Lux's Farewell

606 Prophecy from the Balance Sect [0599]

606 Prophecy from the Balance Sect [0599]
While Tariq, a serious person, was writing a diary for the future Shurima trade in Demacia, in Fossbarrow, another professional diary, Ino, returned to Fossbarrow after leaving his hometown for several years Bairo.

Compared with when he set out, Ino, who has been wandering outside for three years, has obviously matured a lot.

In addition to maturity, the biggest change in Eno is the sharpness that cannot be ignored at first glance—if Eno used to be an iceberg that was mostly hidden under the water, the cold face and Yes, it just gives people a sense of distance, so now this iceberg has successfully landed and has become a boundless glacier.

From following Lux's will to making up her own mind, this change made Eno, who was used to being a secretary and assistant, completely lose the little affinity she had in the first place. People are not indifferent, but they make people feel awe-inspiring when they see them, and they have a bit of awe-free momentum.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, Ino now looks more and more like a war mother of the Freljord tribe!

Seeing Ino's current appearance, on the one hand, Lacus is happy for her, but on the other hand, she is also very distressed. In Lacus' eyes, Ino is the demon-infested person who was so scared that he wanted to take all the responsibilities after being threatened. It was the little girl who was worried about her parents and elder brother hugging her in bed and weeping silently after leaving home, and the secretary-general who kept everything in order when she was in Vazuan, even though she just kept a straight face most of the time, But that was just a protective color that she was not very good at getting along with people.

And now Ino, although his face is still as cold as ice, but in every move, every word and every action, Lacus always sees a bit of Karya's demeanor...

My dear teacher, look what you have taught Ino!
After Ino returned, Fossbarrow prepared a small but extremely grand welcome ceremony for her. Those who had returned with the Ionian delegation also received the invitation, and all the traveling personnel gathered together Come together to commemorate the complete success of this operation.

At the dinner after the welcome ceremony, Sona performed on the stage in person, which directly pushed the atmosphere of the banquet to the climax. The emissaries shared all kinds of knowledge; On the balcony, magic fireworks are set off!

It was night, and the night sky of Fossbarrow was colorfully illuminated by all kinds of magic. Although the citizens didn't know why, they still chose to raise their heads and admire the rare magical fireworks.

Under the instigation of the clerks, the representatives of the various sequences of the Battle Mage Corps compared the patterns and colors of the magic fireworks vigorously, while the Northland Walkers applauded from the sidelines, as if they were fair referees, adjudicating which The sequence of fireworks is the most beautiful...

As a result, when the banquet was over, the clerks were stuffed with food, the archons set off fireworks until their mana was exhausted, and the northern walkers slapped their hands red and swollen. Thankfully, tomorrow is a day off, otherwise there would be Many people were forced to call in sick.

Finally, when everyone was satisfied and returned, Lux had the opportunity to hold Ino's hand, and asked her in detail about her experience and gains along the way, and most importantly, why she returned early.

That's right, Ino came back early. According to her previous communication with Lacus, she should not come back until this time next year, but not long ago, she sent a special message saying that she would come back early and gave up. I bought a special ship, chose to take a merchant ship, and returned in a hurry-there must be a reason for this.

"Things are more complicated." Speaking of this question, Ino's expression finally became serious, "The main reason is that I had contact with the Kinkou Sect in Ionia, and then I got some from them... that sounds ridiculous. , but it is a prophecy that makes people have to worry.”

"Prophecy?" Lux was dumbfounded, "Do you also believe in such things?"

"This is what the Kinkou sect said." Ino shrugged, "They said it was a prophecy and a guide of fate, but in my opinion, this should be a conclusion drawn through logical reasoning. The one called the Eye of Twilight Although the guy is mysterious and silent, what he said [the will of the world is awakening] makes me really worried."

"The will of the world is awakening, what kind of weird rhetoric is that?" Lacus couldn't help frowning just like Ino when she first heard the Riddler's speech with the characteristics of the Equilibrium sect, " What kind of borrowing is this?"

