Lux's Farewell

571 Aatrox's ambition [0565]

571 Aatrox's ambition [0565]

Xin Zhao got his wish and saw the true face of Aatrox.

And almost at the moment when the black mist surged and the darkin appeared, Xin Zhao understood why Aatrox said "mortals should not see their true face".

What kind of body is this?

The pitch-black twisted flesh and blood were gathered together in an unbearable form, and spliced ​​into this ten-foot body.

Under the rough skin, the winding blood vessels are like twisting snakes, swelling and contracting with Aatrox's movements.

Even if Aatrox walked out of the black mist with his head held high, even if Aatrox's terrifying face was full of pride, even if Aatrox's body was strong and powerful, Xin Zhao, after seeing him like this, It is difficult to raise even the slightest reverence in his heart, strong belongs to strong, but in Xin Zhao's eyes, Aatrox is completely depraved, distorted, and dilapidated, belonging to the type that is not a good person at first sight.

Even if the will is as strong as Xin Zhao, when he saw Aatrox for the first time, he couldn't help but feel terrified. If ordinary people saw Aatrox, I am afraid that he would really give birth to the supreme terror as he said .

This is the Darkborn?
Xin Zhao tried to calm his breath, clenched the spear with both hands, and put on a horizontal posture, silently accumulating his own strength - after seeing Aatrox's true face, he has clearly realized that There is a gap between them, but as he said before, the next challenger is Aatrox, the battle has not yet started, and he does not need to admit defeat.

For Xin Zhao, there is only one chance to challenge Aatrox. If Aatrox can't take advantage of the black sword and hit the effect first, then he may never have another chance in the subsequent battle.

Thinking of this, Xin Zhao narrowed his eyes and locked on Aatrox's knee joint. There is a gap of flesh and blood here, and it is a perfect target for his stabbing.

Aatrox sensed Xin Zhao's thoughts, but he didn't wait for it. For him, victory in this battle was inevitable. He hoped to see where the upper limit of this interesting mortal was, and now he shot directly , with Zhao Xin's state, I'm afraid he can't take his casual blow.

In this way, after a few breaths, Xin Zhao's aura finally climbed to the extreme, his eyes finally stopped squinting, but opened completely, the jet-black pupils suddenly widened, and the twisted eyes of Aatrox reflected in them There is nothing but the body.

Finally, Xin Zhao moved.

The so-called quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, in just a split second, Xin Zhao went from motionless, holding his breath and concentrating on accumulating momentum, locking on the target, to stabbing with the spear, and the tip of the spear turned into a stream of light-only a little coldness came first, Then shoot like a dragon!
Xin Zhao's movements are simple and unpretentious, but the speed is extremely fast. Under the locked breath, the forward movement of the man and the gun is almost at the same time as the movement of the spear. When the person arrives and the gun arrives, the seemingly simple movement is actually But there was an afterimage, so fast that it could almost deceive people's eyes.

Aatrox's eyes would not be fooled, but he still underestimated Xin Zhao's speed—or rather, he didn't expect that when Xin Zhao stabbed out with the spear, a dazzling magical aura shone from his body!

This is the purest magical energy. It is the power of nature brought about by every gesture after the blending of man and nature. Xin Zhao was born in the land of birth. Martial arts, but those years in the Noxus arena allowed him to integrate all combat skills, and gradually rushed to the realm of the unity of man and nature.

Although Xin Zhao's "Heaven and Man" is just a glimpse of the door, and he has been unable to make progress for many years, but with the addition of magical aura, his attacks are no longer pure martial skills, pure physical attacks, and the forbidden powers on his body The magic stone armor has been absorbing and suppressing his magical aura, so even after going through the previous battles, Aatrox did not realize that this mortal was actually a martial artist, so that the speed of Xin Zhao's shot A misjudgment occurred.

The pitch-black Darkborn Demon Sword slashed heavily, but it landed in the air. Xin Zhao's full blow, before the giant sword fell, pierced Aatrox's knee joint, landing with incomparable precision. Between the two pieces of flesh that Xin Zhao had previously locked.

After exhausting all his strength, Xin Zhao couldn't hold the spear any longer and fell to the ground after stabbing the spear. But what he never expected was that although the spear hit the target, it failed However, I felt as if I had been stabbed into a solid city wall, and I couldn't get any further. Considering Aatrox's figure, the slightest injury was not worth mentioning.

