Lux's Farewell

602 Harmless Idol [0595]

The difference in views between mortals and gods is the contradiction between Feiyi sisters who can't reach a consensus at all. The biggest reason for them to go from being sisters to the point where they are almost "inseparable from old age and death" is the huge contradiction between the two sides on this point.

Morgana, who has rich emotions, is good at listening and empathy, believes in the infinite possibilities of ordinary people, and is unwilling to completely bind human beings with cold rules; while Kyle believes that human nature can only bring troubles and contradictions, and the only way for human beings to learn The only lesson learned is that they will not learn any lessons, so mortals need the leadership and management of gods.

It is also interesting to say.

In Karya's view, if it wasn't for the fact that the two eventually fell out because of their disagreement, one simply walked away from Mount Targon, and the other walked in the world incognito with her wings sealed, I am afraid that they would not always be like gods. , has been sung by the Demacians for generations.

Maybe they didn't realize at the time that only harmless idols will be remembered forever. If they hadn't broken up and stayed in the center of power in Demacia, the story might have changed a lot...

Carya, who finished the fire, let her thoughts run wild and cranky, while quietly watching the Feiyi sisters who were sometimes silent and confronted, and sometimes popped out a few words, allowing the contradictions between them to become more and more obvious and the cracks to become more and more obvious. It's getting clearer.

Kyle and Morgana are not stupid, they won't really confront each other here; but after the fundamental contradiction is exposed and put on the surface, they can no longer remain completely silent as before.

"This won't solve the problem." Seeing that the fire was almost over, Kalya finally stood up with a smile like a good old man, "You all have your own opinions, and you all believe that you are the right one, so you can't convince each other of."

Of course we can't convince—wait, we didn't intend to persuade each other before, you caught us, and then you were there to be weird and sow dissension, and that's how you expanded the conflict, right?

Realizing this, both Kyle and Morgana looked at Kalya with unfriendly eyes.

"It's a word."


"If you think so, then you underestimate me too much!" Kalya shook her head as if she had been insulted by her personality when she heard this, "Just look, what price do I have to pay? Kyle should know that I Yes, I'm not interested in the power of the heavens—do you want to think about it, I allow you to preach in Fossbarrow!"

"What about you, Morgana?" He asked with a smile, "Do you want to stay here, or do you want to project your consciousness and power on the statue like Kyle?"

(Yes, the safest way is indeed to pick up the cross blade and give Sister Flying Wing a pleasure, so that the constellation of justice will also fall, but no matter from which point of view, it is impossible for Kalya to do this—Sister Flying Wing’s opinion of Runeterra , have made great contributions to Demacia. They have made great contributions to quelling the rune war and establishing Demacia. Except for the status of half a giant god, there is nothing wrong with it. In this era when giant gods have gradually put down their bodies to win over mortals, how could Kalya directly kill those who can be united?)

After spending a lot of effort, he finally achieved his goal with a lot of twists and turns, and Kalya finally let out a long breath.

"Forsbarrow is a very good experimental site." Carya continued on his own, "This is a place of change, and changes that you could not imagine in the past are happening all the time, and you can completely observe Forsbarrow's changes, from which a clearer and more accurate conclusion can be drawn."

After all...Kalya hadn't lied at all, and there was no point in keeping them in this yellow sand.

"So, I have a better way." Kalya ignored the Feiyi sisters' eyes that seemed to be eating people, "Why don't you try a more practical method and use experiments to end this debate?"

"There are no restrictions?"

After Kalya convinced Kyle, she quickly turned her head and looked at Morgana.

In fact, although the Winged Sisters are imprisoned, Kalya is the more dangerous one—just as the small world could not hold Aatrox for too long, this place cannot be used as a permanent cage for the Winged Sisters.

You know, the main content of her ascension to the rank of God is to spread the glory of the gods, and if you want more people to believe in the giant gods and become followers of the giant gods, preaching is an indispensable way.

Kyle preached to Grandma Ling, and Grandma Ling listened with a smile, her appearance was at least [-]% similar to Kalya, but she obviously didn't take it seriously.

