Lux's Farewell

582 [0576] Devil's Way of Survival

582 [0576] Devil's Way of Survival

For most Demacian civilians, demons are nothing more than legendary beings, villains who do all kinds of evil in stories that scare children and make them obedient.

But for the nobles of Demacia, especially the royal family, demons are terrifying existences that must be taken seriously—the death of His Majesty Sentu, the second king of Demacia, was related to demons, and Sentu's death also It led to the transfer of the throne within the Crown Guard family, which was a very important event in the history of Demacia.

Now, upon hearing that demons appeared in the area west of Tobysia, Jarvan IV immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

The last time a demon appeared in Demacia and directly took a king, this time the demon came again, and it was when the battle situation in Tobysia was so tense...

Wait, is there a possibility that the appearance of the demon trail has something to do with the Noxus?
Jarvan IV, who was moved by his heart, told Kyle and Morgana his guess. For Demacia, "demons appeared in the territory" and "demons appeared in the territory because of the Noxians" are completely different things!
The former Demacia can close the door and solve it secretly, but the latter must also count the Noxus attack, the situation is much worse!

Therefore, Jarvan IV hoped that they could go to the place where the incident happened to find out whether the devil's disaster was a natural disaster or man-made.

Naturally, Kyle and Morgana would not refuse Jarvan IV's request—in fact, compared to the wars and conflicts between mortals, the Flying Wing sisters care more about those extraordinary things that may threaten the existence of mortals. Even when they helped build Demacia back then, they rarely intervened in disputes between mortals.

Now that there are traces of demons appearing, the Feiyi sisters are naturally willing to cooperate again to find out the problem.

Instead, Tarek couldn't help frowning after hearing what Jarvan IV said.

"Don't worry about the situation on the frontal battlefield." Jarvan IV shook his head with a relaxed expression, "With you and me, the Colossus of Justice has already stood in front of the camp, and the siege of the fort has already formed, we just need to maintain a stable defense The situation, the Noxians are doomed to do nothing!"

Sona held down the trembling strings, seeming to appease the frightened Yuhua—according to her understanding of her teacher, Kalya has always been angrier and calmer, when he spoke in such a wonderful tone, then I'm afraid some people will be in bad luck when they come down.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Kalya thought again and again, and finally chose Nocturne as his subject of inquiry, and asked him who else had sent invitations to this Devil's Paradise besides him and Evelyn.

The unlucky Nocturne was first trapped in the Shadow Realm for hundreds of years by Sentu with the heroic soul of the first-generation fearless pioneer, and was later captured by Kalya when he was weak; Evelyn, who was also placed high hopes by Swain, and Together with Tam, Karya was also caught off guard and sealed on the spot.

"If they leave, they will face the battlefield..."

If this Devil's Paradise really attracted the legendary fear demon Fiddlesticks, then Kalya must think of a way...

This is not normal by any stretch of the imagination.

You know, a place that can be turned into a paradise by demons is a place of pure ghosts and ghosts—even if it is an area bombed by gas bombs in Ionia, at most it is easier to give birth to Yazakana, and it will not be destroyed It's called Devil's Paradise!
And now, there is a demon paradise in Demacia that can be clearly perceived by two demons even in a small world...

It was too late to wait for the daily correspondence, he wanted to see Sona as soon as possible!
After seeing Shyvana and Kalya, Sona, who was about to write a letter to Lux after finally finding out the news of Kyle and Morgana's hasty departure, was undoubtedly quite surprised.

This demon... I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with.

"Of course." Kalya's tone dropped instantly, "According to the information you provided before, the new king now has the idea of ​​advancing step by step, step by step, and has achieved a lot of results. At this time, Sister Feiyi Leaving suddenly, and it seems that something happened instead of falling out with the royal family, which proves that something happened in the west!"

Kalya looked at Nocturne who put on a [fear.jpg] appearance in front of him, and suddenly his heart moved.


Since they didn't arrive in person, Evelyn and Nocturne only knew the general direction of this demon paradise, but just the general direction is enough to explain the problem. Looking at the line, Tobysia, who is currently the front line of the war, is impressively listed.

