Lux's Farewell

599 [0592] Sensible lunatic

599 [0592] Sensible lunatic

Kyle and Morgana sat side by side in the carriage, and when they exchanged eyes, they both had obvious doubts.

Among them, Kyle is staring at Morgana, and the meaning in his eyes is clearly saying, "You said before that this place cannot belong to Fossbarrow."

And Morgana looked at her sister with a bit of helplessness, meaning "I didn't expect Fossbarrow to become like this."

Both of them have a lot of small question marks, but it's a pity that it's not the time to ask them out - in the end, they reached a tacit understanding silently, shut their mouths, and look with their eyes, anyway, the mark left by Morgana is in Fu In the direction of Spiro, it is indeed a good choice to pretend to be a civilian and mix in.

In this way, the Feiyi sisters sat in the public bus in a low-key manner, enjoying the repertoire of "Morrie gives safety education lessons to students", and arrived in Fossbarrow all the way staggeringly.

After paying the fare and leaving the temporary station, Kyle finally stood on the ground with both feet, but her wings were still folded and gathered under the robe, and the feeling of not being able to spread her wings made her feel uncomfortable.

"Do you know why Fossbarrow set up this kind of cart?" Kyle asked Morgana in a low voice, avoiding the crowd, "I think this kind of regular shaking is a good way to hypnotize , maybe this is their method of controlling outsiders?"

"Probably not." Morgana shook her head lightly, "If you're just drowsy, you'll feel better after getting off the car and blowing some air."

"But there must be a reason, right?" Kyle looked around vigilantly, "Don't judge Fossbarrow by your previous impression, this city has changed!"

It was the teachers and students who came here by car together!
Later, in the central square where people lined up in long queues, the Feiyi sisters saw a scene like Moses dividing the sea—wherever Morrie and the students went, the Forsbarrows who were afraid of losing their place in the queue took the initiative They gave way to a path, and they all took the initiative to greet Mori.

"That's why you joined forces with Tariq when I came back?"

Soon, Morgana cleaned up all the magic circles and magic circuits near the side door, and opened the door silently.

"They chose the remote place of Fossbarrow very cunningly. If it wasn't for the markings, I would never have thought that there would be such a large evil organization in the remote Fossbarrow." The rune in Morgana's hand reflected After touching a magic power circuit on the wall, she wiped it lightly, and eliminated it invisible, "There is indeed a defensive and alert magic circle here. It seems that we have indeed found their lair."

"So, what you mean is that the group of guardians invited teachers to teach the students here, and then selected outstanding people from them?" Kyle was a little surprised, "This is not a simple matter!"

"So, we still use flying directly?"

They are all ordinary people!

Aware of this abnormal tide of magic power, Kyle and Morgana realized on the spot that the problem was not good.

"There must be a part of the reason." This time it was Morgana's turn to be unwilling to say more, "Let's go, there is a triggered magic circle under your feet."

"If it is necessary." The other party seemed to think for a moment, and finally sighed helplessly, "The Northern Frontier Pioneer Group will send volunteers to help with a lesson, but it needs to be outside the working day. Now everyone really can't tell the difference." Make time."

Glancing at each other, Kyle and Morgana leaned against the wall in tacit understanding.

Hearing what Kyle said, Morgana raised her head in surprise.

Things have developed to this point, and Kyle and Morgana have fully realized the seriousness of the problem. In their view, this organization called the Archon may even be the most dangerous organization since the establishment of Demacia.

"Tell me, what kind of organization is Archon?" Kyle asked in a low voice beside Morgana while she was checking whether there was detection magic, "That teacher doesn't look bad, but Judging from the situation of those students, only a few of them can enter the interior of the Archon?"

It turns out that the person who reprimanded the children by the lake was a teacher, and he was also a nobleman?
"I was thinking of introducing my daughter to him before, but it's a pity that this young man has a thin skin." The team was gradually recovering, but the old lady seemed to start talking, "I said, he just can't let go..."

