Lux's Farewell

Chapter 607 [0600] Uninvited guest

Chapter 607 [0600] Uninvited guest

Regarding the prophecy, Kalya was not as nervous as Lux, Ino and Sona at all.

Although these three little girls have also experienced Kalya's education, they don't have any superstition about prophecy, but considering the "brilliant record" of the Kinkou Sect in prophecy in the past, they are very concerned about the world runes brought by Shen this time. Warning, they still have a close heart.

However, Kalya laughed out loud—because after inquiring about Ino's prophecy about the Balance Sect in detail, he had already discovered the owner of the prophecy. Coincidentally, he also knew the "prophet"!
Even Kalya's identity as the "Great Prophet" had a huge relationship with her.

I didn't see this old friend when I climbed the peak last time. Kalya thought she was pulled back by the giant god again, but after hearing the familiar and unspoken prophecy of the Equilibrium Sect, she confirmed several prophecies After the time of the occurrence, he was quite pleasantly surprised.

The old house girl also expanded her business?
However, before explaining clearly to them, the three of Lacus need to go out first to deal with the noisy "uninvited guest" outside.


The mages of the first and seventh sequences have already trapped the uninvited guest.

The reason why it is said to be trapped instead of caught is mainly because the uninvited guest used a smoke bomb, and it was a smoke bomb with a shadow attribute. Focus on preventing problems in the Shadow Realm. As for the arrest of the perpetrators, they can only stand by and wait for help.

When the three of Lux appeared together, the Archons were obviously relieved-although it is shameful to need the boss to come out to wipe their ass, but for the Archons of the first and seventh sequences, their main task is to defend the Shadow Realm Internally and externally, between facing embarrassment or disobedience, they finally chose to embarrass themselves.

Lux is undoubtedly quite satisfied with the performance of the Archon.


"You don't travel through the Shadow Realm on a normal journey." Ino snorted, "Or, didn't those riddlers from the Kinkou Sect tell you that traveling between planes is not a good habit?"

And Ino, who has been away from Fossbarrow for a long time and has not experienced the previous change, was a little puzzled at first after seeing this scene. Could it be that the Archon has also fallen?
Then, after Karya briefly explained to her the previous events in the Shadow Realm, Ino suddenly understood.

"This is the most important result of the adaptation." Kalya was quite satisfied with this, "Go, Ino, your shot is just right—if Lux were to catch that little thief herself, these Archons would definitely be very uncomfortable."

"Do they all know the existence of the teacher?" She asked Kalya in a low voice, "I would rather not catch the intruder, but complete the task?"

Unfortunately, this "Ino" just smiled, plucked the strings from time to time, and looked at the blonde girl beside him, which confused Akali a bit. Could it be that she guessed wrong, that the blonde girl was Yi promise?

The high-level yin and yang strangeness easily ignited Akali's emotions.

"No problem." Yinuo nodded, "It's also a good time to exercise. I haven't been here for several years. I hope everyone hasn't forgotten me!"

But her experience and thinking are not enough for her to understand what path she will take next, and because of personal hatred, she and Yingliu are not in the same way, so she came to Fossbarrow and wanted to Let's see what happened to the "other people's child" praised by the elders.

"I don't belong to the Balance Sect anymore!" The other party didn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner at all, and his tone was even a little excited, "You are Ino, right? I think only you can describe the Balance Sect with such appropriate words! "

Then, at Fossbarrow, she made a short trip through the Shadowlands to catch the attention of the Archons, and there was trouble.

Then, the little girl who had finally regained her freedom seemed to let out a long breath, and she had no intention of running away at all.

"Ah, let me introduce myself." The other party cricketed in the cocoon of the spider web, as if wanting to put on a handsome pose subconsciously, "My name is Akali, Akali Yeoman Texi, once balanced The sect's greatest genius!"

"If you want to leave the Balance Sect, Shadow Stream might be a good choice."

Then, maybe because Sona does have an affinity that ordinary people don't have, or maybe because both parties have similar experiences, Akali, who finally exploded, barely regained her composure.