And this kind of behavior undoubtedly aggravated the conflict between the sisters. Even if the two sides tacitly reconciled later, when they were alone, they could only look at each other in silence.

But it's a pity that it met Horlock, who was not proud, silent and low-key.

Hmm, this time, it might be a demon too?

How could there be a Devil's Paradise in Demacia? !

After leaving the camp, Kyle and Morgana walked side by side, but remained silent.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that when many other negative emotions affect people, they are often related to fear-like pain.

"It's not your fault," Kalya said in a very calm tone, as if explaining some well-known truth, "It's enough to know that something happened to the west, let's go, Shyvana, I'm afraid we're going to have a hard time... Devil's Paradise, what a good way."

Therefore, Morgana is willing to take in those who sincerely admit their mistakes, and advocates giving them a second chance. No one is perfect, but everyone has a perfect person in their hearts. What I have to do is to wake up that person.

Um, wait.

Everyone knows that courage is a powerful weapon against fear, but how many people can truly be brave and fearless?

As she spoke, Sona stroked the strings, and briefly "narrated" the information she had received, which was mainly about the witnesses' description of their departure.

Kyle was tired of the repetition and selfishness of mortals. In her eyes, even those Demacia ancestors who were written into poems and sung were mostly mediocre.

Even Kalya would never have guessed that an operation to expel demons that laid a foundation for the people in Fossbarrow would indirectly help Demacia resist the invasion of the Noxus—when Evelyn and the demons Teng sensed the existence of Devil's Paradise, and when he told Karya about it in order to get a reduced sentence, Karya was also a little confused.

"Has there been traces of demons in Tobythia?"

Demons are very magical existences, and even in a sense, their attributes are somewhat similar to gods.

The most important step in Swain's plan succeeded, and he did attract Fiddlesticks' attention by creating a demon paradise of fear.

Both Kyle and Morgana couldn't open their mouths at this time.

The confrontation of ideas made the relationship between Kyle and Morgana more and more tense, and even the groups that followed them gradually had a lot of conflicts, which eventually led to Kyle's departure and Morgana's seclusion , and also allowed Demacia to truly enter the age of mortals.

However, only this step of Swain's plan succeeded.

"Fear, definitely fear!" The pitch-black phantom stretched and flattened himself, "Look at me, I'm already trembling just by smelling the breath here!"

Fortunately, after careful observation, Karya found that these negative energies should be temporary and will dissipate naturally soon—although "soon" is not fast here, but at least it is good news that it is not an organic lesion.

In the empty village, both Kyle and Morgana could smell the residual, undisguised terror.


However, as Kyle's younger sister, Morgana has completely different ideas.

The easiest way to fight against demons is not to be tainted with the emotions of the other party's representative—there is no greed in the heart when facing Tam, and the two coats are doomed to be useless unless they are eaten alive by pure physical strength.

Unlike Kyle, who likes to charge on the front line, Morgana prefers to stay among mortals. She always smiles and is a listener, accepting the sharing of joys, sorrows and joys. Therefore, she knows what mortals desire and what they want. She can understand the consequences of greed and impulsiveness. In her opinion, making a mistake is not necessarily evil. Compared with the punishment brought by law and trial, it is more important for people to realize the mistake itself.

"But we don't have any news channels for the west." Hearing what Kalya said, Sona felt a little helpless, "Although we have worked hard to mobilize manpower when we were in Fossbarrow, but Tobythia is too big here, and the army inside The news is mixed, and we really have no way to pay attention to the situation elsewhere.”

Facing the temptation to reduce his sentence, Nocturne gave his answer without the slightest hesitation.

Demon of Fear?
In the small world, Kalya ignored Nocturne's exaggerated performance and rubbed his forehead in embarrassment.

They obey the order but not from the heart, just because the order can bring them a safer life, if they can, they are happy to make profits for themselves; they hope that others will abide by the law, but they always want to take advantage of the loopholes of the law; They always want to cage the power of others, but are never satisfied with expanding their own power...

