Lux's Farewell

594 [0587] Let the show begin

594 [0587] Let the show begin
Unlike Vladimir, who is not rich in combat experience, but can take the lead in frontal combat for the time being, LeBlanc's body is undoubtedly more fragile and less adapted to frontal combat. In this case, she must find a perfect one. Cut into the battle at the right time, like an assassin, one hit kills.

Therefore, even though Vladimir was beaten by Lacus throughout the whole process, and even though Black Rose's mages had been killed by one-third of the seventh-order archons due to lack of command and organization, LeBlanc was still extremely calm .

She was not in a hurry to make a move, but mixed among many black rose mages, as if dodging the huge and deadly shadow hand in embarrassment, and even made a very harsh sound after an unlucky person beside her was caught and crushed. The screams, others have no idea that this plump woman who looks extremely embarrassed is the pale lady they adore and fear!

And LeBlanc's forbearance also successfully won her a perfect opportunity.

The timing of LeBlanc's shot can be said to be just right.

Those who have the chance to win will always feel excited, especially a young girl like Lux who looks very young.

Taking advantage of her moment of relaxation, LeBlanc's figure quietly disappeared from among the chaotic black rose mages, and appeared behind Lux ​​like a ghostly shadow.

She was very lucky, and even avoided the burst of strong light at the moment when the phantom disappeared. At this moment, the unattractive gem at the top of LeBlanc's staff flashed a dim light representing the curse and seal. Light.

It's now!

A cursed chain like a poisonous snake entwined directly towards Lacus from the absolute dead corner of the back with the breath of the seal of necromancy.

Like a stalled dump truck crashing into reinforced concrete, the chains smashed against a layer of dark light barrier, and directly triggered the explosion effect of the dark light barrier.

"Why did you betray?" Vladimir seemed to have assumed the role of Jarvan IV, "Why, your family is obviously the king's guard, and you used to follow behind me. We are friends who grew up. I didn't Brothers and sisters, I have always regarded you as my own sister..."

The next moment, Lux rushed to Vladimir and LeBlanc with a sharp sword made of pure light in her hand, and swept the sword without hesitation.

The spellcasters of the black rose saw the pale lady and the scarlet baron abandoning themselves, and they all fell into despair. Some of them tried their best to fight the trapped beast, intending to exchange for a good one, and then they were terminated by Lux himself; Some wanted to surrender and betray the leader, but their eyeballs triggered some magic and exploded quickly, turning their head into a rotten watermelon...

So she is very aware of how complicated and difficult this spell is.

"That's really a coincidence." LeBlanc finally couldn't help but like a black rose blooming, showing a smile full of mockery and complacency, "We always meet these brave people full of ideals. It's embarrassing!"

"Let's go." Vladimir said quickly, "Prepare your new body and give up some unnecessary waste—I already know what's going on!"

These two guys are indeed a bit difficult to deal with, but it seems a little too rash if they are finished like this?

"If we want to deal with such a guy, maybe we need some external force." Vladimir said his intention, "And, it is a wonderful thing to see two climbers biting each other! "

Wait, is this her trick?

"You need a new portrait again?"

Therefore, in theory, most of those who like to shape magic and then pick it up to fight are reckless. Considering that the opponent is a Demacian and uses a big sword, the probability of being a reckless is at least [-]% up.

"I already know who she is." Vladimir nodded without hiding anything, "Now it seems that this noble model lady is not an easy opponent to deal with."

Under normal circumstances, it is possible to take them down, but the price to pay will not be small.

"What's going on here?" After being safe, LeBlanc looked at Vladimir playfully, "You seem to know something?"

"No, it's not a new portrait." Vladimir grinned and waved his hand, "The Godin family has many portraits of family members, and you can choose one too."

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Lux couldn't help blinking.

"As the final victor, facing the dying earl, His Majesty the King asked the question that he couldn't understand anyway."

Realizing this, LeBlanc stopped casting spells resolutely, and immediately returned to the original position, and quickly thought about the issue of retreating.

"The little king of Demacia is not a character who is easy to fool." LeBlanc said deliberately, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "He is very wise and powerful..."

"Maybe, at least it seems that the law of space in the Shadow Realm is a bit strange." Vladimir nodded again, "Next, I need a new identity."

