Lux's Farewell

600 Lessons from Rune Wars [0593]

600 Lessons from Rune Wars [0593]

Although they haven't had any direct contact with the Archons yet, Kyle and Morgana have already been very vigilant, and even prepared for the worst-yes, so far, they have no doubts about the Archon's understanding is limited to other people's descriptions, but at the end of the Rune Wars before the establishment of Demacia, they can be said to have seen this kind of organization a lot.

At that time, the decline of the Shurima Empire, the gradual silence of the Darkin, and the emergence of world runes gave many people undue ambitions.

In the past, it was almost impossible to gain powerful power and fight against a country with one person. Even Ascenders have their limits and need to cooperate with the battle group. Even Azhi and Nezuk, who are best at casting spells, cannot You cannot build a mountain by yourself.

However, the appearance of world runes completely changed this situation.

Those who have mastered the runes of the world, as long as they guide the power of runes correctly through ritual magic, they can even move mountains and fill seas with their own strength!
Speaking of Rune Wars now, people usually just think of it as a war that has lasted for many years, as if Rune Wars is a whole, and it is the beginning of a new chapter in the past 1000 years.

But for those who have experienced the Rune Wars, this war that has lasted for hundreds of years and swept across the entire Runeterra is not [one] war at all, but countless endless turmoil.

At the very beginning, the Rune Wars were the wars between the major kingdoms of Runeterra, to be precise, the wars between the Nokshi Empire and the Kamavia Kingdom.

At that time, the Nokhi Empire, which was in full swing, and the Kamavia Kingdom, which absorbed the heritage of Shurima, were two superpowers facing each other across the Watch Sea. The fleets of the two countries competed for the hegemony of the Watch Sea. A decades-long entanglement took place.

It was during the military contest between the two sides that the power of the world runes was first known.

Darkborn, demons, protoss, gods, spirits...

Not only did Shyvana come, she also brought Kalya.

At this stage, the Nokhi Empire disintegrated, the Kamavia Kingdom disintegrated, Bilgewater was born, and the entire Runeterra turned into a dark forest. The war continued for years, and everyone was struggling in hell. There is no relief from suffering.

The change in atmospheric circulation further caused a change in the climate, and then completely changed the pattern of Runeterra.

When Lacus told them about the history before, these two were often mentioned. Due to the Carya perspective that Lacus completely recounted, her description of the Feiyi sisters was very clear, so that many people recognized them immediately. The identities of these two were revealed.

Anyway, world runes are a source of energy, and they can also erode willpower. They are not clean energy at all; therefore, if you want to find a powerful substitute for world runes, it is understandable that there are some problems with this substitute!

Kyle and Morgana have never seen the new Shurima Empire, and they don't know much about the government affairs of mortals, so after they came to Fossbarrow, their focus did not fall on the right place.

(Of course, most of the people here are actually controlled by world runes.)
The second stage didn't last long, because the holders of the world runes soon discovered that neither Noxi nor Kamavia could satisfy their ambitions at all, so they simply relied on the power of the world runes. Terrible power, self-proclaimed king, separate side.

The opposite is the current Noxus region - once the Noxus region was also a humid and rainy area with four distinct seasons, but with the change of climate and the collapse of part of the continental shelf, drought began to appear and spread, and the forest began to Alopecia areata appears and disappears quickly until it gradually becomes the current bad weather with different periods of rain and heat.

Realizing that something was wrong, Kyle and Morgana directly used all their strength, one light and one dark shield covered their bodies, forcefully opening Galio's palm.

Wide-spread teaching and key training of awakened magicians, active use of negative energy in the shadow world, indifference or even ignorance of Demacia's ban on magic, the demon Nocturne who quietly disappeared in the shadow world ...

Then, when all countries realized the horror of the world runes and began to treat this power seriously and cautiously, perhaps because of the fragmentation of the master rune, more world runes began to appear one after another, and because of the previous Karma Via and Noxie had already proved the power of the world rune, and those lucky ones who got the world rune began to use this powerful power as a bargaining chip, trying to claim a higher status for themselves.

Fortunately, after the Domination Rune and the Arcane Rune, the Grass Head Kings in various places at most got some fragments of the World Rune, and Runeterra did not usher in the terrible catastrophe that almost wiped out the world.

The rune of the world was shattered, and the explosive power contained in it was directly released, and the continental shelf of Valoran was partially crushed. The raging sea water seemed to be a huge mouth that swallowed everything, flooding millions of square kilometers of land in one breath, and it is still immortal today To the east of the fortress, there is still an arc-shaped coast that is more than a thousand miles long and densely covered with shallow rocks and hidden reefs, and this is the revenge given by the Kamavians at that time.

