Lux's Farewell

586 [0580] Little flicker and big flicker

586 [0580] Little flicker and big flicker

Flapping his wings, Lamer left Swain happily. Just now, a crow told it that after the clone of the Demon of Fear was eliminated by two angels and a climber in a three-on-one mix, the two demons Appeared sneakily in the Devil's Paradise.

And these two demons are Lamer's goals - Nocturne, the demon of nightmares, and Evelyn, the demon of pain.

As a hidden demon, Lamer's method of devouring other demons is very interesting. If it can fully understand a demon, it can devour it quite easily. Nocturne and Evelyn are the two demons it knows best .

Although Nocturne is considered "not well-known" among mortals, its main activity time is after the Rune Wars. There is no Rune Wars to cover up its past, and the Demacians take it as their own goal to expel nightmares. Glory, so Lamer has a considerable understanding of Nocturne when he is willing to collect it.

And Evelyn, the demon of pain, as the "little sister" among the demons, was born in the pain of the rune war. The secret is not difficult either.

Therefore, even though it might be possible to face a one-on-two battle, Lamer is still full of confidence.

As long as he has insight into the other party's secrets, then Lamer is invincible!
The only thing that made Lamer a little puzzled was why he hadn't received Swain's soul yet—according to what he knew about Swain, this guy was not the type willing to be captured alive.

Maybe the Demacians captured him forcibly after he lost his ability to resist?
But it doesn't matter, Lamer believes that Swain will soon contribute his precious soul and fully reveal all the secrets to it!

Lamer, who was in a good mood, flapped his wings happily in the form of a crow, and quickly shuttled through the night, and it didn't take long to arrive at the place where Nocturne was found.


I've seen through your nightmares!

"...Devil's deals are always fatal." Kalya lowered her head, as if hesitating, "Compared to deals, I hope to seal you completely—like it."

It's a pity that Lamer didn't realize this. After discovering the similarities between Kalya and the "golden man", Lamer thought he had found a breakthrough.

The air was filled with a strange atmosphere that made people fall into a nightmare, but after Lamer felt it, he only felt refreshed.

"You must want to know about him, right?" Lamer continued, "The great regent prince, the one who brought glory to Shurima... Come on, friend, let's make a deal."

"It's not a deposit, but a gift." Kalya corrected, "I don't intend to pay even an insignificant price for the news you don't know if it's true or not."

Lamer tried his best to think, while turning into a three-eyed crow and flapping his wings, he flew around the opponent, looking for the opponent's breakthrough—this guy's mask was somewhat familiar, so Lamer soon remembered that he was in Peart. Wolf's experience.

"But after going all the way west, there is still content behind." Lamer landed in front of Carya, "And this part starts with paid content."

However, what Lamer never expected was that the contract showed that it did not provide any effective secrets. In other words, the other party knew what it said!
How can this be?

After the contract was completed, Kalya changed her previous silent and careful image, opening her mouth was the highlight.

Something seems wrong!
"It's an ingenious plan, Mister Devil." Just as Lamer was sizing up the other party and thinking about his next move, the weird man said gently, "I thought Nocturne had found a way to escape from prison, but I never expected , There is such a [touching] friendship between demons."

Lamer likes to use the devil's contract to cheat.

"It seems that Liang Liang doesn't have the self-consciousness of Liang Liang." Lamer was full of confidence, "I have been locked up in the Shadow Realm for too long, has something gone wrong with your brain? Nocturne, who was raised as a livestock by Sentu, Do you still have fangs that devour people?"

The weight of this kind of news involving giant gods in the contract is astonishing. Just such a news should be enough to make the guy in front of him completely fall into his control, expose all the secrets in front of him, and find more for himself. How secretive!

"Don't be so nervous, friend." Lamer flapped his wings again, "I will not lie, and my transactions have always been very fair-I will only take the price that the information I provided is worth."

The other party put an emphasis on the word "touching", as if trying to satirize Lamer, but Lamer obviously didn't care about it. He felt a kind of power from the other party that made his heart palpitate, but he didn't feel it at all. means to leave.

The contract was extremely quiet.


"Wait, my news has just been opened, don't be so anxious!" Lamer opened his mouth wide and laughed again, "But later, His traces appeared in Nashilami and Uzeris, it seems that it has been going all the way West, heading towards the direction of Mount Targon!"


Nocturne is here!
The Three-Eyed Crow folded its wings, like a falcon hunting for prey, and suddenly fell into the thick fog of shadows.

