Lux's Farewell

580 [0574] Tribulation and levy

580 [0574] Tribulation and levy

Jarvan IV's plan went very well, and to a certain extent did deceive Swain and all Noxians.

Although the war stonemasons have worked very hard, Tobysia is the inner city of Demacia after all. They have no prior arrangements here, and there is no long-term intelligence station. It's a lack of understanding—and the locals don't have a good look at Noxus. Naturally, no one will take the initiative to tell the Noxus that there will be a short dry season after the spring flood.

Therefore, the night crossing of the Demacians was beyond the expectations of the Noxus. When Swain heard the news that the Demacians crossed the river quietly, his heart skipped a beat.

And as the Demacians successfully crossed the river, they set up a posture to build another company in the east of the Tobyssian Fortress, and Swain was also very aware of the opponent's plan.

This is to take advantage of our army's logistics!
Swain, who was miserably trapped in Ionia, knew better than anyone else the importance of logistics for an army, so when he occupied Tobyssia and built the Tobyssia Fortress, he emphasized the importance of logistics many times. The importance of the army, and stockpiled enough supplies in the Tobyssia Fortress to support the army for a month.

With the Demacians posing as if they were out of food, Tobyssia Fortress would have no problem in a short period of time, but if the stalemate continues, it will be troublesome once the supplies are insufficient.

Fortunately, although Swain has remained motionless after occupying Tobysia, he is not really a passive defense. When Jarvan IV rectified the interior and gathered the command power, Swain also completed the The integration of this Noxian army.

Now the logistics of Fortress Tobysia are indeed under serious threat.

The pawns that Swain had laid down early had already been prepared—the Demacians did have a hand in swimming quickly in the dry water, and camping in the east of the fortress did indeed make the Noxus army's morale fluctuate, but you crossed the Tobysian River at night, How much supplies can be shipped?
The company battalion in the east of the city is not small, and the soldiers eat horse chews for daily consumption, so don't they also need to cross the river to send them?
The logistics of the Tobysia Fortress are under threat, so is the logistics of the company outside the city easy?

There is food in my city that can last for more than a month. After you swim, you can carry food for at most three days with you. Within three days, there must be a team crossing the river to deliver food!

And this team is Swain's next goal!
Although the situation was a bit unexpected, Swain's thinking was extremely clear. After thinking about the next strategy, he directly mobilized a team that was very good at fighting in Tobyssia, but had been lured before.

Legion of Frogmen.

The main members of the Frogmen Legion are a group of vastayas named Fogha who live in the northern city of Horez in Besilico. They have frog-like webbed hands and flippers and are naturally good at swimming.

Because of their similar appearance to frogs, the Foghar people have always been regarded as slaves in Noxus. For generations, dignitaries and dignitaries collected seafood and pearls for a living. Even though Longmen was their hometown, they did not The power to walk in the middle of the road.

However, after Swain occupied Longmen, he promulgated the "Citizens' Unanimity Law" immediately, stipulating that all citizens of the empire, including the vastayas, have fully unanimous citizenship rights, and summoned a large number of Foghars to join the army .

Finally, the Foghar people, who were able to jump up and down in the middle of the road with their heads held high, dedicated their loyalty to Swain. They selected the strongest young people in the clan and formed a frogman army to join Swain's command. , and in the original plan, Swain planned that if he wanted to attack the Immortal Fortress, he would send this special army that could sneak into the Immortal Fortress along the waterway to create chaos.

Later, the civil war in Noxus temporarily stopped, and Swain marched westward. The frogman army, which was a secret weapon, also followed the army. In the car, there is always a special person to help moisten their skin with clean water.

Although the Frogman Legion did not participate in the many trainings after the establishment of the Tobyssia Fortress, they had already begun to adapt to the water flow and potential of the Tobyssia River and the Wall River-the Demacians thought that they could rely on the Dragon Bird Knight They have fully grasped the battlefield form, but they don't know that under the sparkling Tobysia River, an army they have never seen and cannot imagine is quietly swimming.

