Lux's Farewell

593 [0586] Crushing of fighting skills

It seems that because of staying with Galen for a long time, Lux's middle school spirit suppressed by Kalya exploded again.

The strong light suddenly lit up, dispelling all the surrounding darkness in an instant.

It's a pity that in this dark and gloomy world of shadows, the sudden light would blind people's eyes. This kind of surprise attack without warning didn't give the black rose's magician even a little time to react!
And as Lux suppressed the enemy's vision, the seventh sequence of guardians was well prepared. They closed their eyes tightly, and followed the established plan, as if they had been trained countless times in the past, and started their attack with great proficiency. Combined spellcasting - after the shadow energy was mobilized and shaped, it turned into a large net with sealing properties, covering these foreign invaders.

Vision will affect spellcasting, but as long as the area covered by my spell is large enough, there is no problem even if I don't open my eyes!
Facing this kind of sneak attack that had been prepared for a long time, the reaction of everyone in Black Rose was obviously half a beat slower.

Lux's spell directly caused blindness in a large area. Under the circumstance that the enemy's spell type could not be judged, less than a quarter of the people who could escape before the Shadow Web took effect.

But don't forget that those who can appear here are either born with a strong control over negative energy, or they are very strong. Moreover, it seems that because of the "organizational culture", the members of the Black Rose are all good at saving their lives .

Even though they were already caught by this net of shadows, many people used some special means to escape abruptly.

This is quite an astonishing result!

Although the Shadow Web is not a powerful war spell with amazing power, it is also the "Shurima Grappling Technique" taught by Kalya himself. Anyone who is touched by this magic will be subject to the double control of Shadow Binding and Spell Counterseal, and get rid of it. It's quite difficult to get up!

Moreover, this is the Shadow Realm, the place where the shadow energy is most abundant, and the magic power of the Archon is already beyond the standard level!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lux maintained the posture of swinging the sword, and as she slashed with one hand, a brand new lightsaber quickly took shape in her hand - Explosive Sword and Transformation Sword, these two spells are almost the same It was completed in an instant. The big sword that Lux had before was clearly a cover for hoarding a large amount of light elements to cover the vision at critical moments. The real killer move was the one-handed sword she condensed later!
If someone can still look at Lux's hand with eyes open under the stimulation of strong light, then he will find that the one-handed rapier that was condensed later is the same as the large one-handed sword that Lux made with materialized light elements before. There is a world of difference in the shape of the sword.

Vladimir obviously didn't expect that after he turned into blood, he would be unable to resist the erosion of shadows due to excessive activation. He was obviously a good hand at attacking the enemy, but it turned into a stupid move to throw stones at feet. After few people figured it out, they couldn't help but laugh out loud on the spot.


Hearing Lux's order, the seventh-order archon simply gave up the capture spell.

After hearing these swear words, Lux's eyes widened instantly.

Instead of the Web of Shadows, use the Hands of Shadows!
As the joint spellcasting started again, a huge arm began to take shape in the darkness, faintly trying to grab these black rose mages who were hastily preparing to fight back.

You are the one!

Lacus instantly locked on to Vladimir.

At the same time, Lux was the first to discover the greasy man who stepped forward and seemed to have the confidence to stop the seventh sequence alone—she could see clearly that this guy's status was unusual, and the clothes on his body were also different. The most gorgeous, probably a leader!

But after realizing their Noxian identities, Lux quickly issued a kill order.

Under the amazed eyes of everyone, he appeared in a state of embarrassment, and under the light of the light-forged sword in Lux's hand, there were many traces of shadow erosion visible to the naked eye.

Embarrassing, very embarrassing.

If the previous great sword was just "light made and restrained by magic power", then the one-handed sword of Lacus later has a complete entity.

Don't look at Vladimir taking care of mortals with ease, but in the battle above the extraordinary, his combat experience is undoubtedly quite lacking. After fighting for a long time, he realized that Lacus's seamless combat How much combat awareness is needed to cast spells continuously.

