Lux's Farewell

Chapter 604 [0597]

Chapter 604 [0597]
For Kalya, Lacus, and Fossbarrow, the arrival of the Wing Sisters is just a small episode.

Even with the help of this episode, Kalya started to plan for Mount Targon, but at least for now, the focus of Fossbarrow's work is still the next grid connection project.

After several years of construction, the main project of the Fossbarrow Canal has now been completed, and it is only a matter of part of the dam construction and the two key projects connecting the Meilan River and the artificial lake before it is fully completed.

As long as these two parts of the project are successfully completed, a canal originating from the artificial lake under the Longji Mountains will meander southward, pass through Fossbarrow and Xinfu City, and join the Yinlin River in the north of Veros to join the Meilan River. river.

And by that time, the water network in the entire northern part of Demacia will be fully connected, and the northern cities such as Fossbarrow, Miriam City, Vilos, Lithos, Temura, Bursari, etc. tightly connected together.

At that time, although bulk commodities will not arrive overnight within the scope of the northern water network, the cost will still be greatly reduced and the speed will be greatly improved.

In addition, when the water network is about to be connected to the grid, Fossbarrow's shipyard has also officially started trial operation-this small shipyard is located next to the artificial lake, and the public bus from Fossbarrow to the artificial lake is mainly Commuting for the boat builders who work here.

A small number of these shipwrights are veterans. They were hired by Eno at a high price when passing through Bilgewater. These old seals may be tired of the days of drifting at sea, or they may be to avoid their enemies, and finally chose to take their own boats with them. Most of the remaining novices are a group of apprentices recruited by Fossbarrow through the clerk. Some of them are hunters who find that hunting cannot support their families, and some are Fresh graduates who just graduated this year and failed to become clerks or northern walkers, although they don't know anything about shipbuilding, at least they have some strength.

Through this old model with new ones, a simple shipyard framework was built, and the Archons helped them build a small factory building by the lake. For more than half a year last year, those rookies worked in this small factory building every day. Saw wood, hammered nails, and was familiar with the construction of ships.

Today, this small shipyard is still unable to manufacture seagoing ships, but it is not a problem to manufacture cargo ships for small-scale transportation on rivers.

Wouldn't it be great for everyone to come up with a standard and directly make the North into a brand?
To convince them, Fossbarrow's trade associations invariably cited the example of Fossbarrow furs.

The mining merchants in Veros finally tasted the pain of "no one on top" in the past. For the high taxation of dairy products and grain trade orders, Magu directly traded with Laksana and sold them. These bastards who don't usually like paying taxes according to the rules.

In the eyes of the lords in the northern border, Count Laxana is cheerful, enthusiastic, and always polite.

Patriarch Nidu, who had been dictated by the elders in the past, was extremely happy at this time - as the lord of Temulla, although he was theoretically the owner of this land, but because Temuera was located in the north and the climate was cold, the fields all year round There are not many taxes collected.

The integration of the water network can connect the shipping waterways in the northern border, reduce transportation costs, and physically connect the northern border more closely.

Under such circumstances, everyone is naturally happy to establish a good relationship with Forsbarrow.

Even when Fossbarrow said that he would "expand the channel of the Shishi River and build a canal", many lords even offered to give the preferential treatment of "no tolls for Fossbarrow's merchant ships".

Now take the initiative to say that you want to collect weaving tax?

But they didn't realize that under his warm, cheerful and courteous appearance, this paragon of aristocrats hides a powerful and powerful heart!


I told them about the weaving tax before, but one or two of them said that they couldn't collect it, and they couldn't collect it. They even used the troubles caused by the previous two taxes to scare themselves!

It is foreseeable that if people realize the profits of the northern border trade and a large number of businessmen flood into the northern border, the shipyard will receive a steady stream of orders.

But for the patriarch of the Nidu family, this business is a huge profit!
Textiles make money, but none of it falls into their own pockets, but food orders and cash, that's the real deal!
Temuera's experience represents another method used by Lacus and Fossbarrow - if there is a conflict in a certain fiefdom in the north, she will intervene as a "friendly neighbor" and choose a side Give "friendly help".

The grid integration of various industry standards will make the connection between various industries in the Northland more closely, and people in various industries will recognize the identity of "Northern People" more and more, laying a foundation for the integration of the Northland .

As for the result of the help, the recipients often got what they wanted, and Fossbarrow received a new industrial foundation.

