Lux's Farewell

Chapter 573 [0567]

Although Aatrox threatened Xin Zhao that if he did not become undead and fight for Runeterra with him, he would not let go of the siege of Xiongdu, but in fact, after Xin Zhao passed the test , Aatrox is already preparing to evacuate the capital of Demacia.

The black mist consumed by the siege is quite astonishing. So far, Aatrox has lost a lot of money in the siege of Xiongdu. Even if Zhao Xin chooses to die and would rather his soul dissipate and become Mordekaiser's nourishment, Aatrox It was impossible to continue the siege. From Aatrox's point of view, those two cunning traitors were clearly trying to trick him. Xiongdu didn't have any warriors, only one nasty bastard.

Therefore, when Xin Zhao was thinking, Aatrox simply raised his sword and went back, killing LeBlanc and LeBlanc who acted with the black mist and vowed that "the heroes of Demacia have people who are worthy of participating in the undead trial". Vladimir—but alas, after the deaths of "LeBlanc" and "Vladimir," the corpses were two other faces.

Apparently, LeBlanc and Vladimir had used some kind of trick to trick Aatrox, and Aatrox, who had always only passed magic theory classes, was unaware of this trick.

"Damn it." Looking at the two unfamiliar faces, Aatrox couldn't help frowning, "Sabek and Shabek must be inseparable? Even if there is an old guy News, don’t they need to act together? Just because ravens live in groups?”

Shabekah and Shabek brothers and sisters are two dark descendants who later took refuge in Aatrox. During the Shurima Empire, they have been serving as Kaya's experimental assistants. Because of their achievements in magic theory, they are one of the few who do not hate Aatrox Guys that Aatrox and Aatrox don't dislike either. After Aatrox discovered the underworld and had his own big plan, he recruited them as his magic consultants.

Although these two dark descendants who ascended in the form of ravens have always held contempt for the barbarian Aatrox, they have always been dedicated to their work. They sorted out a large amount of documents on Blessed Island and formed a special black team. The Fog Magic Department is responsible for dealing with magic-related issues, but not long ago, the appearance of the Regent King Jin Yu made the brothers and sisters a little excited. They immediately found Aatrox and asked to leave the Immortal Land temporarily to find their teacher trail.

That's right, Shabekah and Shabek have always believed that even a stubborn man like Aatrox has found a way to survive. The teacher's self-sealing at the beginning must have other plans, and the disappearance of the scepter later proved that at this point.

And although Aatrox kept cursing and saying, "The old guy just couldn't hold on anymore, he broke his gold coins, and he didn't want to lose his talent, so he went away quietly", but he also acquiesced to Shabeka and Shabek's temporary departure.

After the two spellcasters left, the number of professional spellcasters in Immortal Land was pitifully small, so that Aatrox was put aside.

After scolding the inseparable siblings, Aatrox approached Xin Zhao again and asked him about his decision—and after thinking about it for a long time, Xin Zhao decided to embrace death and fight for Runeterra.

This choice was not unexpected, not to mention whether Xin Zhao was willing to die in peace, Aatrox's threat of "you refuse to become undead, I will keep the city under the siege of darkness" made him have to make this choice.

After getting an affirmative answer, Aatrox was very satisfied, but since Shabeka and Shabek were not around, Xin Zhao's undead conversion ceremony was a bit problematic, Aatrox needed to find someone in the Ministry of Magic of the Black Mist to be in charge of Zhao Believe in the transformation work of the undead.

Hammer stone?

No, this guy has always had bad intentions. Although Aatrox has the confidence to control this bastard, for the sake of safety, it's best not to let him get in touch with the work of transforming the undead.


This guy is relatively reliable, and he is also an undead, but he is better at ritual spells. He was responsible for the first half of Xin Zhao's undead trial. Karthus is probably not good at transforming undead. .

So, can I only go to those two yordles?

Thinking of this, Aatrox's ferocious face rarely showed a bit of embarrassment.

Although theoretically speaking, he is the voice of the Black Mist Legion, but within the Black Mist Legion, there are some "people" even Aatrox, who are not easy to deal with.

Among them, the most troublesome thing for him was the two yordles he was looking for next.

Vega and Vigus.

