Lux's Farewell

609 Invitation from the king [0602]

609 Invitation from the king [0602]

After confirming the identity of the prophet, I finally have some clues about the interpretation of the prophecy.

"The will of the world is awakening" is easy to understand, and the world runes have become active again, which is the prefix condition and basis of the prophecy.

"The past disputes have proved that it is not a good choice to involve the mundane in a field where they should not exist" is a bit awkward.

If this sentence is understood literally, it should hope that the Kinkou sect can maintain the safety of the spiritual world and prevent mortals from entering the spiritual realm rashly—it sounds like Soraka discovered a certain world talisman in the spiritual realm The appearance of the text.

However, considering the phrase "the disputes in the past have proved", Kalya thinks that it may have another interpretation: don't let mortals get involved in extraordinary wars.

Both the Void War and the Rune War have brought heavy disasters to all mortals in Runeterra, and only those who have a detailed understanding of history know that those who pressed the buttons of these two wars were actually not extraordinary people .

Although the king of Icacia is called the Mage King, the Mage King who decided to use the power of the void at that time was not an extraordinary mage.

The rune war broke out completely because the then King Noxie ordered the use of world runes for war.

Void War and Rune War are both games for the extraordinary, but those who click the start game button are not extraordinary.

From this point of view, Soraka is also worried about the political system of various countries in Runeterra.

In addition, if one looks farther and thinks more out of bounds, then this prophecy can also be interpreted as "the level of mortals is not enough to touch the runes of the world".

In the end, Lacus found helplessly that the most valuable part of the prophecy was the premise of the prophecy.

"This is really unbelievable." Lux, who realized this, couldn't help but click her tongue. "Only the known conditions of the prophecy are accurate, and everything else can only be interpreted by guesswork? This is what I said and what I didn't say." What's the difference?"

"Congratulations." Carya said congratulations, but in fact it seemed that there was no congratulations at all. "You have discovered the essence of prophecy."

"So what should we do?" Lux was quite confused, "Why do I feel a little confused after hearing this prophecy?"

"Congratulations, you have discovered another essence of the prophecy." Carya said in a cheerful tone, "It makes you confused, and the choices that arise from this part of confusion often become the key to the prophecy becoming a reality."

Lux blinked.

"You mean, the fulfillment of the prophecy depends on the prophecy itself?"

"At least that's how I understand it," Kalya admitted. "Considering that I am the greatest prophet in the history of Shurima, I think my understanding still has some reference value."

This kind of modesty that is clearly bragging is a bit of a shame, but it is a pity that no matter Lacus, Ino or Sona are used to Kalya's intermittent pride, they completely ignore Kalya. After a brief discussion, a conclusion was quickly reached.

Since the prophecy has fulfilled its mission and interfered with future changes since the moment it was born, then I shouldn't take it to heart.

For the world runes, Fossbarrow has always taken a cautious attitude, and Ino has long been aware of the recovery of this power, and Karya has also studied enlightenment. In this case, Fossbarrow should not be too Pay attention to this prophecy!

After reaching this conclusion, Yinuo obviously breathed a long sigh of relief, and his whole body relaxed.

Don’t worry!

It was another welcome banquet, another study of the prophecy, and another deal with Akali. When the three of them were all leaning back in their chairs, the moon had quietly crossed the mid-heaven.

Eno looked at the time, and it was too late to go back to visit her parents - she already knew that her parents and elder brother had moved to Fossbarrow, and she planned to surprise them today.

But now it's late in the night, if she suddenly comes home at this time, it's not a surprise, but a fright. In this case, she simply stayed and slept with Lacus and Sona. By the way, some girls whisper.

This kind of occasion is no longer suitable for Karya. While filling the bathtub, Lacus hung the saber on the wall of the living room.

When the three giants in the northern border began to take a bath happily, Kalya finally couldn't help sighing.

One thing he didn't tell the three girls was that Soraka's prophecy was really accurate.

Could it be that the control button of the fate of Runeterra will be held in the hands of mortals again?
Silent all night.

The next morning, the Big Three in the North were refreshed.

