Lux's Farewell

Chapter 583 [0577] The abacus of the black hand behind the scenes

Chapter 583 [0577] The abacus of the black hand behind the scenes
When she realized that what appeared was most likely to be a demon of fear, Kalya was rarely nervous.

To put it bluntly, Karya has nothing to do with this demon, and he doesn't even have a clue.

Then, as Kalya was thinking, Nocturne's state caught his attention.

There was something very wrong with Nocturne's attitude.

For this demon of fear, Nocturne seemed to be more terrified than ordinary people. It seemed that if it weren't for Kalya's small world, it would have already planned to run away now.

This is obviously not a normal situation, is this guy acting, or is he really scared?
If it's acting, what is Nocturne so good at?
If it's really scary, then why did Devil's Paradise invite it and Evelyn extra extra?
Confused, Kalya "interrogated" Evelyn alone, and found that it too was trembling at the arrival of the demon of fear.

This is interesting.

From Kalya's point of view, Swain should be responsible for creating the Devil's Paradise and summoning the devil. After all, he has a lot to do with the devil itself, and it's normal to be able to use the devil.

Then, when it is known that Swain and the demons around him created the Demon Paradise and summoned the demons, a problem that can be called superfluous in textbooks arises:
This devil's paradise not only summoned Fiddlesticks, but also summoned Evelyn and Nocturne by the way, and the Noxians even paid for it.

If Fiddlesticks doesn't respond to the call, it's just Nocturne and Evelyn. In fact, they can only harass Demacia at most, and it won't really have any substantial impact on Tobysia's battle situation; and if Fiddlesticks responds After summoning, seeing the posture of Nocturne and Evelyn, even if they come, they will run away.

In a sense, this is a very ironic story.


The same wishful thinking, in addition to Lamer who intends to swallow the demon and Swain together, and LeBlanc and Vladimir who seem to serve Noxus with all their heart and soul.

Fiddlesticks is indeed very powerful, but as far as Lamer knows, just a demon paradise is not enough to fully awaken the powerful demon of fear. At most, it will cause the actions of its demon clones, and those scarecrow clones will also cause bad luck. Small damage will make the Demacians feel like they are facing a big enemy at the beginning, but as long as they have extraordinary combat power to attack, the demon clone can still be easily wiped out.

Nocturne is imprisoned in the Shadowlands, and Evelyn is the youngest demon. Just think about it and you will know that they are the perfect prey!
But if this is the case, then there is a new question: in addition to these two "food", Swain's demon paradise also summoned Fiddlesticks, what gave the demon confidence , Can you snatch food in front of Fiddlesticks?

On the sand dunes of the small world, Kalya waved her hand to seal the wailing Nocturne and Evelyn again, lay on her back on the yellow sand, and then narrowed her eyes slightly.

In the past long years, they have adopted a lot of means to pursue immortality, including but not limited to:

Karya's keenness and the assists of the two demons made him realize that something was wrong.

The level of support these two guys have for this war, not to mention that Swain has always been on guard, even Darius can see that something is wrong.

Then, once the Demacians took away Fiddlesticks' avatar, Noxus would have no choice but to fail. In this situation, once the Noxus army was defeated, Swain wanted to survive But it is extremely difficult-so, in this transaction, Lamer's bargaining chip is "everything after Swain's death, including body and soul."


And judging from the current situation, LeBlanc and Vladimir seem to have really changed their minds!
But is that possible?
Of course not!
Since it's impossible, why would they do it?
Of course it was because it was related to their immortal plan!
It is precisely because LeBlanc and Vladimir are both "immortal, but not completely immortal" that they are filled with an almost morbid pursuit of true immortality.

After devouring Nocturne and Evelyn, Lamer, who returns to Tobythia, will take Swain's body and soul, and Nocturne, Evelyn, Swain's body, and Swain's soul , This is Lamer's [One Fish, Four Eats].

Even though Swain was extremely careful when dealing with demons, and when he signed the demon contract, he stipulated that "as long as all the information provided by Lamer is false, he will not need to pay any price", the demon It can also use language tricks to bypass the terms, leaving a deadly trap for Swain.


When Swain asked "how long the demons can hold back the Demacians", Lamer replied "it depends on what the Demacians are willing to pay" without any problem.

