Lux's Farewell

588 Reunion [0582]

588 Reunion [0582]

It's no coincidence that Carya came to Tobysia.

After catching the unlucky Lamer, Karya learned about the situation on the frontal battlefield from Lamer's mouth, and also knew that Demacia had already secured the victory at this time.

The Noxians are screwed, so next, he should cause Jarvan IV some trouble.

After all, if Jarvan IV is allowed to carry the power of great victory and really hold the noble council, then the development space of Fossbarrow will be severely limited in the future, so Karya wants to use Lamer to know whether he can rely on himself. The information of the Young Flying Wing sisters drove them out of Demacia.

As a result, after rushing to the battlefield, Kalya only saw her proud disciple waving a big sword and pressing the flying wing sisters hammer like crazy!
Kalya doesn't care about the life and death of the Flying Wing sisters, but he cares about the life and death of Aatrox!

If Aatrox is allowed to kill, I'm afraid he will go crazy on the spot!
In this case, Karya can only use Lamer's power to temporarily seal Aatrox into his own small world through the power of secrets.

In the wind and sand that filled the sky, Kyle and Morgana took the opportunity to escape, but it was a pity that Karya had no energy left to deal with them.

In a sense, this is the second time Aatrox has fallen at the hands of the devil - but the difference is that the last time he fell because of his pride, which is purely a matter of Aatrox's own personality .

But this time it fell, mainly because Karya, who controlled Lamer, was also a teacher and a father to him, and he really knew him too well.

For him, the ups and downs in the past were not too unacceptable pain, but the destruction of the empire and the betrayal of his compatriots made him unacceptable. Coupled with the failure of his rule in Kamavia, Aatrox has gradually Get used to thinking while staying sane.

In a small world full of yellow sand, Karya and Aatrox chatted for a long time.

Aatrox's voice became lower and lower. This proud darkin was silent most of the time, and kept a high-frequency mouth smell on a few occasions. He was willing to speak almost only in front of Kalya. Express your inner thoughts.

"The two idiots Shabek and Shabeka are looking for you." Aatrox had a bad guess in his heart, he didn't want to prove it, so he changed the subject altogether, "Unfortunately, it seems that you prefer the new and dislike the old, like A three-eyed crow, not those two silly birds."

Facing his teacher, Aatrox's mind went blank.

It was as if he was no longer the Prince Regent, no longer the principal, no longer the strict teacher, but an old friend whom he had not seen for a long time, saying a greeting that ordinary people would say.


In those countless imaginations, there were Karya who scolded herself, Karya who criticized herself for stopping her lifelong learning, Karya who found a solution to everything, Karya who made all the plans, and Karya who was resurrected Setaka, Karya has settled the void...

However, what greeted him this time was not criticism, but a greeting.

Um, wait, mock training?
Aatrox looked down, and was surprised to find that although his body was not covered by the black mist, his consciousness was very clear.

Carlyak knows this stuff too well!

Could it be that this is really the world of simulation training?
Vaguely remembering that he seemed to hear a familiar voice before, Aatrox couldn't help feeling a little more indescribably expectant.

In this small world, Aatrox told Karya in detail about his ups and downs in the past, and the whole process was extremely calm, as if what he was telling was not his own story, but the suffering of others.

"As long as the Narima Jie are still raising pan sheep, then we will never leave." Kalya's mouth was slightly raised, and she recalled softly, "It is the same now, although the glory of Shurima has been lost, but I have never left." Did not leave."

What Teacher Kalya meant... I can continue to command the Black Mist Legion?

"Haven't seen you in years, Aatrox—how's it going?"

"What about now?" Aatrox began to speak subconsciously, "Are you finally back?"

"It's wonderful, Aatrox, it seems that my judgment has gone wrong, and you are not without progress." He praised sincerely, "This is really an unimagined path!"

"So what are you going to do next? Revive Shurima?"