It was a sad story for the demons, and it was after the Battle of Icacia that Karya saw the demons again.

It's just a coincidence.

The answer couldn't be worse!
Kalya's understanding of demons is actually not very deep, mainly because the environment when the Shurima Empire was prosperous was not conducive to breeding demons - the only thing that impressed Kalya was the proud desert wolf, this proud demon He once thought that he was the nemesis of the Ascended, after all, most of the Ascended are the favored sons of heaven, and the pride in his heart will become his strength.

The difference in world outlook and values ​​seems to be a moat between the two sisters, blocking their communication channels, so that when Morgana realized Kyle's return, she immediately went to "outsiders" to ambush herself Morgana later learned about the fact that the Silent Man used world runes to legalize the code, and she knew very well what problems this extreme order would bring, plus she didn’t know What Kyle went through on Targon is why she has to team up with Taric to keep Kyle temporarily under control.

 Carya's Little Classroom: Demon of Pride:

The head of the village and the end of the village turned around, and after looking at each other, they became even more silent.

They are born in people's extreme emotions, and develop and grow through extreme emotions. The more people know and the stronger the emotions they feel, the stronger they become, until they become the great demon representing a certain emotion.


Although they were once very close sisters, as they grew older and experienced more, their views on order, justice, gods, faith, and humanity gradually diverged.

The area of ​​Devil's Paradise is large enough, without Evelyn and Nocturne asking for credit, Kalya has already sensed the strong negative energy on the ground.

When the first army of Demacia was born, Kyle was once a high-flying vanguard at the forefront of the formation. She selflessly shared the sacred fire with all qualified fighters. In this way, Kyle formed An army of judges judges all those who violate the law. In her view, human nature is inherently evil, and the most stringent laws and trials must be used to restrain human nature and maintain order.

Although Lamer's information is correct, the nightmare demon Nocturne and the pain demon Evelyn are indeed in Demacia, but they are not mixed among mortals and hidden in the world of shadows as Lamer thought.

"I haven't heard of the devil's traces at all?" Sona pressed her hands on the strings, her face full of doubts. The Noxians also tried to attack in many ways, but they were all blocked by His Majesty."

Of all the emotions, fear, the most primitive and ancient, is probably the most difficult to deal with.

Did something happen to Fossbarrow? Why did Mr. Carya come to Tobysia himself?
Then, just when Sona was puzzled, Kalya couldn't help but widen her eyes as soon as she opened her mouth.

Fortunately, they traveled very quickly. Although the silence was unbearable, they arrived at the village where the incident happened not long after.

As the head of the ten demons, Fiddlesticks, the fear demon, is naturally difficult to deal with. Fear is the most primitive negative emotion. Once triggered, it will quickly sweep through society like a chain reaction.

"It's an abnormal thing. Sister Feiyi left in a hurry and went to the west. I don't know what to do?" After thinking for a while, Sona said, "They don't know why they left, but many people have seen it."

Pain is bad, but sometimes, the fear that comes before the pain is often more terrifying than the pain itself.

"So has anything unusual happened on the front line recently?"

Even if she is as magnanimous as Kalya, she still has her fears in her heart.

Kalya wasn't sure that the place where the Devil's Paradise appeared was the front line of the battlefield, but he had to prepare for the worst. After briefing Lux about the situation, he asked Shyvana to take him with him and went straight to Toby West Asia.

  The proud lone wolf of the desert, Shubobia, was the most widely known demon of the Shurima Empire, born of the unquenchable pride of the glorious Shurima Empire.

  After the birth of Hubobia, the first Ascended to deal with this trouble was Aatrox - and then, the invincible Aatrox lost to his own pride.

  And Hubobia, who defeated the best of the Ascended, could not restrain his proud nature. It provoked the empire with great fanfare, and said that "the Ascended is only mediocre", and then it was beaten by Horlock, who was never proud Become a dog, completely sealed up.

  PS. Changed it a little bit, my head twitched before, I thought about writing Nocturne, and then I wrote Tahm...

(End of this chapter)

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