Let's put it this way, Kalya has thousands of years of experience in being regarded as a harmless idol, and he knows very well how to use Kyle while avoiding the spread of her thoughts to the greatest extent.

"It's a word."

And because of the particularity of the Flying Wing sisters, it's not easy for him to directly destroy the flowers and let Lax pick up Charikar and kill them on the spot, so after much deliberation, Kalya finally made the two sisters The fragile peace between them was broken, and then guided Kyle on the path he wanted.

Even if she is allowed to preach, as long as she maintains her single-handed state, she is destined to be unable to convince many people.

It is also interesting to say that if Morgana is the one who is dedicated to preaching, Karja would rather take them to Shurima and find a ruin left by the empire to seal them, rather than make this deal. Morgana understands mortals very well, she knows what people need, even if Fossbarrow is different, Kalya is not so arrogant that Fossbarrows can resist Morgana's brainwashing.

If it weren't for being sealed and having no good way to resist, we would definitely join together to deal with you!

"Do I have any choice?" Morgana smiled wryly. "You tried your best to destroy the tacit understanding between me and my sister, and then lured her to make a contract with you... How could I just sit idly by?"

Detaining Nocturne and Evelyn is almost the limit of Kalya. If Lamer hadn't foolishly signed a contract with Kalya for free, with the "memory" of Kalya's small world, he would actually take the three-eyed crow There is no good way.

To be honest, it’s not that Karya looks down on people, it’s because this angel of justice is more than upright and lacks understanding of human nature.

Although Kalya seemed to have been trying to persuade Morgana before, all the conditions he put forward pointed to Kyle. For Kyle, if he could gain limited freedom in Fossbarrow and be able to preach, it would be full of joy. seductive.

From Kyle's point of view, as long as he doesn't cooperate with Karya's evil experiment, and once he can communicate with the outside world, he will focus all his attention on spreading the glory of the gods, then Karya can't do anything to himself!

Kalya and Kyle reached a cooperation agreement at the speed of light, and Morgana was stunned when she saw it, and she said in her heart, "Kyle, you can have a snack."

Kyle was full of expectations for this, while Morgana felt a subtle ailment.

However, because the pure elements are difficult to manufacture, maintain and solidify, and the issue of carrying divine power needs to be considered, the statues of the Flying Wing sisters failed to make the life-like sculptures they expected, but were made into two proportionally reduced statues. Small idols were placed in special shrines.

Both the statue and the shrine were designed by Kalya himself. Under his guidance, Lux made Kyle and Morgana lifelike, with a transparent shrine...

At this moment, Sister Feiyi looked at Karya as if looking at an idiot.


"..." x2
"Anyway, the situation won't be worse than it is now." Kalya said in a very earnest tone, "Instead of staring at me in this barren world, it's better to go outside and see the new world. Look at the new Fossbarrow..."

However, when Kyle, despite the astonishing loss of long-distance transmission, truly gave Grandma Ling an angel's blessing, and looked forward to her being truly converted after being bathed in the glory of the gods, this seemingly unattractive old lady, But he just nodded slightly, as if this power enough to cleanse the essence of mortals is nothing more than that...

As for this situation, Kyle, who had been prepared for a long time, planned to directly use the power of the heavens to give Grandma Ling a little angelic shock.

At this moment, Morgana even felt a little stomachache.

As long as these two have mapped their consciousness to the statues and Kaya seals their bodies, the pressure will not be too great.

It sounds nice to speak with facts, but from a different perspective, the same thing can also be interpreted as the preciousness of human nature and the incorrigibility of human beings. Therefore, in the eyes of Sister Feiyi, what Kalya said is completely whimsical. Understand mortals.

This guy obviously has the power of the devil, and you have directly reached a contract with him...

The same goes for the Wing Sisters.

"So, what's the price?" Morgana finally snorted seeing Kalya began to chatter, "So, in order to leave here, Kyle and I have to be honest and respectful." Respectfully offer your strength and make it a tool to realize your ambitions? Stop dreaming, we would rather sink into this piece of yellow sand than cooperate with you."

Morgana continued to frown, but beside her, Kyle was moved.