And Kalya just listened quietly, as if what he heard was not the hardships of the student he regarded as his nephew for thousands of years, but the ballad of the bard.

Do you complain to the teacher like a child, talking about your ups and downs and ups and downs over the years?


"Old man, where is your power of ascension?" Aatrox, who didn't know how to answer this question, could only subconsciously clenched the sword in his hand, "Did you get defeated by others and explode?"

Familiar, because Aatrox seems to have seen this desert before, even if it looks like a desert to ordinary people, but in Aatrox's eyes, this desert is the one he is most familiar with.

"Don't worry, I won't die!"

Kalya just stood there calmly.

"That's a coincidence." Carya nodded. "I'm actually not very clear about it myself. Sometimes I'm sober and sometimes confused. Before I completed this small world, I was always in chaos."

Aatrox blinked, then froze again.

Don't look at the "simulation training video" of Aatrox at the beginning, which almost made Lacus fall into self-doubt, but Kalya did not tell Lacus that Aatrox's theoretical knowledge can only be described as a mess, which is too scientific. It's extremely serious, and it can't be compared with the excellent Lacus.

After an unknown amount of time, Aatrox finally woke up gradually.

Although Kalya sarcastically sarcastically said it, Aatrox had a strange feeling of "it's right"—this is the teacher Kalya he knew!

After regaining consciousness, what appeared in front of him was not the expected corpses strewn all over the field, but a piece of familiar but unfamiliar yellow sand.

Aatrox straightened up subconsciously.

"But be careful, don't break the curtain of life and death." Quickly retracting his smile, Kalya then said in a serious tone, "Also, if I can persist until the day when I take the initiative to open the seal and counterattack the void, I hope that the black mist will The Legion can also participate."


Therefore, the so-called "you know it when you think about it" is definitely a self-boasting of a blind cat after meeting a dead mouse.

Therefore, after observing Aatrox for a long time and confirming that this guy is simply controlled by the power of demons, Kalya directly threw him in the gravel.

"That's really interesting." Carya heard this, showing a look of great interest, "Tell me, after thinking about it, how do you, as an immortal, get connected with death? ? You are still an immortal, and immortals have almost no way to contact death, whether it is the god of death, or the kingdom that belongs exclusively to the dead."

Just like after countless simulation trainings, he commented on his appearance.

"That's an option, but according to my research, it doesn't seem to be the best choice." Facing Aatrox, Kalya didn't hide it, "The legacy of the empire has been exhausted in the endless internal friction It's over, Shurima isn't the same Shurima it used to be—it's you, Aatrox, who seem to have something to do with the power of death?"

Or, what else could he say?

The next moment, the wind blows dust and sand.

Aatrox opened his mouth several times, trying to find a more euphemistic remark, but in the face of Kalya's calm eyes that seemed to know everything, he could only spread his hands in the end and tell the truth.

Aatrox blinked awkwardly, somewhat tongue-tied.

However, he quickly came back to his senses and shook his head quickly.

A simple greeting.

"You've rested long enough!" Aatrox was not satisfied with this answer, he raised his voice, and his tone became a little eager, "For thousands of years, none of us has even a little news about you ——Even if it's your favorite one, Ah Zhi doesn't know where you went!"

But it's a pity that with his personality, thinking can't do much.

But now he told Aatrox to stride forward... This undoubtedly made Aatrox feel a kind of indescribable pride, and a bit of flattery that was indescribable.

Karya is still the same as before, but completely different.

Apparently, Kalya easily understood the bragging part of Aatrox's words. Although he didn't say it directly, the implication was "Your magic theory is so bad, even if you think of something, follow up." It is not you who is really in touch with death."

(Of course, this is Caralax's pride.)
And from the fact that he was casually out of control and easily captured by the power of the hidden demon, Aatrox seemed to have made no progress in magical theory over the years.

"I gave up that power." Kalya was still very calm, as if he had lost an old dress, "It's been so many years, I'm tired, and it's time to rest."