However, before that, they need to make sure that they are not discovered by the magic hidden in the dark.

Regardless of researching why they were discovered, they directly tore off the robes on their backs, and both spread the wings on their backs.

"One class hour is enough, the main thing is to let those brats know what they can do when they just awaken." Morrie chose to take the next best thing, "This is very important!"

Then, just around the corner in a corridor, they heard Morrie's voice.

In the end, Morgana persuaded her sister, and the two walked out of the alley and started heading straight for the Archon's office.

"Why don't they have to line up?"

First, they won the hearts of the people of Fossbarrow and let the people trust them.

Then, Morgana, who turned left and right in the alley and ran for a while, was embarrassed to find that things seemed to be different from what she expected.

"Justice trials are never indiscriminate." Kyle frowned dissatisfied. "My dear sister, you seem to have some kind of prejudice against me."

Therefore, facing this Fossbarrow that I don't understand, I and Kyle really need to cheer up and be more vigilant.

"What's wrong?" Kyle, who couldn't sense the mark, looked at his sister who stopped suddenly, "They found and blocked your mark?"

"You have already told me about this issue many times, there is no need to continue." Kyle waved his hand, motioning Morgana to stop talking, "But you should know, I never had that kind of thought."

Both Kyle and Morgana had a vague premonition that maybe that demon had an inseparable relationship with this organization called Archons!
However, they don't have the madness of demon believers, but are very rational, so rational that it makes the angel sisters shudder!

Then, after a long circle around the building, they finally found the side entrance to the Archon's office.

So, why do these ordinary people line up in this place against the cold wind?
Sister Feiyi hesitated for a long time with doubts in her heart, and finally found a kind-hearted old lady, and asked her the purpose of queuing.

The Archon's office is at the mansion of the former lord of Fossborough.

"Could it be that they don't know if we approach the marked position swaggeringly?" Kyle obviously has his own ideas. "Compared with the sky, it is easy to be unable to perform on the ground or even encounter siege!"

"Then it's settled." Morrie seemed to let out a long breath, "In the last semester, someone in the class next door had already awakened, and now I have a new reserve of Archons here...more and more The little mage's awakening of his talent may have something to do with his age, so we need to be careful."

"In all these years in Demacia, I have seen many evil organizations." A dim rune lit up on Morgana's hand, brushing across a large area of ​​the wall, "except for a few really chaotic ones In addition, most of them place great emphasis on recruiting talented members.”

"No, it's too obvious to fly." Morgana shook her head, "They don't know our existence, this is our greatest advantage, and we shouldn't give up this advantage."

"Mr. Morrie, if Your Excellency the Earl approves your application, we will cooperate with you." Another voice said gently, "But now, the Archon is really unable to spare. This year Fossbarrow The scale of hazelnut cultivation has expanded again, and the composting of humus soil is very important, and it is also...very difficult."

What is this doing?
Kyle and Morgana looked at each other, full of doubts.

This is the side entrance of the lord's mansion in the past, and now it is the material transportation channel leading to the public canteen and warehouse. At this time, a big lock is hanging.

"I will submit a written application later, and you must spare some people to come to the school and explain clearly to the students." Morrie's tone was extremely firm, "Norsna's situation must not happen again, she Almost fell into the ice cave with seven or eight students!"

Considering that the mark he left before is in this city, maybe it is those demon believers who caused all these changes.

Kyle and Morgana were obviously not in the mood to discuss Mr. Murray's mate selection issues with this well-informed old lady in the north. After confirming that Murray had brought the students into the building, the two quickly left the team. Then began to look for other passages into the Archon's office.

"But you left Demacia, the country we fought for."

"No, the mark is still there." Morgana shook her head helplessly, "but the road has changed."

Although Morrie looked a little gloomy, he still nodded to them, and glanced at the students behind him from time to time.

In the blink of an eye, they even thought of the demon who controlled the Darkborn at the end of the Battle of Tobysia at the same time.

