Lux's Farewell

Chapter 579 [0573]

Chapter 579 [0573]
Galio was shipped to the front.

The morale of the Demacia army is high.

But Jarvan IV still did not give an order for a general attack.

On the one hand, he was waiting for the mobilization and outflanking of the First and Third Army Corps in the Northern Territory, and on the other hand, he was also waiting for the arrival of the spring flood.

As the largest river in Demacia, the Tobysia River originates from the Shimmering Silver Mountains in the middle of the Valoran continent, passes through the Tranquil Forest, the Great Swamp, and the Demacia Plain all the way to the west, and finally flows into the Conqueror's Land at Xiongdu Bay. The sea has a total length of nearly five thousand miles and an annual runoff of more than one trillion cubic meters. Regardless of its length or runoff, it is second only to the Shurima River in Runeterra.

Unlike the Shurima River, which has a single water source and is stable all year round, the Tobysia River's water source is quite complicated. In addition to the meltwater from the snow-capped mountains above the snow line of the Shimmering Silver Mountains, a large number of tributaries flow into it from the Tranquil Forest. , and in the Great Swamp, a piece of swamp spread to the north and south sides. It was not until the city of Tobysia was joined by the Wall River, the river bed became deeper, and the river surface became wider, that it gradually stabilized.

Even the predecessor of Tobysia City was an outpost established by the Demacians to monitor the water situation of the Tobysia River.

The Wall River merges into the Tobysia River to form a fast-flowing Y-shaped river, and the city of Tobysia is located in the angle of this Y-shaped, and the north and west sides of the city are rivers, precisely because of this Because of the extremely precipitous terrain, Swain chose to build a fortress here as a forward command position, facing Demacia across the river.

Jarvan IV was well aware of the military advantage brought by this terrain. If he wanted to attack the Noxians, he had to cross the river first, no matter if he attacked from the west or the north. It is easy to be attacked halfway through the battle, and if it is worse, it will refer to the battle of Mithril City.

Therefore, even with the advantages of extraordinary combat power, a colossus of justice, high morale, and follow-up outflanking, Jarvan IV still maintained a considerable degree of caution—it was unwise to cross the water and attack by force at this time.

But there is one exception, and that is during the spring flood.

Every spring flood, the surface of the Tobysia River will rise slightly. Under normal circumstances, the surge of a large river is even more unfavorable for swimming operations. However, after the spring flood, the Tobysia River will usher in a short dry period until the first day after the spring flood Before a wave of rain, this big river will be at a low water level!
The reason for this situation is actually very simple. The spring floods are due to the increase of snow mountain melt water after the temperature rises in spring. But in fact, although the Tobysia River has snow mountain melt water from the Shimmering Silver Mountains, it is not suitable for Tobysia River. For the river, this level of meltwater has some impact, but not too much.

What's more interesting is that in the big swamp five hundred miles west of Tobysia, part of the meltwater from the snow-capped mountains will overflow here, causing the famous "spring sleepiness" in the area - that is, the spring mud traps all pedestrians and cannot go out. The natural landscape makes the big swamp, which was relatively dry in winter, start to absorb water like a sponge again.

However, when the snow mountain meltwater stopped increasing, the water storage effect of the Great Swamp did not stop. It would continue to absorb the water flow of the Tobysia River, which would cause the Tobysia River to have a very short dry season after the spring flood. , It was not until the rain came and the swamp was filled with water that it returned to its previous appearance again.

In essence, the dry season of the Tobysia River in spring is actually a periodic flow change caused by the inconsistent time difference between the increase of snow mountain meltwater and the recovery time of the water storage capacity of the Great Swamp. The Silver Mountains in the south will increase the snow mountain meltwater first This resulted in a brief spring flood in the Tobysia River, followed by the recovery and storage of the large swamp in the north, which led to short-term dry water. Unless the locals understand the local conditions, there will be absolutely no clear change in the water potential of the Tobysia River in spring. cognition.

According to Jarvan IV's plan, as long as the spring floods come, he can prepare to attack, and then the Demacian army will seize the short opportunity of the dry season to cross the river forcefully, and take advantage of the misunderstanding of the Noxus people, thinking that the river is vast and has nothing to do with it. When unprepared, cross the river in one fell swoop, and take advantage of the momentum to attack, trying to use the advantage of extraordinary power to break through the surface, and then completely destroy the army of Noxus!

