Lux's Farewell

595 【0588】

595 【0588】

Lux naturally knew nothing about the new conspiracy woven by the black rose, but because the two leading guys "died" strangely, and none of the others were left alive... No matter how you look at it, there are problems .

It's a pity that the other party is a bit too decisive. In addition, the usual tracking methods in the shadow world are completely ineffective. In the end, Lux can only ask the first-order archons to strengthen their vigilance, and let the seventh-order archons assist the composting team. Make sure nothing goes wrong.

In addition, the compensation for the dead and seriously injured members of the seventh sequence of law enforcement is also a top priority.

Fortunately for the seriously injured, the doubled subsidy will give them no worries.

For the dead, the situation is more complicated.

For those with family members, whether newly formed in Fossbarrow or brought in from elsewhere, pensions go to the family members.

But the problem is that most of the Archons have not yet married. Although a small number of them have brought their families to Fossbarrow, most of the Archons of the seventh sequence are rather shadowy and their relationship with their families is not very good.

Of the six Archons who died in battle, four were unaccompanied.

According to the relevant regulations, Lux will be responsible for finding four children without parents from Mithral City immigrants, inheriting their surnames, pensions, and... glory.

The students were silent, and several children who were focused on by Morrie sat up straight subconsciously.

Then, he saw the teacher's eyes full of warning and scrutiny.

Counting it, it has been two years since I came to Fossbarrow.

"Okay, big boss, don't put on such a look, I look disgusting." Morrie handed a piece of paper to Pender, "Here, read it carefully, and sign it if you agree. Words, fingerprints—put your mind on study and training, and don’t let those bastards copy your homework, that’s not a good thing.”

If there is anything dissatisfying... I am afraid the only two points are that the relatively tough northern women in the local area do not meet his aesthetics, and the long winter is a bit too cold.

Then, when Morley took the ink pads, he bit his fingers hard like when he bit the hand of that old fried dough stick on the dock, and left his fingers one by one in the blank space. All finger prints.

But when he set his eyes on the paper and watched the short life of the Archon named Uno Passant, an unprecedented thought appeared in his mind.

Pan De took the paper from the teacher, and the more he read it, the more surprised he became.

He couldn't help shivering, but this time, he didn't bow his head.

"And her greatness probably didn't come from the crown guard." Mori lowered his voice, "and, according to the rules, maybe the descendants of the lord's lord will no longer have the crown guard as their surname, but Laxana."

Moreover, these simple working people know very well that children may not listen to their own reasoning, but if they beat him, he will definitely hurt.


No way, in Demacia, the inheritance of nobles is very strict and cruel. Families with large fiefdoms like the Crown Guard family are fine. Many sons other than the eldest son of small noble families can only fend for themselves. Those with better conditions can pave the way from home to join the army or devote themselves to art; those who are worse off can become tutors, government officials, justices of the peace or private staff; those who are worse can only rely on being bards, or Join the Illuminati to preside over weddings and funerals for people.

The ten bright red fingerprints seem to be the accusation of a child crying blood for 12 years.

Shaking his head, expelling these messy thoughts from his mind, Morrie lowered his head and took a sip of the tea in his cup, pushed open the office door, and sat in his seat.

But looking at this string of smooth signatures, at this moment, Pan De felt that he was overwhelmed.

Blinking his eyes, Pan De couldn't help thinking of his mother again.

On the contrary, Pender's memory of what happened in the past two years is so clear.

That was all the tenderness that Pender had before he was 12 years old.

After coming to Fossbarrow, Pender once told himself that he had to work hard to become a walker in the north and become a new nobleman, and then return to Mihril City to find that bastard and give his father whom he had never met. Slap him and tell him that he is a scumbag and that he failed a great woman.

Seeing that the children realized the seriousness of the problem, Morrie nodded in satisfaction, the subtle satisfaction of being a teacher filled his chest, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and finally showed a not-so-kind smile.

In a daze, his gaze finally landed on the signature that belonged to Uno Passant.

That's right, during the wandering days in Mihril City, the Crownguard's surname was once Pendor's only support.

But recalling the past two years of life at this time, Morrie still feels like a dream.

"come in."

On the one hand, this is because Mori is usually strict, and on the other hand, he is also worried about threats from his family.

Even though the Crownguard family never recognized him as an illegitimate child, even if his mother didn't tell his father's identity when she sank into the icy river, for Pan De, the glory of the Crownguard was his last pride.

After all, education is a rare thing for people in the north. For parents who don’t know how to educate their children, using what they can use to give their ignorant bastards a big fight is like using their poor vocabulary. It's easy to tell him the truth.

After doing all this, Pande Parsent finally couldn't hold on anymore.

Mori Sani, born in the Sani family, is a son of aristocrats. He used to make a living as a tutor for other great nobles.

But in Fossbarrow, he is a "big man" and an "intellectual" in the eyes of the locals, and unlike when teaching nobles, he needs to be coaxed. Here, he can completely lead the teaching and punish those mischievous guys. This is a very valuable spiritual reward for a learned person.