But Kyle...

These mortals are as low as ever!
It is precisely because of the failure of taking the upper-level route that Kyle is now full of enthusiasm for direct missionary work, so that after Kalya dug a trap and gave her a chance to preach, she jumped in directly and threw Morgana Also pulled in.


If this debate can be resolved through simple observation and experimentation, then will they part ways?

What's the situation?
Obviously, there is no trace of any power on this old woman, and judging from the attitudes of the people around her, she should be the most respected person among the local Illuminati—this kind of person who has no power of her own but suddenly gains the power of the heavens , shouldn't you be full of excitement?

In this way, after the cooperation was concluded, Lacus spent a long time preparing two sculptures for the Feiyi sisters—in order to carry the divine power, she used pure elements to create these two statues. Kyle was quite satisfied.

It looks more and more like a handmade one.

"I can prepare a god statue for you." Carya replied with a smile, "map your consciousness and power on this god statue, what happens next is up to you."

But now, after Kalya offered the condition of "permission to preach" and allowed Kyle and Morgana to conduct a human observation in Fossbarrow, Kyle would naturally be quite moved.

The short-term sealing and captivity is just a stopgap measure, and Karya needs to shield his perception of the outside world to deal with it with all his strength, which cannot be sustained in the long run.

However, it turns out that the Illuminati guys are not pious at all. The Noxus invasion has ended for more than half a year, and Jarvan IV has already mastered the giant god of Demacia. But it hardly rose at all—few Demacians really converted to the belief of the giant god. My previous hard work has completely become a tool for the intrigue among the nobles and the struggle for power!

As for allowing Kyle to preach to the Society, there will be no problems...

When she was in Xiongdu, Kyle tried to let more people bathe in the glory of the giant god through the channels of Jarvan III and Jarvan IV. She also had high hopes for the Illuminati, and she has been cooperating with the royal family in the hope that it can be reversed. Through the royal family, let more people convert to the giant god.

Then it didn't take long for her to realize where the strangeness came from.

If he can really convince that noble model to convert, then he will really step on the rank of ascension to God!
So, ignoring Morgana's eyes, she began to ask Kalya how to get out of here.

"So you agree, right?" Kalya nodded with satisfaction, "Then, welcome Sister Feiyi to come to Forsbarrow to investigate and guide!"

Absolute justice, that is not what ordinary people can pursue, and this is exactly what Kyle will never give in to!

Regarding Kalya's suggestion, both Kyle and Morgana were silent - you definitely have other plans!
"Actually, as I said, Laxana used to admire you very much." Kalya didn't seem to care about the eyes of Feiyi sisters looking at her, and continued, "So, why don't you take a look here, and talk to me here. How about a chat with Lacus? If Lacus can be cured, wouldn't that be a great thing?"

After learning about the origin of the statue, the old woman was obviously taken aback, but after all, she had seen someone with a lot of wind and waves, and then she took the statue with a smile, and promised, "I will definitely take Sister Feiyi to take a good look at the blessing." Spiro".

Afterwards, Kalya gave the two "god statues" to Grandma Ling, the leader of the Illuminati in Fossbarrow, with great care.

But why does she look so calm?
"Because of me, the blood of the wild gods used to flow in my body." Grandma Ling rubbed her slightly hot knees, and answered Kyle's doubts with a smile, "For me, the gods are not far away..."

"How can those primitive beasts compare with real gods?" Kyle became anxious on the spot when he heard the words, "It's simply blasphemy to compare the two..."

The statue of Morgana watched this scene quietly, and seeing Grandma Ling's expression gradually become subtle, she finally couldn't help sighing.

"Forget it." Before Kyle spoke more discriminatory words against the gods of the wilderness in a natural tone, Morgana interrupted her helplessly, "Let's go, A Ling, take us out to see , look at Forsbarrow."

Kalya's Little Classroom: The God's Chain of Contempt:
In Runeterra, there are many beings called gods, and different types of "gods" often look down on each other—and the gods of the wilderness, that is, wild demigods, as the low end of the chain of contempt, are looked down upon by almost all gods.

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