Lux's Farewell

Chapter 584 [0578]

Chapter 584 [0578]
Facing the residual fear in the air, both Kyle and Morgana were quite nervous.

Demons are difficult to deal with, but not impossible for them; but if the demon is a demon of fear, that's another matter.

The Flying Wing sisters didn't know the rank of demons, but they had heard a little bit about the fact that the Demon of Fear was the first of the ten demons—the gap between demons and demons was simply greater than that between demons and mortals. There is still a big gap between them, and they can't be too cautious in the face of the demons of fear that may appear!

Following the traces of panic all the way, Kyle and Morgana became more and more confused.

There are various indications that this matter is not possibly done by the demon of fear, but should definitely be done by the demon of fear. Along the way, the air is full of trembling smells, even if sisters Feiyi are not mortals, they still It is difficult to dispel the fear in their hearts, and it is hard to imagine the price they will pay if they really face this demon head-on!
Do you want to continue tracking?
Or go back and have a long-term plan with Jarvan IV, go back and raise an army to fight?
In the dense forest in the distance, crows were making unpleasant crows. Kyle and Morgana looked at each other, and rarely found the original tacit understanding.

Go back and find Jarvan IV first, this demon is not something the two of them can easily deal with!

The crow on the treetop clearly saw the departure of Kyle and Morgana.

And Kyle and Morgana know it well.

But what they didn't know was that these crows were not the messengers of fear they thought, but hidden eyes—yes, Lamer was already silently watching this devil's paradise.

However, what surprised Lamer was that although it also found traces of fear, the other two demons did not appear at all, as if they had no interest in this demon's paradise.

After waiting for the food to be eaten, the attendant first put armor on the earth dragon lizard, and then put a lot of specially made large rucksacks on the backs of these big guys, and the earth dragon lizard, who was used to carrying goods, was a little curious. Fluttering their nostrils, they seem to be very curious about what this strange smell is - if they are not full, these big hanhans will definitely try to take a bite and taste these spicy packages.

Now is the time for the whole army to attack!

In the camp outside the earth dragon lizard circle, the soldiers who received the order were sorting out their equipment and armor. They took out their weapons and carried out the last maintenance before gathering. After that, they helped each other put on the heavy black The Iron Armor began a large-scale assembly with the battle group as the unit.

After confirming the accuracy of the news, Swain directly gave the order for the whole army to attack without any hesitation, and he himself put on a crow feather cloak and directly joined the torrent of black iron.


There was human doubt in the crow's eyes, and it finally flapped its wings and decided to look elsewhere.

He had confronted the Noxians for so long and fought so many times before, but he still didn't know that there was such a team hidden inside the Tobyssian Fortress!
Without the slightest hesitation, Jarvan IV grabbed the battle flag with one hand, held the dragon gun with one hand, and rushed out of the camp gate.

"Everyone, hold the camp!"

After confirming that the battle groups under his command had assembled, the commanders of each battle group quickly rushed to Swain's headquarters to receive specific action orders for the next step. However, Swain, who had already simulated the battle situation many times, didn't even pause. Quickly clarified the goals and tasks of each of the following chapters like flowing water, and the commander of the chapter who received the order acted quickly and said nothing.

The Noxians are ready to launch a general attack.

These big guys with a shoulder height of more than [-] feet and a body length of more than [-] feet are the super heavy cavalry of Runeterra. Driven by the driver, the dragon lizards walked towards Demacia without haste. Walked in the direction of the camp.

Driven by Sion, the ground dragon lizards that had just stopped moved again. They rushed towards the gap opened by Swain, and they were about to cross the circular barrier made by Jarvan IV. !
Jarvan IV held the Dragon Pulling Spear, and was ready to face the impact head-on, but the problem was that the Earth Dragon Lizard he was going to face was not one or two, but a total of 32.

The trenches outside the camp and the not-so-high walls of the camp can well block the Noxus' offensive. Although the elite combat forces in the camp have been taken away, there is still no problem with long-range firepower, whether it is bows or throwing weapons. , can cause fatal damage to the incoming Noxus.

The driver on the back of the ground dragon lizard ignited the packs on the backs of these big guys, and the contents of these packs were full of black powder!

