Lux's Farewell

Chapter 576 【0570】

Chapter 576 [0570]
Regardless of Noxus or Demacia, both sides have put on a strategic decisive battle on the front line of Tobyssia.

But in terms of actual deployment, no matter Swain or Jarvan IV, they both chose the safest method of step-by-step, without triggering.

Needless to say on Swain's side, the strategist commander in charge of commanding the entire army seems to be satisfied with taking Tobyssia. After occupying the city, he not only expanded it into a military fortress, but also devoted himself to construction and logistics. , as if he wanted to use Tobyssia as a nail and wedge it into Demacia's heart.

If Swain's steady and steady progress can be understood as repairing in situ and accumulating strength after a long drive, then Jarvan IV's steady and steady progress is really unexpected.

Jarvan IV, who was supposed to be young and energetic, came in command of the army and gathered his strength all the way, but after arriving at the front line of Tobyssia, he did not take the initiative to fight the Noxus. A company was established on the other side of the Tobysia River, and there was even a tendency to develop it into a small town.

Across the fast-flowing Tobysia River, the Demacian army and Noxus had a long confrontation like this. Neither side seemed to have any intention of taking the initiative to attack. Zhou, just focused on the construction of his own camp and fortress, and seemed to wait until the opponent could no longer hold on, and then chased after him and wiped out the enemy in one fell swoop.

The reason for this situation is not that both sides have lost their aggressiveness, it is because at this time, both Demacia and Noxus need to deal with some internal conflicts first—and internal conflicts Before calming down or relieving, both sides are in a state where they have enough strength to defend and their offense is unstable.

The internal contradictions in Demacia are very clear, that is, the separation between the noble council and the royal family.

According to his father's will before his death, Jarvan IV adopted the strategy of "putting aside conflicts and focusing on fighting the enemy". We are brothers fighting against each other and defending against their insults.

Demacia is being invaded, and now is not the time for the royal family and the nobles to compete. If there is internal strife at this time, the result can only be defeated by the Noxus. The aristocrats around the point to fight for aid are the best evidence.

The nobles theoretically accept the principles proposed by Jarvan IV. No matter how much they hate the royal family, they will still choose to fight for Demacia in front of the Noxus. But the problem is that we can form Unite the front, work together, and avoid being overwhelmed by the Noxians one by one, but who should the command be?

In the past, the Demacian army has always used the elite armed forces as the core force, and then selected the better part of the local garrison and the lord's private army, cooperated with the elite armed forces, and mixed them into the main soldiers, while the rest of the old and weak troops It is used as a logistics support team and does not participate in frontal battles.

The aristocratic lords will uniformly go to the marshal's subordinates to obey orders, and those who are not good at going to the battlefield can leave their own troops to go to the rear.

The advantage of this is that the soldiers are the most elite soldiers eager to make meritorious deeds. They have high morale, are well-equipped, and dare to fight. They hope to become nobles or noble reserves through war, and their combat effectiveness is very guaranteed.

As for those soldiers and nobles with insufficient combat effectiveness, low morale, and lack of fighting spirit, they will not go to the battlefield, so as to prevent them from becoming weak points in the army and being targeted by others.

If this incident did not happen, then Jarvan IV, as the commander-in-chief of the entire army, must have no objections. If you go out, I'm afraid no one will agree.

Everyone is like this, who can safely hand over military power?

For this kind of situation, the old king who was sick in bed at that time had already expected it. Therefore, he had told Jarvan IV early on not to act too hastily on the command of the army, but to take it slowly.

Therefore, in the face of the hesitation of the noble lords, Jarvan IV proposed on the spot that in order to express his sincerity, he could allow part of the command authority to be delegated. I will formulate strategic goals, and you will each command your private army to achieve these strategic goals.

Let's not engage in unified action after the elites are drawn. You will each lead your own team, and I will command my garrison elite, the Fearless Pioneer and the Flying Wing Legion. If anyone is willing to do the logistics support work, stand up and if no one is willing to do it. Some people are assigned to be responsible for each. Now that we lack trust internally, then we should simply not do such things that are easy to cause misunderstandings.

This kind of leadership method similar to the step-by-step system has never appeared in Demacia in the past. Compared with the previous professional army management, the step-by-step system actually has no guarantee in terms of combat effectiveness-no exaggeration It is said that at least two-thirds of the noble lords in Demacia are military idiots. If they are asked to lead the army, they can only perform the simplest military tasks. If it is a little complicated or difficult, Jarvan IV is not at ease.

But in the case of internal strife just once before, the part-time system is also the only form that can establish a united front. Without this method, the huge coalition forces on Demacia's side will be torn apart in minutes.

