Lux's Farewell

581 [0575] The Crow of the Night

581 [0575] The Crow of the Night
Jarvan IV believed that this was a logistical battle involving "all tactical switchers".

But in fact, when he thought that he had occupied a favorable tactical position and was planning to trap the Noxus army in Tobysia Fortress step by step, Swain had already completed his arrangement of ambush on all sides.

From the beginning to the end, Swain had a clear understanding of the situation of the battle. After suffering a big loss in Ionia, he now attaches great importance to the unparalleled ability of the superhuman to control the situation of the battle—the news of the large number of peak climbers in Demacia has already arrived. It was reported to him by the war mason, so Swain would take the first step to defend, and absolutely not allow the team under his command to confront the Demacians head-on.

The confirmed climbers and the uncertain Flying Wing sisters are the top priorities of Swain's battle plan. Before solving these deadly targets, he will never allow the Noxus army under his command to attack. To die.

And now, with enough of LeBlanc's futures dead and Demacia's formation gradually unfolding, his preparations are finally ready.

As Swain's order was formally issued, a large number of battle groups methodically took an attack posture at the many crossings that had been planned in advance to cross the river.

This situation was discovered by the Demacians at the first time. Although the behavior of attacking everywhere with such fanfare was a fake attack, Jarvan IV still did not dare to take it lightly, and had to order the army staying on the north bank to also adopt a targeted defensive posture. , which directly led to the fact that the Demacia formation, which was originally divided into two by crossing the river and building a pontoon bridge, was now further dispersed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, under the cover of the frogman army, several mage groups quietly went west and crossed the Wall River.

These mage groups are all "small but fine" mage groups temporarily formed by Siwei to avoid Galio from disrupting the situation. The average number of each mage group is no more than ten people, and their actions are quite flexible. If you want to reach Demacia's main camp, you have to cross the Tobysia River, which has long been guarded on the other side, so Demacia didn't pay much attention to these scattered people.

Even if the dragon and bird knights flying in the air saw these guys, they could only watch them cross the river and get into the dense forest without hesitation, and then report the news.

Ordinary disappearances would obviously not alarm His Majesty the King, but this time the disappearance was extremely unusual—because the missing persons included five villages and two towns, including more than 2 men, women and children.

Negative emotions are the devil's favorite food, and being full of negative energy is the devil's favorite environment. Under Lamer's caring guidance, Swain bet all the savings of Noxus and Black Rose, and in the west of Tobysia A temporary devil amusement park was created in a large area!
This is a "win-win" transaction. According to Lamer, there is a big gap between Demacia and the demons. As long as the demons appear in the demon paradise carefully prepared by Swain and the others, the Demacia army will The supply route of Demacia will be substantially cut off - it is not that a small part of the supply across the river cannot be transported, but that all of Demacia's supplies cannot reach Tobysia!

For this battle, Swain and even Black Rose had spent their entire lives.

Although Swain knew that the cunning Lamer must have other plans, but he still chose to give it a try.


On the Demacia Plain in the west of Tobysia, there was a strange disappearance last night.

Although most of the casters were a little bit reluctant, they still gritted their teeth and completely destroyed these magic items full of negative energy according to Swain's order.

Amidst the palpitating crows, the scarecrows in the field danced silently and treacherously as if they had come to life without any wind.

Obviously, the children who played and laughed all day have never painted a scarecrow's face...

Sleeping villagers disappeared—not just villagers, but any living animals.

Um, wait, why is the scarecrow laughing?

The demon groaned.

The night watchman's eyes widened. He suddenly felt fear like a pair of powerful dry hands, grabbing his heart that was beating violently. He opened his mouth wide, subconsciously wanting to yell, but he just gulped it down. wind……

That's right, this is the most critical part of Swain's ambush on all sides - he knew that the cards in his hand could not cope with the extraordinary combat power of Demacia's expansion, so he signed a new devil contract with Lamer, and after his death Everything was sold to this hidden demon, and from his mouth got the way to awaken other demons.

No one realizes that a terrible disaster is coming quietly.

Although this change is temporary and will soon become invalid, when hundreds of small mage groups acted together and created a large number of temporary environmental changes according to a strict plan, in the western region of Tobysia, a piece of Hundreds of miles of ghosts were born.

"Nine crowns, the coronation head."

When the storm of crows dispersed, the village was finally quiet again.

Swain is specifically awakening three demons that exist in Demacia.

These temporarily formed mage groups have limited combat power, but each has its own special mission. If the dragon and bird knights can skim over the water and carefully observe their belongings, they will be surprised to find that these guys have Counting one by one, they all give people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Could it be that the Noxians went out for population raids yesterday?

"Ten kings, ten thrones."


These items containing ancient negative energy magic can be used as family heirlooms in any noble's house, but now they are all taken out and treated as one-time items.

The climate here is warm and humid, the precipitation is stable, and the terrain is gentle. There are several rivers running through it from east to west. It is a large natural granary.

That's right, the high-end combat power of the Demacians is indeed good. The configuration of the Feiyi sisters and the two climbers is indeed easy to play the effect of thousands of troops on the frontal battlefield, but compared to the frontal battle, they The demon behind him will grow stronger as he devours more emotions!

Although these magic items have various styles, attributes, and characteristics, there is one common characteristic in all of them: they are all items with amazing negative energy.

In the west of Tobysia, the vast Demacia Plain is the core area of ​​Demacia.

"You got me!"

After a while, the wind died down.

Although the Tobysian Demacia army in the west is confronting the Noxians, in the eyes of most Demacia civilians living here, that is not a big problem.

Holding an oil lamp, the Scarecrow went door to door like a night watchman, visiting every family in the village, and wherever he went, all the sleeping people curled up subconsciously as if they had dreamed of something terrible .

