Lux's Farewell

578 [0572] Dao height is 1 foot, magic height is 1 foot

On the front line of Tobythia, Jarvan IV returned to the camp and disarmed.

Not long ago, the patrolling dragon and bird knights found a small team of Noxus swimming in the upper reaches of the Tobysia River. After receiving the news, Jarvan IV personally led the Fearless Vanguard to intercept it. There was a struggle in the marshes on the north bank of the Bisia River.

Since the soldiers of the Fearless Vanguard were elite enough, and Jarvan IV himself was quite reliable, even though there were a few spellcasters as cover in the sneaking team, they were still quickly defeated and buried in the mud .

The clean and tidy battle made the logistics team who went to clean the battlefield shine in the eyes. Which Demacian would not be eager to make such contributions?
Although Jarvan IV returned victorious, he himself was not arrogant at all, and he treated these private soldiers like a gentle breeze, with words of encouragement—he had been doing this since the confrontation began.

Now, after the battlefield was cleaned up and the logistics team brought back all the black iron armor that hadn't fallen into the mud, Jarvan IV, who had returned to his tent, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After the attendant took off his armor and changed into casual clothes, Jarvan IV's eyes fell on the hanging military map. He picked up a pen and wrote a small mark on the top of the map where he fought today. cross, and then narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

On this map, large and small red crosses have spread all over the banks of the Tobysia River, and each red cross represents a battle—in the past three months of confrontation, Noxus From time to time, the Sri Lankans would send out a small team, or swim to the north bank of the river, or go east along the river, to carry out small-scale reconnaissance activities.

And because Demacia has dragon and bird knights patrolling day and night, most of the Noxus scouting team was actively intercepted by the Fearless Vanguard. Jarvan IV, Galen and Tariq took turns to go out, starting from Noxus. The Sass seized a large number of armor weapons, as well as various drawing tools and simple sketches.

Apparently, in the face of a possible large-scale military battle, the Noxus obviously wanted to find out the battlefield situation in advance. The maps and sketches they drew were quite detailed, and even supplemented a lot of the map in Jarvan IV's camp However, due to the lack of air dominance and lack of high-altitude vision, out of ten investigations, Demacia must be caught at least eight times.

It’s also interesting to say that the black iron armor of the Noxus is good equipment in other countries, but this is Demacia. When the rune steel armor is installed on a large scale, these captured black iron armor The armor can only be regarded as broken copper and iron - so Jarvan IV ordered to cut down trees, make a large number of crosses, connect these armors with helmets and Noxus' "inferior weapons", and send them along the Tobysia River. The fences generally lined up to show off the Noxians across the river.

Due to the lack of communication between the two sides, the effect of the demonstration is still unclear for the time being, but at least it can be confirmed that this kind of bragging behavior made the Demacians themselves quite satisfied and excited. The longer the platoon, the higher the morale of the soldiers in the battalion.

Reminiscent of the expectations of the logistics soldiers, Jarvan IV finally nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the military map in front of him.

Military heart is available!
Then, when Jarvan IV was thinking about the next step, the guards reported that Galen and Tariq came together. Jarvan IV put away the complacent look on his face and turned to sit upright. After a while, his whole body Galen in armor and Tariq, who was still a little uncoordinated with half of his body, strode into the big tent.

The two first routinely congratulated Jarvan IV on his victory, and then naturally asked about the next battle plan. After a long confrontation, the nobles who did not understand military affairs gradually got used to following Jarvan IV's orders. Armed and walking on the front line, Galen and Tariq, who know the soldiers, are clearly aware of the huge energy accumulated by Demacia at this time.

From the looks of it, it wasn't too far away from the real attack.

"Don't worry yet." Jarvan IV didn't look like a young man at all, but rather calmly said, "Although morale is high and the morale of the army is available, we still need more preparations before we can actually launch an attack."


Galen and Tariq looked at each other, both hesitant to speak.

In fact, the two of them believed in Jarvan IV's battle plan very much, but the soldiers under their command were already overwhelmed with enthusiasm for the battle. The small scouting battles of the past few months could not satisfy the soldiers' desire to make contributions. More and more black iron armors were seized, and many people began to take the initiative to fight, hoping to compete face to face with the Noxians.

If the soldiers are not given some tangible evidence, the morale of the soldiers will gradually become impetuous, which is not a good thing.

