Lux's Farewell

574 Goodbye, Jarvan III [0568]

574 [0568] Goodbye, Jarvan III

When the guards hurriedly carried Jarvan III to the bedroom to recuperate, the old king could no longer hold on.

Although Jarvan III also led the army to fight in person when he was young, time is not forgiving. At his age, no matter how strong his body is, he will become weak due to aging. Before the accident, Jiawen III was already in a state of physical and mental exhaustion.

As a result, the black mist had just dissipated, and when the old king was feeling relieved, two letters were sent in a row. The news in the letters was worse than the other. After a while, the whole person couldn't hold on any longer.

Jarvan IV, who got the news, didn't bother to call up the army, and rushed to his father's bed immediately. On the hospital bed, the old king was already struggling to breathe, and he was about to approach the last moment of his life.

Seeing this situation, Jarvan IV's first reaction was to ask Kyle for help, but just as he was about to convey the order, his father stopped him.

"Child, keep calm." Although Jiawen III had difficulty speaking, he seemed to have a clear head, "Don't ask the gods for help rashly. Although you have passed the test of climbing the peak, you are the king of Demacia first, and then you are the king of Demacia. Peak people."

"Father, you are the king." Jarvan IV sincerely said, "As long as you rest well, you will get well soon—"

"My own body, I know far better than you." Jarvan III waved his hand, interrupting his son's words, "When I was young, I was like Ni, with inexhaustible strength all over my body. At the Battle of the Gate of Sorrows, the Noxians were jealous and sent an army of slaves and gladiators. Your uncle Xin Zhao was among them. Even though he was unstoppable in that battle, I still led the Dreadnought Pioneer, stand in front of him."

Jarvan III rarely talked about these past events. Although he was young and promising, in Jarvan IV's memory, his father said the most was "look forward". Now his father suddenly talked about the past , which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

"You should have seen it all." Jarvan III gasped for breath several times, and then finally spoke again, "When the black mist filled the air, and Xiong didn't know where hope was, it was your Uncle Xin Zhao who entered the black mist, and no matter what What kind of legends did the Feiyi sisters leave behind, but they didn't dare to face that dark descendant in the end."


Jarvan IV didn't say a word, just nodded in silence—as his father said, in this black mist siege, the performance of the Feiyi sisters can only be regarded as unqualified, although the dark descendant in the black mist They were not allowed to accept the so-called undead trial, but they did not have the legendary courage to face everything and uphold justice.

Perhaps they seem to care more about their own safety than sacrificing for mortals.

In comparison, Tariq is more trustworthy, and when Jarvan IV climbed Mount Targon, Tariq had repeatedly reminded him to be careful not to interfere with his will.

Therefore, Jiawen IV clearly understood his father's meaning, and nodded solemnly: "Climbing the peak is not the goal, but continuing the rule of the Guangdun family and inheriting the glory of the royal family is the goal."

"It's good that you understand this." Jarvan III seemed to relax a lot, "It's really embarrassing, I thought I could flatten the noble council and combine theocratic power and royal power while I was still struggling and had some prestige. , paved the way for you, what a pity!"

"It's not that far—"

"I am very clear about the situation now, and you have to listen to every sentence that follows as my will." Jiawen III interrupted his son again, "The giant god is untrustworthy, the light has selfish intentions, and the noble council can't suppress it." Give up, the situation in Germany is poor but not dangerous, child, as long as you can unite the forces that still obey the orders and repel the Noxus, then after the war, no one will be able to stop you from realizing your will."

"Father, you should do these things." Jarvan IV sincerely said, "You have already done it once when you were young, and you have experience in it."

"Silly boy, I'm not a climber, so even if I have this prestige, what's the use?" Jiawen III stretched out his hand, gently stroking his son's face that resembled his own, "Besides, I'm dying, With this prestige, what can you do? On the contrary, you are still young, you have a long future, and you are still a climber. This prestige is in your hands, and you can truly make the Guangshield family the pope and the real king……"

Jarvan IV's eyes widened in disbelief. From what his father said, he could clearly hear the will to die!