Therefore, when the Big Three in the North held their internal meeting for the second time, there was one more subject on the agenda.

After the spider web technique on her body was completely removed, although Sona held her back so that she wouldn't do it again, Akali still bared her teeth angrily at Ino like a lynx with fur.

"Is there only one person?" After finishing all this, Yinuo raised his eyebrows, "This is really an accident... Oh, so it is!"

"Yes, that's right." Akali nodded, "I admit that it is true that the Kinkou sect taught me all my skills, but unfortunately, I am not the next Shadow Fist they want."

However, the link of review is still indispensable.

"That's impossible." Akali gritted her teeth subconsciously after hearing Yingliu's name, "I hate these messy organizations——Okay, stop asking, tell me, you catch me to the end What are you going to do?"

"The bastards of Yingliu are not real patriots, they only know about killing and destroying!" Akali shouted at the top of her voice, "The hatred of killing my father is irreconcilable, sooner or later I will have a one-on-one duel with Jie! "

"Why, I provoked an Ionian patriot?" Ino spread his hands, as if he was extremely puzzled, "I thought that I really love Ionians, and they are planning to counterattack Philo Island in Yingliu, so it turns out There's another one here? It turned out to be Miss Akali Patriot, sorry, sorry..."

Sona, who received the hint, smiled and shook her head, then plucked the strings of Yuhua, and began to try to appease Akali, who was about to explode.

"Shen can actually speak human language, he is absolutely right, you are really annoying!"

"You are Yinuo?" Akali turned around, looked at Yinuo, and then curled her lips in disappointment, "Ah, silver-white hair, not creative at all, and just like Shen, It's so fierce that people can't be happy..."

"You won, you won!" An annoyed voice shouted in Ionian from within the cocoon, "What the hell, I'm just on my way!"

The black face has already finished singing, so let the gentle and soothing big sister Sona sing the red face.



In this situation, a slim figure suddenly jumped forward, as if she wanted to escape, but without Ino's action, the surrounding magicians had already laid a net - so she bumped headfirst into what had already been done. On the prepared enchantment, the enchantment quickly closed, like a spider web, almost wrapping her into a huge milky white cocoon.

Ino couldn't help but grinned at such a self-introduction by the second grader. At this moment, she suddenly believed the other party's explanation: the cause of the guard and roundup of the Archon was only because she was traveling through the shadows.

"I can't imagine that Sona actually said you are her friend, I feel ashamed for her!"

While speaking, Ino strode to the edge of the smoke.

"That depends on why you travel through the Shadow Realm." Ino didn't answer directly, "I think Shen should have told you that plane travel is not a child's play."

"You must be Yinuo, right?" She looked around, and quickly found the one she thought was Yinuo among the three people in front of her, "The blue hair and the blue ice really match ——I thought about dyeing my hair before, but Shen never allowed it..."

"Hey, watch your words!" Akali's expression became serious, "Ionia is not loose!"

"I hate these guys who jump back and forth between planes." She muttered in a voice that only she could hear, "Whether it's the spirit world or the shadow world!"

One after another, sharp ice thorns protruded and pierced from the ground. Under the mixed eyes of surprise and admiration from the magicians, the smoky area of ​​dozens of feet quickly turned into a hell of extreme ice!
However, after doing all of this, Ino's expression became even worse.

The next moment, the sealed words and patterns that looked like ancient seals appeared on the ice thorns. In Carya's satisfied praise, the space within the entire range of the smoke bomb was completely reinforced, and the barrier between the present world and other planes became like a solid barrier. Ice is generally unbreakable and indestructible.

Blinking his eyes, Ino was left speechless by this guy.

"You don't know Ionia at all, you only know that you are self-righteous!"

Now it can be basically confirmed that this guy is a little girl in the second grade. She is dissatisfied with certain teachings of the Balance Sect (such as the balance between the real world and the spiritual world), has simple patriotic thoughts, and hopes to expel the aggression from the bottom of her heart. By.