"I have already sent people to the northern border to bring the Colossus of Justice." Jarvan IV also understood this, and the Colossus of Justice was coming soon, so he simply made the soldiers more excited, "Noxus People have prepared a lot of mages in Tobysia Fortress, and I heard that they have used dangerous poisonous gas in Ionia, we need the Colossus of Justice to break this kind of magic!"

Since he doesn't understand magic theory and alchemy techniques, in Jarvan IV's view, poison gas should also be a kind of war magic, and the use of poison gas by the Noxus in the Ionian War is already a big deal. Small international news, and now he proposes to use the Colossus of Justice to protect against poison gas, which is completely reasonable from the perspective of the Demacians.

Although I have never seen poisonous gas, Xiongdu has just been surrounded by black fog for almost half a month. The rune steel armor can defend against the bombardment of magic, but there is still no good way to deal with these pervasive things, so bring the Colossus of Justice over, presumably soldiers They are still willing to wait.

With this answer, both Galen and Taric clearly agreed.

"Besides, spring has come, and the barbarians in the northern border should also calm down." Jarvan IV continued, "The three legions in the northern border are not well-organized except for the second legion, and they can also serve the kingdom once or twice. .”

Hearing this hint, Galen and Tariq's eyes widened.

Could it be that Jarvan IV has ordered the first and third legions in the north to go south?

When did it happen, why didn't I hear the wind at all?

"It's the news from the Illuminati." Jarvan IV was quite frank about these two people he could trust completely, "The silent people of the Illuminati are also willing to serve the kingdom in times of crisis."

If other nobles heard that Jarvan IV used the power of the Silencers of the Illuminati, they would probably be dissatisfied that he was close to theocracy, but Galen and Tariq are both people who put their country first, so these two people not only did not feel dissatisfied, Rather excited!
With the secret channel of the Reticent Man, if the First and Third Legions of the Northern Territory can rush to the battlefield quietly, they will catch the Noxians by surprise at the critical moment...

Brothers, think about the effect of the previous Battle of Mithril City. It was just a partial division of the Second Legion that took on the blocking mission, but it attacked while the Winter's Claw was halfway through, and forcibly defeated the once-flooded dense army. Silver barbarian army!

This is really exciting to think about!

"Therefore, we must ensure that the Noxians cannot understand the surrounding terrain." Jarvan IV concluded, "It is forbidden to spread information about the transfer of the Northern Legion. Information about the Colossus of Justice will be drafted and prepared to be sent to the public." The whole army announced that the preparations of the three armies are now complete, as long as we rely on the Fearless Vanguard and the Flying Wing Legion to cover the eyes of the Noxians, as long as the outflanking is in place, the Noxians will surely die without a place to die!"


Jarvan IV was confident that his dispatches were kept secret, and believed that by intercepting the scouts, the Noxians were hindered from understanding the terrain further away.

But in fact, Jarvan IV's self-confidence was just a smoke bomb deliberately released by Swain.

Does Noxus need to know the topography of hundreds or even thousands of miles around the battlefield of Tobyssia?
It is very necessary. This area has undulating mountains, dense water networks, forests, and swamps. If you don't understand the terrain, once a war starts, the local battlefield is prone to devastating collapse.

But do the Noxians need to swim around with arms and map around foolishly under the high-altitude patrol vision of the dragon and bird knight?

No need—in fact, before the Noxus army attacked, their war stonemasons had already started their activities one step ahead. They used the fief of the Godin family as their base camp, moved around and collected a lot of information and drew maps. Because he has long been familiar with the topography of Tobyssia's thousands of miles, the map inside the Tobyssia Fortress and in Swain's office is even more precise than that of Jarvan IV!
The war stonemason who had "re-trained" in Piltover could be said to be far superior to Demacia's clerks in terms of map drawing!
Even the semi-finished maps seized by Demacia were prepared by the Noxians in advance. From the very beginning, these soldiers with semi-finished maps and drawing equipment were doomed to die.

So, wouldn't this kind of death mission cause dissatisfaction and mutiny among the soldiers?

You know, not every Noxus is like Swain, willing to dedicate everything to the empire.

The answer is not to be afraid. To be precise, although these people are wearing black iron armor, carrying battle flags and weapons of the battle group, they are not actually active soldiers of Noxus. They are actually members of the Black Rose. LeBlanc and Wladimir's "Body Futures."