Of course, in order to be able to take it slowly, Jarvan IV did not completely give in. After throwing out the sweet date of the trilogy system, he seemed quite confident when he issued the combat missions of the ministries, and the noble lords also Can give him this face, accept his order.

Therefore, the first order Jarvan IV issued was to mobilize several teams as the elite logistics force directly under his command, and in order to facilitate operations and strengthen cooperation, these people would be under his direct command.

Obviously, this violated the order system, and the lords of these teams protested one after another. In order to appease them, Jarvan IV promised that the logistics team would be rotated, and that he was only in command temporarily, and no other teams would interfere.

The lord in question was skeptical, and other nobles were unwilling to make trouble on such details, so Jarvan IV's order was finally passed.

With the establishment of the basic order, the movement of Demacia's army gradually became smoother, and the confrontation across the river became more and more strict.


Similar to Demacia, Noxus actually has quite a few internal problems.

The Demacians only almost fought before, but not long ago, the Noxians were fighting with their brains like dogs. After many battles, the eyes of both sides were bloodshot. One can imagine the pressure Swain is facing.

In order to calm internal conflicts as much as possible, Swain not only paid attention to team mobilization and avoided accidents as much as possible, but also worked hard to ensure fairness and consistency in rewards and punishments. The presence of the Hand of Sith on the battlefield boosted morale and successive victories ensured the basic coordination of the various Noxian chapters.

But now, as Demacia gradually reacted, Swain had to stop and further purge the army.

Why has Swain been repairing grain roads and building barriers?
The team's inability to attack is one aspect. On the other hand, Swain also has to firmly grasp the logistics of all the wargroups under his command. He knows in his heart that for the Noxus army full of internal conflicts, the only way to deal with it is through fair treatment. Only by grasping the lifeline of logistics can one control it.

Moreover, although the previous series of victories gave Swain a certain prestige, but to make this prestige truly come true, he still needs to save and work hard in the future. Swain sees it very clearly that with his current prestige, There is no problem in letting the wargroup attack freely, but if you want them to act completely according to their own plan, some feints, some blocking, some sacrifices, some raids, and some as a reserve team, then I still can't do it at all.

Coupled with the impetuousness of the army brought about by consecutive victories, and the Demacians also pulled out their hands, he chose to build a fort here in Tobysia, reorganize internally, and accumulate strength.

In addition, apart from the army, Swain is also very vigilant against the Pale Lady and her black rose—although it is undeniable that her previous actions helped Noxus a lot, Swain does not think she Loving Noxus as much as herself, the Pale Lady and Black Rose definitely have a special purpose.

But not long ago, the Pale Lady found him again and showed him a special way of fighting, and like last time, although Swain still didn't trust this guy, but for the kind of fighting she proposed However, the method cannot be ignored. If they can really fight as the pale lady said, then the most fatal problem of the Noxus battle group, the lack of superhumans, will be completely made up for!

Tactics are good tactics, but what is her purpose?


Tobyssia maintained a confrontational posture on the front line. Noxus and Demacia seemed to be two boxers slowly finding their way in the first round. Although there were often frictions and fights, these were tentative attacks. It is the entanglement between small groups of troops.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, on Fossbarrow's side, Lacus also began to speed up the pace of preparing for the war.

Unlike the Noxus and Demacian armies on the front lines, the main task for Fossbarrow's Northern Walkers and Archons to prepare for battle is to unify their thinking.

In the simplest terms, what exactly are they fighting for.

Thanks to the huge income from Fossbarrow's official trade, the Northland Walker and the Archon have never stopped cultural classes when they are not training or working-although it is not like Lux personally taught the class at the beginning, but they But you also need to study humanities, history, geography and other courses.

At the very beginning, this knowledge was nothing more than wonderful stories for the northern border walkers and the archons. Everyone was born as a commoner, and no one's ancestors followed His Majesty Oren to make military exploits. The history of Demacia is endless. Long, what can it have to do with us?

However, how could the textbook compiled by Karya focus on the stories of each family?

In this set of history textbooks specially prepared for the courtiers, northern border walkers and clerks, the focus of the story is not only the past glory of Demacia, but also the changes in the lives of Demacia people.

From the precariousness of sheltering from the wind and sleeping during the war at the beginning, to the hardships and hardships of reclamation when the kingdom was full of barren land at the beginning of the kingdom; After generations of breeding, Demacia's successive harvests...

During the study of history, many people have gradually discovered that it seems that those high-ranking nobles are not as good as one generation after another, but the lives of Demacians are getting better and better-as far as they can see, there is no king who can compare with Oren and Sentu were so great back then, and there were no nobles as brave, kind and strong as their ancestors, but even so, everything in Demacia was getting better and better.

Who created all this?
Karya did not give a direct answer.

