Lux's Farewell

Chapter 575 [0569]

Chapter 575 [0569]

In the depths of winter, Fossbarrow and even the entire northern region are visibly silent. The weather in southern Demacia is mild and the seasons are like spring. Affected by the aftermath of the epidemic, everyone is still reluctant to go out for activities in the cold winter.

Even though some residents of Fossbarrow and Xinfu City have jobs in winter due to the promotion of Hazelnut cultivation this year, overall, the entire northern border is still very peaceful and peaceful.

While Lux was studying the introduction to advanced elements, she also had a rare warm time—after the aristocratic council broke up with the royal family, her parents finally had no choice but to leave Xiongdu and return to live in Misill City. And taking advantage of nothing to do in winter, Pete and Augsa simply came to Forsbarrow to visit and see their daughter and her daughter's fief.

Xiongdu said goodbye. Lacus hadn't seen her parents for three years. She naturally welcomed Pete and Augsa with her hands up. The three of them spent some leisure time in Fossbarrow, and Kalya simply Give Lux a winter vacation, let her enjoy this time with her parents.

In her spare time, Lux also asked Pete and Augatha about the situation in Xiongdu, and they gave exactly the same response to all of Lux's questions: Don't worry about these, just focus on The development of the territory is fine.

In fact, the situation and status of the Crown Guard family in this political turmoil is undoubtedly very embarrassing.

Within the aristocratic council, the Crown Guards of the royalist faction tended towards the royal family. Peter and Jarvan III had a very close relationship, and the two could be regarded as young children. From the time when he wore open crotch pants, Pete was Jarvan III's die-hard younger brother.

However, after Jarvan III's plan to centralize power was exposed, regardless of Peter's personal relationship with the old king, he must stand on the patriarch's point of view and consider for the defending family.

The Mianwei family has a vast land in the north, and it is because of this large land that the Mianwei family has supported so many offshoots.

That's right, most of the side branches of the Mianwei family are rice worms who are domineering in the fiefdom, but if one day, the main family of the Mianwei family declines due to various reasons, these rice worms are the hope of the family's future revival—and The fief is the basis for maintaining this hope.

Loyal Pete could throw his head and blood in order to suppress the offshoot family, but he, like other nobles, could not accept the full centralization of Jarvan III.

If the rights and interests of the fiefdom are recovered in large quantities, the background of the noble family will be greatly weakened, and the ability to resist risks will be extremely reduced. These are things that a qualified noble family patriarch cannot accept.

But at the same time, loyalty also made Peter unable to accept the treasonous behavior of other aristocratic families who raised their swords and confessed their interests. In his opinion, these issues should be sat down and discussed, rather than resolved by violence.

It's a pity that, as an absolute minority, neither the Crownguard family nor the Bouvier family represented by Peter and Barrett have real decision-making power. For the duty of the lord, I tried my best to stay out of the whirlpool.

Originally Pete and Augatha hoped that Galen would also return to Miriam City, but Galen's stubbornness showed up. Even though he knew the current situation was special, he still insisted on staying in the Fearless Vanguard and continuing to be a soldier Work for the country.

Twelve letters failed to call this fool back. Pete really wanted to take out his belt and go to the Dauntless Pioneer's station to find Galen to be a good father and son, but unfortunately, under the current delicate situation, it is not easy for him to go to Fearless. On the vanguard's side, they had no choice but to stay in Miyin City with Augsa in fear.

This time I came to Fossbarrow, on the one hand, to meet my daughter, and on the other hand, the two of them also wanted to relax, so as not to be mad at their son who was as stubborn as a donkey.

Look, how sensible my daughter is, An Anxin develops in Fossbarrow and manages Fossbarrow in an orderly manner!
Look at my son again...

When you get older, you will inevitably be a little nagging. Every time Augsa and Pete talk about Galen, they look like "the education was not violent enough when they were young", and they can't wait to bring out the matter of pushing him to wet the bed to Lacus. chat.