And now, the spring flood that he had been looking forward to had finally arrived.


The rumbling waves, like ten thousand horses galloping, rush out from the pass of the remaining veins of the Green Tooth Peak in the east, rolling over the ground mightily, even if ordinary people stand on the carefully built embankment and look at the water of this big river, I can't help but win over it.

It was also when the spring floods came that Jarvan IV issued an order to the whole army to prepare to attack and prepare to cross the river.

The warriors of the Fearless Vanguard did not hesitate at all. Although most of them did not understand this feature of the Tobysia River, they still followed the order of Jarvan IV, ready to go, and were always ready for a potentially fatal armed swim.

Facing the order of Jarvan IV, many nobles had different thoughts. In their view, if they crossed the river under this kind of water, they would be dying. If Jarvan IV ordered his subordinates to cross the river and fight , That was simply asking his own private army to die. There were complaints among the nobles all of a sudden, and many people did not intend to act according to the order of Jarvan IV.

However, Jarvan IV, who has been busy for a whole winter and half a spring, has already figured out the background of these nobles. His order not only passed to the noble lords, but also passed them and passed directly to their private army. Then, something happened that surprised these nobles—a considerable number of their private troops began to obey the orders of Jarvan IV, and prepared for battle and crossed the river!

What's so special about this?
You usually eat and receive military rations from me. I didn’t give an order, even if the king gave an order, you shouldn’t take any action!

Most of the nobles felt a sense of crisis. They discovered that Jarvan IV seemed to have a strong military spirit, and began to try to strengthen the ideological construction of their own army. When it was pulled back, a self-important idiot directly used punishment on the private army under his command.

I did not give an order to prepare to cross the river, and you prepare to cross the river without authorization, that is disobedience-hit me!

The long-term superiority gave these idiots the illusion that they can completely control the private army under their command. They did not realize that in Demacia, soldiers, as noble reserves, are a group that needs to be wooed!

After forcibly killing a highly respected captain, the private army mutinied on the spot. The angry soldiers tied up their lord, and together they found the king to uphold justice.

Knowing this situation, Jarvan IV was overjoyed—oh, heartbroken. He reiterated his order, and then directly dealt with this idiot nobleman on the grounds of disobedience, and then accepted the allegiance of the private army, and promised everyone The treatment is on par with that of the Fearless Pioneer.

As the news spread, many nobles realized that something was wrong, but before they could react effectively, the soldiers under their command responded first.

In just two days, more than one-third of the noble private army escorted their lords to seek justice from Jarvan IV, and directly offered their loyalty to the royal family. Accepted all of them.

Then, Jarvan IV directly held a banquet, inviting all the nobles still in Tobyssia to the banquet.

Going to a banquet?

Who dares to go?

The timid nobles left their private army and ran away overnight, and the bolder ones simply said that I am willing to obey the command. Your Majesty, what do you say? How about we follow the previous tradition and choose the best from the best and select the elite to fight?

In this way, through previous unremitting efforts and a seemingly abnormal order, Jarvan IV finally fully controlled the command of the Demacian army in the Tobysia camp.

It was too late for reorganization, and Jarvan IV simply dismantled several fearless vanguard squads and joined the grassroots command of these private troops as instructors, and then directly issued the order to cross the river—the spring flood is over, Tobysia The dry season is approaching!

late at night.

The two sides of the Tobysia River were quiet, and the water level of the Tobysia River was dropping rapidly. The roaring waves had long since disappeared. At this time, the river was rapidly developing in the direction of "victory without continuous flow".

Under the order of Jarvan IV, Demacia's mixed army began to cross the river from the seven ferries that had been prepared. These seven places were originally narrow places on the river. The difficulty is extremely low.

The fearless vanguard elite who swam across the river first arrived at the south bank, quickly nailed the prepared large iron pillar deeply into the ground, tied the rope connecting the north bank, and stretched it completely. The following Demacian soldiers Or stepping on the plank that had been prepared long ago, stroking the rope with his hands, and dragging himself across the river accordingly.