These two yordles are the assistants and experimental materials recruited by Shabeka and Shabek. According to the brothers and sisters, they have seen shaft and stubborn yordles, but this kind of yordles who are completely infected by negative energy The Del people are quite rare, and they are extremely precious observation materials.

It just so happens that these two yordles, one pursuing the greatest evil all day long, and the other hoping to stay away from life all day long, are very suitable for the environment of Undead Land, so they stayed here.

Now that the reliable Shabekah and Shabek have left, Aatrox thought for a while, and realized that he can only rely on these two yordles to be responsible for Xin Zhao's undead transformation work?
What the hell!

Although Xin Zhao didn't know about Aatrox's helplessness, he was a little surprised when he learned that the two short yordles in front of him would be responsible for transforming him into an undead.


This is so rare.

Therefore, it was rare for him to take the initiative to speak, wanting to know about these two cute looking little guys.

But what I didn't expect was that Xin Zhao's initiative to speak was met with disappointment.

Veigar, who is very eager to express himself, declared loudly that he will be the greatest evil mage. Although he has no choice but to take second place against Aatrox for the time being, he believes that he will surpass Aatrox in a short time. Max, become the greatest evil mage ever.

This kind of neurotic evil declaration made Xin Zhao dumbfounded—because this little guy was expressing his great vision of evil with great interest, and at the same time, he was carefully preparing various magic circles and magic circles for Xin Zhao to transform. The material, meticulous and patient, looks completely out of touch with evil.

Confused, Xin Zhao turned to look at another female yordle. The silent female yordle just snorted and refused to talk to Xin Zhao. No matter what Xin Zhao asked, she didn't seem to hear at all.

It even seemed that because Xin Zhao asked too many questions and bored her, she directly cast a spell on Xin Zhao, and Xin Zhao who was caught off guard almost lost consciousness on the spot. "I'm not quite ready," the Dale shrieked.

When Xin Zhao regained consciousness, the first thing he saw was Veigar's big hat.

"My God, you're awake!" He rushed to Xin Zhao's side as if he had discovered something surprising, "The transformation was very successful, and now you are a member of the Black Mist Legion!"

Xin Zhao stood up stiffly, wanting to move his body a little bit, but almost at the moment he stood up and came into contact with the black mist, an indescribable force poured into his body like a booster. At this moment, Zhao Xin is like a fish back in the water, feeling that his body has completely reached its best condition.

"It's time for you to wake up." In the black mist, Aatrox's voice came from afar, "Pack up, it's time to leave this boring country, in order to avenge the void, we still have a lot of things to do Do!"

Following the sound, Xin Zhao walked towards Aatrox's location, and found that there were a large number of undead who looked similar to himself densely lined up in the open space with thick black mist.

"Zhao...Xin Zhao, you also come here." Aatrox seemed to be a general standing on the commanding platform, issuing orders in an orderly manner, "You join Yorick's team and take the ghost ship to participate in the first battle. A batch of landing battles."

Xin Zhao stared at the many silent undead in confusion, not knowing who Yorick was, until someone took the initiative to grab him and drag him into his row.


"It's me." The other party nodded, "Unfortunately, I couldn't preside over your funeral ceremony."

Is this the way of greeting among the undead?

Xin Zhao felt a little awkward, so he subconsciously looked at the back of the line, only to find that besides a few undead like himself, there were many ethereal, ghost-like existences in the line.

"they are?"

"Not everyone can pass the undead test, and not everyone's body can withstand the power of the water of life." Yorick's voice was deep and slow, giving off a very reliable feeling, "Someone The will is enough to become an undead, but the body can't hold on, and eventually it will become an undead ghost."

"So most of your team are undead ghosts?" Xin Zhao asked thoughtfully, "Next, you want to take us with you to make the first batch of landings?"

"This is a very important special operation." Yorick explained in a low voice while Aatrox arranged for other teams to operate, "Our landing site is Icacia, which is in ruins. We need to Capture some void creatures there as research materials for the Ministry of Magic and training tools."

It sounds like Aatrox was fighting the void of what?
But landing with a group of undead ghosts, Xin Zhao always feels that he has been incorporated into the cannon fodder...