After finishing packing, Ino finally set foot on the way home, while Sona hurried to the concert hall—the Fossbarrow people formed a folk musical theater troupe, and Sona had agreed to help guide it.

Then, just when Lux had some breakfast and was about to start her day's work, the secretary who was in charge of sending her the action plan and the required documents in the past brought her quite unexpected news.

"A dragon-bird knight arrived at Forsbarrow, saying he had brought a letter from His Majesty's own hand."

A letter from Jarvan IV?
Could it be that he has discovered Fossbarrow's changes and ambitions?
Should not be!

Although Fossbarrow has struggled a lot in the past five years, although it is rare for the new lord to engage in construction in the territory, it is not something that is incomprehensible. In fact, so far, Fossbarrow has only The Freljord's diplomacy is somewhat arrogated, and there is nothing beyond the laws and rules of Demacia.

Why is His Majesty the King sending a letter at this time?
Is it for tax collection?
However, although Fossbarrow's tax holiday is over and the half-price tax will be paid soon, but the tax season has not yet started, Jarvan IV shouldn't be in such a hurry, right?

After thinking about it, Lacus really had no clue about the purpose of Jarvan IV's letter.

Forget it, since you can't guess it, don't you know it after reading the letter?
So, Lacus allowed the dragon and bird knight to see him. After the two sides exchanged simple greetings, Lacus quickly got the letter.

Opening the envelope in front of the messenger, Lacus quickly read Jarvan IV's letter—then, a dumbfounding expression appeared on her face.

The purpose of Jarvan IV writing this letter has nothing to do with Fossbarrow, in other words, this is a purely personal letter.

And the main content of this letter is to invite Lacus back to Xiongdu to attend a noble banquet.

Of course, it is definitely not a simple banquet to send dragon and bird knights to deliver letters from thousands of miles away—so, the main topic of this banquet is the engagement banquet of King Jarvan IV.

That's right, His Majesty the King of Demacia is about to get engaged and get married next year!

As the largest "older single man" in Demacia, Jarvan IV's marriage situation has actually been affecting the hearts of many nobles: especially after Jarvan IV monopolized power, it is foreseeable that as he becomes the successor of Oren The most powerful king, his queen will become the most powerful queen in Demacia (Olen's wife died early and was a widower. When he led the team to Demacia, only his son Centu was with him).

Although it is said that Jarvan IV's suppression of the nobles is very fierce, but for these nobles, if they have the opportunity to become in-laws of the royal family, then they would like the suppression to be even more severe.

The harder the nobles are suppressed, the more power there is. Although Jarvan IV hoped to fill the vacuum of power through the Illuminati, the Illuminati did not do well before. Therefore, if there are in-laws, His Majesty will Won't you also take care of the queen's natal family?

As we all know, the Royal Family of Light Shield is very affectionate. Even though the private life of most Demacian nobles can only be described as corruption, the royal family is like a lotus flower that emerges from the mud and remains unstained-this is not a face It's a show, but a real single-minded couple, almost starting from Oren, as long as there is no heir, even if the queen dies, the king will rarely remarry.

This seems to be some kind of tradition of the Light Shield family.

Therefore, marrying into Dawn Castle is a very good result for most noble ladies!

If it weren't for the constant turmoil in Demacia in the past few years, I am afraid that the nobles who want to sell their own ladies would have annoyed Jarvan IV long ago.

Now that the situation in Demacia is gradually stabilizing, Jarvan IV's marriage issue is naturally on the agenda. After several noble banquets, Jarvan IV finally started a sweet relationship.

The future queen's name is Lanfu Davill, the youngest daughter of the Davill family.

The Davier family was the first family in Demacia to choose to stand by the royal family, and their attitude was even more determined than that of the old royalists such as the crown guard and Bouvier. Therefore, in Lacus' view, among the choices of Jarvan IV , and may not be without political factors.

However, after putting down the letterhead, she still felt a little delicate. In the blink of an eye, her elder brother had a sadomasochistic wish, and Jiawen IV was about to get engaged and have a fiancée... How time flies! !
The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and Lux ​​looked up at the Dragon Bird Knight in front of her.