Behind them, a long-dead god of war was released again. The former Noxus hand waved a battle ax, followed behind these dragon lizards, and strode towards the Demacia company camp.

In front of the ground dragon lizard, even the thickest javelin seems a bit insufficient!

At this moment, Jarvan IV was finally completely sure that the appearance of the demons was a trick played by the Noxians, but now is obviously not the time to scold the Noxians for being shameless. For him, the most important thing now is to keep This wave, don't retreat!

Jarvan IV's complexion suddenly changed.

The effect of the siege weapon is good. Although the earth dragon lizard is big, it is relatively timid. After several earth dragon lizards were hit by stones, their footsteps slowed down visibly, and their huge heads began to shake to the left Shaking to the right, it seems that it will not listen to the driver's control.

After throwing the battle flag, Jarvan IV suddenly stepped up, jumped high, and then fell down suddenly.

Fortunately, Jarvan IV reacted quickly and directly mobilized the siege weapons to attack Tobyssia Fortress. While dispatching a small group of cavalry to harass and attract the attention of the dragon lizard, he quickly assembled the siege weapons and started throwing stone bombs.

And at this moment of despair, a huge shadow quietly cast from midair, almost covering the entire battlefield.

Then, just when Jarvan IV breathed a sigh of relief, a scene that made him hardly believe his eyes appeared.

How is this going?

If you don't do your best and mobilize all your extraordinary power to deal with the demon of fear, then let it rage for a while, and the entire vast plain west of Tobysia will become a paradise for demons, and the power of that demon will also It will grow infinitely during this raging process until no one can control it.

With Jarvan IV's own power, it seems that they are destined to be unable to stop them from rushing into the camp!
How to do?
In the camp, all the Demacian fighters in the front row can do now is to hold their weapons tightly and prepare to slow down the footsteps of these behemoths with their flesh and blood!

When the gate of Tobysia Fortress opened, Jarvan IV's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

But this time, Swain, who has prepaid everything for himself and accepted the power of demons, is no longer the commander who needs to be protected. Today, he will face Jarvan IV who remains in the camp, and is loved by him The empire contributed its last strength.

However, just three hours after they led the absolute elite of the Demacian army to leave the camp, the Noxus opened the gate of the fortress, and almost dispatched all their forces to fully unfold their formation, heading towards The Demacia camp on the south bank of Tobysia is coming...

This is the meaning of extraordinary combat power!


The Flying Wing Sisters and Tarek left, and also took some of the elite of the Fearless Pioneer and the Flying Wing Legion—if possible, Jarvan IV hoped that they would stay here and lock up Nuo in the fortress with him. Texans.

These big ground dragon lizards arched their heads into the trough, swallowing gulps, their bellies were swelling at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the swing of their tails seemed to be more powerful.

He has no choice.

Fully burned black powder does not produce an explosion, but a burst of pungent smell, and produces high temperature and smoke.

Swain's orders were issued extremely quickly, but they were all carefully considered. There is no order of any war group that cannot be completed, and there is no order of any war group that can wait for victory and then share a share of the credit. It has been planned for a long time. Swain tried his best to mobilize the strength of each warband, hoping to achieve a fatal blow to Demacia.

Stimulated by the burning gunpowder, the ground dragon lizard, which was still walking slowly before, lowered its head and began to sprint forward. Even if it was hit by a stone bullet, it no longer hesitated at all!

The elite regiments have more sophisticated equipment, and the assembled queues are more orderly; the second-line regiments are slightly inferior in equipment and military capacity, but their fighting spirit is not inferior to others, and after stepping into the assembled training ground, everyone He closed his mouth, quietly waiting for the next order.

At this time, Kyle, Morgana, and Tariq have just found the trace of the demon at most, and they are completely unable to support in a short period of time. In addition, the elite combat power has also been drawn a lot. On the frontal battlefield, Demacia has already No more advantage!

"Three targets have left the Demacia camp, and only Xiao Wang is still in the camp."

Just like that, Lamer's eyes began to circle around the Devil's Paradise, looking for the breath of the other two demons while flying.