"It seems that our next task will be much more difficult." Kyle said thoughtfully, "If this organization already has such a large scale, then I'm afraid we need to collect some additional evidence, otherwise those who were deceived The public may cause new troubles."

But now, the city has undergone tremendous changes for which he does not know the reasons.

This is the center of Fossbarrow City, and it is also the place with the most convenient transportation. When Morgana and Kyle came here, there was a long queue in front of them.

"It's our duty to take care of the imperial court reserve." The other party affirmed, "We will work hard in this regard, and we need to cooperate with each other..."

"I thought you would want to destroy the city directly."

What is that?
And the Archon... Is this supposed to be the name of that organization?
The teacher had been talking about it before.

"It's mainly your believers who left a deep impression on me." Morgana's tone was a little brisk, "After you left, they always wanted to implement absolute justice and almost destroyed the entire Demacia ..."

In her opinion, it seemed that this was not something her sister could say - because she had never thought about problems from the perspective of a mortal in the past.

Thinking of this, Morgana tightened her robe, then pulled Kyle into the empty alley.

She and Kyle filed in, quietly lurking in the direction of the mark.

Although she still thinks that the wobbly bus has nothing to do with hypnosis, Morgana quite agrees with what Kyle said—she has come to Forsbarrow more than once in the past, but This ancient city seems to have been completely sunk in the old days. For hundreds of years, it has always been dilapidated and poor. Only some tough northerners are waiting here, making a living by hunting and picking.

Then, just as Kyle and Morgana exchanged eyes and analyzed the information revealed in the dialogue between the two parties, an invisible tide of magic power suddenly rippled.

Look what they have done!

Could it be that these people are believers of the devil?
They carefully observed these Fossbarrows queuing up, but they couldn't find even a trace of demon believers on them.

Due to the increase in population and the arrival of the Archon, Fossbarrow's urban area has undergone a lot of transformation. The roads Morgana remembered before are now completely different. She took Kyle around here, but found that the distance The location she marked was getting farther and farther away - in this case, she could only give up taking the path and approach quietly.

It is now December, and the cold wind in the north is blowing howling, but these Fossbarrows have maintained order, forming a long queue into a long twisted dragon, Even the central square was lined up.

It was discovered!

Seems like a good way to get in here.

"What are you looking at me for?" Morgana's unspoken gaze made Kyle a little embarrassed, "Look at the magic circle in front of you!"

"I'm here to pick up the stinky soil." The old lady's northern accent was a bit thick, "If you have other things, don't wait until the end of the year. The imperial court is very busy! Very busy!"


"No." Morgana shook her head, her tone became confident again, "The residents of Fossbarrow have increased a lot, as long as we keep a low profile, they won't find out about our special identity, believe me, I often Walk among mortals."

Stinky soil?

Then, when Kyle and Morgana were thinking about how to quietly avoid people's sight and enter the mysterious building, a group of familiar figures walked through the team and went straight to the office of the Archon. direction.

"That's Teacher Mori." The old lady's tone was somewhat envious, "I heard that he was also a nobleman before, but then he came to our school to teach students arithmetic... What a young man!"

Then through education to screen for restless seeds with magical talents.

Afterwards, they quietly performed evil ritual magic in the shadow realm.

Finally attract and guide more people to join and become one of them!
Such a strict and terrifying organization cannot be explained by the followers of the Nightmare Demons. Considering their behavior of releasing demons... I am afraid that at this moment, Nocturne has become their test object and source of power!

This kind of idea is not because the Feiyi sisters are out of their minds, but because during the Rune Wars, in the land of Demacia, such a frenzied lunatic once appeared!
Completely sane madman!
 Karya's Small Classroom Shaky Public Cart:
  Because Erniuk walks in a "swivel" with his left front and left rear legs together, although Erniuk's cart has a good carrying capacity, as long as it is a little faster, it will shake violently, and Erniuk's center of gravity will always be pulled by Erniuk. Swinging from left to right, many people have reported that taking a public bus will easily doze off and become confused.

(End of this chapter)

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