Lux's Farewell

Chapter 608 [0601] Carya and the Prophet

Chapter 608 [0601] Carya and the Prophet

First, Eno's irony made Akali reveal her inner thoughts, and then Sona's empathetic comfort made Akali open her heart. Finally, the background investigation presided over by Lacus personally confirmed that she reached Fosbyro In this way, under the cooperation of the Big Three in the North, Akali's information was almost squeezed out.

She's fine. It's true that she came to Fossbarrow after leaving the Kinkou Sect to take a look. It was also an accident to travel from the Shadow Realm.

After reaching this conclusion, the three of Lacus breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little funny. In the end, at Kalya's proposal, Akali was asked to do [-] hours of voluntary labor. Playing wild, on the one hand, gave her a chance to get to know Fossbarrow.

For this "punishment", Akali readily accepted, but she also put forward her own requirements: free food and housing, and if possible, she could do odd jobs for a period of time after voluntary labor.

According to her words, the ferry ticket to Fossbarrow had almost used up all her savings, and she hurried back to the hotel because the cheap hotel closed early at night.

This was beyond everyone's expectations, but since the future star of the Equilibrium Sect is willing to come and do odd jobs, there is no reason for Fossbarrow to refuse.

In this way, Akali was sent to Xinfugang Wharf, where, while learning Demacian, she would learn about Fossbarrow, "the capital of civilization praised by the elders and monks."

In this way, the episode brought by Akali was resolved, and the Big Three in the North gathered together again and talked about the topic of prophecy.

Amidst the doubts of the three girls, Karya explained the main reason why she was not worried about the prophecy.


In fact, Kalya is now [-]% sure that the existence that led the Kinkou sect is Soraka.

Compared with other giant gods, Soraka is an out-and-out alien. The most direct point is that she gave up her body in the heavens, completely entered Runeterra, and walked the world in the form of flesh and blood.

Although Soraka is still an immortal, unlike the giant god who can revive in the heavens even after the protoss is chopped into protoss sauce, if Soraka's body is destroyed, she will also embrace death.

But even so, she still chose to come to the land of Runeterra.

The reason why Soraka insisted on coming to Runeterra was to start from the time when civilization had not yet been born and Karya had not yet come to Runeterra.

In that era, there was no intelligent life in Runeterra, and everything in nature was as orderly as the sun rising and the moon setting. Runeterra is generally proceeding according to their expected trajectory.

However, with the emergence of people in Runeterra, the development of Runeterra began to appear uncertain. The trajectory of the stars and the laws of nature seem to be completely insufficient to predict the actions of humans. Compared with other beasts and plants, humans are not easy to guide. , more difficult to change.

From the perspective of the Titans, these creatures are wild, capricious and dangerous, and they stray from the great plan that the Titans have for them.

For these newborn lives, different giant gods have completely different views. Some giant gods believe that they have the obligation to guide these intelligent life forms, let them become servants of the gods, and let them understand what true greatness is; If you focus on these humble existences, you should look at the even more boundless heaven above your head; of course, there are also some crazy people who think that as long as these intelligent beings exceed a certain range, they should accept rectification...

Among the many giant gods, Soraka, who is the most sensitive to the stars and fate, has vaguely noticed the wonder of these little guys. Their wisdom will bring infinite possibilities. If you look at it, you will gradually become incomprehensible - moreover, their fate seems to be a fine net, which makes Soraka extremely fascinated.

However, at the beginning, Soraka's views were similar to those of other giant gods. Did she also think that these mortals disrupted the trajectory of fate, so while studying these little guys, she tried to restore the stars in the heaven dome trajectory.

But what Soraka never expected was that the repair method that was invincible in the past failed at this time. No matter how hard she tried in the heavens, those mortals would always weave the thread of fate to make the stars show beyond expectations. form.