The company battalion is not far from the river bank, if the whole army retreats, it will be completely over!
Facing the Noxians who were pressing forward, Jarvan IV unhurriedly raised the banner representing the royal family, and stood under the banner like a pinnacle on the sea. At the same time, with the simplest words, let Every soldier knew what they were going to do next.

Under the cover of the flag and the twilight, the huge adult dragon lizard arrived at the front line of the battlefield smoothly.

In the ground dragon lizard enclosure that occupies nearly one-third of the space in the Tobysia Fortress, orderlies are digging large bundles of hay, mixing it with eggs and salt, and feeding it to the ground dragon lizards accompanying the army.

As Jarvan IV landed, a large area of ​​terrain was abruptly changed by the Dragon Spear in the center of the battlefield. The momentum of the rush stopped, and even Thain had to stop.

At the same time, Lamer, who is beside Swain, is always paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, waiting for the Noxus to launch a general offensive.

Amid the howling sound of breaking wind, the flagpole of the battle flag completely pierced through the head of a ground dragon lizard, completely nailing it to the ground, and even the forward momentum stopped abruptly.

After Kyle and Morgana brought back the news that "that's the demon of fear", Jarvan IV had already determined that this division of troops would be inevitable.

Seeing such a giant, the brave Demacian soldiers couldn't help being a little stunned at this moment—they looked at these big guys in astonishment, and didn't know what to do for a while.

Although the previous military operations in Noxus were not smooth, the rewards promised by Swain were not lacking at all, so even though most of the Noxus battle groups did not have full confidence in the next victory, but The soldiers are still eager to try, fully prepared for battle.

As long as Demacia's extraordinary combat power leaves the camp, as long as they are entangled with the demons, the Noxus army will come out in full force, and the long war that has been confrontation for several months will be completely ended!
The Frogman Group assisted the War Mason to transmit information as quickly as possible. Several mages with long-distance perception were also temporarily transferred to the War Mason organization to confirm the location of Demacia's extraordinary combat power. As dusk fell and all the Noxian warbands under Swain's command were ready, the news he had been waiting for finally arrived.

"Come on, coward!" At the same time, Thain also raised his ax towards the dragon lizard, "Noxus!!!"

But this is enough to scare the earth dragon lizard!
The Noxians are going to use these big guys as single-use shock weapons!

Swain's rewards and punishments have been described in detail to every Noxus warrior who is about to set foot on the battlefield, and their subsequent performance will determine whether they can become the new nobles of Noxus in the future.

However, just when Jarvan IV stabilized the situation and planned to defend the first wave of Noxus and frustrate the enemy, Swain revealed a hole card.

Facing the crazy dragon lizard, he showed no fear, raised his left arm high, and threw the Demacia battle flag like a javelin.

The two evils are the lesser of two evils. The only way for Jarvan IV is to dispatch elites to follow the Flying Wing Sisters to deal with the raging demons. He will lead the army to guard the camp and wait for their return. The Noxians will have no chance.

Under the tactics of step by step, after Jarvan IV crossed the Tobysia River, he quickly established a solid company. Although the company on the south bank was not as strong as the one on the north bank with the base of the forbidden magic stone, it was still enough. Let the Demacia side have an absolute advantage in the next battle.

In the process of falling, Jarvan IV firmly held the Dragon Pulling Spear with both hands, and pointed the sharp tip of the spear directly at his feet——for the first time after returning from the summit, he fully used the power of the heavens. The starlight bathed his body, dyeing him like a star-like color.

In Ionia, Swain, whose arm was severed by Irelia, became the last straw for the collapse of the entire army.

But that's not possible.

However, before Jarvan IV could heave a sigh of relief, Swain also appeared on the battlefield as if in response. Unlike Jarvan IV's impassioned, Swain waved his arms lightly, and the power of the demon followed. The extension easily smoothed out a gap in this circular barrier.

"The stone statue spreads its wings." A deep voice sounded from high above, echoing in everyone's ears, "A hero is coming—"

"Hello everyone!!!"

 Carya's Little Classroom Galio's Forbearance:

  Although Fossbarrow has been fully charged, Galio has always remembered Lux's advice not to do anything when the little Demacia is okay, but to do so at a critical moment-because Demacia has always occupied advantage, so although Galio was in a hurry, he remained motionless until now.

(End of this chapter)

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