Kyle and Morgana, who were about to fly away, saw the Three-Eyed Raven that had appeared on the Tobysia battlefield again.

Seeing that the Archon hesitated and the originally neat encirclement appeared flawed, Kyle and Morgana flew directly to the outside of the courtyard without the slightest hesitation.

While speaking, the Feiyi sisters flapped their wings and took off again, but before they could fly, Galio, who had been motionless before, suddenly raised his hand without warning, as if catching a sparrow, and trapped Kyle and Morgana directly. In the palm of your hand.

Moreover, because the abilities of the people who got the world rune fragments vary, they were quickly swallowed by the will of the runes one after another, turning into puppets of power, and the threat and destructiveness gradually decreased.

It is the location of the Colossus of Justice and the garrison of the Third Army of the North. Although they are still not completely clear about the situation in Fossbarrow, judging from the previous national mobilization, at least Galio and the Third Army of the North Legion is believable!

Kyle and Morgana didn't want to make more entanglements. Seeing that the Archons on the ground were also coming in their direction after hesitation, they simply turned to the east and flew straight to the direction of the Justice Colossus standing on the top of the city.

Since I alone can defeat the country, why should I be bound?
As a result, the Rune Wars entered the third stage, and Xiake began to become the mainstream of Runeterra. On the mainland of Valoran and Kamavia, grass-headed kings were everywhere.

Under such a severe situation, the Feiyi sisters are even ready to run away if the situation is not good!
Then, unlike the strict vigilance of the Feiyi sisters, the first sequence of guardians were a little dazed after seeing these two flying in the sky.

Regardless of the fact that the Archons are no longer of the same mind with the current Demacia (or they and Demacia have never been of the same mind, after all, it will not be easy for anyone to be imprisoned for so many years), but suddenly seeing these two The angels in the fairy tales appeared in front of them and flapped their wings, but they still couldn't make up their minds.

As the meteorite fell to the ground, the watch peninsula was directly bombarded, and even the navy of the Kamavia Kingdom, which was in full swing at that time, was also destroyed. The Noxi people almost destroyed all the opportunities of the Kamavia Kingdom's external expansion by themselves. , and regained absolute control over the Sea of ​​​​Watching.

They are full of hostility towards the Archon and are ready to fight, this is not something that the Feiyi sisters take for granted.

However, just as they flew up and were not out of the range of spells and bows on the ground, not far away, a dragon also flapped its wings and took off, outflanking them.

Therefore, according to Lux's order, when the first sequence of archons guarding the outer edge of the entrance of the Shadow Realm discovered that the breeding circle was destroyed and surrounded the scene of the incident, Kyle directly spread his wings, and Morgana also Unlocking the chains of self-sealing, they all flew into the air, intending to fight a life-and-death battle with the Archon.

Under such circumstances, the Kamavia Kingdom naturally would not sit still. They quickly organized a counterattack and successfully detonated a world rune directly on the east coast of Noxie.

In addition, with the change of atmospheric circulation, the Shurima Continent has also encountered unforeseen disasters. The Shurima Continent, which had been gradually falling into drought due to the collapse of the Shurima Empire's water network, now has a situation where "the wetland gets wetter and the desert gets worse." Due to the drought, the area of ​​the Dasai Desert has grown to the point where there is no one there, and the Kumanggu jungle has completely turned into a vast, boundless rainforest.

This organization also raised evil dragons!

Kyle and Morgana joined hands, accelerated suddenly, barely escaped Shivana's interception, and then quickly landed on Galio's shoulder outside the third legion's garrison.

It was true that this place used to be the garrison of the Third Legion, but since Lacus became the earl and Fossbarrow became her fiefdom, it has been returned to its original owner. Now it is not the soldiers of the Third Legion standing here, but A soldier of the Northwalker Legion.

As for the Kamavia Kingdom, it was exhausted bit by bit due to the subsequent volcanoes. As one city after another was buried by volcanic ash, the Kamavia Kingdom no longer regained its former glory.

With the gradual expansion of power, the Noxi Empire absorbed the lesson of the Shurima Empire "because it was not cruel enough and was backlashed by Icacia", and took the initiative to use the world rune, intending to deal a fatal blow to its enemies.

It's a pity that Shivana came just as they were getting rid of their shackles.