At the beginning, Soraka could still influence these mortals through the falling of meteors and the shining of lone stars, but as they gradually became stronger, expelling wild beasts, reclaiming the land, and looking at the star dome, they still Full of reverence, but at the same time have their own ideas and cognition.

After discovering all this, Soraka finally confirmed that he didn't seem to understand these little guys well enough, and it was difficult to understand them even if he was high above the heavens.

Under such circumstances, Soraka finally made up his mind to enter Runeterra and fulfill his mission inside Runeterra.

However, because the rules of Runeterra are completely different from those of the heavens, Soraka's huge giant body cannot enter. After some thinking, she chose to imitate those mortals and slightly modified her body.

Thus, the child of the stars took on the form of blood and flesh, with powerful magic flowing in her veins, and her appearance became the present lavender-skinned, one-horned figure.

This time, she seemed to be recognized by Runeterra, and finally entered Runeterra smoothly, and began to walk among mortals, getting to know them face to face.

In Soraka's eyes, mortals are a group of chaotic and disorderly beings, they can tie the threads of fate into solid ropes for some reason, and they can also kill blood internally because of some petty gains into a river.

Soraka didn't like this kind of disorder and chaos that most giant gods hate at first, but as she walked in the world longer and saw more and more mortals, she began to Gradually I learned to think from the perspective of a mortal and observe the world in the way of a short-lived species.

This was a huge discovery, and Soraka realized with astonishment that what appeared to be disorderly chaos in the heavens was actually so natural from his point of view!

Although the lives of these mortals are not long, they can pass on their wealth, experience, and wisdom from generation to generation. In a sense, they are becoming more and more similar to giant gods!

Realizing this, Soraka felt both uneasy and hopeful.

What is disturbing is that Soraka sees the infinite possibilities in these mortals, which may be the complete loss of control of the star dome, and the giant god seems destined to lose control of the star dome trajectory in the future!
What was expected was that among the messy entanglements and knots of mortals, the messy fragments revealed great patterns, and Soraka discovered a brand new and unexpected grand plan-intertwined and intricate.

This great grand plan has not yet taken shape, and it is not even a prototype at this time, but Soraka dares to say that it is woven greater than any giant god's work, and she is more yearning for it!
The seemingly inadvertent acts of brutality, the seemingly brutal wars that lead to chaos, always lead to new futures and unimagined possibilities.

Different from top-down control, in Runeterra, the mortals who gradually gave birth to civilization began to forge a new unknown future for themselves from the bottom up.

This new star vault, seen from the heavenly realm above, seems to be nothing but pure chaos; but from a new perspective, to Soraka, who will not be corrupted by the erosion of time, it is a kind of near-flawless chaos. beautiful.

Yes, just as mortals can tolerate the deepest cruelty, so too have the potential for goodness and a will to stand up to anything in the stars that the Titans do not possess.

Realizing this, Soraka finally bent down and began to try to guide mortals in a mortal way. She gave up the hints of the stars and turned to explain everything and tell the future in mortal language, which made her a The first seer of Runeterra, and the greatest seer.

Since she had silently observed the whole process of the birth of human civilization, Soraka had a very deep understanding of human beings and human nature. Combining the trajectory of fate above the stars and her understanding of mortals, she predicted and guided mortals through The first period of babbling years.

It is precisely because of the great results of Soraka's work, and the fact that the giant gods found a way to create protoss to project their own will, primitive religions began to be born, and the gods found another way to guide mortals.

Other giant gods just regard their sect as a "new astrology", hoping to directly control the choices of mortals in this way, but on this point, Soraka has a deeper understanding, she has not established any star sect Instead, she chooses to use everything she knows to draw a bottom line for human beings that should not be done, and to give the most subjective initiative to human beings—during the long observation, she has discovered the creativity of mortals, This is what the giants do not have.

However, although she had great expectations for mortals, Soraka was not yet sure that humans would not mess everything up.

Until the continent connected to Mount Targon, a small tribe named Shurima started its own expansion after accumulating strength.