"If I understand correctly." Having mentioned this topic, Ino's expression became completely serious, "It's very runes."


Let's go back in time a little bit, to when Ino was traveling in Ionia.

For Ino, Ionia is a wonderful land that is hard to describe—the more she understands, the more she marvels at the richness of Ionia's land, and the more she feels the love of Ionia. Mud cannot support the wall.

The Noxians were defeated in Preshidian first, and then suffered a lot in Tobyssia. Now they are all emaciated camels. At this juncture, the Ionians still have no hope of completely regaining their lost ground. Meaning, let the small army of Noxus without any backup occupy the island of Philo...

It's really helpless!
And because Ino came to Ionia through the way of Yingliu, and Yingliu broke away from the Self-Balance Sect, so when Ino received the invitation letter from the Balance Sect and asked her to talk, she just threw it away. that thing.

To visit the Kinkou sect?
Go fuck!
What is there to talk about with these insects?

However, on the fifth night after Ino lost the invitation letter, when she returned to the hotel to rest after visiting the famous night market in Onkuwo, there was an astonishing wave of magic power from the hotel suite.

Ino immediately raised her vigilance, and then she saw a crack in the space, and a masked man walked out of the crack and came in front of her.

"Miss Ino, don't be nervous." The other party nodded slightly and saluted, his voice was as low as the earth, "Fate guides us to meet."

"It turns out that the fate of the Ionians is to enter the room of a stranger of the opposite sex without warning at night." Ino mobilized his magic power while sarcastically sarcasm, "This is really an amazing fate. Eye-opener."

"Although we haven't met, we are not strangers." Unexpectedly, the other party responded calmly and positively to Eno's merciless sarcasm, "Besides, I sent out an invitation earlier, but it's a pity that Eno Miss did not come to the appointment."

Hearing what the other party said, Yinuo finally understood a little bit. She raised her silver eyebrows slightly, and looked up and down at the person in front of her with a pair of blue eyes.

The two-piece martial arts uniform with Ionian characteristics is tightened at the neckline and ankles, so that it does not hinder movement and combat.

With a belt and gauntlets made of some unknown metal, and a mask with neither joy nor sorrow, this man looks somewhat similar to the Jie that Ino had seen.

"So, you are Shen?" Realizing this, Yinuo couldn't help but shook his head and snorted, "I don't remember ever agreeing to accept your invitation."

"Since the fateful encounter is already doomed, it has nothing to do with whether you accept it or not." Shen shook his head, "And, Miss Ino, I believe you will forgive me for my presumptuousness after hearing my next words."

"Boring words." Ino waved his hand, "Hurry up, I'm going to take a bath after I'm done."

"The will of the world is awakening." Shen's voice was still calm. "The disputes in the past have proved that it is not a good choice to involve mortals in areas where they should not exist."

"What are you talking about?" With the words of the riddleman, Eno couldn't help showing the expression of [old man, subway, mobile phone. JPG], and she couldn't help rubbing her temples, "In your Kinkou sect , is it a violation of the precepts to speak well?"

"...The prophecy is so." Shen, who was choked by Ino, paused, and then explained dryly, "As for the specific understanding, I'm afraid I can't do it for me."

"This is very important...a prophecy?"

"Very important." Shen nodded, his attitude seemed a little more serious, "This is the guidance of the stars."

"Very good." Seeing that Shen was so serious, Yinuo finally nodded in satisfaction, "Then, if you don't want your prophecy to be stuffed into the trash can like your invitation, just make it clear to me, what is it? What does it indicate—at least let me understand what you want to express!"

Shen had never met such a person.

Although the Kinkou Sect has fallen, when Shen takes "the guidance of the stars" as a guarantee, even Kalya needs to listen and think carefully.

On the contrary, this foreigner, in order to break the casserole and ask the end, even put on a somewhat threatening posture...

However, Eno could not care about the prophecy, but Shen could not. So, after a moment of silence, he told Eno about the guidance similar to this prophecy, the stars that the Kinkou sect had received in the past.