The strong light shined again, and the compressed and orderly magic power completely exploded. In an instant, Lux was pushed forward by the magic power, and she jumped forward for more than three feet, completely avoiding this sneak attack!
Heck, it's a hidden trigger darklight shield!

No, it didn't stop, it bounced back!


"In any case, we have foiled a Noxian conspiracy against the Shadow Realm!"

As long as it entangles Lux, the subsequent curse will entangle Lux's soul like a necrosis, and the seal of necromancy will make her body gradually stiffen like a dead person, and then as the soul continues to weaken , she would eventually become LeBlanc's puppet in a new, perfect spare body.

"Just to be on the safe side." Vladimir stretched out his bloodless right hand, snapped back his almost completely torn jaw, and then showed a bloody and greasy smile, "Laksana is not only a climber, And she is a master of swordsmanship, judging from the situation just now, her magic level is also amazing, you should be very clear about how troublesome this kind of opponent is."

Judging from the state of these Demacians, they are simply waiting on the sidelines—that is to say, since the Shadow Realm is very large, as long as they don't come to this fortress, it is impossible for them to find themselves!
Therefore, instead of playing a disadvantaged game now, it is better to have another fight with her after witnessing immortality!
And almost when LeBlanc was about to run away, Vladimir also ended the state of the blood-red pool, once again gathered from a pool of liquid into a human form, and appeared behind LeBlanc.

Seeing this scene, the guardians of the seventh sequence were a little dazed.

"Yeah, wise and mighty, always thinking about gathering all the power, and simply not giving the nobles a way out." Vladimir nodded, "It's like the tyrant who wanted the government to die, the one who wanted to rebuild Shurima. Like an idiot."

On the side of the black rose, after Vladimir and LeBlanc gave up their subordinates, they finally left the Shadow Realm in embarrassment following the hidden marks left beforehand.

LeBlanc really never expected that this young girl who looked like a reckless wielder with a two-handed sword would be so well prepared and have such high magical attainments!

"A model of nobility... Laxanna Crownguard?" LeBlanc was a little surprised, "How are you sure?"

What a cunning opponent, even more cunning than himself!

"You mean, stay in the Godin family for a while?" LeBlanc raised his eyebrows in surprise, "That means we might have to give up the plan we prepared, this is not your urgent style. !"

LeBlanc fully controlled her spells, staring at the defenseless blind spot on Lux's back - just move forward, just move forward!
However, just as the chain was about to tear through all of Lux's defenses and touch Lux's body, it suddenly stopped without warning.

LeBlanc, who is proficient in the way of dogs, also uses trigger magic on her body, which she calls the magic in the mirror.

I came to the Shadow Realm to witness immortality, there is no need to fight to the death with others before witnessing immortality!


It's weird, it's too weird, even for people like them who are proficient in negative energy spells, this situation is really too weird!
"About this operation." When everyone was still in shock, Lux summoned a bright and soft light, slightly dispelling the panic in their hearts, "Everyone must implement the gag order, and do not Mention it to anyone."


Looking at the scattered corpses all over the floor, the Archons of the seventh sequence couldn't help feeling chills in their hearts.

Hearing what Vladimir said, LeBlanc nodded slightly, and did not continue to mock the other party.

"Double compensation for the wounded, three times the compensation for the dead, and internal condolences for the court."

Neither the cloak with the magic power circuit nor the magic stone armor can stop this deadly chain!

"Can you still hold on?" Although she was very irritable, LeBlanc still had a relaxed attitude on her mouth, "Won't you have to redraw the portrait again?"

"By the way, you can also wash away the shame and mistakes of your own family, and you can also teach those stupid betrayers a lesson." LeBlanc finally stretched out his hand and put it on Vladimir's bloody right hand, "They will Under the witness of the king, it will become a model for the new nobles, and then become the right-hand man of His Majesty the King."

You must know that it is difficult to fake a personal fighting style. In a battle where there is almost no reaction time, brave people often yell and jump forward, while far-sighted people will first test and then make targeted moves .