Now, the Demacians have successfully crossed the river and started to build a company battalion, as if planning to cut off the grain road again. Swain thought that he should also reveal the frogman card in his hand. Haven't set it up yet, use the surprise attack of the frogman army to directly attack its transport team and destroy the supplies they want to transport across the river!
A large amount of fire oil that can burn on the river and will not go out when exposed to water was distributed to the frogmen. At the same time, Swain also mobilized the mages of the Yanquan Mage Group to cooperate. The Demacians who are on their own food will taste the taste of food first!

Jarvan IV was naturally unaware of Swain's plans, but he was well aware of the importance of food, so after gaining a firm foothold on the south bank of the river, he immediately asked for follow-up supplies.

However, there was an unforeseen situation—the dry season of the Tobysia River this year was too short, and the night when he finished crossing the river, the sky began to rain.

People can hold the rope to cross the night, but the food transportation cannot be carried out in the night rain. In desperation, the food transportation team that has been prepared can only wait for the sky to clear before moving.

And because of this night's delay, the organized Frogmen and the Flamefist Legion lurked at the ferry of Demacia.

The next day, it was still raining.

When Demacia began to prepare to cross the river to deliver food, the north gate of Tobyssia Fortress, which had previously been exempted from battle, suddenly opened its north gate. Food delivery team.

As for Demacia, after the low-flying dragon and bird knights issued an early warning, Jarvan IV immediately mobilized the fearless vanguard to meet the team that raided the grain road, and ordered the engineering battalion to drag Galio there. In the direction of the river bank, as an anti-magic support.

In this way, Noxus' most elite Trifari warband and Demacia's fearless vanguard launched a short but intense battle on the narrow river bank.

In terms of numbers, the Trifari battle group has an advantage, and the attack on Swain has been carefully calculated. Their attack formation can be fully deployed, and the follow-up spell support from the Arcane Blade Mage Group is also just right.

As for the Fearless Vanguard, although the number is at a disadvantage, the individual combat power is superior, and with the rune steel armor as a defense, the spell bombing in a short period of time is not fatal-plus Galio was quickly pushed to the battlefield, Austrian The Blade of Art mage group was forced to shut down, and they quickly took the initiative in the battle.

If it wasn't for being afraid of the long-range firepower on the fortress, Galen, who led the interception team, even dared to rush under the wall of Tobyssia fortress!

Jarvan IV, who was in charge of the central command, breathed a sigh of relief after successively receiving reports that the Trifari battle group had no choice but to retreat after some battles and their own supplies had been successfully shipped.

Next, as long as the supplies are sufficient and the camp is established, the Noxus will be trapped to death sooner or later!

Then, just as he was thinking about how to completely cut off the supply of Tobysia Fortress, the sailors on the boat crossing the river couldn't help but exclaimed.

"The boat is leaking!"

That's right, the boat leaked.

During the night of light rain, the Fogha people had already figured out the crossing point of the Demacians, and lurked under the waterway of the Demacians early. The feint with the real purpose, the real trump card of this tactician is this army of frogmen who have been waiting underwater for a long time!

The food ship entered the water, and the frogman army moved quickly, first leaking the bottom of the ship to delay its movement, and then the fire mages of the Yanquan mage group who had been ambushing nearby with the help of the Fogha people quickly appeared and took the first place. Time used his best fire spell.

Before the Demacian soldiers understood what was happening, the Tobysia River seemed to be boiling, with continuous fireballs, roaring fire dragons, raging fire snakes, and dozens of people working together to release the flames representing the Flame Fist Legion. The fist of flame bombarded these grain transport ships fiercely.

At the same time, the Frogman Legion also spilled all the kerosene they carried, and then led the mages to dive suddenly and leave the battlefield without looking back. , howling in pain on the burning grain ship.

Under such circumstances, Jarvan IV had no choice but to ask Morgana for help.

The fallen angels rushed to the battlefield, shielding the suffering soldiers with a large-scale dark shield, allowing them to escape from the flames and jump ship.

