Lux's Farewell

598 Fossbarrow in the eyes of the flying wing sisters

598 Fossbarrow in the eyes of the flying wing sisters

The seventh sequence of archons guards the inner exit of the Shadow Realm passage, and the first sequence of archons guards the outer exit of the Shadow Realm passage—through subsequent analysis, Lux has confirmed that Black Rose has some kind of plot for the Shadow Realm , in this case, all she can do is to strengthen her guard.

After all, even after space compression, the Shadow Realm is still a shadow world of Runeterra, a complete subplane, and the current Lux and Fossbarrow are still unable to control the entire Shadow Realm.

And it is precisely because of the seventh sequence of Archon, Kyle and Morgana almost reconfirmed the judgment that "there are demon believers here", and also confirmed that those composting points are some kind of evil ritual.

If they weren't followers of demons, how could they gather so many powerful negative energy mages casually?

Look at their attributes, undisguised shadow, curse, weakness...

Which one seems like a good guy?
However, after many rounds of slinging by Aatrox, the Feiyi sisters are now much more stable.

After discovering the seventh sequence, they didn't directly shout "that evil is worth fighting" and rushed up, but took a rare and careful look at the state of the exit of the shadow world.

Then, they found out that these people did have a huge organization - after witnessing an evil ritual (in fact, a new wave of composting), Kyle and Morgana deeply realized the rigor of this organization.

The reason is also very simple. The first sequence of archons who escorted the composting team in, as well as the members of the composting team, did not have too obvious negative energy!
Come to think of it, if this wasn't a tight-knit organization with precise goals, how could they have put on such a professional disguise for themselves?
Let those who don't look like good people stay in the shadow world, let those who can deceive others operate in the real world, so that they can quietly hide between the shadow world and the real world, no one knows The existence of this evil organization!
Realizing this, Kyle almost drew his sword and rushed out on the spot, but Morgana held her tightly.

"The Shadowland is not a battlefield we are good at!" Morgana quickly dragged her aside, relying on her better condition here than Kyle, "If they are alarmed here, we will fall into the Shadowland The lone army among them is fighting!"

"That can't just sit idly by!" Kyle said firmly, "It's so evil, we have to strike hard!"

"Before that, we need to find out where their lair is!" Morgana shook her head helplessly, and changed the phrase, "At least we need to find someone to cooperate, so as to prevent the peripheral members of this organization from absconding in all directions—if They heard the wind and slipped away, so it will be very difficult for us to clear them up!"

Kyle was still a little anxious.

"Think about the Devil's Paradise before." Morgana continued, "Maybe it has something to do with these people, we can't let them escape and join the Noxus, right?"

In the end, Morgana talked about it and reluctantly persuaded almost Kyle, preventing her from doing it on the spot.

"So, what should we do?" Kyle suppressed his anger, "Can we just wait here?"

"Of course not." Morgana shook her head. "I just observed their ceremony carefully. Although I don't know what the purpose of the ceremony is, what is certain is that they will transport the waste of the ceremony out of the Shadow Realm."

"It seems like this." Hearing what Morgana said, Kyle recalled, and then nodded, "So what did you think of?"

"Perhaps, I can leave a mark on the scraps of their ritual." Morgana smiled slightly, "and then look for the nearest untouched Shadow Realm exit or rift, leave the Shadow Realm—and then, just find If you find the location of the mark, you have found their lair!"

Kyle blinked, then finally nodded.

There is nothing wrong with Morgana's method. Since none of them can freely travel between the two worlds, this should be the best way to find these evil believers.

However, before that, they may need to spend some time to figure out the duration of this ceremony, so as to figure out when to leave Morgana's mark.

In this way, the Feiyi sisters carefully concealed their figures and lurked in the shadow world for a long time until they determined the composting rules of the composting group and left Morgana's exclusive mark on the finished composting.

In this way, after leaving their exclusive mark very smoothly, Morgana and Kyle found the nearest shadow rift and left the shadow world.

This is a... barren mountain.

They waited patiently for three days, and then Morgana sensed the existence of her mark, and took Kyle to the west.

"Where is this place?" Kyle was a little puzzled, observing the gradually thickening pine trees around him, "I don't remember that there is such an area in Demacia."

"This is the northern border." Morgana gave an inaccurate answer in terms of climate and light, "To be specific...maybe it's Mithril City, or near Irwindale?"

"Have you been here?"

"No, but there are only three large fortress cities in the northern border of Demacia."

"But Mithral City and Irwindale are just two of them." Kyle was rarely curious. "Could it be that the third city has been destroyed?"

"Forsbarrow wasn't destroyed, but there weren't such lush trees there—wait, there's a big lake ahead!" Morgana seemed to have fully figured out her position, "It seems that here should be Mihril City is gone, I remember that there are many water conservancy facilities on the periphery of Mithril City, and the Demacians have maintained them very well..."

Out of the forest, Kyle and Morgana came to the lake.

Although it was just early winter, the lake had almost completely entered the dry season, and there was a not-so-thin layer of ice on the lake.

Kyle and Morgana retracted their wings into the cloaks behind them, and carefully looked around the lake, looking for traces of human activities.

Then, looking around the lakeshore, they quickly saw angry adults, swinging a fishing rod, slapping the palms of several children.

"How dare you?!" Even in the cold wind howling in the early winter of the northern region, his roar was still clearly visible, "It's only December! The lake has just frozen over, so let's play on the ice at this time. Are you guys going to die?!"


Morrie was on the verge of going mad—without any exaggeration.

In other words, any teacher who is prepared to be responsible, when he sees a group of youngsters in his class pushing a handmade ice cart onto the ice that has just frozen for a long time while fishing, will Almost mad.

This summer, some students went to the artificial lake to swim because of their good water quality.