"So, have you figured out your new identity, dear pale lady?" Vladimir bowed slightly, like a gentleman inviting a noble lady to a ball, and stretched out his right hand, "It's Godin A noble rookie from the side branch of the family, or a brave and fearless commoner girl?"

But what about Lux?
She obviously showed an extremely reckless appearance, but she prepared a trigger-type dark light shield for herself early, and even maintained it carefully, without leaking a single flaw in the battle. A guy with such a mind , either experienced, deep-minded, or both!
Either way, it means that this little girl is a very difficult opponent!

"These scripts are too clichéd." LeBlanc shook her head with a smile, "I prefer a thrilling sadomasochism. I remember that the Godin family and the Darville family have a lot of conflicts, right?"

Is this over?

She deliberately put on a reckless posture, coupled with the armor and cloak of Demacia style on her body, which made her subconsciously make a wrong judgment...

"So, they need a pair of young people who can bridge the conflicts with true love?" Vladimir heard the strings and knew the meaning, "The young Mr. Godin did his best to establish meritorious deeds, just to bridge the conflicts between the two parties under the witness of the king." Contradictory, Miss Darville who won the Contradictory Family?"

This exquisite spell doesn't match her aura of "cunning villain" as soon as she opens her mouth, and her posture of rushing forward with a big sword!

But now, they are desperately desperate, self-destructing self-destructing...

LeBlanc didn't speak, but nodded silently—she and Vladimir were both good at saving their lives, but when it came to combat effectiveness, they were actually somewhat unreliable.

"Their names will be engraved on the monument, and these Noxians, and those behind them, will pay the price!"

"Then, His Majesty the King will find out from the clues that the originally loyal and self-sacrificing martyr Laxana, Earl of Fossbarrow, has long since had a heart of disobedience." Vladimir groaned Like reciting a poem, he said in a tone full of regret, "From childhood friends, they eventually became enemies of life and death. The two climbers had a fateful duel in the vast Demacia plain. "

When LeBlanc's soul is damaged, her body will briefly enter a hidden state and create an illusion to confuse the enemy. The existence of this spell helps her escape smoothly when facing many powerful enemies (even Let Aatrox suffer), and won the opportunity to change the body, which is one of her trump cards in the absolute sense.

And it was this young girl in front of her who actually prepared a trigger shield...

After confirming that the ground was indeed a corpse, although she was a little puzzled, Lux quickly turned around and threw herself into the follow-up battle.

No one survived, even if Lux personally took action and caught a living one, but in the end it was nothing more than an unconscious walking dead.

Moreover, the type of spells used can also reflect a person's fighting style to a certain extent. People who like to use curse, control, and seal spells often have detailed battle plans; Poor people are often more reckless and direct - fighting requires a very precise subconscious reaction, restraining one's subconscious reaction during the battle, that is death!

"She has an aura similar to that of Miss Angel." Vladimir showed a somewhat perverted smile in the eyes of ordinary people, "She is very sharp. My injury is not serious, but apart from the wound, she still left I put some magic power on my body, that scorching breath... that's right, it's something that climbers have!"

"I see." LeBlanc gave Vladimir a disgusted look, "So, we approached the Fossbarrow area before?"

What's happening here?
No one can answer them.

But when her lightsaber slashed down, these two dangerous people did not put up any resistance at all, just like puppets, allowing Lux to cut them in two.

Let's not mention how Lux stabilizes the morale of the army and doubles the pension.

The combat effectiveness of these mages is actually not bad, but because they have not experienced strict training and cooperation at all, and the appearance of a mass of loose sand cannot be called a mage group at all, they are completely at a disadvantage when facing the seventh sequence.

"I have never betrayed." LeBlanc leaned into Vladimir's arms, and responded angrily, "It is the shadow that blinds His Majesty's eyes—"

"Hahahahaha!" Vladimir seemed to be unable to hold back any longer, and finally let out a wanton and carefree laugh, "I like this play!"

"Me too." LeBlanc stood up, "Then let the show begin!"

 The internal structure of Carya's Little Classroom Black Rose:
  Generally speaking, LeBlanc is mainly responsible for relevant information and matters within Noxus and Black Rose, and is the main internal leader and organizer; while Vladimir is the person who collects information and resources externally— The two don't completely trust each other, but at least they have a good understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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