Lux's Farewell

603 [0596] Goddess should be safe

When Kalya introduced Grandma Ling to Sister Feiyi, she said that she was "the head of the Illuminati in Forsbarrow".

Although she has some doubts about the position of "General Manager" that has never appeared in the Illuminati, it is literally understood that she should be the person with the highest status in the Illuminati here, so Kyle made no secret of his respect for other gods. despise.

Then... she stepped on the thunder.

Although Grandma Ling is a member of the Illuminati, and she is also a veteran, but at the same time she is also of the blood of ice - Kyle's mouth completely offended her.

And Morgana keenly sensed that something was wrong, and quickly changed the subject, leading the topic to "go out and have a look" before Kyle continued to talk nonsense.

Morgana has already discovered that Karya seems to know herself and her sister very well, but she has little understanding of him and Fossbarrow. Karya's knowledge also appears to be very limited.

Under such circumstances, Morgana felt that she had to observe and think more if she wanted to figure out her own situation and that of Fossbarrow.

Morgana, who has been walking in the world all year round, is very confident in her insight. She believes that Kalya must have her own conspiracy in Fossbarrow, and if she can expose this conspiracy, it will fundamentally reverse the situation.

Therefore, instead of letting Kyle continue to offend people here, it is better to let A Ling take himself and Kyle around to see Fossbarrow.

In the end, Grandma Ling did not refuse Morgana's request, but instead of acting personally, she called a little girl.

"This is Ah Sang. If you two want to go out and have a look, then she will take you around." She introduced, "I am old and have bad legs, so I won't go out."

Kyle didn't care, but Morgana always felt that it was because she didn't want to face herself and her sister again.

Just like that, the silver-haired girl named Ah Sang took over the shrine, and when she confirmed that Sister Feiyi was going to go to the street to have a look, she found a small basket and put the shrine firmly in the basket, Then he walked up the street with a basket in his hand.

Although Ah Sang was young, she looked quite sophisticated. She carried the basket and walked steadily. Although she heard that there were Fei Yi sisters in the basket, she was not at all surprised.

"You can ask me any questions." Leaving Grandma Ling's residence, Asang said with a smile, "The lord has told me that no matter what questions you have, I will try my best to answer them."

"Then tell me, in such a cold weather, why are the streets of Fossbarrow full of people?" Morgana said, "I remember that there is a custom of cat winter in Fossbarrow, right?"

"Because the fish market is about to open, after a few days, people in Xingang will go ice fishing at sea, and then Fossbarrow will not be able to buy fish." Ah Sang explained with a smile, "After this There is no such store in the village, and everyone goes out to buy fish, so the streets of Fossbarrow are naturally lively."

"Newport... that is to say, Fossbarrow built a port?" Morgana was quite surprised, "And what is ice fishing? I've never heard of it!"

"Newport is just to the west, and some people who escaped the war came south to Forsbarrow." Asan briefly described the past of Walrus' Tusk, "They are very good at fishing under the ice after the sea freezes in winter, In a few days, they will set off with their family to go ice fishing at sea, and after they leave Newport, Fossbarrow will not be able to buy sea fish—so the lord has appointed special personnel to hold the event at this time of year Fish market."

Listening to her explanation, Morgana somewhat understood.

Just like the trade fair in Xiongdu, the fish market is obviously a large-scale fair organized by the government, with the purpose of emptying the inventory for Newport and hoarding sea fish for the Fossbarrow people to eat in winter.

However, Morgana didn't expect that Lux accepted the member of Walrus' Fang to settle in Fosbarrow - letting the Freljord people move inland is not a decision that can be made easily!

Thinking about this, Morgana simply proposed to visit the fish market.


The Fish Market is in the heart of Fossbarrow, just two streets from the central square.

When Ah Sang came here with the shrine, it was the peak trading period, and the whole fish market was buzzing with people.

The Xingang people shouted loudly, with a distinct Freljord accent, and loudly recommended the catches on their stalls. Asan walked all the way carrying the shrine, and Kyle and Morgana saw many kinds of fish. Fish they had never seen before.