"Being cannon fodder is also a necessary experience." Yorick seems to be fully aware of Xin Zhao's thoughts, "The Black Mist Legion has a great goal, we must unite as one, the Black Mist connects our thoughts, you should not have doubts."

Hearing this, Xin Zhao's expression was slightly awkward. After learning that the black mist has the function of communicating thoughts, he finally could only suppress all his doubts and reluctantly nodded.

"Participating in the landing battle does not mean becoming cannon fodder." Yorick seemed satisfied with Xin Zhao's change of attitude, "This is the fastest way for you to integrate into the Black Mist Legion."


Following Aatrox's order, the thick black mist surrounding the capital of Demacia finally faded away. In the black mist, Xin Zhao glanced at the tall city walls of the capital from a distance, and finally, under the urging of the black mist, Silently chose to leave.

As for the residents of the Xiongdu of Demacia, after seeing the long-lost clear sky, they cheered excitedly. Men, women, and children all rushed to the streets to celebrate the end of this terrible Soul Eater Night. Only Jarvan III Standing on the wall of Dawn Castle with Jarvan IV, they were speechless.

While Jarvan III and Jarvan IV were remembering the self-sacrificing Debang Steward, a dragon knight riding a dragon descended from the sky and landed on the dragon perch in Dawn Castle. A moment later, he brought a letter In an emergency situation, Jarvan III was found.

After verifying the authenticity of the letter, Jarvan III finally unfolded the letter paper—and only then did he learn that when the black mist separated the inside and outside of Xiongdu, the nobles took this opportunity to form a powerful coalition of nobles. Already approaching Xiongdu aggressively!

Have things gotten to this point?
While Jarvan III was stunned, Jarvan IV immediately prepared to put on his armor and summoned the Xiongdu Garrison Corps to start organizing the defense.

Then, just when the old king had managed to calm down and was planning to go to his son to discuss how to quell the turmoil, another dragon and bird knight landed on the dragon and bird perch in Dawn Castle.

This time, he brought even worse news to Jarvan III.

Not long after the formation of the noble coalition forces, the Noxians broke through the Gate of Sorrow, and the border army of the Gate of Sorrow was almost wiped out. After the news of the fall of the Gate of Sorrow, the noble coalition forces broke out in an instant. The nobles whose territory was in the southeastern part of Demacia withdrew without saying goodbye, and rushed to their fief with their private army to deploy defenses—then they were surrounded by Noxus for reinforcements and almost wiped out.

Under the leadership of Swain, the Noxus elite battle group headed by the Trifari war group marched [-] miles in five days and occupied Demacia before the Green Tooth Peak Legion could react. Tobysia, a strategic location in the southeast of China.

After occupying Tobysia, the Noxians were no longer in a hurry to advance. Instead, they waited for the arrival of the follow-up army while repairing and waiting for the arrival of the follow-up army. At the same time, they began to build fortresses and recruit civilian ships.

During this period, a small amount of reinforcements from the Green Tooth Peak Legion tried to attack the Noxian stronghold of Tobysia, but they failed. When the soldiers marched dangerously, they raided all the way; and when the Demacians were organized, he would stick to the place and wait for work.

Facing the Fortress of Tobysia, which was beginning to take shape, the reinforcements of the Green Tooth Peak Legion could only retreat temporarily. After sending the dragon and bird knights to deliver the letter, they returned to Green Tooth Peak to prevent an accident at the southwest gate of Demacia and the west gate. question.

After reading two consecutive letters, Jarvan III's blood pressure suddenly rose. He subconsciously wanted to go to the barracks to meet Jarvan IV and discuss with him, but because of his restlessness, he staggered and fell down.

Xin Zhao, who had been guarding him all year round, had already left with the Black Mist Legion. When the surrounding guards surrounded him, Jarvan III, the old king who had suffered heavy blows one after another, was unconscious and in a semi-comatose state.

Karya's Little Classroom Swain's Art of Conducting:
After experiencing the actual combat in the northern border, the baptism of the Ionian War, and the tempering of the Noxus Civil War, Swain's command level has been quite amazing. He seized all the flaws in Demacia and tried his best to Expand the results of the battle, and wait until the Demacians react and want to fight back. Under his command, the Noxus army firmly occupied Tobyssia and obtained a perfect forward position.

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