Lux's Farewell

577 [0571] General mobilization of military and civilian

577 [0571] General mobilization of military and civilian integration

In fact, if possible, Lux does not want to issue a general mobilization order at this time.

Fossbarrow has just taken off, and the development period has not yet passed. At this time, rashly participating in the war and appearing in the sight of most people in Demacia will easily cause some unnecessary troubles.

However, from the standpoint of Demacia and the order from Jarvan IV who was on the front line of Tobythia, Lux, who had not yet planned to raise the flag to rebel, had no choice, and finally chose to give a speech on Spring Day, in public Issuing a general mobilization order showed my attitude.

No matter what, the Noxians must be wiped out and driven away!
So what orders did Jarvan IV give to Fossbarrow, a "backcountry" not normally seen by the kingdom?

His order was to call Galio, the Colossus of Justice, to participate in the battle. For this reason, he also specially sent a cooperative team composed of fearless pioneers and logistics troops to carry out the task of "pulling the cart".

Obviously, Jarvan IV didn't know that Galio could move by himself as long as he was charged with mana.

Judging from the news sent back by Sona, this seems to mean that Jarvan IV intends to start a relatively active military operation. He believes that after the end of winter, the three legions in the northern border will be able to mobilize some troops to participate in the battle. Toby The front line in West Asia will be able to try to launch an active attack, and really touch the Noxus.

Moreover, according to the news sent back by Sona, Jarvan IV was not idle during the confrontation stage this winter. Under his command, the Fearless Vanguard and the Wing Legion have always maintained a flexible posture, Continuously harassing the Noxus in Tobyssia, and Noxus has also sent several legions to fight against the elite of Demacia in the wild. Both sides are doing their best Master the initiative on the battlefield.

During this process, Jarvan IV consciously carried out the rotation of the logistics support team, trying to let as many private nobles as possible see what kind of elite armed forces existed. They eat and live together, which is completely different from the nobles - in Sona's words, he is gradually becoming the real leader of the Demacia army.

What Sona said can also be seen from the performance of the "cart pulling team" sent by Jarvan IV. It is obviously a team composed of aristocratic private troops and fearless vanguards. Affiliation, organization, and logistics are not the same thing at all, but when it comes to Jarvan IV, almost everyone expresses their support.

Obviously, Jarvan IV is expressing his attitude of "standing with the army and soldiers" in this way, and is digging the wall openly and secretly.

Regarding this point, the noble lords did not have too many scruples, because they paid the military salaries of the private soldiers, and they had to work for whomever they took the money from. No problem.

The noble lords who lacked professional intelligence personnel did not realize that while Jarvan IV was frequently mobilized this winter, he also transported a large amount of food and salaries from the fiefdoms directly under the royal family to the front line. The nobles' private army used the noble lord's money. It is true that the noble private army also obeys the command of the lord, but if the royal family is rich and the elite armed forces directly under the royal family are treated better, once the royal family is willing to expand the scale of the elite armed forces, will these noble private troops still be willing to become noble private troops?

Jarvan IV wisely avoided those aristocrats who knew a lot about commanding the army. On the grounds that "the right people do the right thing", he specially recruited the private troops under the non-military aristocrats to do logistics work. It's because you don't understand the military spirit!

Even during this process, Jarvan IV was able to explain to the soldiers that the double tax was actually the royal family's desire to reduce taxes, and your lord was unwilling to let go, which led to your tax increase-this is the actual situation, but In the past, the right to speak in the local area was in the hands of the lord, but now that Jarvan IV himself came out to explain, many things can naturally be fully explained.

It is foreseeable that when the time is ripe, once Jarvan IV ushers in victory and the soldiers under his command start to be promoted, as long as he expresses his willingness at that time, most of the noble private army will be very happy to turn around and follow Jarvan IV.

This is allegiance to the king, and everyone has no psychological pressure at all!
It is no exaggeration to say that according to the information collected by Sona and the intelligence team, the behavior of Jarvan IV in Tobyssia is almost a standard warlord who intends to carry out a military coup, but considering that he is the king of Demacia ... Then this can only be understood as an act of centralization.

Of course, for Lax, it doesn't really matter what Jarvan IV is doing on the front line. What is more important now is that Jarvan IV's order has come to transfer Galio to the front line. For this order, Lax doesn't care She couldn't refuse from any angle, so she issued Fossbarrow's general mobilization order.

After the general mobilization order was issued, Lacus had a brief communication with Galio, telling him that he was going to deal with the intruders next, and that the Archon would charge part of his magic power, and then let the cart team pull him to the front line. Gather up as much power as you can and show the Noxians a good look.

