Lux's Farewell

587 Aatrox's promise [0581]

587 Aatrox's promise [0581]

Lamer never dreamed that someone in this world would voluntarily give up immortality. It never imagined that this guy is the previous Him!
What the hell, the dignified Prince Regent of the Shurima Empire would voluntarily give up his ascension body and immortality. What was going on in his mind?
It's a pity that Lamer's question is destined to be unanswered—after being caught by Kalya, it was soon sent back to Kalya's small world together with Nocturne and Evelyn as bait.

Well, the third unlucky demon caught.

"Maybe I should add [Demon Hunter] to my title?" Before dissipating, Kalya murmured, "No, no, I'm not blind..."

Finally, the yellow sand cleared away, and a solitary saber fell to the ground. A moment later, a giant dragon descended from the sky, turned into a human figure and carried it on his waist, and then turned into a dragon again, flapping its wings and flying eastward.


Swain is over, and Lamer is also over, but the battle of Tobysia is still not over yet.

Although the Noxian banner representing the command collapsed with Swain's death, the Noxians still did not give up fighting.

This is their chance - having learned the lesson of the Battle of Presidium, Swain even prepared a plan for his own death!

As long as it can outflank and annihilate the main force of Demacia, the winner of this battle is still Noxus!

The enchanted heavy arrows can penetrate rune steel armor, but they are meaningless to Galio. With the fists of the Colossus of Justice smashing down, the team that caused serious damage to the Demacia elite quickly collapsed and lost their combat effectiveness .

Some people broke through to the east, thinking that as long as they rushed through, they could go to the gate of sorrow and escape.

"It's really a nostalgic atmosphere." Twisting his neck, Aatrox looked full of expectation, his sharp eyes quickly swept across the messy battlefield, "Many souls... unfortunately, none of them are valuable. Very few."

When the wind subsided and the Demacian soldiers opened their eyes again, the black mist had completely dissipated—not only the black mist had dissipated, but the Flying Wing sisters and the maddened Darkborn were also gone.

As it was getting dark, the Demacian army did not wipe out too many enemies in this campaign. Among the 3 Noxus elite gathered in Tobyssia, nearly [-] were still defending the Tobyssia Fortress. There were at least [-] people who fled the battlefield after the defeat, but even so, this was an unquestionable and complete victory!

The shield provided by Morgana was completely shattered, and Kyle's wings were completely twisted at a strange angle. Aatrox's eyes were red, and he strode forward, raising his hands high sword.

So, without engaging in massacres, is there any way to reverse Tobythia's war situation?
Aatrox had already thought about this point.

In the previous battle, Kyle and Morgana were indeed not there!

Aatrox's slash seems to have no effect on this shield at all!

Some people headed north, relying on their better water skills, they dropped their helmets and took off their armor and dived directly.

This is not finished.

It seems that because he has been away from the kingdom of the undead for too long, Aatrox's emotions began to be visibly agitated. Just when Kyle was about to refute, Aatrox unscrupulously came out of the black mist for the first time. Showed his figure.

What's more terrible is that among the mages who had been responsible for creating the shadow fog to cover the battlefield before, many people were on the side of the black rose. They quickly left the post of casting spells, which directly led to the disappearance of the shadow fog—then, Galio He and the Wing Legion passed the Noxian positions through the sky without hindrance, and reached the faces of the squad covered by long-range fire.

Kyle, who was ready to dodge, wanted to dodge, but no matter how she dodged, the cumbersome-looking big sword locked her tightly, and finally forced her to block with the sword—then, the same as when she was in Xiongdu Same, she was like a baseball, she was hit far away, even if Morgana hadn't supported in time, I am afraid that this blow would be enough to hurt her!

Aatrox froze at the sound.

The Legion of Black Mist will grant the last wishes of newcomers, but it is up to Aatrox to decide how!
Noxus has lost fewer Transcendents, so Noxus has won, no problem!
What, you said it was because Aatrox was angry with the giant god, so he blamed the flying wing sisters?
How can it be!

Coming here, Aatrox's main purpose is to fulfill Swain's "last wish". As a rare internal affairs talent, this guy deserves Aatrox himself to turn the tide of the battle for him.

"You don't allow me to participate in the trial—"

However, Aatrox has been trying to avoid a lot of killings since killing all the traitors in Kamavia's territory.

The fog of undeath shrouded the battlefield, and it was difficult for Demacia soldiers to participate in the battle, and it was also difficult to see the details of their fight.