As we all know, the hole cards are the most deterrent when they are not played. Although various forces had the ability to fully exert the power of the world rune at that time, due to the mediation of neutral organizations and no one wanted to burn jade and stone together, the world rune The destructive power has not been truly manifested.

And in this period of bipolar hegemony, world runes belong to countries and large organizations. The existence of world runes is only a secret circulated among a few people, and it is the trump card when great powers talk.

The tsunami caused by the landing of the meteorite and the collapse of the continental shelf flooded a large area of ​​the coastal area, and the subsequent series of volcanic eruptions made the volcanic ash almost completely cover the star dome, and even the climate of the entire Runeterra changed astonishingly.

The Rune Wars quickly developed to the second stage. At this time, the world runes no longer belonged to the power of a certain country, but belonged to certain individuals, and became a tool for them to realize their ambitions.

This is an era without any awe at all. In this era, mortals whose ambitions have been ignited by the runes of the world began to try to control and study all the extraordinary powers they could get their hands on!
Kyle and Morgana lived in this era. Since they were young, the Feiyi sisters have seen many kinds of organizations. They will take the initiative to absorb all people with magic talents, capture all the existences with extraordinary power, and then treat It conducts research and strives to extract it as a source of magic power—even the birth of Nocturne is inseparable from a group of lunatics who stretched their hands to the shadow world!

Therefore, the mad mages who honed their combat experience to the peak in the Rune Wars began their frenzied research.

Before the Rune Wars, the current Demacia region used to be a deserted land with different periods of rain and heat and extremely low precipitation. As a result, with the drastic changes in the climate, the weather here began to improve day by day. The land wind that blows towards the ocean and takes away most of the water vapor gradually turns into the sea breeze that blows from the ocean to the land and brings moist water vapor with the seasons, making this barren land quickly fertile.

These two actions made everyone in Runeterra aware of the amazing energy contained in the world's runes.

However, the good times did not last long.

The disappearance of the Overwatch Peninsula on the Kamavia continent, coupled with the magic tide caused by the arcane runes, caused the ocean currents in the Overwatch Sea to quickly undergo an astonishing countercurrent after a short period of turmoil, and even the atmospheric circulation followed. changed.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Morgana grabbed Kyle, turned around and was about to leave.

"Assemble urgently!" Facing the bewildered soldiers, Kyle shouted loudly, "For the sake of Demacia, follow me to wipe out the Archon!"

At this point, the rune war has also entered the final stage - as the world's runes are becoming more and more fragmented and their power is getting smaller and smaller, the ambitious people who have fallen into madness in the long war began to actively search for the source of the world's runes. alternatives.

When these conditions were put in front of Kyle and Morgana, they couldn't help but think of those hidden mage organizations that were fearless at the end of the Rune Wars!

Hearing the shouts of the two, the soldiers acted quickly, but they did not line up to follow her as requested by Kyle, but took out various long-range weapons and aimed at Kyle and Morgana one after another.

It's because they really experienced that era and saw those insane mage organizations!
It is no exaggeration to say that for the ancestors of Demacia, those black mages caused them much more damage than the world runes. In addition, after Kyle left, her followers' crazy plan of absolute justice, It's no surprise that Demacians have PTSD about magic all the time.

They didn't think carefully about what stinky soil is, didn't ask more about the lord's notice, and didn't have a clear understanding of the improvement of people's living standards-and the fundamental difference with these changes in Fossbarrow was that they had no understanding of the royal law. Some of the manifestations shown by the patient are almost familiar with PTSD.

"Go, these people have already betrayed Demacia!" Morgana said anxiously, "Looking at their identities, they should be Fossbarrow's private army—that is to say, the lord of Fossbarrow, I'm afraid It's the enemy."

The power of the world rune was used in war for the first time. The Noxi controlled the arcane world rune and summoned a meteorite, which hit the middle of the watch peninsula where the Kamavia continent protruded into the watch sea.

At the same time, the roaring breath of Anivia was quietly mixed with golden gravel.

In a trance, Kyle and Morgana seemed to have been penetrated into all the secrets, and without even trying to cheer up their spirits, they rolled their eyes at the same time and completely lost consciousness.

 Karya's Small Classroom Demacia Development:
  Demacia was indeed discovered a long time ago, but before the Rune Wars, the climate conditions here were extremely poor and unsuitable for human habitation. Even during the expansion of the Shurima Empire, few people were willing to go to Demacia ——and remote, and barren.

  No one could have imagined that because the Rune Wars changed the ocean currents and atmospheric circulation, Demacia would indeed become a country of abundance with abundant water and grass.

(End of this chapter)

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