But after the construction of artificial lakes, the dredging of canals, the construction of Xingang, the settlement of immigrants, the planting of sage, the cultivation of hazelnut, the domestication of Elniuk and Ucal... most people actually already have it in their hearts. Answer.

This is the result of the joint efforts of the Demacians.

This kind of ignorant cognition greatly strengthened the sense of pride of the archon, the northern border walker and the clerk, and gave them a vague sense of mission. When they followed Lux ​​to the northern border, they heard that the noble ancestors I always feel admiration when talking about the story, but now, when talking about those who engraved their names in history, many people already have the idea of ​​"I can" in their hearts.

No one can tell when this idea came into being—maybe it was the first time the Archon stood on the stage to greet the applause, maybe it was the time when the artificial lake successfully stored water, maybe it was the time when the fragrance was red and red like fireworks, Maybe it's when the big ship from Xinfugang docks.

Just like when Karya first tried to persuade Lux to learn magic, she took the initiative to help her experience magic. In Fossbarrow, the Archon, the Northwalker, and the clerk are also changing the world at a speed visible to the naked eye through practice. .

Three years ago, Fossbarrow was a barren land where no birds would shit. Strange diseases were prevalent here, and the products were barren. Accident is permanent disability.

Three years ago, the sound of rumbling glaciers in Fossbarrow every spring made people feel uneasy, everyone had to work hard every summer, there was no joy of harvest every autumn, and every winter was a harsh experience for the people. test.

Three years ago, there were only seasonal wild vegetables on the tables of the Forsbarrow people, and even the cheapest oats were not available for every meal, although newborns did not need to wait until the name day like the Freljord. However, everyone’s nickname is cheaper than the other. It seems that this can lower the expectations of growth and survive the childhood of lack of materials.

This was Fossbarrow before Lux arrived, a barren land in the northwest corner of the Demacia kingdom.

Three years later, the land in Forsbarrow is still barren, but the products have gradually filled up. As two high-value-added agricultural products, saffron and hazelnut are enough to bring a lot of money to Forsbarrow , The hunting hunters gradually began to switch to the fur processing industry and animal husbandry, the herb collectors became the herb growers, and the miners were looking forward to a complete mineral industry chain.

Three years later, the melting water from glaciers has become a water resource visible to the naked eye. As long as the canal is completed, Fossbarrow will have the same water transportation capacity as the city of Miriam, plus Sun Fook Harbor, a good deep-water port that is not frozen , the future here is limitless!

Three years later, the protein and fat intake of the Forsbarrow people has far exceeded the average level of Demacia. Oatmeal has changed from a food that cannot be eaten at every meal to a food that everyone can eat, but everyone does not like to eat. Never-before-tasted deep-sea fish and seldom-drinked milk have entered thousands of households. Even with the development of basic education, half-sized children who can eat poor old people can still have a meal at noon!

All these changes come from Laxana, from the Archon, the Northwalker and the Clerk, and from all the Forsbarrows.

Most Fossbarrow people can understand the meaning of development, but their children and grandchildren will understand, and they feel the changes in Fossbarrow first-hand, so they fully support their lords and respect the archon , Northwalker and Clerk.

But the courtiers, the walkers in the north and the clerks clearly felt and understood all of this.

In the past three years, apart from basic learning, Carya did not instill more content into Fossbarrow people, because facts speak louder than words.

Now, he is finally going to pierce this layer of window paper!
What should be the future of Fossbarrow, what is the mission of Fossbarrow people, what will Fossbarrow do...

These questions require a clear answer.

After self-recommendation and careful selection, Fossbarrow's Northern Pioneer Group, composed of the most mission-oriented and responsible archons, northern walkers and clerks, was formally established.

At the same time, within the royal court, the northern border walker and the clerk, the [Glory Group] with the northern frontier vanguard members as the main members was also established. Every royal court subject or engineering team, every northern border walker team, Each clerk action group has dedicated members of the honor group, who need to help colleagues after work, and are responsible for ideological work to maintain the ideological unity of Forsbarrow.

Based on development, with economy as its body, magic as its tendons, and thoughts as its bones, in the northern border of Demacia, an indestructible giant is gradually standing up on the northern plateau, overlooking the fertile land of Demacia.

The news from the frontline spread to Fosbarrow continuously through Sona and Iva. After the internal organization was built, Lacus and Karya have been paying attention to the situation of Tobythia.

Finally, when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, the Demacian army and the Noxus army who have been fighting for a long time seem to have warmed up their bodies and started their activities.

And Lacus, who got the news, issued a general mobilization order in Spring's speech.

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  With the development of Fossbarrow, Lux's reputation is also increasing day by day. From the beginning, the spring speech and the winter speech need to be called from door to door, but when the days are almost the same, someone always asks the clerk when it will be held. .

(End of this chapter)

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