The superficially submissive Noxus nobles have already used Tobyssia's army as a bargaining chip for peace talks.

If you don't have enough power to make yourself immortal in the present world of Runeterra, then you can find a sub-plane to achieve immortality!
Many natural demigods in Ionia (such as the spirit of the dragon) did this. They escaped into the spirit world, using faith as the anchor point of the present world, and achieved eternal immortality, and because they were in the spirit world, They don't have to be like those foolish people in the Freljord. Their strength depends entirely on the beliefs of the believers...

This cunning demon did teach Swain the way to create the Demon Paradise and summon demons. It told Swain that "the demons summoned by the Demon Paradise have the ability to completely block the path behind the Demacians" is also completely correct, but He vaguely concealed the fact that "Fiddlesticks himself is the one capable of stopping the army, and in this situation, Evelyn and Nocturne can make up the numbers", making Swain think that this summoning can Create for yourself the opportunity to flank the Demacian army.

This is the immortality we long for!
After opening up the mind, the next step is to find a suitable sub-plane as the land of Longxing, which is the foundation of immortality. After looking around, it seems that the Shadow Realm is a good choice.

For Swain, that wasn't the worst.

Using blood magic to create an immortal body - it failed, Vladimir's blood magic was originally a defective product;
Using death magic to create an immortal soul - also failed, and was troubled by the god of death, and had to have a relationship with Aatrox;
Study the immortal methods of the demigods of nature - the demigods of nature in the Freljord can't be provoked, so they can only cooperate with the Vile Maw. As a result, nothing was researched during the cooperation period, and the cooperating messenger was killed by Lux ;

But it was these completely correct answers that cleverly deceived Swain, causing him to produce "Three demons can block the retreat of the Demacians, and the Demacians must first solve the demons, so they will get an opponent." The illusion of a decisive battle opportunity that lacks extraordinary combat power".

Although the crow was still chattering and chattering beside Swain, at this time, Lamer had quietly arrived in the area west of Tobysia, ready to ambush Evelyn and Nocturne.

Although both of them can live on from generation to generation through almost reincarnation, but because they are not truly immortal and will still be eroded by the years, Vladimir and LeBlanc will only become more and more anxious.


That's right, even if dozens of miles of white ground were created overnight, this "Fiddlesticks" is just a small incarnation of the real fear demon, the gifted eye of the scarecrow.

He took his students around the Shadow Realm, which caused problems with the information Lamer provided to Swain. Even if Swain was really defeated and died, his body would decay and his soul would follow. The Mother of Death returns to the nothingness of the underworld.

Swain may not understand the situation of Evelyn and Nocturne, or he may be deceived by the words of the demons he cooperates with, which eventually leads him to summon two additional demons who are in a state of extreme weakness.

Therefore, the deterrence of Demacia by Devil's Paradise is destined to be temporary.

Once things get to that point, I am afraid that Noxus will be happy to make peace with Demacia, and in the peace treaty, Swain and his soldiers who really fought for Noxus will be The biggest truce chip.

When did Black Rose love the empire so much?
Why did this group of imperial lizards seem to have changed their nature overnight, and they sang a loyal battle song immediately?

Then, during the Ionian Wars, after studying a lot of Ionian magic and visiting the realm of the undead again, these two guys finally found a curvy path to true immortality.

And then, considering that most of Swain's understanding of demons should come from the demons he cooperated with, then according to Karya's understanding of demons, the most likely reason is the demon who cooperated with Swain , interested in Nocturne and Evelynn.

The demon Lamer is thinking of eating one fish and four, and he has always been just using Swain.

Only Swain himself was still in the fortress of Tobysia, meeting with representatives of each regiment one after another and counting the achievements of each soldier. His hairline moved up inch by inch, his eyes were red, but his spirit But he was extremely excited. After a long battle, he finally saw the dawn of victory. As long as he defeated the Demacia army and devoured the land of Demacia, Noxus would have the capital for internal reforms!
Swain believed that after the victory of the war, he would be able to completely smash the remaining social shackles in Noxus by guiding the emerging military group, and Noxus would usher in true greatness!
What's even more interesting is that behind all the planning, there was a stick that quietly changed everything.

