Lux's Farewell

585 [0579] The last Swain

Chapter 585 [0579] The last Swain

Adult ground dragon lizards are huge and strong. After putting on the specially prepared black iron armor, once they go crazy and run, they are simply rampaging tanks on the battlefield. The city wall of the Demacia Company Battalion can withstand the impact of soldiers To them, it is not a wall at all, but a threshold at most, with no protection at all.

However, in front of Galio who fell from the sky, these crazy dragon lizards can only be regarded as Chihuahuas in heat. Galio even grabbed the big tail of the dragon lizard with each hand, allowing the huge bodies of the two dragon lizards to have the most intimate contact.

The black powder that was still burning before exploded under the violent impact, and exploded into a firework in front of Galio, and even his chest was blackened, but it was nothing to Galio Question, he threw away the ground dragon lizard in his hand, then turned his head and greeted the already somewhat sluggish Demacian soldiers loudly.

"Come on, little ones!"

The Demacian soldiers, who were a little sluggish before, woke up like a dream. They wanted to follow Galio's footsteps and rush forward, but in the end they set their sights on the commander of their team and Jarvan IV in front of the formation. .

And Jarvan IV immediately pulled out the battle flag on the ground and raised it high above his head.

"Move the battle lines forward!" he yelled. "Show the Noxians the power of Demacia!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

After shouting in unison like a mountain roar and a tsunami, the morale-boosting Demacian soldiers moved quickly. They used the shield formation as the forward, and while maintaining a rigorous formation, they strode out of the company battalion and walked towards the formation. Before - they are now fully confident to fight Noxus to the death!

Swain, who has already mastered the power of demons, did not give Jarvan IV any chance. He has experienced the peak, and he has also fallen into the mud. His insight into human nature enables him to always discover the secrets hidden behind words, and These secrets also seemed to be endless power, allowing him to flap the wings of the devil and deal with all the attacks of Jarvan IV.

I hope that Tobythia's army can surrender frankly and preserve the last vitality of the empire...

The somewhat sluggish Swain looked down at the test paper, and was surprised to find that the questions on it were unusually interesting.

His experience in the Ionian War told him that on the battlefield, no plan can be executed perfectly, and all kinds of accidents and cards will always disrupt all seemingly perfect plans.

Before you know it, night has fallen.

Under the cover of the front troops, the long-range fire coverage team commanded by Draven and the arrows and throwing weapons thrown from behind accurately landed on the Demacia position, directly causing a large area of ​​destruction. Astonishing damage, under the arrows infused with arcane kinetic energy magic, even the fearless vanguard warriors in the front row wearing thick rune steel armor suffered certain casualties!

"In the name of Lightshield!" he yelled, "cover me, brave Demacian warrior!"

"It's this war!"

The elite Demacian fighters moved closer to the battle flag, forming a sharp arrow array with Jarvan IV as the arrow, while the other fighters firmly resisted the front line, based on the shape of the circle array and the shield array, and delayed the promise. The impact of the Texans.

He is the great-grandfather who died on the battlefield, even if he died, he did not let Zhanqi take a step back.

"Because I am the king of Demacia." Jarvan IV put on a smile on his face, he took off his helmet, and then took off the helmet that belonged to his great-grandfather, which was stained with Sion's blood. Putting the crown on her head, "So, I'm going to do something that should be done by a king!"

In order to target the rune steel armor, Noxus's few arcane mages are enchanting this team. They will not attach spells such as explosion and flame to the arrows that are easy to be targeted by the rune steel armor, but strengthen the arrows. Ya's speed!

Then, after six full years of hard work, he climbed back again—even if he sold his soul to the devil, even if he compromised with the black rose, but from the beginning to the end, Swain's love for the empire did not decrease in the slightest.

Finally, after some thought and experimentation, Swain found a way to allow the mage to exert his power without being intercepted by Galio.

Victory to Noxus! ! !

"Mage regiment!" He loudly issued an order to the messengers around him, "All the mage regiments accompanying the army, start to act according to the plan!"