This time, she didn't even need to put her hands together and press on the ground as before, a large piece of solid ice appeared on the ground, spreading towards the smoke extremely quickly.

(Actually, Sona is providing a temporary translation service for Lux. Among the few people present, she is the only one who does not understand Ionian—Kalya's Ionian version is a bit behind, but at least she can understand roughly.)
"She is Sona." Ino, who was ignored by Akali, had a bad expression on his face. "And this is Laxana. Besides, Miss Akali, you should correct your posture."

"Someone will check your boating records and check-in records later." Ino warned, "Don't play tricks on this, Fossbarrow is not a baggy Ionia!"

what's the situation?
Is there another traitor from the Balance sect?
Um, wait, why do you say "again"?
"Who the hell are you?" Coming to Yuko, Ino finally asked the identity of the other party, "Your moves are very similar to Shen, but if you are not lying, you are not quite like the guys from the Kinkou sect." Same."

In just an instant, the solid ice made by Ino completely covered the area of ​​the smoke.

Unless there is a Karya behind this little girl, judging from her excited performance, this should be the whole story. After reaching these conclusions, Ino shook his head helplessly, and then turned towards Sona beside him. cast a look.

And because the matter might involve the Kinkou sect, Akali was not handed over to the Archon in the end, but after Lux appeased the Archon, Ino carried the review in person.

"So, you are a member of the Kinkou Sect?" Ino completely ignored the other's thoughts, "At least you used to be?"

After the Archon returned to his position, surrounded by Lux, Ino, and Sona, the spider web spell on Akali was partially lifted.

"It's very convenient." Akali didn't seem to understand what Ino meant at all. "I just lost a little time watching the fireworks, and I need to go back to the hotel before the gate closes."

"I hate organizations, I hate you people who talk about it and only know how to follow red tape in action!" Under Eno's continuous ridicule, Akali's brain was somewhat overloaded, "I just want to see Forsbarrow, who was boasted to the sky by those old men, now it seems that those old bastards have been completely deceived by you! What on earth are you going to do?"

Facing Akali's rhetorical question, Ino just smiled and didn't answer, and even hung her up with a backhand, leaving her impotent and furious.


"It turned out to be a personal grievance, which seems to be more understandable." Eno nodded, as if I understood you, but continued to say the words that raised Akali's blood pressure, "But, is it Foss? Bai Luo also has a grudge against you? Since you don't want to go to Shadow Stream to fight back against the invaders, why don't you go to Preshidian to find your blade dancer—I heard that she is a person with great ambitions, and she wants to To make Ionia a whole..."

"If the country in bulk is not loose, then the many city-states in Shurima are simply an unbreakable alliance." Ino, who successfully found the other party's concerns, began to sarcastically, "At least the city-state is bigger than the village—— Ionia, the rules are different outside the village."

In the Icethorn Jungle, the smoke bomb did not dissipate, but this seemed to be completely expected by Ino. She pursed her lips, prepared a surrounding ice shield for herself, and stepped forward to the smoke bomb. Within the range, both hands held a sharp ice spine.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Ino, who has experienced the baptism of Carya, such words are at best a breeze, and it is not worth paying attention to at all-on the contrary, Akali herself is completely unaware that the annoying Ino and The likable Sona is in the gang.

Seemingly aware of something, Ino's attitude quickly became serious from the joy of seeing the hunter before, the smile on her face disappeared, and the whole person seemed to have met an enemy, and directly began to summon a large area of ​​ice thorns jungle.

Poor Akali was played and applauded by the Big Three in the North.

 Kalya's Little Classroom From Fist of Shadow to Stinger of Outliers:

  In the Balance Sect, most people think that Akali will inherit her mother's identity as the Shadow Fist when she grows up, and become the next Shadow Fist. Unfortunately, Akali completely disagrees with Shen and some concepts of the Balance Sect. , so I chose to leave the sect and go outside to have a look.

  Compared with the enlightenment of meditation, she prefers the conclusions drawn from personal experience.

(End of this chapter)

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