During that time in the Shadowlands, Karya had a clearer understanding of the intrigue among demons. Although demons sometimes cooperate, they are born out of extreme emotions. Let them be sincere It is obviously impossible to treat each other. For demons, it is better to devour the same kind.

So, why pay such a high price to summon these two improvised demons?

The successful cooperation with Lamer made Swain relax his vigilance towards it, while his love for Noxus made him unwilling to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Driven by two factors, he completely He fell into Lamer's trap, signed a contract of selling himself, and completely dedicated his body and soul-this is what Lamer thought.

He cleared the Shadow Realm, and tentatively developed the Shadow Realm. If Black Rose wants to ascend the throne in the Shadow Realm, they will be greeted with a special enthronement gift—and the entrance to the Shadow Realm is mobilizing Forsbarrow.

Kalya didn't think Swain was looking for trouble.

This place is full of negative energy, and it is little known. In order to collect information about the Shadow Realm, Vladimir even searched for Kamavia's secret treasure with a hot face and a cold fart, and finally combined with the news in the Immortal Fortress, finally It was determined that the connection between the Shadowlands and the Realm should be located in Demacia.

If it weren't for Swain's digging, he didn't dig up even a little evidence of Black Rose's other plans, if it wasn't for LeBlanc and Vladimir's support of Noxus' military operations with all their strength, and even cleaned up many of them. Don't jump up and down, and military nobles who are doing things secretly, Swain will not cooperate with them anyway.

There are more and more strange problems, and the strange contradictions are becoming more and more acute. Karya has vaguely discovered something, and now he needs to sort it out carefully.

There is no problem with the means used to create the Devil's Paradise and summon the three demons.

But in fact, every force that Swain relies on, wins over, and utilizes has its own ambitions and its own small calculations.


"These three demons have the ability to stop the retreat of the Demacia army" is not a problem at all, and "the words of two demons may not be enough" is not a problem at all.

Find an immortal breakthrough from Shurima—almost causing trouble, forcing the black rose warrior to cut off his wrist, and even the Shurima strategy with Noxus came to an abrupt end midway;

And his guesses about Lamer are almost the same as the actual situation——Lamer's main purpose is indeed Evelyn and Nocturne.

LeBlanc and Vladimir aren't fighting for Noxus, they're fighting for themselves - it looks like they're giving it their all now, and that's all because they haven't found the connection between the Realm and the Shadowlands Land, and as long as they find a connection land, Naswain will feel the feeling of being betrayed during the Ionian War again. LeBlanc and Vladimir, who have long planned to establish a shadow kingdom, have already done it Get all believers and supplies ready!
At that time, the traditional nobles of Noxus, who have been suppressed by the black rose, will either repent for their power, or follow the black rose to the shadow world. Swain, who is steady in Tobyssia, will face a complete interruption of logistics and a complete fire in the backyard desperate situation.

In other words, from Lamer's point of view, the essence of this desperate ambush in Swain's eyes is his own fish.

Black Rose is planning to run away and betray halfway, and go to the shadow world to establish an immortal kingdom.

The person who really fought for the rise of Noxus was exhausted. On the one hand, he maintained vigilance, on the other hand, he rationally let go of his prejudices, and tried his best to win the best situation for Noxus—at least Now, from the surface, it seems that Noxus is still standing firmly in Tobyssia, and there are traces of demons raging behind the Demacia army, and this demon may require all of Demacia's efforts to fight against it The demon of fear, Fiddlesticks.

Kalya hadn't thought of being a squirrel before, but because of some coincidences, he had already become a squirrel.

More importantly, because he discovered the abnormality of Evelyn and Nocturne, he has gradually realized this.

 Fill the hole!
  Vladimir's appearance in the tide of flames, the story of the shadow world, and the battle between Lamer and Sako are all related to this battle of Tobyssia.

  Each force has its own plans. It seems that the battle of Tobyssia is the main decisive battle between Demacia and Noxus, but in fact, there are a lot of forces mixed in it, such as demons, black roses, nobles of Demacia With the royal family, Lux and Fossbarrow, patriots of Noxus, traditional nobles of Noxus...

  Everyone has their own calculations, and every faction has their own calculations, and Kalya's luck this time is good. The exorcism action that shook the hearts of Fossbarrow's people before allowed him to win in this turmoil. The most favorable position!
(End of this chapter)

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