Under the guidance of the war stonemason, each mage group quickly arrived at the predetermined position.

In the howling wind, the night watchman put on his coat, picked up the oil lamp and walked out the door.

The flaming oil lamp was still firmly held in his hand, but this hand no longer belonged to the night watchman, and a withered scarecrow took his place.

The scarecrow sang a hoarse song, and the crow flapped its wings to make peace with it. The storm of crows began to brew again, and this time, its target was locked on a small town not far away.

Accompanied by a gust of wind, he bent down subconsciously, trying to turn around to protect the lamp in his hand.

The night was dark.

It wears the same coat as the night watchman, and the same fur hat from the north as the night watchman. Although these clothes are a bit big for it, the shriveled straw is not enough to fill it up like a night watchman, but It was still smiling happily and happily.

No matter how resentful the Demacians are and how much they want to end the Noxus army, as long as they don't want to see Demacia turn into a kingdom of demons, they must go back and deal with the demons first.

For Swain, this is not even a choice - Swain is very clear that when he accepted Lamer's demon gift and saved his life in Ionia, he had no choice Well, all he can do is to do more for the empire he loves while his body and soul still belong to him.

With the dance of the scarecrow, the wind blows.

The scarecrow was very satisfied with this scene. He creaked and twisted his stiff joints, and walked along the night watchman's route until he met a little girl who woke up from her dream-the little girl saw the strange light reflected in the window. figure, but before she rubbed her eyes to see the figure clearly, a deep voice rang in her ear.

Our king has already gone to the front line, and the battle situation has stabilized. I heard that our army surrounded the enemy's fortress some time ago, and the dawn of victory seems to be at hand!

No, it's not silence, it's dead silence.

Magic items are roughly destroyed, and the negative energy contained in them will naturally be released equally roughly.

Some of these magic items are shadow ritual vessels looted from the Ionians, some are old objects infested with death energy inside the Immortal Fortress, and many are cursed monsters purchased in Shurima.

Impossible, according to the Dragon Bird Knight's report, in the chaos three days ago, only a small number of Noxus teams crossed the Wall River to the west, and the scattered numbers may only Barely a thousand.

"The only crow left is neither born nor dead."

And the main source of this "uncomfortable" feeling is the various magic items specially carried by these spellcasters.

At that time, the Noxus army will be able to chase after them, not only eating up the main force of Demacia, but also allowing Lamer to kill Nocturne and Evelyn, and make up for it!
This is Lamer's win-win plan!

Compared with before, its expression seems to be a bit more lively, and the costume of the night watchman on its body has become more varied. It seems to be very happy walking on the country road, and the smile on its face is a bit more childlike naivety.

When Jarvan IV was still wondering why the Noxus army in the Tobyssian Fortress suddenly moved out and then suddenly retreated, a horrifying news was sent to his camp.

It's a pity that Dragon Bird Knight didn't know that these seemingly insignificant teams were actually the main purpose of Swain's big fanfare.

The Shadow Sacrifice from Ionia temporarily breaks the barrier between the Shadow Realm and the Realm, the Cursed Object from Shurima causes the deepest pain, and the Death Instrument from the Immortal Bastion triggers people's desire for death. That most primal horror.

Nightmare demon Nocturne, pain demon Evelyn, and the most terrifying, the head of the ten demons that even Lamer is unwilling to mention easily, the fear demon Fiddlesticks.

Just after a spring rain, it is now an important time for spring plowing. Adults in every household are working hard. Even the elderly and children are doing their best to contribute to this year's agricultural production. The elderly are cooking and children are competing. Weaving a scarecrow to scare birds, and after weaving it, I don’t rush to put it in the field, but hold it in my hand to compare with the neighbor’s friends who is more similar...

In the middle of the night, when the lights in the village were gradually extinguished and only snoring and raving were left in every household, the crow that landed on the scarecrow's shoulders in the field screamed strangely hoarsely.

Under today's chaotic battle situation, this kind of team is purely trivial.

And on the only road leaving this village, a scarecrow with a strange shape was limping towards the next village not far away.

At the same time, the corpses of LeBlanc futures that had been placed in various places were revived again. Instead of attacking the Demacians' flanks, they staggered towards the Demacian towns and villages on the periphery of the battlefield. The Demacians, who knew nothing, brought greetings full of nightmares, fears and pains.

Relying on a team of this size to go to the interior of the Demacia Plain to plunder the population, isn't this a joke?

The little girl subconsciously wanted to open her mouth to scream, but before she could make a sound, the black crows swept across the entire village like a storm, completely drowning out her fearful voice.

An Ionian Shadow Ritual Vessel that will fill the surrounding digital with shadow energy after being smashed and cracked; The death implements of the people are destroyed, and the dead and not decayed beasts on the nearby land will unconsciously crawl up...

However, when his eyes fell on the oil lamp, the night watchman was shocked to find that although the wind was blowing around him, the flame of the oil lamp in his hand was extremely calm, as if it was fake.

"There is only one person left, digging the earth and burying it."

"Next, I'm going to catch you—"

Just when Jarvan IV was at a loss, a more detailed report was sent. It turned out that not only the residents of these villages and towns disappeared, but also all the livestock. loss.

Although Jarvan IV didn't understand magic, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, without any hesitation, he found Kyle and Morgana, and told them the information without reservation.

After listening to Jarvan IV's description, the pair of sisters, who had never dealt with it before, looked at each other for a rare few seconds and showed serious expressions at the same time.

"It's a demon." x2
At this moment, Kyle and Morgana finally spoke in unison.

 happy New Year!
  I wish all readers good luck, wealth, good health, and a happy family in the new year!
(End of this chapter)

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