Lux's Farewell

610 [0603] Caring for Miss Lanfu

610 [0603] Caring for Miss Lanfu
To be honest, Jarvan IV was very surprised when Lan Fu took the initiative to find him and said to himself with a smile, "I know what Your Majesty needs".

On the one hand, he was surprised that Demacia still had a "so unruly" noble lady, and on the other hand, he was also surprised by what the other party said.

What is "I know what His Majesty needs"?
Is this a brand new means of attracting the opposite sex?
After dating for a long time, Jarvan IV, who had already had some inherent impressions of these noble women, immediately planned to refuse the lady to continue talking—in any case, the Davier family she belonged to was her staunch supporter, even to support The royal family, they took the initiative to reduce their power and became traitors in the eyes of the nobles.

So even if it was only for the sake of the Davill family, even if this Miss Lanf Davill said something unpleasant, Jarvan IV would not make her step down on the spot.

However, before Jarvan IV could speak, the other party seemed to have been prepared, spoke at the fastest speed, lowered his voice, and said something that almost stunned him.

"Father once said that Demacia needs a queen, even if it's only in name, or even just by engagement; but as far as I know, the strict concept of marriage of the Light Shield family prevents you from doing this in a short time. For one thing, you don't want to take marriage lightly, and you don't want all your ambitions to be delayed by one marriage."

Jarvan IV was a little surprised, but only after a brief surprise, he graciously invited Lanf onto the dance floor—and this was the first time he invited someone to dance other than the opening dance.

On the dance floor, Lan Fu gracefully matched Jarvan IV's dance steps while continuing her narration.

"I'm not a big figure in the noble council, but I know that your majesty must be a great king. My father would occasionally mention you at the dinner table, saying that you should not be fettered by trivial matters, but he obviously didn't understand. Those who persist are unwilling to deal with it."

"That's very well said, Miss." Lan Fu's words obviously reached the heart of Jarvan IV, coupled with her status as a loyal minister, this made His Majesty the King relax a little bit, and it was rare for him to take the initiative to reveal some of himself. Thoughts, "So, what do you mean when you say that you can solve my problems?"

"I am willing to be your fiancée." Lan Fu pursed her lips and glanced left and right, as if she had made up her mind, "It's just a fiancée, not a queen—I think a fiancée is enough for you Save yourself wasting time at boring dance parties."

"This is not a good idea." Jarvan IV sighed softly, "Thank you for your understanding, but as you said just now, marriage itself is a sacred thing that cannot be dealt with, and remorse is The greatest blasphemy against a person or even a family..."

"Your Majesty, I don't care about this reputation, and the Davill family is willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with the royal family, and they have long forgotten the family's decency." Lan Fu interrupted Jarvan IV's words, "When the time is right, I will leave here, even give up my noble status, and I will definitely not cause you any trouble!"

This time, Lan Fu's attitude was obviously much firmer, and the eyes she looked at Jarvan IV were also full of determination, which made Jarvan IV feel at a loss for a while.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I already have a sweetheart, someone I shouldn't fall in love with." Lan Fu lowered her voice, her eyes drooped, and she finally stopped looking directly at Jarvan IV, "Please forgive my selfishness, Your Majesty, It is impossible for my father to allow me to come together with my lover, but I am unwilling to give up this fiery love... Finding you is my only way out."


"If I become your fiancée and die early in the eyes of nobles in the future, no matter where I go or who I am with, my father will never stop me——I dedicate my honor to Dema Sia, let it be your weapon to eliminate the chains on your body, I have fulfilled the expectations of my family and made a contribution to Demacia, after that, I can pursue my own happiness with no regrets or regrets in my heart.”

Jarvan IV blinked, and it took a few seconds to understand what this Miss Lanf Davill was thinking. She seemed to have the intention of giving up her noble status for love, so she was willing to stand up and become his fiancée.