No, it's impossible, they couldn't have solved the demon so quickly!
"Lamer, what's going on?" Swain yelled at his demon partner while mobilizing all the demon power to strangle Jarvan IV, "Why did they come back at this time?!"

The Noxus warriors standing in front of him were pierced one after another, and the long Dragon Spear was completely dyed red and black. It was so wet and sticky that it was almost impossible to grasp it, but Jarvan IV's movements were amazing. There is no deformation at all, and there is no slowness in action.

"Don't be stubborn anymore." Jarvan IV tapped Swain's throat with the Dragon Spear, "Stubborn resistance will only bring unnecessary casualties..."

Behind the battalion, that is the Tobysia River. If the Demacia army is crushed all the way to the river under such a situation of being suppressed and beaten, then there will never be a last stand, and the result will only be a large-scale attack. Drown!

At that time, Swain lost an arm, and could only watch the veterans under his command who had survived many battles fall into a situation of being divided and surrounded because of the loss of command, and finally died on the battlefield when his subordinates surrounded him and retreated. .

"What about you?" Galen waved his great sword and knocked down a guy who was trying to sneak up on him under the cover of shadows. His heart tightened suddenly, "What are you going to do? You are our majesty now!"

Tobyssia's battle situation is rapidly slipping in a direction that is unfavorable to Demacia.

"I want Noxus to win this war!"

Engage in enchantment!
The mage should not go to the front, but to add buffs to the soldiers of the war group!

Even the most elite Trifari in the empire can hardly take advantage of the Demacians in a one-on-one battle!

Galio suddenly realized when he heard the words, and then quickly flew away.

Swain drank the liquid in the small bottle in a daze, and then took a stack of...test papers from the other party's hand in astonishment.

The invincible elite charge was firmly resisted by the Noxus battle group that had applied the berserk buff, and the impact of Noxus was difficult to resist due to the suppression of long-range firepower.

During the frontal battle, the Demacian soldiers were shocked to find that the Noxians seemed to be different from the previous few fights. Some of them were stronger, some were more flexible, and some were inexplicable. They are elusive, and more importantly, their arrows have become deadly!

I am no longer who I was before. I sold everything I had to the devil, and what I got in return was the power to no longer be the breakthrough point of the army under the current circumstances!

"Hehe." The old Swain lay half-lying with difficulty, as if he didn't care about the spear point at his throat at all, "What a joke, justice? Are Demacians worthy of justice?"

Before he finished speaking, Swain ignored his left leg that had already been nailed to the ground, and suddenly took out a dagger from his waist, wanting to take this opportunity to give Jarvan IV a fatal blow.

His voice became lower and lower, as if he was about to die in the next moment.

Without the slightest hesitation, Swain picked up a strange pen that could leave shadow marks, and began to answer—then, after he finished answering, the other party looked at him from contempt to slightly better A little contemptuous.

"Which group of mages is it?" Swain, who has always been moody and angry, finally couldn't help raising his tone, "Who cast a spell on that damned stone?!"

The thick black mist seemed to be heavy clouds lingering on the ground, making Galio almost completely lost his judgment on his own position. He flapped his wings in midair in vain, but he didn't dare to land rashly.

The next moment, Jarvan IV took the battle flag representing the Light Shield family from the attendant behind him, and raised it high above his head.

At the last moment of his life, Swain saw the glorious fire of judgment fall from the sky, and saw the banner of Noxus blazing.


The battle line that was pushed forward with Galio falling from the sky was pushed back in less than a quarter of an hour.

"This is the country we have lived in for generations, this is our Tobyssia!"

"Take it." He said quickly, "Then you will lead the whole army. Be sure to keep the formation in order!"

Seeing that the Ionian coalition forces that do not fully trust each other are about to fall apart, the little girl who was born as a dancer is like this, leading all the soldiers who can unite, killing the Noxus army all the way, And in front of Swain, he left him an unforgettable shame.

There is nothing wrong with acting on the ground, but if you look down from the sky, all Galio can see is a diffuse black mist!