"Your mother has been waiting for me for a long time." Jarvan III's voice gradually became low and loose, "I don't know if I can catch up with your uncle Xin Zhao. If there is a chance, I really want to introduce him to you. Catherine..."

Jarvan IV pursed his lips. Except during the New Year, he rarely heard his father mention the name of his mother, Catherine Welling, although in many places, he had heard people talk about their loyal relationship Love, but most of the time, Jarvan III still focused on governing the country.

And now, as Jarvan III's health is getting worse, he mentioned Catherine again, mentioned Xin Zhao, which seems to be a not so good call.

Regarding this situation, Jarvan IV could only comfort his father in a low voice, while emphasizing that he would definitely get better.

But unfortunately, Jarvan III had already made up his mind, he refused the doctor's treatment, and while he was still conscious, he told Jarvan IV his analysis of the current situation in Demacia in great detail, and warned him repeatedly Don't underestimate the enemy, don't be afraid of the enemy, you have to step by step, the Noxus can't persevere, their army is not as elite as Demacia, and they don't have the combat power of the Flying Wing Sisters and Tarek, as long as they fight steadily, they will win successive victories. Accumulate prestige and unite most people. When the war is over, the noble council will also prostrate under the glory of the royal family.

Regarding his father's warnings, Jarvan IV endured his grief and wrote them down one by one.

Finally, after talking about all his plans and calculations, and once again telling his son to marry aristocratic ladies after the war, and quickly give birth to an heir for the Guangdun family, Jiawen III finally couldn't hold on anymore.


Accompanied by Jarvan IV, the young king who enthroned finally completed the last journey of his life in the Castle of Dawn in the capital of Demacia.

From a historical point of view, Jiawen III is undoubtedly an emperor worthy of special mention. Although the popularity among the people has declined due to the two taxation in recent years, the time has been prolonged since he ascended the throne. From time to time, there is no doubt that he is a qualified king, and he can even be called a wise monarch.

When Jarvan III ascended the throne as queen, he first faced a test from the Noxians. During that test, he promoted a group of young generals eclecticly. Prove their loyalty and ability.

After the war, he accepted Zhao Xin as the governor of Germany, and took advantage of his prestige to carry out reforms on the fiefdoms directly under the royal family. With the joint efforts of the Bouvier family and Xin Zhao, the fiefdoms directly under the royal family developed economically. , The people are rich.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he opened up a "green channel" for residents of the fiefdoms directly under the royal family to join the army, and strengthened the circulation of personnel. Through this method, a group of nobles from commoner backgrounds entered the aristocratic council and became the king of the aristocratic council. The backbone of the faction.

In the long years that followed, Jarvan III governed Demacia, competed with Noxus from every angle, and forced Noxus to dare to expand westward, and at the same time devoted his energy to building a fief directly under the royal family. , under both internal and external cultivation, relying on the royalist faction within the noble council and the rich output of his own fief, he greatly expanded the influence of the royal family.

And when the noble council began to counterattack, he backhandedly pushed the Illuminati out as a shield, weakening part of the authority of the Illuminati and handing it over to the nobles and the royal family to eliminate the dissatisfaction of the nobles.

Through this series of operations, Jarvan III has greatly strengthened the kingship of Demacia. He is good at calculating, he is careful at every step, and he maintains the image of the royal family very well. Every New Year, he will appear in the magnificent square to give speeches. The residents of Marcia Xiongdu all know this kind and kind King His Majesty.

After getting older and seeing the power of climbers, Jarvan III clearly realized the meaning of extraordinary power, so he took the risk of sending his son Jarvan IV to climb Mount Targon. The royal family became the dual head of politics and religion.

Although the plan was seen through by Carya in advance and actively interfered with it, the nobles discovered it in advance and launched a full-scale confrontation, and when they were caught off guard, Jiawen III's strong suppression produced such a bad thing as the double tax, and he hesitated later. This led to an all-round escalation of the confrontation, but at the last moment of his life, he regained his sanity again.

As if from the perspective of God, he saw clearly the current situation in Demacia: the Noxians looked menacing, but in fact there was almost no hope of victory. The Texans faced each other, and the Noxus must be the one who couldn't hold on first.