Isn't there a weak place for flesh and blood?

Realizing that his all-out blow hadn't accomplished anything, Xin Zhao finally had a wry smile on his face.

The undefeated Visiro was finally defeated.

The great sword was raised again, but Xin Zhao didn't even have the strength to get up. In this case, he simply closed his eyes, quietly waiting for the death to come.

However, the expected beheading did not occur.

Just as Xin Zhao closed his eyes, a small bottle was roughly shoved into his mouth, and a cool and warm liquid was squeezed into his mouth.

"Swallow it." Aatrox's voice was still proud, but this time it was a little more solemn, "You have proved yourself, now, you who have crossed the threshold of the extraordinary, it is time to give up the ordinary struggle and go Get to know the real world."

Xin Zhao wanted to say something, but the liquid in his mouth poured into his throat uncontrollably, and then, an indescribable swelling feeling spread from his abdomen to his limbs, he opened his eyes, stood up suddenly, but I found that the scene around me was completely different from what I had seen in the past.

"Welcome to the land of the undead." Aatrox's voice sounded again, but this time he spoke in another extremely complicated language that Xin Zhao could understand strangely, "Come on, come with me Come on, let's get real."


Xin Zhao looked around in confusion, the world seemed to have completely changed in his eyes.

Obviously there was nothing in front of him, but Xin Zhao clearly felt as if there was a curtain separating himself from things farther away. He squinted his eyes, looked around carefully, and carefully observed what was beyond the curtain. I can't even see clearly.

"Don't look, this is the land of the undead, the kingdom of the dead. The curtain of life and death separates you from everything outside. Even if the outside is the people and places you are most familiar with, you can't tell it."

Xin Zhao blinked - if this is the land of the undead, the kingdom of the dead, is he dead?
In other words, those strange liquids just now are actually some kind of deadly poison?
"You're not dead yet." Aatrox continued, as if he knew exactly what Xin Zhao was thinking, "The water of life will protect your life and give you the ability to walk in this territory that doesn't belong to you for a short time. .”

water of life?

"When ordinary people come to the Immortal Land, they will encounter the attack of death and quickly change from living to dead. However, after extraordinary people drink the water of life, the water of life will first bear the loss of life force. Until the power contained in the water of life is exhausted, your life will not be affected."

It turns out that the water of life is the prerequisite for passing here?
Xin Zhao blinked, and couldn't help but glance at the tall Aatrox next to him.

It sounds like a very precious thing. If I want to drink a bottle, how much will Aatrox drink?
"Have respect for the great existence, mortal." Aatrox seemed to have insight into Xin Zhao's mind again, "I am the immortal, the real immortal, and the immortal will not be corroded by death, let alone because of it. And if you have any troubles, you don’t need to drink the water of life like ordinary people.”

"Why do you seem to know what I'm thinking?" Xin Zhao finally couldn't help but ask, "Is this some kind of strange magic or witchcraft?"

"Magic?" Aatrox snorted, "I don't understand that stuff at all, I know what you're thinking, but it's just because I've seen a lot of mortals like you-although you are silent, but you don't think Are you hiding your thoughts well?"

Hearing this, Xin Zhao lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Don't look down, look up." Aatrox said again, "Come on, it's time for you to see the truth of the world, where do we start, it's really troublesome, I'm the worst at this stuff..."

Although he said that he was troublesome and not good at it, as Aatrox made a few gestures in mid-air, a picture scroll appeared out of thin air and slowly unfolded in front of Xin Zhao.

"Let's start with a part of the past that I don't want to mention the most, that... what's your name?"

"My name is Xin Zhao."

"Xin Zhao...sounds like an Ionian?" Aatrox curled his lips, looking a little more vicious, "But it's okay, I'm going to start with Shurima, I hope you know Rhema."

"Slightly heard."

Aatrox stopped talking, but snorted. At the same time, the scroll in the midair was finally fully unfolded, and a magnificent city appeared on the scroll.

"Once upon a time, the Shurima Empire was a great country." Aatrox's tone was much more difficult, with a hint of nostalgia, "The empress Wu and the regent led this country to transform the desert, study magic, popularize education, and build cities , Building the magic net, they did not choose to control the power of the world, but transferred the power to mortals, allowing them to participate in the operation of this great empire."