For this mission, Galio will naturally not refuse - in the past hundreds of years, Galio and the mage group of Noxus can be regarded as old rivals, of course, the "old rivals" here are actually more polite It is because most of the time, Galio is hanging the hammer of the Noxus magic group.

Now that he heard that he was going to hammer the Noxus invaders, the Colossus of Justice said that he would do his part, and he was very much looking forward to going with Lacus. In his opinion, Lacus is also very powerful. With her, he will definitely make those foreigners The bad guy can't eat and walk around!
For Galio's anti-client invitation, Lacus couldn't laugh or cry. She patiently explained a lot of things to do as a commander, and told him that Fossbarrow had already mobilized, but Galio was somewhat ignorant of these contents. Lacus After talking for a long time, he could only understand in the end that "Little Lacus is very busy, and he has to prepare to fight bad guys."

In the end, after Galio urged Lacus again and again, he was finally pulled away by someone driving a big animal.


After bidding farewell to Galio, Lux also began to prepare for the follow-up action.

General mobilization is nothing new to Fossbarrow. In the past winter, once there was any trouble, Fossbarrow would quickly enter the state of general mobilization to guard against possible barbarian invasion.

However, this was the first time that a general mobilization was announced due to the invasion elsewhere. Many Fossbarrow people curiously asked the clerks around them what they were going to do this time.

And the answer they got was "work hard, there is no need for all the people to be soldiers for the time being, everyone just needs to prepare more military supplies for the front line and more training for the militia."

This answer really made many people breathe a sigh of relief. Fossbarrow has achieved leapfrog development in the past three years. If there is a war where all the people are soldiers, I am afraid that the good times will be temporarily suspended--many Everyone is looking forward to the completion of the construction of the canal this year and the official opening to navigation!
While relaxing, some people worry that "is this enough?" Compared to the past, Fossbarrow's life is much better. They don't want everyone to go back to the past after the war really burns out.

Regarding the above speculations, Lacus finally prepared an "Open Letter to the Compatriots in the North", which specifically described the current situation facing Demacia and what the North should do.

In the "Open Letter to Compatriots in the North", Lacus first pointed out that what Demacia is currently facing is a just war against aggression, and the undeclared war of the Noxus is a shameless evil sneak attack. The wolf ambition of Texas, they will not stop their aggression.

Later, Lux clearly pointed out that Noxus is a cruel military empire that does not seek development and puts violence first. In Noxus, everyone is firewood for the war machine. Since the establishment of Noxus, , they have been committed to territorial expansion, but never cared about internal development. The only way for citizens to pursue happiness is to join the army of foreign aggression and plunder other countries for their own use. This is undoubtedly a shameless robbery. If Demacia If the country's land falls, the citizens under the iron heels will also be forced to become firewood for the hostage war machine, which concerns all Demacians.

Therefore, even if Fossbarrow is not the front line of the war, he should do his part for the war. This is not for the status of the noble lord, but for the consideration of the Demacians themselves, so that they will not become subjugated slaves, and for their own sake. Future generations will not be dragged into the chariot of burning flesh and blood!
So what should Forsbarrow do in this situation?

The answer is to perform their duties, work hard to produce, and convert some civilian facilities into armaments. After Fossbarrow's Northern Walkers and Archons join the battle, they will fully support the front line!
In this part, for the first time, Lux expressed the difference between herself and other noble lords relatively directly - the people of Fossbarrow went to the battlefield and were fully prepared for battle, not for illusory glory, nor for the feats that only belong to a small number of people , but for the future of all Fossbarrow people!

For the future, this is a very empty slogan, but for the Fossbarrow people who have experienced three years of leapfrog development, this slogan is so real and visible.

When Lux came to Forsbarrow and made her first Spring Speech about changing Forsbarrow, most of the Forsbarrow people paid more attention to her jokes.

But then, with Lux's promise fulfilled, and with the Winter Speech becoming the wrap-up meeting, the Fossbarrows now had complete faith in Lux, and a new and better order in Forsbarrow.

In this case, if anyone wants to stop the Fossbarrows, they are the enemies of all Fossbarrows!
Noxians coming?
Then let them die without a place to bury them!

With the general mobilization order issued, Fossbarrow and Xinfucheng quickly invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the armament while maintaining the most basic production.

Under the organization of the Archon, the miners in Weiluo Village began to try to smelt and manufacture rune steel with the magic stone as the raw material according to the method provided by Karya. The steel mixed with the magic stone needs ultra-high temperature to melt, so Many law-enforcers also joined the production.

This ore smelting production line newly established in Weiluo Village last year was originally prepared for sintering blue ochre, but now with Lacus' order, it has become a furnace dedicated to smelting rune steel, according to the weight of the smelted rune steel Receive subsidies from Lux.