It was also under such circumstances that Demacia encountered many shocking changes in a row.

Compared with Xiongdu, the news in the northern border is undoubtedly relatively closed, and because of the consistent attitude of the Crown Guard family, the noble council is also relatively alienated from them, so for the military operations planned in the noble council, Pete and Augsa No message received.

And although Fossbarrow's Chamber of Commerce has also established some properties in Xiongdu, but with the black fog besieging the city, their news cannot be sent out, so Lacus, Pete, and Augsa have no idea what happened in Xiongdu. many things.

When the news of Jarvan IV's coronation and announcement to the whole country came, the family of three realized with astonishment that the deterioration of the situation in Demacia had suddenly come to the current situation when a group of people took turns stepping on the gas pedal!
Good guy, just after the civil war started, the Noxians came to attack, and the black mist surrounded the country. After the black mist dissipated, Jarvan III passed away...

Faced with the current situation, even Lux, who often infers with Kalya and is psychologically prepared for the civil war in Demacia, couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

After the news came, the leisurely family fun stopped on the spot. Pete and Augatha hurriedly left Fossbarrow after telling Lacus to stick to Fossbarrow and not to mix with the noble coalition forces. Luo, returned to Mithral City.

After Pete and Augsa left, Lacus immediately found Sona, connected with Karya, and began to discuss the next step for Fossbarrow.


First of all, there is no need to hesitate at all. Forsbarrow will not take the initiative to get involved in the disputes between the royal family and the nobles, and he must resolutely resist the invasion of Noxus.

However, due to the lack of understanding of the situation on the Tobyssia battlefield, almost all the information in Lux's hands at this time comes from the announcement of Jarvan IV-as long as there is a brain, it is impossible to regard this announcement as 100% reliable. Therefore, in terms of specific countermeasures, what Fossbarrow can do is limited mobilization for the time being.

It will soon be the coldest time in the northern border. Under natural conditions, even if Lux wants to send troops to serve the king, it is not easy for Fossbarrow's northern walkers and the third army to send troops.

In comparison, under the current situation, Fossbarrow's flexible and excellent combat organization is the Archon. Although Lux has almost never taught war magic, these talented mages are able to devote themselves to it without much training. Battlefield - Destruction is always easier than creation. As long as Kalya is given half a month, a complete team of war mages can be pulled up within the Archon to bring the magical greetings of Demacia to the Noxus.

But this is clearly not possible.

Although the Northland Walker Legion and the Third Northland Legion are used to these "good mages", the attitude of other armies towards magic is not friendly. Even when the country is under invasion, no one can guarantee a mage group Once on the front lines, the rest of Demacia's armies will not turn their guns.

And it is easy to change the class of the archon to a war mage, but it is not easy to change their class back.

According to the Demacia tradition, military merit comes first. There were not many archons who participated in the support of Mithral City before, and they were all core members guided by Kalya. Although they could not fully understand Lacus' ideals and Kalya's proposition , but also the closest and most loyal to Lacus.

Once a large number of archons go into battle, will those who are not so loyal, after realizing the merits that magic can earn, be willing to return to Fossbarrow to dig rivers and mountains?

To put it bluntly, Fossbarrow's leapfrog development is actually based on the use of the "overqualified and underutilized style" of the archon. As the former regent prince of the Shurima Empire, everyone knows that Karyabi has experienced wars. After baptism, how easy it is for ordinary people to go down the path of contempt for life.

Although Lacus has been in Fossbarrow for three years, she has only mastered Fossbarrow in these three years, and has not fully accepted her ideas by all the Archon, and even the unified management organization within the Archon is still there. At the initial stage, most of the Archons are still working in groups!

On the premise that there is no unified thinking, let the archon go to fight... It's easy to be wild, but it's not easy to take it back!
Therefore, after arguing for a long time, Lacus and Sona had no choice but to accept Kalya's opinion, not to send any support for the time being, but to prioritize military preparations, unify thoughts, and improve the organization.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this time Lux is most fortunate that the Battle of Mithral City took place last year. With the complete disintegration of Winter's Claw, the northern border does not need to face the pressure of the Freljord for the time being, otherwise, even if She is really ready and wants to make a move, and the result will be too weak.

