Lux's Farewell

Chapter 589 Epilogue·Old Order and New Order

With the collapse of the Noxus army, the defeated soldiers retreated into the Fortress of Tobyssia and sat in the isolated city. The victory of this war is about to end with the victory of Demacia, even if the gate of sorrow is still controlled by Noxus at this time , but with the main army being made dumplings in one pot, Noxus has no power left for war.

However, for Jarvan IV, the result of this victory was not perfect.

Because at the last moment, the dark descendant who took away the German governor and the black mist that besieged Xiongdu appeared again, and this time, he took away the flying wing sisters.

It seems that Jarvan IV, with the end of the war and growing prestige, doesn't need the Feiyi sisters much anymore, but in fact, at this time, the more Jarvan IV needs the endorsement of the Feiyi sisters - without the Feiyi sisters, Jarvan IV's control over the Illuminati is not direct enough!

In the past, the power of Demacia was downward, from the king to the nobles, then from the noble family to the offshoots, and then to the magistrates, so as to rule the entire Demacia. The royal family wanted to control the entire Demacia , you must rely on the help of the nobles, because the nobles are the most important part of the ruling system.

According to Jarvan III's vision before his death, if the royal family wanted to gain power, they had to open up another channel for the ruling system, making it compete with the nobles, and then allowing the royal family to control the overall situation as an arbiter and leverage their strength.

Although Jarvan III has passed away, the idea he proposed is still very meaningful. After Jarvan IV fully understood it, he has been acting in accordance with this idea.

However, there is a very big problem here, that is, the Illuminati can be used, but if they are directly used as a part of the rule, these guys who engage in charity, religion, and art are completely unqualified. It has already been explained from the appearance of the previous two crops of taxes.

The Illuminati, which should have been easier to grasp the public opinion at the grassroots level, did not help the royal family at all, causing Jarvan III to completely misjudge the situation.

After the unremitting efforts of several generations of kings, the political strength of the Illuminati of Demacia is now very weak. If they want to support them to compete with the nobles, Jarvan IV must start from two aspects.

This is impossible.

However, unlike the traditional local lords in Demacia, her power almost comes entirely from personal prestige, whether it is for the Fossbarrows, or for her direct lineage, the Archon and the Northwalker.

When he returns victorious, he can tell the previous kings with his head held high that he has defended the glory of Demacia and the Lightshield family!

But doing so has a lot of drawbacks. After all, a cardinal is only the "most important bishop". In theory, he has no direct jurisdiction over other bishops. In the Illuminati, the cardinal system has always existed, whether it is It is still a cardinal pastor, who has the same status as ordinary bishops and priests. If Jarvan IV presides over all work as a cardinal, it will inevitably cause a lot of disturbances.

Also coveting the power of demons, there is a young girl who has just left Kamavia. She signed a contract with the Demon of Pleasure, collecting the power of all other demons for it, and casting the purest source of demons.

But in fact, this solid source is because Lux has a clear purpose of governance, and this purpose is consistent with the interests of the Forsbarrow people and the development direction of advanced productive forces.


Also watching everything silently, there is also the aloof giant god. After experiencing many failures, they finally learn from the pain and plan to take more drastic measures to deal with mortals who are becoming more and more difficult to fool.

Please look forward to the next volume [Noisy World].

On the snow-capped Freljord plains, although the Winter's Claw has already been torn apart, Ashe, who wants to take the opportunity to continue to expand her influence and unite the Freljord people in a more peaceful way, has encountered new difficulties, and Above the Howling Abyss, no one knows what the witch in the Frostguard Fortress was thinking.

On the banks of the Tobysia River, the young king commanded the army to win, not only gathering military power from the nobles, but also truly gaining prestige and the foundation for the next drastic reforms.

Perhaps the only thing the ice travelers here know is that this year's thunderstorms are getting more and more intense, and the losers are getting more and more crazy.

Only in this way can he directly and completely grasp the Illuminati, and realize the complete unity of supreme power from the two perspectives of the Illuminati and the feudal regime!

On the one hand, he needs to strengthen the political attributes of the Illuminati, so that they have established laws, rules to follow, and the power to influence grassroots governance.

