhao rarely opened up, "Although I am not a sailor, I have heard a lot about The story of Soul Eater Night."

"Those folk legends can't be used as a reference!" Jarvan III waved his hand quickly, "Kyle said that there is a terrible dark spawn hidden in the black mist, even gods need to be careful—"

"Coincidentally, that's the story I heard at the time." Xin Zhao showed a faint smile on his face, "It is said that although there are many immortal people in the black mist, it is not the undead who set off the black mist. A person who lives and dies, but a dark descendant who disdains to rule the world."


"It is said that the Darkborn is the most proud existence in the world, and ordinary warriors are nothing but cowards in his eyes. After probing life and death, he made a bold statement that as long as he passes his test, he will be Any wish of the other party can be fulfilled.”

Jarvan III was dumbfounded. If Xin Zhao hadn't lied, then the legend he told was almost completely consistent with the situation in Xiongdu now. Could it be that the legend is true?
"It is said that someone participated in his trial, and after passing the trial, his wish was indeed fulfilled."

Of course, in order to reassure Jarvan III, Xin Zhao still didn't say anything - the way to realize the wish is completely different from what the tester expected.

"You have given enough for this country." Although Xin Zhao said the trial as if it was an insignificant thing, Jarvan III was still unwilling to let him risk his life, "If it is true, maybe we You can try this old bone."

"You are the king of Demacia, and there is no need for His Majesty to risk his life." Xin Zhao shook his head lightly, "I am Visiro."

Vessero is a past that Xin Zhao doesn't want to mention. When he was the liquidator of Noxus, fighting to the death in the arena day after day, Vissello was his name and came to After Demacia, he was reborn under the name of Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao, who had found honor and direction, almost completely forgot that part of the past together with the name of Viscero.

But now, facing Jarvan III's refusal, Xin Zhao smiled and uttered the name that once haunted him like a nightmare, and Jarvan III was also stunned, clearly realizing what the loyal old man was. What kind of decision did you make.

He really planned to participate in the undead trial.

And it's the kind that makes up his mind and never turns back - during the years of getting along, Jarvan III has already understood the character of this old friend very well. Although he will follow his own orders most of the time, if there is something that he himself If he has already made up his mind, even Jarvan III can't change Xin Zhao's mind.

Just like now, Xin Zhao has made up his mind to participate in this trial. In this case, the only thing Jarvan III can do is to ask in a relaxed tone, "Can you reveal your wish?"

Facing this question, Xin Zhao showed a rare smile on his face.

"I hope that Runeterra will always be at peace."


On the second day, after bathing and burning incense, Xin Zhao, who had adjusted himself to the best condition, put on the armor of the forbidden magic stone representing the chief executive of Debang, picked up the spear that had accompanied him for many years, and under the attention of the soldiers of the garrison, Walking out of the gate of Xiongdu, he walked into the thick black mist with his head held high.

Countless people stretched their necks to stare at the figure of the Debon chief, but as the black mist rolled, he quickly disappeared into it, never to be seen again.

Xin Zhao, who has entered the best state, naturally doesn't care about these gazes falling on him. After walking into the black mist, he has raised his perception to the extreme, and is careful to guard against enemies that may appear at any time.

However, the expected enemy did not appear, and the only thing that appeared beside Xin Zhao was the voice that was already familiar to the people of Xiongdu.

"Very good, very good, finally there is a person who does not suffer from hypochondriac." There was still a bit of teasing in this voice, "You don't have the aura of a giant god, so come on, come to accept the trial of the undead !"

"Who are you?" Xin Zhao did not relax his vigilance, "Come out, I have accepted the trial, you should not hide your head and show your tail!"

"Hahahaha, I am a great existence whose name has been hidden in the long river of time, but now, I am the commander of all the undead. The past name is no longer important. You can call me Aatrox!"


Xin Zhao recalled the legends he had heard and the books he had read, but there was not even a piece of news that mentioned the existence of Aatrox.

Did he really hide his name in the context of time?

There is some doubt in my heart, but Xin Zhao still maintains vigilance.

"So, what is the trial? To defeat you?"

"Beat me?" Aatrox laughed, as if he heard some ridiculous joke, "Although I was told that the times are developing and society is progressing in a spiral, since the Rune Wars, mortals have become more and more self-righteous ——Do you think that I don't want to appear in front of you because I want to keep it mysterious?"

"Otherwise?" Zhao Xin asked back in a natural tone, "It's not to keep the mystery, what is it for?"

"Naturally, it is to prevent you from losing your mind due to fear, and even causing troublesome demons!" Aatrox said in a tone that you should be grateful to Dade, "If you want to see me, then come and accept the test." Practice, mortals are not qualified to witness my true face!"

"What is the content of the trial?"

"The test is very simple." Following Aatrox's words, a small bottle fell from the sky and landed in Xin Zhao's hands, "Take it and face the challenges of the undead warriors until you stand up While in place, drink the liquid inside."

"What do you mean you can't support it?"

"It's when you're about to embrace death." Aatrox sped up his speech, "Okay, stop dawdling, the undead are here!"

As soon as the words fell, the dense fog rolled over for a while, leaving a space for Xin Zhao to move, and then a group of mummified corpses that looked like skeletons and crawled on the ground rushed out of the dense fog and came straight to Xin Zhao.

Xin Zhao stepped forward and swept his spear, easily repelling these slow-moving, just scary-looking mummies, and then, just when he was wondering why the undead trial was so simple, more mummies came from the black Out of the fog.