Of course not.

It's a pity, I didn't expect it to be a short game in the end.

"Die!" He pulled out the chess piece, holding the gun and the flag with one hand, "Swain!"

"Cunning Noxians who think they can use dirty magic and targeting to win a dastardly victory will never understand that Demacia's greatness never came from being great!"

With a burst of shouting, Jarvan IV threw out the light shield battle flag that had been dyed red long ago without a trace of blue ochre, and then with an indomitable momentum, he forcibly penetrated a Noxxa Si team, straight to the front of the war chess.

But in Swain's eyes, the existence of the king itself is the biggest shackle to a country.

"Not yet!" Swain gritted his teeth, "As long as Jarvan IV dies here, Demacia is destined to fall apart—"

"Noxus is the one that really fights for fairness." Swain seemed to be apologizing, but also seemed to be laughing at himself, "We have made the best war preparations, with the most fair The reward and punishment mechanism..."

Then, under the guidance of the Flying Wing Legion, Jarvan IV, wearing a crown on his head and holding a dragon gun in his hand, started a surprise attack in the direction of Swain's headquarters.

In this situation of being chased and beaten, if the Demacia army wants to return to the camp, the result will inevitably lead to greater chaos, and may even be completely defeated!
Jarvan IV, who realized this, only felt his scalp go numb at this moment.

This is one of the best spells Swain has found to counter the Colossus of Justice.

That's right, enchanting.

Therefore, facing Jarvan IV, who carried the glory of his ancestors and contained endless anger, apart from trivial appreciation, there was only sincere disdain in his eyes.

I hope that the latecomers of Noxus must learn the lesson of this loser...

"The trial of the undead?" Swain stood up, looking at his still missing arm and empty chest, "What is that?"

Even though Jarvan IV knocked Sion down, and even took Jarvan I's crown back from his jaw, he still couldn't break through Sion's defenses, because shortly after that, Sion stood up again, and again Start pestering him.


Although he was covered in blood and looked like a Shura, Jarvan IV's figure seemed to be integrated with countless kings of Demacia in the past.

Jarvan IV, who quickly woke up, quickly realized what had just happened.

According to Swain's estimate, the Noxus soldiers who have been fully buffed may not be able to fight the Demacians one-on-one, but there should be no problem in two-on-one-and this kind of After the effect is placed on a large-scale battlefield, it means that as long as the Noxus battle group is formed, it will not be easily penetrated by the Demacians.

Even Demacia's fearless vanguard elite could not fight the mad Trifali head-on under the rain of arrows, and the only Galio who could stop Trifali from advancing was because he was concerned about the Demacia soldiers. It's not easy to do it for a while.

Jarvan IV was a brave guy, and unlike those lords who were trembling with fear from the Noxus army, as a king, he should be fine.

Swain became one of the undead.

The next moment, the dagger was blown away, and the Dragon Spear pierced through his chest.

"At most one battle, it's because I'm upset about that bastard who colluded with the protoss!"

"Of course it's because they solved the problem." Lamer's voice was filled with regret and excitement, "Oh, poor Swain, it seems that your plan failed, and your loyalty to Noxus finally killed you ..."

Next, the great Noxus Empire and its loyal and fearless soldiers will kill the Demacians who are considered invincible like bulls!

The Colossus of Justice?

You know, because of the existence of rune steel, the Demacians have never been too worried about long-range defense - ordinary arrows and even spears are not lethal to them. Shield arrays are needed for protection when bombing with city weapons.



The last time Swain lost, he lost one of his arms, lost his loyal army, and lost the chance to fight those damned conservative nobles.

With the density of the battlefield today, it is no longer enough for Galio to walk from the ground to the front line to fight - the company is behind the Demacians.

"To make a deal with the devil, the result is bound to be playing with fire and self-immolation!" He raised his head, raised the dragon gun like a judge, and pressed the blood-dripping tip of the gun to Swain's throat, "Surrender, Swain Vain! Demacia will give you a fair trial!"