"This is a naive gamble." After sorting out the cause and effect, Jarvan IV couldn't help shaking his head, "The king's partner, even if it's just a fiancee, is a very delicate position. This position looks very beautiful, but in reality It's a lot of pressure, Miss Davill, I appreciate your understanding, but with all due respect, it's not a good idea, maybe it's better to have me as an introducer in a marriage than to be a fake king's fiancée Maybe a better idea?"

"No, Your Majesty, it's not the same thing." Lan Fu shook her head resolutely with red eyes, "Although I'm just a girl, and not as capable as Miss Laxana, my father still Just tell me, if you love Demacia, I will not cause trouble for Your Majesty!"

"The introducer doesn't take much time..."

"But what if there are many conflicts between the two families?"

"Then turn hostility into friendship."

"But what if this conflict is due to your ambition, Your Majesty?"

If Jarvan IV had realized something, a bitter smile finally appeared on his face.

"I seem to understand something."

"My lover also loves this country, but the family relationship will still be like a heavy chain, tightly restraining his wings that he longs to spread. When he secretly dated me, even if he fell into a deep sleep because of exhaustion, My brows can never be stretched..." Lan Fu's voice sank again, "Your Majesty, please forgive my selfishness and recklessness, but this is the best way I can think of."

Jarvan IV didn't speak any more, he just danced mechanically while falling into deep thinking.

Although what Lan Fu said was her own affairs, what she said reflected the similar situation of many Demacian noble youths.

Jarvan IV believes that most of the people living in this country love Demacia, especially those young nobles. They are the main force of the army. It is because of their bloody fighting that Demacia can Standing for a long time.

But, likewise, they are also the sons of the nobles. It is their family that educated and cultivated them. They are supposed to seek the well-being of their own family and seek rights and interests. However, as Jarvan IV gathered power, the contradiction between the royal power and the power of the nobles became more and more serious. highlighted.

Even Galen, who grew up with him since he was a child, and his family is also a good friend of the royalist party, sometimes has to take the initiative to avoid some problems because of the interests of the family's offshoots, what about other families—especially those who suffer because of the royal power? How can a family that has been hit hard stand with him all the time?

"Your Majesty." While Jarvan IV was thinking, Lan Fu continued to speak, "I believe in my father's judgment, you will be the king who will lead Demacia to a greater future, so I would like to dedicate Giving an insignificant reputation, just for a small happiness."

Jarvan IV was silent.

"Maybe you take the initiative to act as an introducer, so that I can be with my lover, but we are destined to not be able to get the blessings of both families." Lan Fu continued, "And if I can become your fiancee, then at the right time If I give up my status as a nobleman, then when I am with my lover as a commoner woman, at least the Patriarch of the Davier family will be willing to temporarily give up his political history, and give me the freedom from the perspective of a father. Blessings from the heart."

After plucking up the courage to say this, Lan Fu finally raised her head again and looked into the eyes of Jarvan IV, which were full of firmness and determination.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Jarvan IV was shaken for the first time.

Perhaps, as she said, it is also a good idea to delay the attack temporarily?

No, no, engagement is not a child's play, and the two parties are destined to get along a lot later, which may cause some unexpected troubles!

Suppressing the delicate expectation in his heart, Jarvan IV shook his head lightly.

"This is just a way to drink poison to quench thirst. It doesn't really solve the problem, and once it is exposed and fails, it will cause more trouble." He softly refused, "Okay, we have already danced two dances, let's continue dancing There will be some bad misunderstandings..."

"As long as you are fully prepared, you will not be exposed and fail!" Just as Jarvan IV was about to leave the dance floor, the other party suddenly quickened his pace, "Dance another one and give me a chance to convince you—you have already participated After so many dances, if there is no action, I am afraid there will be bad rumors spread!"

While she was speaking, the members of the orchestra accompanying the ball had very discerningly sped up the tempo of the dance music—so Ranff sped up her speech with a sped-up dance step.

"As long as you have someone you admire, I will leave as soon as possible!"