In these industries, Fossbarrow is still at the level of "only technical reserves" or "only a small number of practitioners", but this does not prevent them, as precious seeds, from taking root and sprouting at the right time and growing into a company. There are towering trees, and the trees form a forest.

Earl Laxana is indeed a model of nobility, and the skills she taught herself to deal with side branches are really useful!

Not to mention, under Kalya's planning, "bad relationship with side branches" even became Lux's advantage.

In order to increase the income in the territory, Magu used to invite these merchants to banquets and accept their toasts, or dance with their daughters or nieces, but that was only for the convenience of tax officials when they collected taxes A little bit—it's like scratching the back of a pig's neck while feeding it.

However, these mud legs who don't have any clues in their hearts actually still cry to themselves with big faces, saying that the Fossbarrow people robbed them of their business? !

If you can really make the North into a brand, then your own products will be the same as Fossbarrow's furs, selling better and more expensive!
For a big businessman in a leading position in the industry, such things as formulating industry standards are simply beneficial and harmless!
In this way, representatives of various industry associations in Fossbarrow participated in the standard setting of various industries very smoothly, even if they were not leaders, they were also participants.

The core of the "strong roots and weak branches", after comprehending the mystery of it, Patriarch Nidu directly sold the textile technology in his territory in exchange for a large grain order and cash from Fossbarrow.

"The grain yield in Temula is not high, and farmers can only grow cold-resistant barley and oats, and they can only harvest once a year!" Facing the patriarch of the clan, the old man is no longer aggressive as before, "Weaving is our foundation Let us weave, Ben, the wool of Fossbarrow, the fleece of Veros, the cotton of Lythos! The weavers are the source of Temura's wealth!"

Although in Veros, there are many people who hate Laxana and even speak ill of her to Magu (such as several mining businessmen in Veros), but Magu completely ignored these idiots.

"If you really need it." The old man's face was extremely ashamed. At this time, the house at home was set on fire by a brat, and his strength was completely drained. They all gave it to the Forsbarrows..."

As a "country aristocrat" who seldom goes to Xiongdu to socialize, Magu is not familiar with Laxana's typical aristocratic side, but this does not prevent him from thinking that Laxana is a good neighbor.

And now, although Fossbarrow is not yet capable of becoming a leader in all fields, this does not prevent the various industry associations led by the clerks from trying to contact the main practitioners in various industries in the north through private channels. , trying to establish a set of industry standards.

So, this winter, when the Archon construction team was sweating profusely on the river bed and working hard to connect the northern border water network, the clerks and representatives of various industries, under the instruction of Lacus, started a unique Grid-connected.

In the final analysis, those businessmen are just like pigs in a pigsty.

In his opinion, Laxana is a person who knows how to manage things and is also a very elegant noble lady. Since she took over Fossbarrow, the sales of Veros's dairy products have soared.

After receiving the news, the head of the offshoot of the Nidu family burst into tears at the family meeting.

"No, that doesn't belong to the Nidu family, but your little family." The patriarch of the Nidu family just wanted to sneer at his tears, "Dear uncle, I am the lord of Temula, I only have power Collect land tax and tenant rent, this is what you said."

Just like the Nidu family whose fiefdom is in Temula, because the main family is weak and the side branches are strong, they also launched a special cooperation with Lacus and sold part of their own textile industry through trade with Fossbarrow. In exchange for large food orders and a lot of cash.

Like Magu Zika, the lord of Veros.

Objectively speaking, this business was somewhat at a loss between Fossbarrow and Temura.


We are all from the North. In order to prevent the quality problems of the products produced in the North in the market and damage the reputation of the products in the North, wouldn't it be nice for us to sit together to discuss a standard and directly establish a monopoly alliance?

The quality grading of luxury goods such as delicacies and spices, the unification of woolen, cotton and linen specifications, the detailed division of ceramic types, the grading system of salt and grain...

More importantly, compared with other family workshop-style shipyards in the northern part of Demacia, this shipyard has initially shown a large-scale side, even though most of the members are out-and-out rookies, but If a factory with 300 people is dispatched in an orderly manner and the horsepower is fully turned on, there will be no problem in building a [-]-foot cargo ship in three to five days-and this is enough to crush all other shipyards.

"I didn't give them to the Fossbarrows." The young patriarch raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "I just kindly shared Temuera with them after Ms. Laxana gave them a large food order. Mulla's textile technology, this is the friendship and communication between noble families."