Under normal circumstances, this kind of defense is enough to deal with long-range firepower. If you want to have a more threatening long-range attack, then there is only magic in addition to siege weapons, and magic will be targeted by rune steel armor. Taking these considerations into account, rune steel armor appears to be Such a decathlon.

Although Galio's fall from the sky caused the battle line to be pushed back for a while, and the berserk dragon lizard did not break through the enemy's camp, but it doesn't matter!


"Fearless pioneer, with a fearless heart, perform the responsibility of the pioneer, and walk side by side with me!"

Facts have proved that Swain is indeed a person who has studied equipment tactics very well. His hand has severely hit one of the few flaws in the Demacian army. There was a serious shortage of defensive power, and the Trifali army, which was always tens of steps away from the arrow's landing point, maintained a steady pace of progress, step by step turning itself into a prominent part in this fierce battle.

In front of Jarvan IV who had returned from the summit, Noxus soldiers were no match for him even if they had been strengthened by enchantment. The army of Texas can only choose to keep a certain distance from him like brown sugar, completely surround him, pass through the encirclement and crushing of the army formation, and "grind" the absolute elite who followed Jarvan IV little by little. It also "grinded" Jarvan IV's physical strength.

Cooperating with the large and heavy arrows specially prepared by Swein's team, which are more like small spears than conventional arrows, the Noxus successfully turned magic damage into physical damage, strengthening the armor-piercing effect, To target rune steel armor!

He is the father who fell on the couch and was only one step away from gathering the power of the nobles.

Kyle let go of his past prejudices, and flew to the battlefield with his sister in his arms in order to get back quickly!
The moment he saw the holy flame of trial, Swain's eyes suddenly widened.

"Demacia seems to be thriving and prosperous, but the cracks behind it are gradually widening. This is really not good news."

Seeing this scene, Swain, who was always staring at Galio, immediately issued a new order to the orderly.

Swain's deep voice didn't seem to affect the eardrums at all, but directly reached Jarvan IV's heart. Every word made Jarvan IV's strength lessened by one point—the power of the hidden demon will always make those The guy who has no secrets in front of the devil is getting weaker and weaker little by little.

The fearless pioneers who followed Jarvan IV fell one by one under the sharp knives in all directions, but their existence also bought time and space for Jarvan IV, when the last guard fell to Jarvan IV's side At this time, the Noxus banner representing Swain is already close at hand.

"Immensely stupid." Swain calmly spread out his demon wings, avoiding Jarvan IV's thrusts, "Your self-righteous glory ends here."

"Now, tell me what your last dream is." This very attractive guy waved his hand, "I can fulfill your wish, and you will become a member of the undead, fighting for Runeterra..."


"As the heir of Light Shield, you must be under a lot of pressure, right?"

He is Oren who overcame the thorns and led the ancestors to avoid the disaster of Rune Wars.

With Galio falling from the sky, Demacia's morale is high, but on the Noxus side, Swain is already panicking,

Then, just as Swain's demonic hand was about to strangle Jarvan IV's neck and let the new king of Demacia die on the battlefield, a ray of light tore through the fog of shadows that shrouded the battlefield.

"A great trial that allows you to realize your last wish and use your energy after death." The other party seemed a little impatient, "Your trial is a bit special, drink it quickly, you don't need to fight!"

Unable to determine his position, he had no idea whether he would smash into the Noxians after landing, or trample the poor Demacian to death!
This was the second surprise that Swain had prepared for Galio—why did he choose to start the war at dusk?
Because in addition to enchanting, he also prepared a special group of shadow mages to cover the battlefield with a wide range of shadow fog.

Considering that the soldiers on the south bank of the Demacians were less than one-third of their total strength after crossing the river, the Noxus army after completing the encirclement can completely drive them into the water!
Moreover, as long as the fronts of the two sides collide and fall into a fierce battle, Galio's deterrence will be reduced to zero on the spot. No matter how hideous your Colossus of Justice is, there is no friendly army in Runeterra. Among the crowd, open Wushuang without distinction between the enemy and the enemy!