The former needs to be resolved through political means, and Jarvan IV already has an idea for the specific method; while the latter needs the support of the Flying Wing Sisters.

At the same time, as the profits of Ionian trade gradually became known, more and more businessmen turned their attention to the ocean and unknown places. While Bilgewater became more and more prosperous, some The ancient kingdom hidden in the historical books may soon be rediscovered.

From the author's point of view, this is a volume I am quite satisfied with. On the one hand, it is because I personally like the content of this volume, and it also fills in a lot of holes dug before—although I don't know if the readers have read it or not. On the other hand, it is because the author himself has experienced a lot of trouble and confusion during the two or three months of writing this volume. He and his family have gone to the hospital dozens of times for various reasons. In addition to having a fever in those few days, I kept updating.

From the point of view of the ruler, Lux is the owner of the highest law of Fossbarrow and the leader recognized by all Fossbarrows; from the point of view of the people, Lux is the creator of a better new life Or, follow her to have a better life and a more hopeful tomorrow.

The sixth volume [How Glory Is Born] is finished.

If when Lux first came to Fossbarrow, she, Ino, and Sona were still like the three little mares pulling the broken cart of Fossbarrow, then until now, with Fossbarrow Luo's thoughts gradually unified, and as her work showed results, she changed from being a cart puller to a helmsman controlling the direction of Fossbarrow's progress.

Although more than half of the income from Forsbarrow's trade, planting, mining, and fur handicrafts fell into the hands of Lacus, don't forget that these new industries were completely developed after Lacus came to Forsbarrow. , built and operated bit by bit from scratch with the Archon!

In Fossbarrow, Lacus, who has completely unified her thoughts and reorganized her system, has completely completed the weaving of the new order, and is ready to further expand it to the entire Demacia.

Under their shadows, the Void Believers are planning a "surprise" big plan. This time, they set their target on the demons recorded in ancient books and sealed in the depths of the sand sea , hoping to open the void channel again through the power of the devil.

If in Zaun, Lux built a brand new Zaun by integrating the already advanced Zaun workers with her excellent theory and strength, then in Fossbarrow, she really did it. Down-to-earth, step by step, in the remote northern border, created an order completely different from the original situation in Demacia.

Also about to appear again in the eyes of more people is South Shurima, which has always been small and transparent. The two men of the Betrayer will join forces again to make Shurima great again.

And looking at the entire Runeterra, apart from this corner of Demacia, other places are not peaceful.


After losing the repression by force, the military aristocrats from all over the place may inevitably make a comeback. Whether to carry out a new round of conquest or compromise with a bottom line will be the most serious problem facing Darius.

Perhaps, Runeterra will usher in an unprecedented era.

And in her hometown, Ryze found signs of the appearance of a new world rune. Worse than the possible appearance of the world rune, it seems that the Kamavians are looking forward to the appearance of this world rune. A world rune will become their continuous source of magic power.

On the other hand, he also needs to strengthen the control of the Illuminati to prevent the Illuminati from colluding with the nobles and fighting against the royal family together.

At the very beginning, Lux came to Forsbarrow as a local lord.

Therefore, Jarvan IV hopes that after the victory, he can establish his position within the Illuminati. With the support of the Flying Wing Sisters, he can become the first pope in the history of the Illuminati!
After that, according to Jarvan IV's plan, after the war is over and the follow-up is completed, he will take the power of a great victory and bring those meritorious fighters who came from the private armies of various nobles to join the Illuminati and let them go to the grassroots As a pastor, the royal family can directly contact them through the Illuminati, and put aside the actions of the nobles on some issues, thereby weakening the influence of the nobles and achieving the effect of gathering power.

After Noxus lost the power of the Black Rose and without Swain to command the overall situation, perhaps a complete split is close at hand. Even if Darius is still there, without Swain's help, this Noxus Whether the Hand of Sith can lead the decimated Noxus out of the predicament is still unknown.

But the citizens of Vazuan obviously did not expect that in the depths of the Kumang ancient rainforest, an ancient and isolated magic civilization would have to show its face because of these rune trees - the secret that Ixtar used to hide himself. The magic barrier will be the best nourishment for the rune tree. Once the magic barrier fails, no matter how reluctant they are, they will inevitably have contact with the Vazuan.