However, just as the soldiers of Demacia began to cheer in a low voice, this invincible shield suddenly flickered, like a candle in the wind, about to go out!
Aatrox's eyes were completely red, the muscles on his body were twisting in an abnormal way, and the surface of his body gradually began to glow with purple light, and at this moment, a three-eyed crow appeared on the battlefield.

"Aatrox!" The Three-Eyed Raven opened his mouth, but another voice came out, "Look at your current appearance, have you been bullied by a sheep again, and have fallen into mania?"

Aatrox's knowledge of demons is mainly derived from the difficult demon of pride. In addition, before entering the kingdom of the undead, he also saw the figure of Fiddlesticks, so, in his opinion , Demons are very powerful existences that need to be dealt with extremely carefully, and for someone like Kyle, asking her to expel demons is pure bragging!
Sure enough, magic sticks are a kind of virtue!
Although Kyle argued loudly, as she was beaten and completely suppressed time and time again, and even the sisters teamed up and quickly fell into a disadvantage, this distinction became more and more pale.

The sharp blade was about to add to her body, Kyle coughed out a mouthful of blood, and barely raised her right hand. In her palm, the flames of judgment burned blazingly, and quickly turned into a stronger, seemingly unbreakable shield, firmly resisting it. Greatsword of Aatrox.

There were extraordinary teams outside making repeated raids, inside there were giant statues of justice overturning the river and sea, the command of each battle group was chaotic, and all soldiers had no fighting spirit. At this point, the Noxus army finally completely collapsed.

"Don't promote your cowardly god there!" Aatrox's voice came with the black mist, and quickly appeared in the ears of all the soldiers, "This is a Demacian fighter who fought well, fighting against the gods!" What does it matter? It's you, little birdman, why didn't I see you during the battle?"

Someone fled south, throwing away their weapons and armor and trying to escape into the Silver Shimmer Mountains.

Draven, who is leading this team, looks like he will never retreat. Unfortunately, this stubborn resistance is meaningless in front of Galio. If it weren't for the dragon and bird knights of the Wing Legion, they thought he was dressed differently and thought he had The value of the captives, I am afraid that Draven will die on the spot under Galio's stone fist.

The 3 people in the Tobyssian fortress are now vulnerable. Even if the food in the city is enough for them to last for half a year, even if the Demacians don't plan to attack the city directly because of the casualties, their fate has already been determined at this time.

It was foreseeable that after tonight, Mordekaiser, who was hiding in the depths of the realm of the dead, would be happy again for a while, and only a junk collector like him would not refuse any souls that could be stolen from the god of death.

This made Aatrox very unhappy, because during the Shurima Empire, some religions liked to do this very much.

While speaking, the black mist began to rise rapidly, and amidst the tumbling black mist, a large pitch-black sword pierced straight out, pointing directly at Kyle.

I, Aatrox, am not some sand sculpture who likes to vent my anger on others, I am here to fulfill the last wish of a loyal patriot!
So, birdmen of Demacia, die!
It didn't take long for Aatrox to spot the Winged Sisters - Kyle was taking the opportunity to preach the greatness of the god to the soldiers during the victory.

The army that Swain tried his best to build was enough to destroy the country, and finally fell apart completely after the night completely enveloped the land.

"Come, shameful slave, come and hear the silence of extinction!"

But at this time, something more deadly happened.

It is not too difficult for Aatrox to change the outcome of the Battle of Tobyssia. If he is willing to slaughter now, there may not be many people who can stop him.

Under such a tug of war, the Noxus soon became unable to hold on, coupled with the death of Swain and the lack of a commander-in-chief, the Noxian soldiers finally wavered.

"My task is to expel the devil." Kyle said angrily, "Idiots!"

"Oh, tell me, what is your mission?" Aatrox laughed loudly, "Your mission is to escape when the battle is most intense, appear when the battle is about to be won, and then tell everyone that this is Victory bestowed by the gods?"

Some fell to the ground to beg for surrender, some jumped to death by jumping into the river, some entered the city to defend to the death, and some were killed...

Some people retreated to the west, hoping to enter the Tobysia Fortress and wait behind closed doors for rescue.

While chasing Kyle and Morgana, the relentless Aatrox also talked about the undead trial in Xiongdu: "When the city was besieged by the black mist, I was looking for someone who could accept the test in Xiongdu. He was trained as a warrior, but in the end, only an old guy who was nearly [-] years old participated in the trial, tsk tsk tsk..."

"Expelling demons? By you?" Aatrox let out a deep, mocking laugh. "It's really funny. Do you really think that you are some kind of amazing existence that can easily deal with demons?"

"This joke is not funny. I am not like you, who intervenes in mortal struggles for the sake of meaningless beliefs." Aatrox snorted, "You are full of lies and bragging. I hate you gods!"