And after confirming what Fossbarrow could do at present, a new question was placed in front of the three of them.

How to confirm the severity of Tobythia's battle and the dispute between the royal family and the noble council?
Lux, who has experience in the Freljord, proposed to send a "Fossbarrow representative" to the front line, with only ears but no mouth. Anyway, we are a poor northern region with pitifully few resources and population. If we have to do something, we are powerless.

But as Fossbarrow's plenipotentiary representatives, we still have the right to observe the decision-making. Although we can only provide all support except practical help, at least we must understand the current needs of the front line so that we can provide practical assistance in the future. Reach out in time for help.

As for who is in charge of this task...

Is there anyone better than Sona at the task of only having ears but not a mouth?
Of course, considering that Sona itself does not do intelligence work, Lux thinks that it is necessary to transfer some intelligence backbones from the Freljord to work with Sona, and send some intelligence rookies to the Freljord for "practice" Training" to contribute as much fresh blood as possible to the intelligence department.

This series of decisions allowed Karya to clearly see the growth of Lacus. He was very relieved and said nothing, sitting and watching Lacus quickly weave a detailed and well-thought-out personnel transfer plan.

From the allocation of mission personnel, to the method and frequency of information transmission, to the attitude and principles of the mission, the rotation of mission personnel and accompanying materials...

It is hard to imagine that a little girl under 22 years old can have such meticulous thinking and planning ability. Under the teaching, supervision and training of Karya, Lak, who has read thousands of books and traveled thousands of miles Si finally has the ability to stand alone.

"A good plan." Kalya didn't add anything, but said in a satisfied and gratified tone, "If this continues, you will be able to become a teacher soon!"

"I'm still far from the teacher!" Lux, who was suddenly praised by Karya, was quite surprised. After getting used to someone's yin and yang, she was even a little embarrassed in the face of such sincere praise, "Information collection is after all There are precedents to follow, and it is actually not too difficult to extend from the general policy."

"Well, it's good to know." Kalya changed his face accordingly, "Beware of arrogance and impatience, now that your parents have left, the winter vacation is also over, starting tomorrow, you should continue to study the introduction to advanced elements—— "

"Ah?" Lux's eyes widened in astonishment, "But isn't the main task this winter to improve the organization and unify the thinking of the army and clerks?"

"One side, one side, no delay." Although Kalya's tone changed back to the previous strict appearance, he still added a sentence, "Unless your elemental puppets can move spontaneously within three days."

"Why is this so difficult?" Lux was full of confidence, "I promise to complete the task!"


Three days later, Lux successfully gave the elemental puppets the ability to activate themselves.

Seven days later, the "professional intelligence personnel" returning from the northern border were finally assembled. Sona took a sincere letter from Lacus and set foot on the journey to Demacia as a "Representative of Fossbarrow". The task of going to the front line of Tobythia with the army.

It was also at the same time that the Fearless Vanguard and the Flying Wing Legion completed their assembly in the capital of Demacia. After leaving some veterans of the garrison to guard the capital, Jarvan IV raised the king's banner and led the army to set off. Go eastward along the rushing Tobysia River to support the Tobysia front line.

On the front line of Tobyssia, under the order of Swain, the Noxus army completely stopped. Based on the city of Tobyssia, it was expanded into a large military fortress and built to represent Nox Stola, ruled by Noxus, has completely stabilized the supply route of Trivel-Gate of Sorrow-Tobyssia.

The war... is imminent.

 Karya's Little Classroom Knox Stora:
  Noxus Stola is a unique Noxus landmark building. These large iron doors are often erected at the beginning and end of important roads. They are a symbol of Noxus sovereignty and a place for Noxus to show off. A way of strength.

  Wherever Noxus occupies, Nox Stola shall be erected.

(End of this chapter)

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