"I'll write back right now."


Dawn Castle, bedroom.

Jarvan IV, who had just shaved, stared at himself in the mirror.

After returning from climbing the peak, he could clearly feel that his body seemed to have undergone a complete transformation. If nothing else happened, his lifespan would be far behind that of ordinary people.

Therefore, for Jarvan IV, getting married and having children were actually not that important.

But unfortunately, in the eyes of most Demacians, it is still very dangerous for the king to have no heirs, especially the noble representatives of the noble council, they have now begun to use their marriage as an excuse to delay the issue—— No matter what matters or problems Jarvan IV had, they would say "That's it? This is far less important than the inheritance of the throne".

Of course, it is certainly impossible for the nobles to speak so directly, but that is what it means.

This is more troublesome. The representatives of the nobles finally found an opportunity, and they will definitely seize it. Jarvan IV can already predict the next situation, and they will definitely use this as a basis to use it endlessly.

In order to silence these guys, Jarvan IV had no choice but to attend many banquets with obvious blind date attributes.

It's a pity that the eyes are uncertain. Although the noble ladies at the banquet dressed themselves like butterflies, Jiawen IV didn't have any interest in them.

how to say……

After returning from the summit, Jarvan IV's life level was already different from that of ordinary people. No matter how beautiful the faces and figures of these noble ladies were, Jarvan IV still had a calm heart and no worldly desires.

For this reason, Jarvan IV also conducted some self-reflection-does he not like women anymore?

You know, although he is not in a hurry to leave an heir now, it doesn't mean that he will die!
Fortunately, after some memory and thinking, Jarvan IV found a figure that once made his heart flutter in the vast memory.

It was a traveler from Vazuan. Her eyes were strong and powerful. Even after knowing her identity as a prince at that time, her attitude was still without any compliments. Moreover, she was tall and well-proportioned, and she was completely different from these delicate noble girls. it's not the same thing...

This kind of excitement at first sight made Jarvan IV heave a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's just that these noble ladies don't conform to my own aesthetics.

Heartbreak was not love at first sight. After confirming that his condition was fine, Jarvan IV did not get entangled in the traveler who had only met once, but put it behind him and began to prepare a countermeasure.

Jarvan IV's persistence in love made it unacceptable for Jarvan IV to find anyone to marry, but if he didn't get married, the noble council would definitely have endless troubles. After thinking about it, Jarvan IV could only make a compromise and use engagement to temporarily suppress the problem.

As for the wedding date, it can be postponed for a while, and the mouths of the nobles are blocked first!

In this way, a new problem arises.

Who are you going to get engaged to?

You know, in Demacia, repenting of a marriage can almost be regarded as an insult to the family of the repenting marriage—Fiona’s repenting of the marriage at the beginning directly led to a duel, and although this process exceeded most people’s expectations, no one Think it's unreasonable.

Therefore, once Jarvan IV chooses the object of engagement, it means that an innocent girl becomes a victim, and it is even unlucky to bring a family.

Jarvan IV was not a soft-hearted person, but thinking about this kind of thing still felt overwhelming.

Then, while Jarvan IV was lingering helplessly between blind dates, he was approached by a bold girl.

"Your Majesty, I know what you need." She squinted her eyes like a cunning little fox, "Maybe, we can cooperate!"

Perhaps it was because he remembered the first time he met Lan Fu, in the mirror, the corner of Jarvan IV's mouth could not help but raise a happy arc.

 Carya's Little Classroom: Loyal Light Shield:
  It seems that since Oren, the Light Shield family has been known for their loyalty and long-term love—this is very strange, because in Demacia, many nobles like to develop lovers, but the kings of all dynasties rarely have lovers.

  There are even a few kings who look for lovers because the marriage is purely political, and the lover is the actual wife-it has to be said that it is amazing.

  And the biggest problem brought about by this kind of love is the instability of the succession of the throne. Several times, the king needs to adopt an adopted son from the clan in order to ensure the succession of the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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