In front of it, all light seems to be dimmed.

Naturally, Lax would not give up this opportunity, she slashed with her big sword, but just when Vladimir mobilized the blood energy to defend, the big sword in her hand exploded suddenly.

Vladimir was a little confused.

Once or twice may be a coincidence, but when Vladimir was interrupted by the continuous sudden attack and was completely unable to use the blood tide to hit him hard, he finally confirmed that this young-looking man Little girl, I am afraid that she really has the ability to control the battle beyond ordinary people.

And almost when Lax slashed and Vladimir dodged, a pale figure quietly appeared behind Lax, and a chain full of curse and death breathed out soundlessly, throwing it straight To Lux.

The bright light broke out again, and anyone who looked at Lux fell into a brief blindness.

With reduced damage from enemies to yourself, increased damage to enemies from yourself, and amazing self-regeneration, the Trinity's tactics often allow Vladimir to gain an advantage quickly.

What does physical light look like?
Its shape is like flames, it is as bright as gemstones, and it is as sharp as metal. If you take a look at it, your eyes will be completely burned—even Lux herself has to wear True Ice Goggles when she conducts magic experiments.

Even in the simulated training, she has never seen similar magic, and there is no such content in Kalya's lectures-no way, this kind of magic was born after Kalya fell asleep, and when Kalya was asleep again When it woke up, it had almost disappeared in the dark, and Karya naturally lacked understanding of it.

Since you are a Noxian, you are welcome!

In terms of dogs, Vladimir did a very good job. He preserved his memory through blood magic, and used blood magic to prepare a large number of spare bodies for himself. It can activate the spare body, so no matter how bad the situation is, he will at most lose part of his memory.

The Pale Lady finally found what she thought was the perfect moment.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if you just take a box that can withstand the erosion of shadows and scoop it up here, you can get a secret treasure of shadow flow--Tears of Shadow.

Where did such a number one person come from?

Come on, taste the taste of being pierced by the bright light!

His superhuman sense of crisis made him react the most safely at the first time. He desperately urged the blood magic, and forced himself to enter the state of the blood-red pool again. This could be the coup de grace.

Rescuing Sefika before could only be regarded as a small test, which tested Lux's magic control ability, but now facing Vladimir, Lax can finally use her pure elements happily!

Near the fortress, the rich shadow energy condensed into a materialized liquid here.

Seeing that he seemed unable to catch the rhythm of the battle, LeBlanc was still observing in secret, and a group of mages from Black Rose had been arrested again, Vladimir could only grit his teeth, his body turned into a mess The flowing blood suddenly escaped into the ground.

But in this environment full of tears of shadows, Vladimir's tried and tested blood-red pool brought him trouble. As a result of swimming in tears, Vladimir suffered from severe shadow erosion.

At the moment when the strong light burst out, Vladimir had already realized that something was wrong.

These guys speak Noxus!
Originally, when the Net of Shadows was dragged back, the Archons of the seventh sequence planned to use the rune stone shackles with self-locking magic power circuits to quickly control these people in place and then slowly interrogate them.

However, as he retreated like this, Lacus became indomitable, slashing and slashing with the big sword in her hand, as if she wanted to chop off Vladimir's dog's head on the spot.

Of course, members of the Black Rose who escaped the control are also uncomfortable. There are many secrets of the Black Rose, but the price is not small-blood magic burns their own flesh and blood, and soul magic is simply the gecko tail of the soul splitting technique. Their own strength is also greatly reduced.

Then, just when Lux thought that she could use the counter-spell techniques taught by Kalya specifically for spellcasters to give this seemingly evil guy some color, she was surprised to find that this guy seemed to be It is different from those mages I have known.

But in terms of combat, Vladimir actually didn't have any talent at all—he was a research assistant and chief courtier under the command of the dark-born Rebesse. He was a proper researcher, not a combatant.