But because the fire was too big, the only ones she could shelter were the soldiers—she was powerless to do anything about the food that had already burned.

When the flames finally devoured the last grain transport ship and licked the last drop of kerosene on the water surface, the raging flames were finally completely extinguished.

The water of the Tobysia River was still flowing westward, but the way the Demacia soldiers looked at the river was finally a little different.

The previous night crossing made them think that this was a "unilateral natural danger" that was completely in their own plans, but just now, the Noxian Frogman Legion and Yanquan Mage Group proved to them that this Under the slightly turbid waves of the river, there may be another different rule.

The originally high morale was burnt down along with the fire. Even Galen, who returned from victory and obtained a lot of high-quality black iron armor again, couldn't laugh at all at this time.

From the perspective of the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Jarvan IV felt even more pressured.

The army came at night, but there was no result in breaking the Noxus' food road. Instead, our own food ship was attacked...

He even asked many soldiers himself, but he didn't even find out who the enemy was!

According to the soldiers who escaped for their lives, they first discovered that the boat was leaking, and after slowing down, they saw a group of mages suddenly emerge from the river. They bombarded the boat with fire magic, and then there was oily light under the water. These mages seemed to be pulled into the water by something and disappeared completely.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't know how the boat leaked, and they didn't know why those mages could sneak into the center of the river without a trace, and then left the battlefield in a fire.

Even if they almost died in the fire, they still couldn't figure out the situation at all!
Not knowing the enemy's situation means that there is no way to carry out targeted countermeasures.

Facing the attack at the bottom of the river, the best way should be to find a way to prepare some defensive means at the bottom of the river-but, the Tobysia River is the largest river in Demacia and the second largest river in Runeterra. How easy is it to do something at the bottom of a river?
In desperation, Jarvan IV could only order to mobilize the fishing nets of nearby fishermen, and spread the nets on a large scale on the river.

At the same time, he also ordered the dismantling of part of the forbidden magic stones of the North Shore Company, and used them as ballast stones for grain ships.

In addition, Morgana will also act with the ship and stop the caster as soon as she finds it.

After the three insurances, Jarvan IV tried to transport food for the second time.

This time the food finally arrived.

Except that the three boats were leaked and eventually sank to the bottom of the river, everything else went well. Swain only asked the Frogman Legion to harass him, and did not let the Yanquan Mage Group act with him.

After seeing the food, Jarvan IV finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With this batch of food, the army crossing the river can last until the pontoon bridge is built. As long as there is a pontoon bridge, no matter what kind of tricks the Noxians do at the bottom of the river, it will be meaningless!
Passing the pontoon bridge, the Demacia army will completely surround Tobysia Fortress!

However, will Swain sit back and watch Jarvan IV carry out his plan?
Of course not.

Taking advantage of the low morale of the Demacians and trying their best to build the pontoon bridge, Swain finally summoned all the Noxus soldiers in the Tobyssian Fortress, and issued detailed combat orders to all the battle groups.

On Swain's combat map, the dense markings have already been made, LeBlanc's future body has long been arranged in the predetermined position, and the Demacia army is just as Swain hoped, like pancakes scattered.

The messenger of silence brought the signal of the black rose blooming, and Lamer confides in his ears how much he misses his old friend. On the chessboard, the robbery has been arranged, and Swain is standing on the wall of the Tobysia Fortress On the ground, the gaze of the eyes seemed to see through the endless night, and fell directly on the mouth of the dragon representing Demacia.

"Take action."

Swain spoke in a hoarse voice, and at the same time pressed down with one arm, as if pressing down an invisible chess piece, officially starting the tribulation.

 Kalya's Small Classroom·Jiehezheng:
  Jiezi and Zhengzi are both Go terms, the former refers to taking turns to pick up children, and the latter refers to chasing and killing on both sides—very in line with the current Tobyssia's battle situation.

  PS. Thirty years old, I wish readers a happy new year in advance! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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