Without amazing magical powers to shape his body, he can only show people now in the form of this sandy body, which is completely different from the time in Piltover.


The weird man in front of him who controls the yellow sand is somewhat similar to that guy, but the difference is that he doesn't have that amazing divinity.


Even after many years, Lamer still remembers the tall existence with elements as its skeleton, magic as its flesh and gold as its feathers.

Thinking of some news about the Shurima Restoration Organization provided by the War Mason, Lamer's eyes lit up and he finally had a plan.

"As the regent prince of Shurima, he is the only lover of Shurima's ascension queen Setaka. Their descendants are the royal family of Shurima, but in the second era, he left the center of imperial power!"

"I remember everything about him, his strength, his appearance, the pattern of each of his feathers, I have what you want to know."

"After he left Vazuan, his students have been looking for him, including Nasus, the last grand maester of the Shurima Empire!"

"I don't know many secrets." A big smile appeared on Kalya's mask, "But fortunately, I know myself."

But unfortunately, the contract still showed that it did not provide any valid information—and when the contract could not be met, Lamer felt that he was falling into the other party's grasp bit by bit.

Lamer said dozens of things in one breath, all of which few people knew about Karya's past, but the contract showed that these messages were all invalid without exception.

This is undoubtedly a secret that no one knows, but because it is too outrageous and biased, if the contract hadn't told Lamer that he needed to provide reciprocal information, I am afraid that the demon of the secret would not be able to believe that it is true.

Carya fell silent again.

However, what Lamer never imagined in his dreams was that when he saw Nocturne, the nightmare demon was tightly restrained by a layer of fine yellow sand, and the one who controlled the gravel was wearing a A weirdo with a mask and a cloak.

This is the most secret news about Carya that Lamer has. In its view, this news should be a lore.

Because apart from this dangerous power, he felt an indescribably wonderful temptation.

Therefore, even though Lamer already knew the danger of the other party, and even if Nocturne's state could explain the problem, it still didn't have the slightest intention of leaving.


However, in his opinion, this state is not good for dealing with other demons, but it is more than enough to deal with Lamer - because Lamer is a hidden demon.

After seeing all the secrets of the nightmare, Nocturne is destined to be food for me, Lamer!
Obviously it's just a three-eyed crow, but Lamer, who is cruising and flying at high altitude, looks like a bird of prey, as if he is always ready to swoop down and take down the target in one fell swoop.

The devil's intuition told Lamer that this guy contained countless secrets that made people crazy!
As a hidden demon, nothing attracts Lamer more than these magnificent secrets!

Kalya is well aware of how tempting Lamer is to the countless secrets he has mastered, so he is not worried about Lamer escaping at all.

Moreover, the fact that Lamer covets the secrets in Kalya's heart can be used as the basis for all logical starting points. With this point, Kalya has been invincible from the very beginning.

"So, what's the price?"


"Believe me, no one in Runeterra knows more secrets than I do, even that stray dog ​​by your side can attest to that."

"The price is your secret." Lamer suppressed his excitement, "Come on, exchange your secret for my secret, this is a fair deal..."



Lamer's three eyes widened at the same time. At this moment, the hidden demon finally thought of a terrifying and theoretically impossible possibility.

After being stunned for a moment, Lamer offered his chips.

Lamer was full of confidence when he told the news.

So, he is a follower of Karya?

As the price of violating the transaction, the party that cannot balance the transaction will be completely controlled by the other party.

"I am a frank devil. I can tell you clearly that I lost completely in front of that existence, but this does not delay my frankness in the slightest."

As if hesitating for a long time, as if he had made a great decision, Kalya finally signed a contract with Lamer—he exchanged the secrets that Lamer didn’t know about the Shuri who appeared in Vazuan. The news of the Prince Regent of the Ma Empire.

Lamer completely lost the proud attitude of winning when he faced Nocturne. Instead, like a caring elder, he told Karya about the "golden giant" that appeared in Piltover.

"Quack quack quack! Well, a gift, a gift between friends!" Although the other party was very vigilant, Lamer was full of joy, "I like this word, gift!"

It was a...not a great experience.

"So, what's the news?" Kalya rubbed her hands, "Where is He?"

"I am not a weak chicken who has been imprisoned for hundreds of years!" Lamer seemed to be a little dissatisfied and patted his wings, "You can't catch me. Compared with boring fighting and chasing, there are only those secrets and those news It’s interesting and meaningful—to show my sincerity, I can prepay a little interesting deposit,”

"...But it's not exact." Carya seemed to be skeptical, "It's just speculation."