The strangeness is because the desert Aatrox is most familiar with is the long yellow sand where he simulated training when he was a student.

Looking at this moment, he could only open his mouth wide, but he couldn't say a single word.

It wasn't until Kalya felt that Aatrox's consciousness had fully recovered and his small world couldn't hold on anymore that he smiled and kicked his student and kicked him out of his small world.

"Look at you, you never take what I taught you to heart." Kalya shook his head lightly, "Do you still remember the time when your ass was hit by a sheep? When you left Narima Jie, you asked if I would Will come back again, what did I say?"

"That old thing will last until then!"

Aatrox stared blankly at Kalya in front of him, at his body completely made of gravel, at the half-smile expression on his face, at the always smiling mask around his waist , looking at his wings that are no longer bright.

Aatrox froze for a moment, then his eyes widened.

"Glory cannot actually be passed on. The thousand-year glory of the Shurima Empire is actually nothing more than a piece of glory earned by generations of Shurima people for thousands of years." Kalya smiled openly, "Said To be honest, I thought about asking you to help, but now it seems, Aatrox, you have found your own path-so stride forward!"

However, their chat didn't involve much about the next actions and plans of the two parties, as if it was just greetings and greetings after meeting old friends.

But he never thought that Kalya would lose all his immortal power, stand in front of him as if he was just an ordinary person, raise his face with a smile, and ask himself "how are you doing recently?"

Without giving Aatrox any time to buffer, a figure that made him almost unable to restrain his excitement clearly appeared in front of him in the long yellow sand.

This is of course impossible, because of Kyle, he became more and more excited as he fought, escaped from the shelter of the black mist, and his mind was empty for a while. The sword will not stagnate in the slightest.

"In the endless time, the weakness and short-sightedness of mortals are not uncommon. Bloodlines can inherit power, but they can't carry all the glory." Aatrox shook his head lightly, "And the betrayal of my compatriots is something I never expected, Rebesai has become like that, and the Shurima Empire is gradually falling apart, even Nasus can't stop it..."

Or proudly tell the old guy that he has found the underworld and a way to avoid being corrupted by the void?
Although he didn't want to admit it, Aatrox had imagined how he would see Karya again countless times.

"It's just a coincidence." Kalya heard about Shabek and Shabek for the first time. "This demon thinks he can control me with a contract, but unfortunately, I'm not you."

"Heh, it's just a trivial trick." Aatrox, who had resumed his "normal conversation rhythm", waved his hands, making a posture that these are not worth mentioning, "The void will not infect death, so death is The best way to avoid that annoying raving, this kind of thing, just think about it."

Kalya has so many secrets about Aatrox that when he controls Lamer trying to seal the irrational Aatrox, Aatrox hardly resists, and even makes Kalya say "is he recognize me" thought.

When Aatrox had finished speaking, Kalya clapped his hands for the rare occasion.

Aatrox didn't know what to say.

This... This seems to be the first time Karya has approved of one of his decisions!
During the Shurima period, although Kalya had always been optimistic about Aatrox, he was only optimistic about Aatrox's combat intuition and frontal combat power. pessimistic perception.

Even though the anger from seeing the bird man has not completely subsided, he has not lost his mind.

The wind blew again, engulfing the yellow sand and sealing the Three-Eyed Crow who was trying to fish in troubled waters again. Carya, who had done all this, lay on his back on the sand dune, quietly watching the starless sky in the small world.

"I'm getting old." He mocked himself in a low voice, "Even a brainless bastard like Aatrox has grown up, it seems that I have to hurry up!"

 Karya's Small Classroom Aatrox of Partial Disciplines:
  Shurima's Ascendents tend to have their own strengths, but even among the oddly shaped Ascendents, Aatrox is quite the odd one - simply put, he has no brains.

  But because of his extraordinary talent and amazing combat power, even though Aatrox is brainless, arrogant, stinky, and extremely irritable, he did well in Shurima.

(End of this chapter)

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