Xin Zhao looked at the city on the picture scroll, at all kinds of incredible animals and plants, at all kinds of wonderful things that were semi-automated by magic, at the huge "mirror" that seemed to be made of gold, and at the flash The passing army phalanx vaguely produced a feeling of unreality.

Is there really such a kingdom?

Could it be that it was destroyed in that rune war—sure enough, out-of-control magic is fatal.

"With the development and expansion of the empire, the haze finally began to emerge. A small country that was suspicious of the empire hastily communicated with dangerous forces, hoping to resist the empire's conquering army, but they could not control this kind of alien world. The power of the whole kingdom has been reduced to ghosts in this outbreak, and this power from another world is the void."


Xin Zhao has never heard of this name, and he is completely unable to understand what the power of the other world is. Maybe the other world is the same as the spirit world mentioned by the elders when he was young?
"The void is not the material world, but some kind of unknowable nothingness at the other end of the realm. It is an insatiable hunger, eager to devour all matter and rules, and even sink the entire universe into the void." Yatok Si's voice was a little gnashing of teeth, "Whether it is the material world, the magical world, or the spiritual world, they are all the nourishment that the void desires, and those stupid people who think they can control the void, after communicating with the void, for The Void provides the location of Runeterra."

Xin Zhao looked at the terrifying tentacles rising from the scroll, the terrifying eyes that seemed to see through everything, and instinctively felt sick. If what Aatrox said was true, then it was indeed fatal.

"In order to bridge the gap in the void, the noblest god warriors of the Shurima Empire worked hard for it. Although they closed the gap after fighting and cut off the connection between the void and Runeterra, their noble bodies were also eroded by the void. The will is also tortured by the eternal illusion." Aatrox continued his narration, "After that, we lost our noble ascension body, and we became darkborn from god warriors."

Hearing this, Xin Zhao finally couldn't help but widen his eyes. Could it be that this is the origin of the Darkborn, they used to be fighters fighting for this world?
"In the beginning, under the leadership of the Regent, the Darkborn could barely control themselves, but as the Regent was no longer able to persist and sealed himself, most of the Darkborn also made similar choices. The essence is cast into a weapon to put the will into a deep sleep; some have carried out special elemental transformations on themselves to avoid invasion; some have discovered a realm where the void has not eroded during the long process of confronting the will of the void. "

Hearing this, Xin Zhao already had a premonition in his heart.

"This is the realm of death."

Xin Zhao was stunned.

"Darkborn are immortal, but thanks to an egomaniac who tried to control life and death, I finally found this land of the dead." Speaking of this, Aatrox's tone finally became a little more proud, "here There is no time and space, there is only an eternal loneliness and death, and this is precisely what the void cannot perceive and swallow, because death itself means non-existence."

Xin Zhao remained silent and looked at the scroll again.

"Here, I finally got rid of the damned invasion of the void." Aatrox seemed to relax a lot, "I'm different from those idiots who can only use various means to survive, I'm planning a great revenge, A counterattack for Runeterra!"

Hearing this, Xin Zhao finally couldn't help grinning.

"Between life and death, I have seen enough of the stupidity and ignorance of mortals. The stupidity of the Icathians and the outbreak of the Rune Wars have completely proved to me that relying on mortals alone is unreliable!" Aatrox said He became high-pitched, "So, I want to pull a living person as talented as you into the curtain between life and death, preserve his will, become an undead, and then lead the undead to fight against the void and completely erase the void. That damned nothingness!"

 Carya's Small Classroom: The Immortals of the Kingdom of the Dead:
  In Runeterra, the souls of mortals will quickly dissipate after entering the kingdom of the dead (that is, the underworld), and only immortals can survive the erosion of death.

  However, the immortal will not die and cannot enter the kingdom of the dead, so under normal circumstances, Aatrox, the immortal, cannot enter the kingdom of the dead.

  However, because of the betrayal of an unlucky guy named Sarn Uzul, Aatrox successfully "bug" into the kingdom of the dead, and with the help of eternity and nothingness here, he successfully avoided the will of the void. Terrible torture - from this point of view, he is more creative than his teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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