If it hadn't been for the Archon and the Xingang people to cooperate and find that brat when they were trying to raise fish fry in the artificial lake, he would have drowned in the unreachable lake!

After that, the school carried out high-intensity safety awareness learning in order to avoid this situation - the artificial lake is large and deep, and in order to meet the impact of glaciers on the lake shore, it is even at a negative angle, swimming in it is as long as drowning It is extremely difficult to rescue.

The result now?
It's just the beginning of winter, and the lake has just frozen for a short time. People who love fishing like me can only make nests on the shore, and don't even want to do ice fishing, but these brats went on the ice without hesitation. !
"Who is the leader, stand up for me!" Morrie first hit everyone's palms ten times, almost swollen the palms of these children, and then paused out of breath, "Stand up for me, immediately!"

Based on Morrie's understanding of these children, there must be a leader!

The children bowed their heads in silence, without saying a word.

"No one is in the lead, that is, everyone is in the lead!" Seeing that these little bastards were completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem, he gritted his teeth, "Very well, I will visit your parents one by one next. During this long winter vacation, I believe they will be happy for their children to have one more social practice of handling hazelnut!"

Hearing this, the bastards who sneaked out to skate finally panicked.

Hazelnut is delicious, but hazelnut handles this kind of thing, and normal people are not willing to do it!
Everyone in Fossbarrow knows that although velvet is delicious, the environment in which velvet grows can only be described in words. The humus soil corroded by the shadow is wet and sticky, with a strong fermented smell. Processing velvet is " Cleaner digging out shit", normal people will never like it!

Many students were shaken.

However, the righteous characters who are in adolescence, although their palms are red and their hearts are crying, but at most they lower their heads and remain silent to deal with it.
"You little bastards..." Seeing that the students were still ignorant, Morrie's eyes turned red, "Haven't you ever thought about what to do if the ice breaks and you fall in? If something happens to you, What are you going to do with your family? You, you—"

"Don't be angry, teacher." Seeing that Morrie was almost out of breath, a student finally whispered, "We'll be fine..."

"Nothing will happen?" Hearing such sophistry, Morrie became even angrier, "Why do you think nothing will happen?"

As he said that, he looked around, found a stone the size of a human head, and with both hands, he threw it hard into the lake.

With the sound of "boom", a crack opened on the ice surface.

"Say it!" Morrie gasped, "Why do you think nothing will happen to you?"

The students were silent like cicadas, and a few of them hesitated to speak.

In the suffocating silence, a little girl with light blonde hair finally gritted her teeth and stood up.

"because this."

With that said, she came to the edge of the lakeshore and stretched out her hands on the ice.

With her hands as the center, the ice layer began to thicken at a speed visible to the naked eye——she awakened her own talent.

"Norsina, I thought you were a sensible and good boy..." Morrie couldn't help but rubbed his swollen temples, and his tone of voice was a bit calmer, but his face was still so gloomy that it was about to drip water, " When did this happen?"

"Just a few days ago." Norsna raised her head a little embarrassedly, "I already told the Archon that from next year, I will leave the class and go to the Archon to study, so I thought I want to spend more time with everyone this winter..."

"What is this?" Morrie touched his fishing rod again, and after a long time he groaned helplessly, "In Fossbarrow, magic is not taboo, but that's not why you use it to play around ——Besides, you haven't received any special training!"

"But I'm really sure." The little girl seemed to be defending, and she seemed to be trying to persuade the teacher not to be so angry, "I've already asked the guardians, and they said that I should have a good talent. People with light hair Born to control frost..."

"So, what you mean is that someone from the Archon recommended that you bring your classmates who don't know magic to a farewell party at the artificial lake whose ice is not yet firm at the beginning of December? "

Morrie's tone had completely calmed down, but when his words fell into the ears of these students, the students who were still somewhat dissatisfied before finally realized that something was wrong.

No one dared to speak, Norsna almost turned into a quail.

"Magic is not a toy!" Morrie, who was silent for a while, seemed to have fully charged, finally roared angrily again, "Have you all forgotten what you learned before? Using magic on purpose will only bring endless disasters! "

"Those royalists, they have always regarded magic as a cautious force, and they must be treated with caution. These are things that have been repeatedly emphasized in the general education class!"

"The purpose of repeated emphasis is not only to let you get more points on the paper, but also to imprint it in your mind, in your mind!"

"If you can strengthen the ice, can you strengthen a large lake in an instant? If there are multiple ice cracks at the same time, can you perfectly control and save everyone?"

"Use magic unscrupulously, this is a big taboo of becoming an archon!"

"Your Majesty's permission to use magic in Fossbarrow was never intended for you to use it for fun and play!"

"You little bastards... let's go, let's go back now, and go to the Archon with me!"



In the howling cold wind, Morrie gave these daring little bastards a fifteen-hour-long ideological education.

Finally unable to speak anymore, the physically and mentally exhausted teacher took a deep breath, bent down and hurriedly stuffed his fishing gear into the empty bucket.

"Let's go, come here." Morrie ordered in an unquestionable tone, "Let's go to the Archon. I'm afraid I need to talk to them about something."

Just like that, Morrie, carrying a bucket like an angry rooster, got on the bus headed for Fossbarrow City.

Behind him, the students also silently entered the cart.

Behind them, two young ladies also got into the cart.

A quarter of an hour later, the coachman closed the door and flicked his whip—after a dull, siren-like moan, Ernyuk kicked his hooves and dragged the huge carriage all the way west.

 Carya's Little Classroom Fossbarrow's Public Cart:
  After Carya managed to breed Elniuk, this animal with low milk production efficiency was applied to the commuting of people between cities, such as Fossbarrow, Xinfucheng, Xingang, Xinfugang and artificial lakes. , there is a special line for Erniuk carts, and the price is not expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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