Ma Gu gets angry every time he thinks about it, he was robbed of his business, why wouldn't you get it back by yourself?
Looking for a fart for me?

In the spring of the fifth year of Fossbarrow's calendar, with the opening of the artificial lake and the release of water, the northern water network was connected to the grid.

Magu, who got the hint early, decisively increased the tax on dairy products—so, three years later, the dairy tax allowed Magu to build a brand new manor for himself.

As the saying goes, build high walls, accumulate food widely, and slowly become kings. In the past four years, Lacus and Fossbarrow have almost completely disappeared from the sight of the Demacians. The only city of Mithril that can be praised by people The battle, also because of the royal family's deliberate low-key, is not well known to the public.

Nowadays, in addition to fishery, aquaculture, spice planting, mining, fur processing and shipbuilding, Fossbarrow also has the ability to set foot in textiles, paper making, ceramics, salt and other fields.

The food that can only be sold cheaply to the royal family now has a more generous buyer; dairy and meat products from various places have brought more special taxes to the lord; defeating the attack of the Freljords means more secure...

What are your identities, do you have no points in your heart?

Is the little tax you usually pay me comparable to the new income Fossbarrow brought me after Laxanna came here?
As a result, the Velos mining businessmen who were accustomed to "tax avoidance" were completely defeated and annexed by the Fossbarrow Mining Association.

And Magu's experience is the epitome of the relationship between many places in the northern border and Fossbarrow - when Laxana became the lord of Fossbarrow, while developing the economy of Fossbarrow, she also separated A certain amount of profit was distributed to these northern fiefdoms through the way of noble communication. In the entire northern border, Earl Laksanna's reputation can be said to be quite good.

This uniform standard of fur making made Fossbarrow's fur a de facto brand, which, combined with its low prices, crushed the fur industry elsewhere.

For the statement put forward by the Fossbarrow Industry Association, big businessmen from other places all lighted up when they heard the words-the only business such as the mountain delicacies and the spice industry is fine, but the ceramics, spices industry, etc. Businessmen in industries such as cotton cloth, salt, and grain that did not constitute a de facto monopoly quickly realized the huge profit margins.

Fossbarrow needs to buy a large amount of grain, dairy products, and meat products, and sell mountain and aquatic products to neighbors at a lower price, although Fossbarrow sometimes makes some money in industries such as mining and take in some civilians who are not able to make a living because of natural disasters or double taxes, but for the northern lords, after Laxana came to Fossbarrow, their lives have improved a lot.

Even if most of the crown guards in Mithril City have a very bad sense of Lacus, other lords in the northern region will often just laugh it off after hearing about it, and regard it as a contradiction between the main family and the offshoots.

And these bastards from the side branch, they took advantage of the time when they and their parents went to Xiongdu, and engaged in the textile industry in Temuera as a sheriff or tax collector. To live in a leaky castle...

That's not to mention, you idiots, you still insist on looking for me at the banquet, making me look ugly in public...

In the past three years, Fossbarrow's fur has almost completely monopolized the fur industry in the northern border. Now when buying furs in Demacia, people will ask "Is it Fossbarrow's product?" This is largely because Fossbarrow's furs are clearly graded.

In the summer of the same year, the main industries in the north, including the textile industry, salt industry, fur industry, mining industry, and ceramics industry, were integrated into the industrial network through internal negotiations of the industry association.

Sufficient manpower, plus plenty of timber in the Dragon's Back Mountains to the north, this small shipyard will soon bring a little Forsbarrow shock to Demacia!

In the eyes of most of the nobles in Xiongdu, Laxana, a model of nobles, is fulfilling her duty of guarding the borders of the kingdom in Fossbarrow at this time, and has been far away from the political center; while a small number of fiefdoms border on Lacus. The nobles are slightly aware of some changes in Fossbarrow, but their understanding of this change is not clear enough.

It took four full years for Lux to wield the two hammers of Archon and Clerk to unify the building in the north, and deeply nailed two solid composite piles.

 Karya's Small Classroom · The Influence of Northern Trade:

  With the large amount of profits brought by trade in the northern border, Lux can get involved in all walks of life in the northern border. When communicating with lords in the northern border, she can take out the bargaining chips that the other party wants and exchange them for what they don't value. some industries.

  This is the biggest expense of the profits of northern trade besides education popularization and magic research: industrial expansion.

(End of this chapter)

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