Even the extremely embarrassing thing that Mr. Mori didn't eat after he ate lunch for five people for the first lunch after he came to school was as clear as if it just happened yesterday.

But his biological father, because of the bloody honor of the nobility, hasn't seen him or helped him for 14 years.

"That must be me!" Pan De straightened up, and even raised his head slightly, "I have good grades and good health—"

The students all excitedly rushed out the door, but Pan De, who was called, could only pack up his things honestly, and walked against the crowd to the tutor's office.

I'm no longer the kid who only wanted to be named Crownguard!

The teacher chose me because he thought I had a future?
Will I be Her Majesty Laxana's right-hand man in the future?

But Pan De subconsciously resisted this pension, because it meant that he needed to change his surname to Parsons and completely abandon the champion.


Half of the words were choked in his throat, Pan De widened his eyes in embarrassment, looked at his teacher in disbelief, and finally lowered his head again after a long time.

After finishing speaking, Morrie picked up the teaching scroll, picked up the water glass, and left the classroom with four square steps. Behind him, the students finally burst into applause.

Of course, that cheap guy didn't do well either. He left a deep crescent-shaped scar on his left hand, and his toe was broken from being trampled on.

Pan De didn't speak, but just stared blankly at the contract in his hand.

"But you are not on the family tree of the Crownguard." Morrie sighed softly, "You are no longer a child, Pendor, since you left Mihril City and came to Forsbarrow, you should already know What does that mean."

At least here, he found the meaning of his work.

Therefore, he cherished this job opportunity at Fossbarrow very much. Although it was extremely stressful to teach hundreds of bastards, Morrig enjoyed it very much.

Don't worry about yourself at all.

He clearly remembered two years ago, the days when he was carrying sandbags and stones at the pier in Mihrin City's port area.

There were no other teachers around, which made Pender slightly relieved.

And not some goddamn, ethereal, lofty crown!

Since then, there has been no Pendor Crownguard in Forsbarrow, only Pende Parsent!

"Become the adopted son of Uno Parsons and inherit the honor of Parcent?" Pender subconsciously exclaimed, "But I have a surname, and my surname is Crown Guard!"


In addition, I will also inherit Uno Passant's pension. Although I won't give myself a large sum of money directly, at least it should be able to fill my stomach completely, so that I won't exchange extra money by tacitly copying homework by my classmates. A bit of bread that the other party can't eat - the tall and big Pender can eat more than the average half-sized kid, even if Lux provides a lot of food and lodging subsidies, he is always hungry.

Pan De needed this pension very much, and the feeling of not being full was not at all pleasant.

Maybe the Archon just wanted to leave some memorials for himself after his death.

After that, Pendor was driven away from the pier, and when Fossbarrow took the initiative to absorb immigrants, Pendor, who had nowhere to go, came to Fossbarrow.

"You come from Mithril City, and you know very well what kind of people the real crown guards are." Morrie obviously didn't know what Pender was thinking, but thought he was unwilling to give up the glory carried by the name of the crown guards, " Son, you are now 14 years old, I remember you said that Her Excellency Laxana is the person you most admire and admire."

Pan De still didn't speak, he just bit his lips tightly, his eyes were red as if they were about to drip blood.

After the war, Miraz City was in disrepair, and supplies were scarce. 12-year-old children had to do half the work of adults without pay, or in other words, the pay was barely enough to fill their stomachs.

I remembered my mother's warm embrace, pleasant smell and regular heartbeat when I was younger.

Next, I will become the chief student and join the northern border walker?

"Well, school is over now—after school, Pendor will stop by my office."

What the hell, I'm obviously the one who was plagiarized!Why did you stay here instead of them?
Unfortunately, no matter how aggrieved he was, Pan De could only honestly come out of the office, and then carefully knocked on the door of the office.

He was able to come to Fossbarrow because Lacus went through the channel of the nobles and hired him with a high salary—but after he came to Fossbarrow, what he wanted to educate was not one or two noble children, but a whole hundred Children from different families.

Crownguard, what an honorable name!

I seem to have completely subconsciously blurred the 12-year-old wandering. Except for some bits and pieces of getting along with my mother, the past 12 years seem to be just a blurred dream. Even if I try hard to recall, I still can't remember clearly.

Originally, when he came to Fossbarrow, he planned to work hard like he did in Miriam City, but what he didn't expect was that after the clerk confirmed that he was indeed only 12 years old, he refused to introduce him to a job request, and sent him to school instead.

In order to cope with more students, his teaching content was reduced from mathematics, etiquette and ornamentation to one subject of mathematics, and because of his rich teaching experience, Morrie can also enjoy an extra allowance and be responsible for this class as a tutor. people.

"I'm looking for you this time because His Excellency the Earl wants to recommend a promising kid from Mihril City." Morrie put the lid on the teacup, "After thinking about it, I thought of you."