In addition to the relatively "normal" sea fish, they also saw a lot of squid, various shellfish, shrimp and crabs, most of which she couldn't name at all.

And most of these "odd fish" that are randomly discarded are free gifts-buy a large mackerel, and get a squid of the same length, or a large blue crab of the same weight.

According to Xingang people, most of these squid, shrimp and crabs are harvested by children from fishing. They don’t like to eat them very much, so they are used as gifts for promotion. For Xingang people, squid ink sacs are valuable But they don't like squid meat very much. Shellfish can be eaten raw so they are often used as snacks. Shrimp and crab have always been disgusted because of their low fat content and troublesome eating.

The Fossbarrow people's views on these seafood are quite similar to those of the Xingang people. In the winter in the northern border, fat is the most precious nutrient. full of longing.

Fish with high fat content, such as mackerel, herring, salmon, etc., have always been popular in the fish market; while cod and tuna, which have relatively low fat content, are often ignored.

And at the entrance and exit of the fish market, Morgana also saw the kind of public carts she had been riding in before—but, these carts did not seem to be prepared for people.

"Are these carts for freight?"

"Yes, the furthest cart can reach Velos." Asan nodded, "Since last year, merchants from other places have come to the fish market to stock up in winter."

In the shrine, the mini Morgana nodded, and then suddenly realized a problem.

"As for Veros, the river shouldn't be frozen yet, right?" Morgana recalled the climate of Veros, "I think the sea fish here are all dead...then it's bad to send it to Veros?"

"Bad? It can't be broken!" Ah Sang raised his head proudly when he heard this, "Although these fish are not expensive in the fish market, the price of sending them to Veros is quite amazing, and the money is spent on transportation." !"

"Could it be that Fossbarrow dug a huge ice cellar?" Seeing a large box of ice cubes being poured into the compartment of a large truck, Morgana thought thoughtfully, "Isn't that too extravagant?"

"...How could it be possible to use the backward method of the ice cellar." Asang sneered, "Zhen Bing, have you heard of it?"


"Pure ice, ice that never melts." Ah Sang explained, "Just a finger-sized piece of pure ice can turn a pool of water into ice within three days."

"Wait, you're talking about the True Ice from the Freljord?" The idol's eyes widened exaggeratedly, "You use it to make ice?"

"I tried to let the magician come in person before, but that would be too much of a waste of magic power." Ah Sang said in a natural tone, "Later, I switched to pure ice - first use pure ice to make ice, and then use ice cubes to preserve the fish .”


Hearing what Ah Sang said, Kyle only felt that "mortals in Fossbarrow really know how to play", but Morgana felt an indescribable subtlety.

"Using pure ice to make ice cubes to preserve sea fish is really a good way." Morgana murmured, "However, what do you mean when you said that the Archons came in person?"

"Make ice yourself." Ah Sang didn't hide it, "Before the Archons tried to make ice by themselves to preserve sea fish for long-distance transportation, and later found that this is really too extravagant-so, except for some customers The Archon specially keeps the ice fresh with the car, and the ice cubes later are all made of pure ice."

"So, the Archon uses magic to keep the fish fresh?" Morgana finally grasped the most critical question, "Using magic in this kind of place?"

"There are still many places." Ah Sang shrugged, "such as planting fragrant red sage, cultivating hazelnut, dredging canals, digging artificial lakes..."

Kyle didn't respond to Asan's statement, but Morgana was thoughtful.

"If this is the case, then why does the Archon want to get involved in the Shadow Realm?" As if inadvertently, Morgana asked her most concerned question, "Magic is already very dangerous."

"If you don't rely on the Shadow Realm, you won't have the humus to grow hazelnut." Ah Sang shook his head. "Moreover, magic is not dangerous, only uncontrolled magic is dangerous."

"But the magic in the hands of mortals is destined to get out of control." This time, Kyle finally took the initiative to speak, "As for the issue of the Shadow Realm, I'm afraid you were deceived... The Archon performed dangerous ritual magic in the Shadow Realm. It doesn't look like that kind of thing."

"Have you ever been to the Shadow Realm?" Ah Sang finally showed some surprise, "Did you see the compost place?"