And after listening to these narrations, Ino finally gradually became serious.

If Shen hadn't lied and the ancient books he produced hadn't been falsified, the "Guidance from the Stars" accepted by the Kinkou Sect had heralded the outbreak of the Darkin War and the Rune War.

Considering that during those two turmoils, Ionia was very successfully kept out of the matter and was hardly affected too much, I am afraid that all of this may be true!
In this case, no matter how dissatisfied Eno was with this mysterious guy, he couldn't really throw away this prophecy like throwing away the previous invitation letter.

And, more importantly, according to Shen, when the Rune Wars were about to break out, the content of the prophecy at that time was that "the will of the world is sprouting, and arrogant mortals are setting their homes on fire with powers they don't understand."

If we look at it correspondingly, the "will of the world" in the prophecy probably corresponds to the world rune!
At this moment, Eno remembered the short trip with Ryze before.

Brand, who has been eroded by the will of the world's runes...

The world rune quietly born in the seal...

Contrasted with the prophecy sent by Shen, Yinuo actually felt a kind of sincere worry at this time.

Could it be that the second rune war is about to start?

However, Ino was also a person who had been carefully educated by Kalya for many years. After a moment of astonishment, she quickly stabilized her mind.

Although Kalya was not around, Ino, who came back to his senses, quickly laughed dumbfounded, as if he heard Kalya's mockery to himself: "Such vague words make you afraid, you really learned from dogs all these years went!"

"So, this is a persuasion?"

"Then I don't know." On this critical judgment, Shen just shook his head lightly, "The trajectory of fate is always vague and clear, elusive, just like I will see you, but I don't know Either you accepted the invitation, or I was forced to come."

"That's because you have the ability to go to the door." After reacting, Yinuo finally regained his composure, "If you don't have this ability, then I'm afraid you wouldn't say anything about [Fate's Guidance], right?"

"If I didn't have the ability to visit, then I wouldn't be the one who met Miss Ino." Shen said in a natural tone, "It's obvious."

Ino rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and she finally realized that Mr. Twilight Eyes was not much different from the Solari Sect missionaries she had seen in Shurima, at least when persuading others, They all like to block both ends with a pre-set premise.

"Okay, okay, I have received this prophecy." Seeing Shen still standing there, Yinuo finally couldn't help waving his hand, "Is there anything else?"

"Miss Ino is not the only person of destiny." Shen continued, "Besides you, there are also your teacher and your sister. This is a reminder to everyone."

After saying this, Shen took a step back, then bowed slightly, and then, under Ino's astonished eyes, a quality and invisible blade appeared in his hand, and he manipulated this soul blade like Pao Ding pierced through the gap in space like an ox, and quickly escaped into the spirit world, disappearing in the blink of an eye, without delay.

In this case, Ino just felt that he couldn't stay in Ionia anymore, so he simply set off early and left Ionia.


"So, this is why you came back early?" After listening to Ino's narration, Kalya's heart moved slightly, "It's really interesting, the world runes are just around the corner, don't involve mortals... Could it be that the Kinkou sect behind Also a giant god?"

"Giant?!" x2
"No, it's not the Titan." Kalya later denied the speculation himself, "This is not the style of the Titan, and those bastards of the Titan don't have such kindness...Wait a minute, Titan, kind...a kind-hearted Titan?"

The next moment, when Lacus and Ino were confused, Kalya finally burst out laughing.

"I know who it is, hahaha, it's really interesting, she finally gave up on that group of insects!"

Then, just as Kalya was about to explain to Lacus and Ino, the flames flickered outside suddenly, and there was a noise from the exit of the Shadow Realm guarded by the first sequence.

"Don't let her run away!"

"Catch her!"

 Karya's Little Classroom: The So-Called Prophecy:

  Kalya has always believed that prophecy is based on fuzzy judgments about the future—because he is the most famous prophet in Shurima, although he has no ability to predict the future at all...

(End of this chapter)

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