Although the moonlight was dim and the river surface was foggy, this method of crossing the river by means of ropes allowed soldiers to cross the river in total darkness—as long as someone watched at the water entry and made sure that the plank would not be stepped on.

Without lighting the torch, the silent Demacian army lined up and marched forward holding the rope, and finally crossed the Tobysia River in the dry season with the rope.

When the soldiers patrolling the Noxus along the river discovered the Demacians crossing the river, one-third of the Demacians had already crossed the Tobysia River in the dark. The Texan soldiers sounded the alarm, and the Dreadnought fighters broke his neck first.

All was well with the crossing.

After the dawn of the next morning, the Demacians who had crossed the river gathered in the northeast of Tobyssia Fortress, and relying on their strength, they quickly defeated Noxus, who was seriously lacking vigilance due to the flooding of the river. Riverside defenders.

After occupying their camp, Jarvan IV ordered that based on this camp, the scale of the camp should be expanded and rear positions established.

The direction of the river bank was raided, and the river defense force was defeated by a wave. The Noxians seemed to be completely unprepared for this situation. Before dawn, they hurriedly dispatched a battle group, trying to take advantage of Demacia's foothold. Steady, beat them by surprise, but unfortunately, this team quickly lost their heads - the first batch of landings were the most capable fearless pioneers, they didn't sweat much when they defeated the river defense forces before, and then He has been recharging his energy all the time, and now he has fully recovered his combat effectiveness. With the size of a battle group, he still wants to shake the army?
It's simply a bid to sell the first!
Tariq himself led the team, and after a wave of charges, the Noxians were wiped out and the shit was gone.

A wave of offensive was ineffective. Seeing that the Demacia army had stabilized its position, the Noxus seemed to be demoralized. The gate of Tobysia Fortress was closed, and no troops were sent to interfere with Demacia's actions.

On the other hand, Jarvan IV supervised the construction of the fortress, and at the same time sent some troops to turn to the southwest, trying to cut off the Noxians' grain roads to achieve further suppression. And directly led troops to provoke at a distance of [-] yards from Tobyssia Fortress. Facing the provocation of Jarvan IV, the Noxus army in Tobyssia Fortress still couldn't hold out.

Under such circumstances, Jarvan IV finally made a judgment: the morale of the Noxus has been lost, and as long as they continue to provoke and harass, and at the same time cut off the logistics channel of the Tobyssian Fortress, the Noxus The army is the turtle in the urn!

The armor is distinct, and the flags are flying.

After resting for a while, the Demacian army launched a battle in the open space in the northeast of Tobyssia Fortress, shouting loudly and showing off its might under the city.

After controlling the river bank in the dry season, the Demacia side directly transported the heavy Galio and placed it under the fort. Under the protection of Galio, the Demacia soldiers shouted in unison and used the extremely unfamiliar Noxxa Siyu challenged the head of the city.

Due to the existence of the Colossus of Justice, the Noxus could not directly use magic bombing in the face of provocations. They could only respond with throwing weapons such as arrows, spears, and throwing axes. For humans, this kind of long-distance killing effect is extremely limited.

At the same time, the Flying Wing Legion took off in formation again after a brief repair. Their task was to find information about the Noxian transport troops, guide the fearless pioneers to cut off food, and even maneuver to the southwest to give mourners door pressure.

Although maintaining an offensive posture, Jarvan IV still does not intend to storm the Noxian fortress. In his view, as long as he achieves the goal of crossing the river and reaches the south bank of the Tobysia River, his side is completely invincible. No matter how deep the nail of Tobysia is driven, once the connection with the Gate of Sorrow is cut off, the result will inevitably be eaten in one bite and completely annihilated!
The war had progressed to this point, and looking at the fortress of Tobysia, where thousands of horses were silent, Jarvan IV raised his whip, and confidently said to Galen beside him, "Victory is sure."

 Originally, during the Chinese New Year, the Fanwai should be updated, but it is somewhat wrong to update the Fanwai at this point in the plot, so the Fanwai will be updated for free at the end of the month!

  In addition, the Chinese New Year update is still the same, the author does not rest!

(End of this chapter)

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