"The compost place?" x2
"It's the place where humus is cultivated." Asang sighed helplessly, "I'm afraid there are quite a few misunderstandings here..."

Regarding Asan's remarks, Morgana was noncommittal, but Kyle didn't believe it at all.

"If there is really a misunderstanding, then go again." Kyle said directly, "Little girl, I'm afraid you were also deceived!"

"You need to apply to go to the Shadow Realm, it's not convenient to go directly..."

"That's it." Kyle said in a [I knew it was so] tone, "The disappearing demon and the evil ritual, there is indeed a problem here!"

"But the humus is not a top secret." Ah Sang ignored Kyle's self-talk, "Come on, I can take you to see the humus and see if it is the product of the evil ritual you mentioned."

Just like that, Ah Sang left the fish market with a basket in his hand, and went straight back to the Archon's Office of the Archon.

After registering, Ah Sang entered the closely guarded humus soil warehouse with a licensed peer certificate signed by Lacus.

During the period, Morgana and Kyle had a low-pitched exchange—the mark Morgana left before is here!

Pushing open the door, a disgusting stench escaped, Ah Sang tightly covered his nose, his eyes almost turned white.

Inside the warehouse, a large amount of humus was spread on the shelf layer by layer, slowly drying in the shade, and among the humus, Morgana finally found the mark she had left before.

After confirming that the mark was indeed the one she left behind, Sister Fei Yi was finally a little dumbfounded.

This... This seems to be different from what I imagined!

Could it be that they really misunderstood Fossbarrow's Archons before, they were just a group of people trying to use magic, not ambitious?

At present, it seems that the situation is indeed the case, but both Kyle and Morgana are somewhat unacceptable in their hearts.

In this case, Morgana pondered for a moment and made another request.

"Can you take me to the place where hazelnuts are grown?"

"Yes, yes." Ah Sang, who was holding his breath and was about to lose his breath, nodded repeatedly, "Go, go!"

Afterwards, Asan took the statues of the Flying Sisters and, with the help of the clerk, visited several Forsbarrow families who planted hazelnuts. Kyle and Morgana were shocked to discover that this "ritual magic product "It's actually used to grow mushrooms!
Moreover, these mushrooms are also very expensive to sell, and the price is worth gold after drying!

Looking at the rows of hazelnuts in the dark stone insulation room, the Feiyi sisters finally fell silent.


"Will they really change their minds about Fossbarrow?" When Ah Sang was wandering around with the statue of the Flying Wing Sisters, Lacus asked Kalya her own question curiously, "According to what Sona provided before Flying Wing sisters are very proud of the news... They probably won't accept Fossbarrow's change."

"I didn't expect Asan to take them around, just to make them believe that Fossbarrow is different from all the cities they have seen in the past." Carya said with a smile, "But anyway, It quiets them down a little bit, and, as Fossbarrow gets better, I'm sure sooner or later they'll understand what Fossbarrow stands for."

"Are you very confident?" Lux blinked, "But you told me before that Sister Feiyi is the most stubborn."

"The one who is stubborn is Kyle, and Morgana seems to be different from her." When it comes to this topic, Kalya's tone has a hint of surprise, "I just wanted to fool them into being idols. , I didn’t expect Morgana to have a lot of awareness after walking in the world for so many years... Before I thought that she was able to help press the angel descending event because of the grievances between the sisters, but now it seems that it may be because of her Choose a part of humanity."

"You mean, she will choose to stand with mortals?" Lux's eyes widened in surprise, she had seen the face of protoss before, "This...unbelievable!"

"It's unbelievable, but it's very possible." Kalya was quite happy, "The giant god wants to let mortals offer their piety through Kyle's ascension to the gods, but we can also send it to the giant god through Morgana." Go for a little surprise!"

"Do you have any plans?"

"I can't talk about the plan, I just thought of two poems."


"The goddess should be safe, but the world should be shocked."

Carya's Small Classroom Disgusted Seafood:
Different environments will bring different dietary preferences. In the cold northern region, people eat seafood in pursuit of plumpness, not deliciousness-fat is what is most needed.

PS I didn't go out on a date yesterday, or I just took a day off.

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