"That's my duty!" Kyle said confidently, "And you, you are also a lackey of the Noxus, want to reap the benefits?"

Even if the commanders of the various battle groups still maintain their rationality and know that the collapse will be over at this time, no matter how they wave the battle flags, beat the battle drums, and convey orders, the soldiers still turn into headless chickens and start to mess around on the battlefield run away.

Under the astonished gazes of countless Demacians, he spread out his pair of pitch-black flesh wings.

The gravel mixed with the power of the space seal and the power of the devil quickly covered Aatrox's whole body, and the voice of the hidden demon whispered in Aatrox's ear, making him lose his resistance quickly, and then the black mist Diffuse, hiding him again in the kingdom of the undead.

The battle of Tobyssia seems to be coming to an end with Demacia's complete victory.

This is not due to reasons such as kindness or autonomy, but because he needs to carefully care for his few humanity and reason under the erosion of the void.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Three-Eyed Raven bumped into Aatrox's body, and then turned into fine gravel.

Jarvan IV's lethality of a Transcendent is really limited. Even if he can break through alone, he can't deal a fatal blow to the Noxus front. It's different, this team can easily lead the team to defeat part of the army formation, and then directly cause the effect of piercing.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, suppressing his disdain for Mordekaiser in his heart, Aatrox raised his head and began to look for today's prey.

Aatrox, who spread his wings, finally got rid of the restraints on the ground completely, and for the first time condescendingly slashed at Kyle—then, like the previous attacks, Kyle was easily sent flying, but with The difference before was that this time she was hit hard on the ground, leaving a big hole in the ground.

However, with the return of the Winged Sisters and Taric's joining the battle, the balance of victory finally began to tilt rapidly towards Demacia's side.

"Even I need to deal with the devil carefully." Aatrox's voice sounded again, "And you, why do you say that you expelled the devil?"

"So you don't want to try it, do you?" Aatrox's mouth is surprisingly sharp, "What do they call you, sisters Wing? No, no, no, I think the gutless bird people are more suitable-even The word birdman is a bit of a compliment... You should learn from your sister and break off those damn wings, you despicable slaves don't deserve to have wings!"

Moreover, although the guy who claimed to be a dark descendant looked evil, the arrogance in his words could not be faked. This kind of existence said that demons are difficult to deal with. Kyle, who was chased and hammered by him... really Can it cast out demons?

And at this moment, the black mist of the undead began to pervade—just as the Demacians were cheering and celebrating their victory, Aatrox, holding a great sword, entered the real world along with the black mist.

Seeing that the situation in the frontal battle was not good, those who were loyal to Black Rose immediately began to withdraw from the battlefield, and this kind of farewell without saying goodbye quickly triggered a chain effect. When everyone was gritting their teeth, someone suddenly slipped away. A crisis of trust quickly emerged within one party—everyone knew that only by working together could we hope to win, but now some people had more plans, and continuing to fight hard would only end the succession of these despicable villains!

But because Kyle is too bright (the existence of the flame of judgment allows her figure to penetrate the black fog to a certain extent), although the soldiers can't see the details of the battle clearly, they can see her being chased and beaten. Everyone heard the dialogue between the two sides clearly, and many people began to hesitate.

Then what?
Chaos began to spread, and the Noxus army, which had been carefully trained by Swain, finally completely lost its organization and order, and began to scramble to withdraw from the battlefield.

Just when everyone was confused, a gust of wind blew up countless sand and gravel that came from nowhere.

Morgana threw herself on Kyle in desperation and tried to prop up a shield, but in front of Aatrox's greatsword, her shadow shield was like a fragile eggshell.


Kill the Winged Sisters of Demacia!
The victory or defeat of the battle can be interpreted from many angles. Now Noxus side Swain is finished, losing one extraordinary combat power - and if Demacia lost two, wouldn't Noxus be considered a win? Well!

Kyle recognized the guy hiding in the black mist immediately, and she flew into the air quite vigilantly: "I have my mission!"

Jarvan IV and Tariq who came in a hurry looked around, but in the end, all they saw was a mess all over the place.

 Carya's Small Classroom·Seal:

  After leaving the kingdom of the undead or the black mist, Aatrox will fall into madness due to the erosion of the void. In this case, it would have been difficult for Karya to seal him-thanks to the hidden demon, who completely controlled Ra Karya of Mer can completely control Aatrox through the vast amount of secrets she holds about Aatrox.

  In a sense, Lamer manipulated by Karya is even more terrifying than Lamer himself.

(End of this chapter)

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