This "yellow sand monster" is of course Karya.

The contract is unresponsive.

"Gifts are indeed often not precious, but if the gift is worthless news, it means that we are not friends." Kalya stood up and fashioned a yellow sand staff, "Since we are not friends, then Let's fight!"

"Many people are looking for news about him!" Lamer chattered very familiarly, "Vazuan has welcomed a lot of strange tourists, and even war masons have had bad luck because of this, but before they get bad luck, Those poor souls loyal to Noxus got the word out anyway."

"Aatrox, the great pioneer of Shurima's empire, was hit on the ass by a sheep during an internship." Kalya said calmly, as if talking about the naughty past of his own brat when he was a child, "He rolled down the hillside I came down and cultivated for half a month."

As long as Lamer doesn't run, Karya has full confidence to win it.

"It's impossible!" Lamer, who was full of confidence before, finally broke his voice, "You can't know more secrets than me, I am the devil of secrets!"


"He presided over many projects in Shurima. Many ancient magics are related to him. He is the principal of Shurima University. Even the current magic stone is related to him!"

"Now, let's talk. You're hungry for some news, and I'd love some secrets. Wouldn't it be nice to be friends and get what we need?"

Coincidentally, Karya is also a master at deceiving people with the truth.

According to Lamer's knowledge, Nocturne seems to have been in the Shadow Realm all the time, so the best way to find him is to find a place with thick shadows—Devil's Paradise can temporarily open a temporary passage in the Shadow Realm, and when Nocturne leaves After leaving the Shadow Realm, a clear shadow trail will inevitably be left behind.

"Although I don't know who you are, I know where the person you are looking for is. I have seen him, my friend, with my own eyes." Lamer opened his mouth wide and began to flicker, "That is a You are wearing a mask like you, but you are a believer in Huangsha, he is the leader of gold..."

Like when Swain faced Jarvan IV before, Lamer also adopted a verbal offensive, hoping to weaken and eventually devour the opponent bit by bit by gaining insight into Nocturne's unwillingness to resort to his secrets.

"He left Vazuan." Lamer pretended to be mysterious, "and then disappeared into the vast yellow sand of the Dasai Desert—"

In Piltover, Lamer cooperated with Swain to try to take control of the city after finding some traces of Shaco, but before he was about to succeed, he and Swain were arrested by a group of Zaun mages. The summoned special existence was easily defeated.

"Don't treat a dedicated friend with silence." Lamer felt Carya's curiosity, "I know you want to know, you have desires, we can make a deal, a fair and just win-win deal."

Hahaha, that's how it feels!

"After the regent prince went all the way west, the Pantheon constellation fell to the last star - he challenged the giant god!"

"Or is it that the shadow experiments of those crazy mages have made you accustomed to living as a test subject, completely forgetting how demons should prey and grow?"

So, as long as you find the shadow, you will find Nocturne!
According to this idea, Lamer, who was cruising at high altitude, soon discovered a place surrounded by layers of shadow and fog.

So, here comes the question, where to find Nocturne?
Lamer doesn't know where the nightmare is, so he picks up the shadows and walks in many places.

"It's so sad. Nocturne, which can make people fall into endless nightmares, can only lick the remaining leftovers after the fear left, and even use shadows to hide the embarrassment of being seen. the sky—wait, who are you?"

"Nocturne... you, who was raised by human beings, finally escaped from birth and can leave the world of shadows and enter the real paradise of demons," Lamer said with uncontrollable joy, "now, your benefactor comes Why don't you come out and say thank you?"

But Lamer didn't panic, he giggled a few times, and opened his mouth again.


"How could someone give up their immortality?" Its tone was full of panic, and it flapped its wings to escape, but it flew closer and closer to Kalya, and finally landed on Kalya's shoulder, "You are a lunatic !"

"Ah, as a friend, I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself." Kalya stood up, stretched out his hand and stroked the dark feathers on the back of the Three-Eyed Raven, "My name is Kalya, I am glad that people still know me in this era some of the past."

 Carya's Small Classroom·Devil's Contract:
  The devil's contract seems to be a wonderful law of Runeterra. Once the contract is signed, it cannot be violated. Among the demons, Tam and Lamer are both masters of using contracts.

  But... Lamer overturned.

(End of this chapter)

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