Sending them to die on the battlefield is the result of the cooperation between Black Rose and Swain, and it can be regarded as a "sincerity display" of Black Rose. LeBlanc and Swain intend to do their best to help Noxus win this war!
As for why they do it...

Although Lamer also wanted to know this point, Swain had no time to understand it for the time being. Tobysia's military situation had consumed almost all of his energy. During the short few months of confrontation on the front line, he The hairline, which was not too low, just moved up nearly half an inch. In order to allow the scattered battle groups to have the ability to cooperate in combat, it can be said that Swain has worked hard.

In Demacia, Jarvan IV was secretly mobilizing the First and Third Legions in the North.

On the Noxus side, Swain also summoned a number of war mage groups in addition to daily training, and prepared a special magic circle in conjunction with the actions of the black rose.

According to Madam Pale's promise, these guys who are going to die will be resurrected to become immortal warriors like Thain in the decisive battle, giving the Demacians a taste of ambushes from all sides!

As for the arrival of the Colossus of Justice, Swain had already fully expected it—the Noxians had suffered too much from Galio in the past, and the mage group who was forcibly defeated by this guy was about to die with one hand. There are too many to count. Although there is news that the thing is not in Tobyssia in the northern border, but as cautious as Swain, he also prepared a special plan for Galio.

Under Swain's order and practice, the War Mage Corps gave up the seemingly most easy-to-use spell bombing, and instead used more small-scale, indirect spells to affect the battle situation. They must not give Galio a bite. It is best not to even have a chance to recharge the chance to strike after being full of magic power, so let it be a statue there with peace of mind.

In addition, because he has a good understanding of the terrain, Swain also prepared a blocking strategy against the Northern Legion and the Green Fang Peak Legion in advance. Stop it, and at the same time issue a signal to Tobysia Fortress.

As for Tobysia, as long as it receives the blocking signal, it will immediately turn around and eat up the enemy's vital forces first. With Tobysia Fortress guarded, the main force of Demacia is going to support it. The main force of Demacia wants to attack Tobyssia Fortress besieges Wei and saves Zhao, and he will not let him do what he wants!

In addition, against Jarvan IV's morale blow, Swain also came up with effective countermeasures. Although Noxus seemed to be dying every day, it was embarrassing for the scouts, and Swain was unable to disclose to all soldiers about the ten-faced war. However, through fair competition and rewards, he can keep Noxus soldiers motivated to fight.

Under the leadership of Swain, the military exploits of Noxus have been thoroughly detailed. In addition to the common feats of annihilating enemies and occupations before, the ground dragon lizards have been well-recorded, and the grain transportation for [-] miles has been recorded without mistakes. Credit for high production pass rate and outstanding training performance...

Thanks to the cleanup of the military nobles in the previous civil war, after accumulating to a certain extent, these meritorious deeds can be exchanged for medals representing status, and even further can be exchanged for titles!

In Noxus in the past, being able to fight was the most direct way to get ahead. Now as long as you follow Swain's order to perform your duties, even if you can't fight, you can still get ahead!

Through this eclectic form in the current Runeterra, Swain has greatly guaranteed the morale of his soldiers and the supply of supplies under long-distance supply conditions. When Jarvan IV is waiting for the Colossus of Justice Arriving and waiting for the Northern Legion to complete the outflank, when the whole army attacked and wiped out the enemy in one fell swoop, inside the Tobysia Fortress, Swain also carefully confirmed the preparations for each ambush against the military map.

Jarvan IV believed that the war opportunity was coming, and he was about to take the initiative to attack and completely wipe out the Noxus invaders.

Swain also believed that the opportunity to fight is coming, and the opponent will think that he has a chance to win, and will rush out and fall into his own layout.

Jarvan IV is one foot tall.

Swain was a foot taller.

Carya's Small Classroom LeBlanc's Futures Body:
Although LeBlanc has escaped death to a certain extent, she has no way to prevent her body from decaying, so she needs to change bodies frequently, which greatly weakens her potential.

In the past long years, while accumulating a futures body, she was looking for a way to be completely immortal, and judging from the fact that she and Vladimir are determined to support Swain recently, even at the expense of offending Aatrox , she seems to have found some great clues.

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