On the other hand, Lux's situation in Forsbarrow was completely different.

Before she knew it, she had established a whole new order in Forsbarrow.

But what they don't know is that in the long river of time, there is a pair of wise eyes watching them all the time. This time traveler found the only hope in endless regrets, and tried hard to persuade everyone to let go of their grudges ,be prepared.

On the Shurima continent in the south, all the city-states that fly the banner of the Shurima Empire claim to be orthodox, but those forces that are closer to the orthodox Shurima are some standing on the sidelines, and some Get ready to sweep away these false claims of orthodox heresy.

After all, even if Jarvan IV returned from the peak and had the same status as an envoy, if he had to say it, he did not have the power to directly command the Illuminati; He is the supreme leader of the Illuminati in terms of jurisprudence.

The Fossbarrow people support Lacus not because she has the king's commission and the Fossbarrow's land deed, but because she has really changed Fossbarrow and the lives of the Fossbarrow people.

Lacus is indeed the lord of Fossbarrow granted by Demacia, but for the Fossbarrows, Lacus' governance of Fossbarrow is not based on her status as the lord.

The scale of Vazuan's city has further expanded, and the cultivation of rune trees has also reached the stage of promoting planting. In order to protect commercial secrets and avoid the leakage of the secrets of rune trees, Vazuan held a secret meeting inside and decided to expand toward the depths of the rainforest. , Large-scale planting of rune trees was carried out in the depths of the rainforest.

Is it to revive the glory of the kings in the old age, or to step into the new order and everyone is like a dragon?

The sixth volume [How Glory Is Born], the theme of the volume is actually farming. Under the leadership of Lacus, Fossbarrow really developed his own order, and the Fossbarrows have their own glory.

Other lords collect taxes, which are land tax, commercial tax, toll tax, and poll tax.

It is foreseeable that after the war is completely over, Jarvan IV will gather political and religious power, but this process of gathering may not take effect within three to five years.

For Jarvan IV, the Battle of Tobythia was his battle of standing.

And Lux, the magician's labor force, did not prostitute for nothing. She taught the most orthodox magic knowledge inherited from the Shurima Empire to the magicians in exchange for these people working for her.

But Lux doesn't collect taxes—or rather, she doesn't ask the Fossbarrows for a penny for nothing.

With the further decline of Noxus, the struggle between the Ionian hawks and the doves will probably become more intense. This is undoubtedly an extremely difficult situation for Irelia, who has barely established a unified government. Serious challenges.

It is precisely because of this completely different relationship with Demacia's old order that Lux can not only act arbitrarily, but also don't need to care about additional action resistance at all—if Jarvan IV understands Fossbarrow, He must be amazed at how strong Lux's rule is.

But now with the disappearance of Sister Feiyi, Jarvan IV found out embarrassingly that he didn't seem to have a good way to directly appoint grassroots priests, and he needed to go around from the bishop of the Illuminati!
This greatly weakened Jarvan IV's control over the Illuminati. After much deliberation, Jarvan IV could only settle for the next best thing, giving up the chance to become the pope, and instead serving as the cardinal of the Illuminati.

As a ruler, it is obviously impossible for Jarvan IV to ignore the old order—all his status comes from the old order and traditions of Demacia, and what he can do himself is only brought about by his ascent to the peak and military exploits. Personal prestige, on this basis, mending.

After she takes the next step, perhaps all Demacians, regardless of nobles or commoners, will have the opportunity to usher in their own glory.

If the first two volumes are about Lux's growth, and the next two volumes are about Lux's experience, then the fifth and sixth volumes are the beginning of Lux's transformation of the world.

Starting from the next volume, the plot may be a little more complicated. The author wants to connect the situation of Runeterra with the personal fate of each hero, and show a new era full of changes.

This way of writing is more difficult, but after going through so many connections and foreshadowing before, I believe I can show this better.

Looking at everything horizontally in Runeterra is society, and looking at it vertically is history-and the horizontal and vertical will be intertwined together, and eventually the entire Runeterra will be presented.

PS. A free extra chapter will be updated tomorrow, telling about Vazuan after Lux left; and starting from the next volume, there will be more short stories about the style of Runeterra updated in the form of extra episodes, stay tuned

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