Moreover, even though Jarvan III himself is just a good fighter and still has a long way to go from the extraordinary realm, he is very aware of the impact of the extraordinary existence on the battle (this is also related to the performance of Lacus and Galio in Xiongdu ), so he clearly included Tarek and the Flying Wing Sisters into his battle order, and told Jarvan IV to make good use of this power, and it is best to use it as the key to the final decision.

Even in the midst of the large-scale invasion of Noxus, he was keenly aware of the hope of Demacia's future - to form a united front through everyone's common enemy, and in this front, use Jarvan IV to His own extraordinary power established the supreme prestige comparable to that of Oren, and completely realized the combination and unity of royal power and religious power.

What's even more rare is that he saw all this clearly, but he chose to leave safely, handing these over to his son who is more likely to succeed, and leaving all his political understanding and talent evaluation to him with a smile. Jarvan IV.

"Son, Catherine left us when you were born. Other princes may have the love of their parents when they were young, but your childhood was only taught by Xin Zhao and reprimanded by the teacher of etiquette. At that time, I was busy with government affairs. I rarely find time to be with you."

"Although I almost never said it directly, I am really very proud, very proud, because you, as I expected, have grown into a perfect prince who is kind but rational, brave and tenacious."

"I'm very sorry that I couldn't give you a perfect childhood, and I didn't give you a great debut on the return of the king as planned, even when the responsibility is about to fall on your shoulders. , the situation in Demacia is already so bad."

"But I believe that you can handle all these difficulties, and in the midst of difficulties, unite the entire Demacia with blood and sweat, and become the greatest king of Demacia since His Majesty Oren."

"About this, I never doubted it—I didn't doubt it when you were sobbing while reciting the etiquette book, and I didn't doubt it when you first practiced with Galen because you were weak in strength and didn't want to train until late at night. No doubts when you can't pull the dragon spear well and make a thousand stabs a day, and no doubts when you agree to climb Targon."

"I'm a passable king, but I'm a terrible father. Sometimes I don't know how to face you, whether I should be more kind or stricter."

"Fortunately, Catherine didn't blame me. I saw her smiling at me. She was so beautiful, just like when we were just married."

"Your mother is also proud of you, she said I taught you well..."

Looking at his father's eyes that gradually became lax and listening to his nearly murmured words, Jarvan IV could hardly cry at this moment.

He never thought that at the last moment of his life, after explaining everything about Demacia, his father still clearly remembered every detail of his growth; His love is so deep.

"My life has come to an end." Exhausting his last strength, Jarvan III took off his crown and stretched it tremblingly over his son's head, "And you will be crowned king."

The crown fell on the top of Jarvan IV's head, but Jarvan IV, who became the new king of Demacia, did not feel the slightest joy at this time. With his father's hand falling down, the strong prince who once climbed Mount Targon barefoot , Finally, I can no longer restrain my sadness.

Tears slid down his face, but Jarvan IV did not cry, but stretched out his hands to straighten the crown, rubbed his eyes, and then stood up abruptly.

"Beat the drums and ring the bell." With a hoarse voice, the tear-stained King Jarvan IV issued the first order after becoming king, "The Garrison Army must be mobilized, the Fearless Pioneers must be mobilized, and the Flying Wing Legion must be mobilized!"

"Issue an ultimatum to the Council of Nobles, the content of which is as follows, without changing a single word."

"Demacia has reached the most dangerous moment. At this time, regardless of the northern and southern borders, regardless of men, women, old or young, everyone should fight for Demacia; for the so-called noble alliance, no matter what the purpose of its formation, The royal family does not blame the past, but from now on, anyone who raises a sword against his compatriots is a traitor, everyone can get it and punish him!"

"United Demacia will never be defeated!"

 Kalya's Small Classroom Centralization of Jarvan III:
  Although Jarvan III is used to using politicians' methods in many cases, it is undeniable that he is a very ideal politician - even if in Kalya's view, his political ideas are a bit outdated, but this does not prevent the final conclusion time to acknowledge his greatness.

  During the reign of Jarvan III, Demacia almost became the beacon of civilization in Runeterra.

(End of this chapter)

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