"It's also the most edible." Morrie interrupted his bragging, "The earl's subsidy is not enough for you to fill your stomach. Do you have to exchange oatmeal by providing homework for others to copy?"

He pressed the contract on the table, turned his head and looked out of the window, and after wiping his nose with his fur-fur sleeve, he raised his face slightly.

You must know that in aristocratic families, most of the governesses and nuns are equated. Although they can enlighten noble young masters and ladies, they cannot be called teachers.

"Son, my name is Mori Sani." Looking at the still dumbstruck Pande, Mori sighed softly, and made a rare appearance, "Sani is also a surname that bears glory, but in the past 30 years Years of wandering and wandering told me that the glory of Sani does not lie in the surname itself... I hope to recommend you to His Excellency the Earl, in the hope that you will forget those stupid pasts, forget those insects that have no pursuit, start again, and run to belong to you own great future."

He has never met Uno, but he is willing to give all the compensation and honor he got in exchange for his death to a child he has never met.

Morrie, who was in the corridor, couldn't help shaking his head slightly when he heard the sound.

But that's better than a crowned aristocrat who has been a turtle for more than ten years.

Then, there are two years of school life.

Pendor pushed open the door and entered.

Maybe that scumbag is not worthy to be his father at all.

Now Pan De is taller than the average person, even the teacher needs to look up to him because of his tall and burly appearance, but when he was 12 years old, he was just a thin bamboo pole. Although he was not short, he was still too weak.

The bell that marked the end of today's class rang, and Maury Sani, who was in charge of teaching mathematics, did not immediately announce school dismissal.

To be honest, when Pender recalled this, he was a little surprised.

Although this teaching method is totally against the tradition, and even violates the honor of the nobility, as a poor person who came from a declining noble family, the glory of the nobility cannot be eaten.

"Teacher, I'm here."

Gritting his teeth, he picked up the pen, trembling, and signed his name on the blank space with great care.

The signature wasn't pretty, objectively speaking, not even as nicely written by Pender himself.

But what does that have to do with me?
I was able to grow up in the north because I relied on the needles and threads in my mother's hands and frostbite, the calluses on my back and soles, the subsidy from Her Excellency Laxana and the help of Forsbarrow's classmates.

In addition, the remuneration given by Lux was generous enough-he asked for twelve gold coins, which was an annual salary; Lux gave him five gold coins, which was a monthly salary-for him, life in Forsbarrow was already very Happy.

This is not the first time he has come to Morrie's office, but obviously, he has not reached the point where "entering the teacher's office is like going home", although he is quite dissatisfied, he still keeps his head down.

The Sani family was originally the lowest rank of nobles, and Morrie's grandfather was a well-known local man with many children. He had six uncles, three uncles, and more than twelve aunts, so although Morrie was a noble Born, but when it comes to personal wealth, he is not even comparable to most commoners.

In addition to passing on knowledge, teachers from aristocratic families also have the meaning of connections, which tutors cannot provide.

"I repeat, everyone must complete their homework by themselves." He glanced at the restless students in the classroom who seemed to be about to jump up and rush out in the next moment, and said in a serious tone, "If I find out again I would have a good talk with the parents of someone who tried to copy someone else's work, and ask whether they bought their expensive paper to make the kid a clerk, a sheriff, or a copycat idiot. "

What a bunch of restless little monkeys.

At that time, Pan De was submissive, and was teased by the old fritters at the pier without saying a word, until someone knew his surname, and then said that he "you deserve the surname Crown Guard", and finally couldn't help but pick it up. Fist——then, he was severely punished by that provocative old fritter.


The content of the contract is not complicated. An archon named Uno Parsons died in the battle. Your Excellency the Earl wants to pass on his glory and merit. If he agrees, he will inherit Parsons in the future. The surname and the honor of Uno Passant.

Pan De, whose thoughts were a little confused, nodded subconsciously.

"There will be three consecutive days of rest. Apart from homework, I hope that everyone will have a better time while listening to your lord's speech. Of course, as before, it is forbidden to go to the artificial lake to play in the water. Not every time you are lucky enough to meet someone from Xingang.”

"I agree to hand over death benefits to ____ Parsent in support of his adulthood. (Signed) Uno Parsent"

I thought of my mother's silence when the flood spread and when she sent herself to the city wall.

Isn't it because of homework plagiarism?
Do you want to find a promising child?

Pan De raised his head in great surprise, almost screaming.

It was snowing heavily outside the window.

Under the silver light, Fossbarrow seemed to have changed into a new world.

 Carya's small classroom Fossbarrow's food allowance:
  Although Pendor often can't get enough to eat, it's mainly because he can eat too much.

  In fact, Fossbarrow's food subsidies and clothing subsidies for students are very sufficient. Although the food is not very delicious, and the materials of the clothes are not comparable to foreign trade products, it is not enough to cope with the appetite and height growth of a half-sized child. Still no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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