Most of those skills are useless!
There was no chant, no magic model, not even a little energy ripple, he just waved at Lacus, and Lacus felt her heart beat faster, her blood surged, and her head was even a little dizzy.

After realizing this, Lux stepped forward directly, and a large sword was condensed into shape in her hand——After getting a general understanding of Vladimir's spells, she decided to take the form of melee combat first, interrupting the opponent's attack. The rhythm, to prevent him from interfering with the joint spellcasting of the seventh sequence.

This is the pure light, an extraordinary spell that can only be mastered after receiving the baptism of the brilliance of the heavens, and it is the light of light that no one can look directly at!
The pure light is Lux's biggest gain in actual combat after learning the pure elements.

In an environment full of negative energy, Vladimir shot with all his strength, and just moving his hands was enough to trigger a person's blood. If his body was a little weaker, he might not be able to hold on and died on the spot!
Even a person like Lux who has gone through the trials of climbing the peak cannot avoid the influence of blood magic.

The spell that Vladimir used just now is the blood red pool, which is a blood magic developed by him independently.

This was the first time Lux had seen blood magic.

Lux knew very well that after the opponent encountered a surprise attack, the caster would not form a formation at all. As long as she opened up the enemy's strong point and used the organized seventh sequence to control the chaos, victory would be a matter of time!
Moreover, both ritual spells and curse spells have specific activation conditions, so Lacus wants to see who this strange caster is!
When Vladimir raised his hand towards Lacus again, and was about to clenched his palm to let her feel the heart palpitations, a two-handed sword made of pure light elements slashed down, forcing Vladimir to have no choice but to Interrupted his spell-casting action.

"It's a Noxian! No need to catch alive! Go all out!"

"But the shadows in the surrounding environment don't even have any energy ripples, which means that this magic will not act on the environment before it takes effect."

And behind Lux, several seventh-sequence guardians showed symptoms of bleeding from seven orifices—if it wasn't because of their solid foundation and Lux ​​sharing the magic damage, I am afraid that this would be enough to make them suffer from physical problems. Spell out of control!

This skill of incarnating blood can maximize Vladimir's blood magic level while being immune to fatal damage. In addition, he can rely on absorbing the blood of the enemy in exchange for self-recovery, which is very suitable for Vladimir. Kimmir combat style spells.

However, the cheating environment of the Shadow Realm gave Vladimir a big surprise.

However, since the foundation was solid enough, Lacus conducted a theoretical analysis on the characteristics of this spell through her own observations.

Vladimir was regarded as the first pure spellcaster that Lux officially fought against.

Many people cursed subconsciously.

Later, he teamed up with LeBlanc to control Noxus, and he habitually hid behind the scenes, so there was no need to use force.

By releasing the form of blood magic, Vladimir turned himself into a pool of blood that could move freely and even cast spells.

This wave of unmage operations made Vladimir a little confused. He tried to use blood magic several times to induce chaos in Lux's blood, and wanted to hinder Lux's actions a little bit, so as to give himself a follow-up Casting the spell bought a little time, but when he just showed this sign, Lux would interrupt his movement with a sweep just right.

"This is not an elemental spell, nor is it an arcane spell. A spell that can satisfy this characteristic, no matter what its principle is, must originate from a ritual spell or a curse spell!"

"There is no trace of magic power or other energies, which is not easy to do in an environment full of shadow energy."

In the past, Lux had met many opponents, but among these opponents, there was hardly a real mage.

Then, before Lux could do anything to him, he himself wailed in pain.

As a result, under multiple blessings and being covered, she can still sneak away. It can only be said that she is indeed a black rose!


There is no small class today.

Because I confirmed that the capillary hemorrhage in my eyes was finally healed, I finally had the opportunity to watch a movie in a good mood—yes, Wandering Earth 2!

How should I put it, personally, it is not perfect, but it can already be called a science fiction epic in the true sense, and it is an epic at the core of our own civilization.

It is recommended for book lovers who have not read it, and those who have read it can read it several times.

There are fewer today, but there should be more updates later.

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