"I will manage the exam time, all you have to do is answer with all your strength."

For the empire, he has completely burned himself out.

"Cunning villain!" Jarvan IV put the war chess piece under his feet, and strode forward with a dragon gun in his hand, "Die!"

Jarvan IV's eyes had already turned the color of the stars. Every swing of the Dragon Spear in his hand seemed to be following the track of an ancient comet, which could not be traced, but it seemed to be the case. The first time he It is close to the mysterious state of "Heaven and man are one" that Zhao Xin, who taught him spear skills, said.

Wait a minute, who is this guy?
Swain, who thought he was going to become a part of the devil, was shocked to find that after passing through the curtain of death and leaving in the footsteps of the god of death, a tall guy who had never seen before somehow appeared in front of him In front of him, he handed a small bottle to himself.


"Although Demacia is big, we have nowhere to retreat. Behind us is the raging Tobysia River!"

In this situation, Demacia has no way out!
Taking a deep breath, Jarvan IV handed over the command flag to Galen who had been protecting him all along.

Jarvan IV was well aware of this, but he did not hesitate in his steps, nor did he hesitate in the movements of his hands.

"All fearless Demacian warriors, you will be my way forward and my wings!"

Not only that, but while fighting, he was still dissecting the little king in front of him.

Facing Swain's whispers, Jarvan IV didn't dare to speak, so he could only use all he had learned and replaced his mouth with a dragon gun, but under the power of the hidden demon, he seemed to be in a In the huge quagmire, as the secrets are exposed one by one, the whole person sinks little by little.

You must know that the main advantage of rune steel armor has never been physical defense—its advantage lies in its resistance to magic and its lightness at the same level of defense. The defense of ordinary rune steel armor against arrows is actually no different from that of ordinary black iron armor. The difference is too big, but wearing it doesn't affect the activity and mobility very much, but wearing a black iron armor is easy to fatigue.

"You're only worth one battle."

"The more dazzling the royal family is, the more bleak the nobles are. Do you intend to transfer some actual benefits, or to be more powerful? Judging from the current situation, you have chosen the latter. This is a difficult road. "

Kings, nobles, and privileged people, it is precisely because of the existence of these people that the country cannot be fair and just, and talented people are suppressed.

Now the Demacians have no Flying Wing sisters, and the Climbers only have Jarvan IV who is in the middle command. On the Noxus side, the advantages brought by long-range firepower and enchanting make them the first time to fight Demacia has an advantage in the frontal battle...

"No, he won't." Lamer responded calmly, "Goodbye, Swain, you are a collaborator I admire very much, and I will make good use of your body and soul."

Jarvan IV, who was almost indulging in the power of demons just now, widened his eyes in a daze.

"Drink it." He said in an unquestionable tone, "Then accept the trial of the undead!"



According to the plan in countless previous exercises, the follow-up Noxus battle group began to spread out on the two wings of the Trifari war group, and in the case of expanding the contact surface as much as possible, a huge Trifari war group was formed as a whole. For the forward wedge formation, the fire coverage team protected by the wedge formation in the center is responsible for creating long-range firepower suppression for the frontal direction of the wedge formation advance, and the most elite, all mad Trifari battle group is used as the hammerhead to tear everything apart, The overall formation strode forward, like a huge semi-curved wall, pressing down on the Demacians.

As the light shield battle flag was raised high, Demacia's formation began to change in an unprecedented direction.

No one could answer Swain's question, because it wasn't an error by the Noxian Mages that empowered Galio—it was Lux and Archon.

Under the banner of Noxus, Swain squinted at Jarvan IV.

Noxus is the most correct direction of development!
It is precisely because of this conviction that Swain still believes that he can represent justice even though he has set off wars of aggression again and again—not the hypocritical justice of the nobles, but the real justice that is as cold as reality !

No, it can't be like this!
With the warriors of the fearless vanguard, Jarvan IV tried to organize a wave of counter-charges, but the effect was not obvious-Noxus sent the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Sion to deal with his counter-charges, although Sein Enna Jarvan IV had nothing to do, but he was able to lead the team to eliminate the impact of Jarvan IV, allowing Noxus to continue to maintain the momentum of rolling forward.