It's hard to describe how Soraka felt when she came into contact with the Shurima tribe for the first time - she was transformed into a desert walker and temporarily stayed in the Shurima tribe. The women of Setaka make some prophecies.

From Soraka's point of view, his desert walker's vest should have a good reputation in Shurima, and Setaka would always want to know something.

However, what she never expected was that Setaka didn't have much interest in prophecy.

"Our tribe has the best prophet!" When Setaka lost interest, a boy and a half behind her proudly said, "He can always give the most accurate predictions!"

The other party's attitude aroused Soraka's interest—in fact, she was always looking for someone who could weave her destiny with her. After leaving the heaven, Soraka was still a little lonely.

Hearing these words, Soraka immediately expressed his wish to meet the prophet and exchange ideas with him.

As a reward, she took the initiative to heal several seriously injured Shurima tribes. For the sake of medical services, although Setaka's eyes were still full of scrutiny, she still recommended her to Kalya.

This was the first meeting between Karya and Soraka.

During this meeting, they didn't say anything about prophecy, they just chatted as if they were friends—or in other words, Karya was mainly using the other party's curiosity about him to collect information hard.

After all, this desert traveler is a traveler who has traveled tens of thousands of miles. She knows a lot of knowledge that she doesn't know, and this valuable knowledge cannot be missed!
As for how to get her to say what she wants...

Carya carefully put away her prickly side, showed her profoundness as much as possible, and boldly analyzed human society, and then passed the conversation from time to time, asking the other party to give an example.

Then, once Soraka gave an example, he would grab this clue and ask and chat with him, prying a lot of information from Soraka's mouth with the posture of hitting a snake and following a stick—even including Includes the location of a little known oasis!
In this way, they chatted excitedly all night long, and when Soraka was about to leave the next morning, Kalya finally made a "prophecy" officially.

"In less than 50 years, the Shurima tribe will unify this continent, we will set all the standards here, everyone living here will follow the will of Shurima, and Shurima will guide everyone's way forward! "

Although considering the status of the "prophet" of the Kalya Shurima tribe, these words sound a bit boastful, but the Shurima tribe at that time was just a small wandering tribe that could be seen everywhere. Rakka was impressed.

Not long after that, Soraka left the land of Shurima, headed north to the magical land of birth, and by the way, went to the frozen Freljord—and then, When she returned to the foot of Targon, she was horrified to find that Kalya's prophecy seemed to have come true.

The tribe that was once as ordinary as the gravel in the desert has completed an astonishing transformation in just a few decades. They have indeed planted the flag of Shurima in one oasis after another, just as prophesied. And wherever they went, new forging, planting, and building methods were quickly promoted.

Therefore, Soraka recognized Kalya's status as a prophet.

"However, how can you be sure that she is the one who gave the Kinkou sect the prophecy?" Lacus still didn't understand after Karya finished telling the story, "I don't understand at all!"

"Time, and the description of the prophecy." Kalya chuckled, "Although Soraka also likes to wander around, there are rules to follow when she travels. There are only a few times when she left Shurima irregularly. , I heard that I went to the land of the first birth."

"And every time it corresponds to the language of the Kinkou sect?"

"That's right." Kalya affirmed, "What's more, in this passage, the smell of a giant god is almost overflowing."

"Giant smell?"

"This is a question of ancient language changes, involving changes in ancient Shurima and ancient Ionian." Kalya laughed, "It's not easy to explain the specific question, but I will give an inappropriate example ——These strange references in the prophecy are the common roots of ancient Shurima and ancient Ionian.”

 Carya's Small Classroom · Square Characters:
  Due to the kalya, the old Shuriman language is completely square script - quite similar to the ancient Ionian language developed from the sigil.

  However, with the destruction of the Shurima Empire, the ancient Shurima block script was greatly simplified, gradually evolved into a pure phonetic script, and merged with the Freljord, and finally formed the current Valoran Universal language.

(End of this chapter)

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