Quantitative changes quickly turned into qualitative changes. Xin Zhao had a rare experience of what it was like when Lux and Sona had simulated training for the first time—the overwhelming mummies had very limited individual combat power, but after increasing in number, as long as the movements were slightly slow, the joints Just be grabbed, and then the whole person will be thrown down quickly and completely submerged.

Fortunately, Xin Zhao, who was born as a gladiator, is also quite experienced in one-to-many. After confirming the combat effectiveness of the mummy, the long spear in his hand began to sweep and smash, and he opened and closed his posture to clean up without any dead ends. Dropped all the mummies that were close to him.

With the dancing of the spear, clumps of pear blossoms seemed to bloom in the black mist. Wherever the sharp light came, the mummies were all broken by one blow. No matter how many they were, they couldn't get within two steps of Xin Zhao.

"Very well, it seems that you already have the basic fighting qualities, not an idiot with nothing but courage." After all the mummies were cleaned up, Aatrox's voice sounded again, "Come on, now the warm-up is over , let me see how much energy is in your body."

The dense fog rolled again, and the enemies that appeared in front of Xin Zhao this time were no longer mummies who could only rely on numbers to win—like a revolving lantern, Xin Zhao successively faced strange puppets, dangerous mages who could shoot black ripples, Tricky assassins who can flash in a short distance, as well as fighters of various genres, without exception, they all have dull skin, tireless, and the eyes seem to burn with the fire of the soul.

If it weren't for the silent black mist around, Xin Zhao almost thought he had returned to the Noxus deathmatch arena. These strange enemies were not easy opponents, any one of them required him to be careful, and after a series of battles , Xin Zhao, who was already getting old, finally felt a little powerless.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is the problem with the mortal body." Aatrox, who had been teasing Xin Zhao's battle before like a commentator, had a rare tone of regret, "Poor mortal, if you let 20 years younger, maybe you might really win the next game and win a chance to face me, but now, I'm afraid you will have to stop soon."

"Aging will indeed bring about aging." Xin Zhao grasped the gap between the two waves of enemies, panting heavily, "But it will also bring me more experience and thinking. Fighting depends not only on reaction and skill."

"That's really good, if I didn't know an old guy who said the same excuse, I would have believed it." Aatrox scoffed at Xin Zhao's statement, "Okay, don't take advantage of the idle time to recover your strength , Next you will face the guy who blindly pursues the power of the Darkborn, we call him Bakai, I hope he will not completely tear you apart because of his power out of control..."

While speaking, a force that made Xin Zhao instinctively feel palpitations suddenly appeared, and then, a twisted monster like a gorilla appeared in front of him on all fours.

"Bakai has never been a good opponent, because you don't know what he sacrificed in pursuit of power. It may be a brain, or it may be just a human form." Aatrox, who seemed very interested in this test, made a cameo again Speaking of the narrator, "For example, this guy, I can clearly feel Tayalina's breath on him, considering that idiot habitually can't control his crotch, I have to doubt the birth of this guy and What is related to the bloodline atavism ceremony."

Although Aatrox's words contain a lot of information, and if Karya hears it, he can collect a lot of dark history, but at this time, Xin Zhao obviously has no intention to pay attention to the dark blood—or the Ascended—. gossip.

Because the Bakay in front of him had already rushed towards him with both hands and feet, and opened his mouth to see a dark, dangerous elemental sphere.

Xin Zhao swung his spear immediately, and pointed the dangerous elemental ball with the tip of the spear treated with the magic stone with great precision.

Following this challenge, the long spear in Xin Zhao's hand has gone through a series of fierce battles, but the tip of the spear is still bright, and it is dyed into darkness at a speed visible to the naked eye. Xin Zhao, who realized that this opponent is not simple, He simply chose to bully himself and strive for a quick solution.

This is the toughest enemy Xin Zhao has ever faced after leaving the Noxus Arena. He not only has long hands, sharp nails, and quick movements, but also has spell-like abilities. Deadly corrosive elemental ball.

(So ​​this Bakai changed from "the unscrupulous descendant of the guy who can't control the crotch of Tayalina" into "proof that Tayalina and Naganeka have an affair" in Aatrox's mouth, it seems Aatrox has an incomprehensible curiosity about gossip, even if it hinders his haughty image, he still enjoys it.)
But in the end, it was Xin Zhao who won the victory - he seized the opportunity, swept the spear and the new moon to separate the sneak attack of the elemental ball, and then cut off one of the monster's arms. After that, the man who lost an arm Bakay was finally losing ground, and with Xin Zhao perfectly handling all of the elemental attacks, he finally managed to secure the victory.

When the monster finally fell to the ground and remained motionless, Xin Zhao leaned on the spear and gasped for breath.

Sweat had completely soaked the lining under his armor. Although there were only a few scratches and bruises on his body, but at this point, he finally had to admit that he was old.

Soon, though, Xin Zhao looked up.

"Come, Aatrox!" he yelled, "come before me and show me what you really are!"

"What an amazing challenge." Aatrox's voice finally showed some appreciation, "Now, mortal, you have won the opportunity to meet me—drink the water of life, and you will see to true greatness!"

"It's not that time yet." Xin Zhao touched the small bottle on his waist, "You said that you should drink it when you are about to embrace death, my challenge is far from over, my The next opponent is Aatrox."


Facing Xin Zhao who was exhausted and exhausted, Aatrox let out a hearty laugh.

Then, when Aatrox had laughed enough and Xin Zhao's breath caught, the fog finally surged again.

"Very well, mortal—I accept your challenge."

 Kalya's Small Classroom: The Gossip of the Ascended:

  In the circle of Ascendants, there is a group of serious gossip enthusiasts who seem very cold, but are actually very interested in gossip, and Aatrox is one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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