Without the energy and strength gained from the deal with the devil, Swain quickly weakened, and because of the overload of work during this period, Swain, who lost everything, grew older and older.


What can really determine victory or defeat is the backup plan for all possible situations other than the main plan!
Galio's charge was something Swain hadn't expected, but so what?
He prepared three sets of plans to deal with this damn stone statue!

Wait, what about Galio?
Galio, who had been given high hopes, disappeared after flying up. Jarvan IV waited for a quarter of an hour before he found that he had helplessly landed in the Tobysia River.

"Flying Wing Legion, high above the sky, is the wing of Germany, and guides me!"

This scene had happened before in Presidian, and that time, Swain, like this time, had exhausted all his efforts to obtain all the advantages he could obtain for the Presidian battle.

Swain had already considered this possible accident. Even if Galio joined the battle, he still had the confidence to completely crush the Demacians!
And as the mages completed their enchanting spells, the subsequent development of the battle was proceeding in the direction Swain expected.

Before demons appear in the rear, crossing the river is a good move to trap the Noxus army, but now there are no three top superpowers sitting in charge, and with Swain's strong target, the Demacians For the first time, I tasted the feeling of being unbeatable on the frontal battlefield.

Except for a few fearless vanguard warriors who wear specially made thickened rune steel armor, the defense power of the armor of other Demacian soldiers against physical attacks is only at the level of black iron armor.

The old and frail Swain finally lost his balance, he staggered and fell down, and sat in front of Jarvan IV.

This is a language that Swain has never heard, but he can clearly understand the meaning of the other party.

Above the sky, a star that had never been dim before magically began to flicker, and was being lit up bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Divine Soldiers descended from heaven?

In the case of giving up the advantage of the mage, Noxus and Demacian soldiers have no advantage in a head-to-head confrontation. The Demacian elite, who are relatively rich and well-nourished, compete with ordinary Noks on the frontal battlefield. The exchange ratio of the Sass group is generally around one to five.

For thousands of years, the eyes of generations of Demacian kings have penetrated the curtain of life and death, the barrier of time and space, and are watching the young King of Demacia.

"I will take the lead in the charge, just like His Majesty Sentu's old story, the ambition to fall into the battle, life or death!"

For example, blood magic enchantment can improve the strength of soldiers (the consequence is that they will be weak for a long time after the battle), and elemental magic can make the weapons of soldiers have elemental lethality in a short time (even if the effect of rune steel is discounted, But it also strengthens the armor-piercing effect), shadow magic can enhance the concealment and mobility on the battlefield (the effect is better at night when the light is dim), arcane magic is more versatile (speed, agility, strength, endurance can be increased, Not immediate enough, but decathlon anyway)...

Hero debut?

Swain's eyes widened in astonishment. He found that the power of the demon in his body disappeared in the blink of an eye. He found that the demon who was always chattering turned into a three-eyed crow and flew away. My demon arm disappeared...

"Is this your stubborn last words?" Jarvan IV sighed softly, intending to give Swain a decent end, "This will be engraved on your tombstone—"

"Although it is said that your father's death was an accident, it should have a lot to do with the failure to collect noble power, right?"

However, in the case of a mage enchanting, a long-range fire coverage team selected by Swain from each legion can easily penetrate the protection of the rune steel armor and bring fatal damage to the Demacian soldiers.

After testing, after being enchanted, the combat power of the soldiers of the battle group will be significantly improved, and the specific attribute to be improved depends on what kind of buff is added and what kind of enchantment is performed.

But even so, Jarvan IV did not gain even the slightest advantage in the battle with Swain.

"The battlefield is full of black fog, and I can't determine my position!" Galio's simple voice was rarely filled with grievances, "Those cunning villains have already prepared!"

Today, in Tobythia, yesterday reappears.