Since the industry is still relatively lame and lacks professional blacksmiths, most of the rune steel cannot be forged into armor, so these rune steel can only be forged with a hydraulic forging hammer to be used as an incomparably extravagant "rune steel shield". For the defensive power of these shields, the Archons also worked overtime to depict a large number of magic power circuits on them to achieve the effect of magic power buffering.

The fur industry has also undergone reforms after the general mobilization. In addition to selling fur that makes money, each household has also received some low-priced military orders. Special furs need to be processed according to requirements as raw materials for drawing magic circuits.

These furs are special furs that have been accumulated in the Freljord trade in the past two years and are strong enough to withstand the magic power circuit. They come from various rare beasts in the Freljord, the Avarosa tribe People exchanged these furs for a large amount of tobacco and a lot of tea.

Now, these furs have finally been taken out and officially started to be processed. Among them, the hairy ones will be processed into hooded short windbreakers, which will be provided to the archons who are about to form the War Mage Corps; The tanning and rune stones are tanned for the second time, and then processed into leather armor for use by northerners.

Although due to Lux's generous purchase, most of the northerners can have a set of rune steel armor (the royal family will sell rune steel armor to noble lords to arm their private armies, which is also an important source of income), but if they really go to the battlefield, only Relying on this set of extremely mediocre armor is obviously not enough.

Although the defensive power of this set of spare leather armor is slightly inferior, it can be worn lightly while marching, and there is nothing wrong with it except for the heat.

Compared with the mining and fur industries, the herbal and planting industries have been greatly affected. First, all wound medicines have been included in the list of trade bans, and they will be purchased and processed centrally by Lux; conduct official trade.

In terms of business, Lacus began to hoard a large amount of food, and had already sent a message to Ino, hoping that she would suspend the matters related to Ionia and go to Vazuan to buy arms as soon as possible. If it is in the future, Lacus hopes that Fox Bairo or Demacia has a complete military industry system, but now she can only buy hex revolvers and matching bullets from Vazuan - paying with hazelnuts at a high price.

In addition, most commodities such as food and daily necessities in Fossbarrow have begun to be fully controlled. Behaviors such as hoarding food and speculation are banned, and the amount of food and supplies purchased by each person is limited. Although Fossbarrow is now There has not been any recruitment of material deprivation, but the control needs to be prepared early.

The daily rations of the northern walkers have increased, and the amount of training has also increased. Lux even organized several long-distance training sessions to get them fully prepared for battle.

The Archons are divided into combatants and non-combatants. The free registration of combatants was full on the first day, so Lux had to screen, and after removing the young, old, and poor physical fitness , After the talent is not suitable for combat, a mage group of 300 people was selected, and under the personal plan of Kalya, professional war mage training began; non-combatants except for a few key work groups In addition, they were also assigned to various armament projects to prepare for war.

The burden on the shoulders of the clerks suddenly increased. In addition to the simple message transmission in the past, they finally began to formally contact the work of organizational actions, data processing, and task assignment. For a while, many jokes and disturbances even occurred. If there is enough time, problems can be made up for now. Even if there is some disturbance, it can be quickly calmed down with Lux staring at it.

The intelligence organization is running at full capacity, the Freljord intelligence team needs to confirm that the northern border is absolutely safe, and the intelligence members who are with Sona need to keep an eye on the dynamics on the front line and maintain the flow of news, providing the first step for Lux to make decisions. First-hand reliable information.



In this way, after the general mobilization order was issued, following Lacus' orders one after another, Fossbarrow's train, which was rolling towards prosperity and development, suddenly changed its track and rumbled towards the direction of combat readiness. Spiro was armed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Those who needed to participate in the battle were ready for battle, and those who didn't need to be on the front line in person also contributed to the logistics of the war.

An unprecedented general mobilization of military and civilian integration was fully launched in Fossbarrow, and Lux, who was in charge of the overall situation, began to wait patiently after making all preparations.

She was waiting for Fossbarrow's chance to act.

Judging from the situation in Tobythia's battle, Jarvan IV and Swain seemed destined to keep her from waiting too long.

 Karya's Little Classroom Rune Steel Armor:
  The manufacture and sale of rune steel armor has always been an industry in the hands of the royal family. The royal family will sell common styles of rune steel armor to lords everywhere for a fee to arm their private armies. This is a very important source of income for the royal family.

  As the new lord, Lacus received [-] sets of armor from Jarvan III when she was appointed, and Lacus bought the rest by herself bit by bit.

  The royal family thought that Lux was using money from her mother's family, but in fact, Lux was using it from her own money - Fossbarrow was far richer than outsiders thought.

(End of this chapter)

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