"I have to believe in the education of the Davier family. I will try my best to play a qualified housewife. After all, this is the part that is destined to be missing in the second half of my life."

"Demacia needs a queen who can calm people's hearts, even if it's just a queen-to-be."

"If you don't want to trust me, you can test me!"

"If you don't know how to get along with me, you can regard me as your secretary."



In order to convince Jarvan IV, Lan Fu obviously made sufficient preparations, and even planned every aspect. She would answer all the questions Jarvan IV raised.

It's time for three dances again.

Under the fast-paced dance steps, Lan Fu was already dripping with sweat, and gradually couldn't keep up with Jarvan IV's movements—but she gritted her teeth and tried hard to answer all Jarvan IV's questions, her eyes were even more incomparable firm.

"Then, one last question." Jarvan IV finally let out a long breath, "Your lover, which family do you come from? Borengang or Godin?"

Lan Fu almost subconsciously wanted to answer Jarvan IV's question, but she just opened her mouth, and then pursed her lips a little angrily. The firm gaze before was finally a little more dissatisfied and ashamed.

Seeing this situation, Jarvan IV, who had a rough idea in his mind, finally smiled. He took her away from the dance floor in a graceful manner, and invited her to have dinner at Dawn Castle.

"Maybe, we need to talk and understand more."

Naturally, Lan Fu agreed to the request.

That night, Jarvan IV and Ranvey had dinner together on the terrace of Dawn Castle.

Although this dinner was regarded as a feast of love by most nobles, in fact, the atmosphere of the dinner was more like an interview—since this cooperation is destined not to involve love, everyone should be more rational good!
Then, to Jarvan IV's surprise, although this Miss Lanfu still has a girlish innocence at certain times, at least as a housewife, it is more than enough, even as she herself promised, Jarvan IV can completely regard her as his life secretary!
Miss Ranve Darwell did well in her first interview.

Then came the second and third interviews.

In the end, even though she still stubbornly refused to reveal her lover's name in the end, Jarvan IV agreed to her suggestion and let her act as his fiancée, thoroughly contacting the boring disturbances in the noble council.


After shaving his beard and tidying up his grooming, Jarvan IV started to organize work again in the noble council.

Although there were still some people who said "Your Majesty should put more thought into the engagement ceremony", but this kind of voice has no effect on the overall situation.

Jarvan IV's will seems destined to continue to be carried out.

However, the confident His Majesty the King didn't know that when he was fighting with the noble bastards in the noble council, Miss Lanfu, whom he regarded as a "reliable partner", was at this time with the new star of the Godin family. Will Gottin mixed up.

"Your progress is good." Although Zwei is not very old, he is so greasy that it makes people sick to his stomach, "You have fascinated the little king so quickly... It seems that you can't wait to try the broiler chicken." What's the taste?"

"Put away your disgusting glib talk." Lan Fu frowned in disgust, "Don't forget our script, although the little king is a bit stupid, but it's not that easy to deal with, if you spread any strange rumors , then it’s all over.”

"So, we really need to act as loyal people?" Zwei was finally a little surprised, "Our Majesty the King, is he really a young chicken? But I don't think there is any difference between the nobles here and Noxus. "

"Maybe there is a problem with the Light Shield family." Facing Zwei's question, Lan Fu could only shake her head in the end, "In short, the curtain has been opened, and Laxana will also come during this engagement ceremony, the prologue Whether it is good or bad determines the quality of the whole play!"

"Don't worry." Zwei said confidently, "I'm very familiar with this sadomasochistic trick. In terms of acting skills, I'm much better than you—after all, I'm about to write off the script!"

 Karya's Little Classroom Black Rose role-playing game:
  In Noxus, the two leaders of the Black Rose seem to be very fond of role-playing - on the one hand, it stems from their bad taste, on the other hand, because the magic they rely on to maintain life has a lot of side effects, And this kind of role-playing can hide the side effects.

(End of this chapter)

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