However, after Swain carefully studied the characteristics of the rune steel armor (although he studied the "inferior products" produced by Vazuan), he quickly found the weakness of the rune steel armor. The rune steel armor will also be quickly broken.

Seeing the Demacians striding forward to the battle, looking as if they were going to win the war, Swain finally suppressed his anger.

Although Swain didn't know exactly where Lamer played tricks or which news was tricky, he can confirm that this demon had no intention of letting him win from the beginning, and he felt that he was against him. He threatened, so he hoped that he would die here, and then treat his soul and body as spoils of war according to the contract.

The Demacia army, which was completely suppressed by Swain's full preparation, has come to an end, and their commander, the third climber, the little king of Demacia, is just like Irelia. , chose to carry out a wave of desperate attacks with the last elite in a desperate situation.

When the twilight and the shadows are raging, you fly, and you don't want to land again!
After confirming that Galio's figure had been hidden in the black mist, a smile finally appeared on Swain's serious face.

Soon, the Noxian spellcasters who were dispersed by Swain and assigned to each battle group took action. In order to avoid being intercepted and protected by Galio, they did not jointly cast spells and release spells like a normal war mage group. Instead of magic of mass destruction, he began to tacitly enchant the soldiers of his own battle group.

Fortunately, Jarvan IV had a relatively clear view of the situation. Seeing that the Noxians had completed their attack formation, he called out to Galio loudly, asking him to fly up and directly interfere with the Noxians. Behind the lines - there are all enemies and no friendly troops!

He is Sentu who went to the shadows and entangled with Nocturne in the shadow world for thousands of years.

I hope Darius's mind is brighter, don't be fooled by the cunning demon...

Thus, Galio, who was high in the sky, was shocked to find that after he took off, a black mist quickly spread on the ground. In the billowing black mist, he couldn't see the battlefield clearly!

I'm really sorry, the motherland I love, even if I die, I have caused you a lot of trouble.

"Noxus won the battle of Tobyssia... Alright, I have written down your wish, now, come with me-from now on, you will have nothing to do with the common world in this world!"

His consciousness is not fully awake yet, but even the dazed Jarvan IV is enough to face Swain who has lost the power of demons—he just shot a random shot, and one of Swain's legs was nailed to the ground. on the ground.

According to the ancient records in the Immortal Fortress, the Colossus of Justice made entirely of the Temperament Stone can withstand all known magical impacts except world runes. Any mage group that releases magic in front of him can only charge him—— The Fist of Arcane mages, who had made great military exploits for the empire, were almost wiped out during the Battle of Green Tooth Peak because of activating Galio.

That was the most painful place in Swain's heart, and even if he was as sensible as him, he didn't want to think about it.

Therefore, he specially organized this team, and let the most elite Trifari Legion conduct joint training with it, and finally created a set of long-range firepower coverage + elite forward advancement system for Demacians.

So, is Noxus going to give up its mage advantage?

He is the grandfather who worked hard all his life and slowly restored Demacia's vitality.

Galio can absorb magic and convert the magic power into his own power, but he doesn't know magic himself. The best way to deal with this kind of "Fudobai" who can only be beaten is to trap him with some negligible price Instead of sternly and completely destroying him!

It is precisely because of this gap in absolute combat power that in many cases the Noxus battle group is defeated in one battle in front of the Demacia elite. Even if the Noxus side has high morale and sacrifices bravely, it is difficult to stop The Demacians achieved their tactical goals.

In front of Galio, the Mage Corps is trying to die if they fight against the Overlord.

The Demacians are cheering the victory of the battle.

Lamer was wondering why he hadn't harvested Swain's soul yet, but before that, he had to harvest the power of his two compatriots—as he expected, after the breath of fear dissipated, the nightmare and the painful The breath finally appeared in the Devil's Paradise.

It looks like the Battle of Tobythia has come to an end with Swain's death.

But in fact, the real contest has just begun.

 Big word! ! !
  I'm really great, I'm afraid readers will not be happy because of broken chapters, woo woo woo, is there a monthly pass?
(End of this chapter)

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