Lux's Farewell

611 [0604] Long-lost aristocratic communication

611 [0604] Long-lost aristocratic communication

Lax naturally knew nothing about the affairs behind this marriage, but at least she must attend the engagement banquet.

No matter how impatient she is with the aristocrats, Lax must not miss the wedding banquet of Jarvan IV's engagement—and not only Lax, but also people of noble origin like Sona and Fiona need to return to the royal family. All go to the banquet.

Thanks to Ino's return from Ionia, otherwise, Fossbarrow's side might not even have a reliable person to preside over the overall situation!

Now that Ino is staying at Forsbarrow to preside over the work, it will be much easier for Lux to move.

"So, what kind of attitude should I return to Xiongdu?"

"Naturally, it is a model gesture of the nobility." Kalya reminded, "The current Fossbarrow is not ready yet, and there is still a long way to go before we have a complete hand with the nobility."

"But the noble model is also very troublesome." Lacus couldn't help shaking her head when she heard the words, "If it's really a noble model, then I should consider the inheritance of the Laxana family."

"So, you are worried about being urged to marry?" Carya smiled, "There is no need to worry too much about this, you are not our King, nor your brother Galen, except for some idiots who don't understand the situation, Most of the nobles should know that there is not much benefit in marrying you—don’t forget, in their eyes, Fossbarrow is still a place that doesn’t shit, and there are only some wild goods for sale here!”

"This is indeed an aristocratic style." Lacus shrugged, "But don't forget, my mother will also participate, and she won't let me go easily."

"It's okay, you still have your dear brother." Kalya's reaction was very quick, "He should still be single now, right?"

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus couldn't help but think of her brother's sadomasochism story, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"Yes, that's right." She nodded, "When I was young, he pushed the matter of bedwetting to me, and now it's time for him to bear my mother's fiery love for me."


For the long-lasting members of the Guangdun family, weddings are usually only once in a lifetime.

And because the relationship between the nobles and the royal family broke down when Jarvan IV ascended the throne, his enthronement ceremony was somewhat sloppy-so, although it was only an engagement ceremony now, the specification was quite grand.

Jarvan IV himself does not like extravagance and waste, but he is also very clear that this grand ceremony itself is a means to enhance the cohesion of the kingdom. Also agreed with the whole set of ritual plan proposed by the Art Support Association.

Then, just when he was worried about Miss Lanfu, this considerate lady took the initiative to say that "the kingdom doesn't need to spend too much on itself, and should put the money in more meaningful places", thus He rejected the plan to erect a statue of the enchanted stone for himself, and asked Jarvan IV to invest the money in the compensation for the casualties of the Battle of Tobyssia.

Jarvan IV readily agreed.

Lan Fu's choice quickly spread. Although she is not yet a princess in theory, she already has a small reputation among the people.

When Lacus and the Fossbarrow delegation came to Xiongdu and inquired about the future princess, all she heard were praises—it seemed that apart from not being good at communicating in noble occasions, this Miss Lanfe Darville is simply another example of nobility.

Lacus was very happy that Jarvan IV had found such a wife.

Although in the future, she is very likely to fight to the death with Jarvan IV, or even fight each other on the battlefield, but at least in terms of personal relationship, they can be regarded as friends who grew up together, and Lacus is very happy to see him married. Such a companion.

"The Davill family, this family's ambition is not small." Unlike Lacus' joy, after hearing the specific identity and information of the princess, Kalya looked very cautious, "When the noble council was over , Even the crown guards had to distance themselves from the royal family, but the Davill family still stood with the royal family, such nobles who betrayed their own class are too rare."

"It's rare, but it's not impossible." Lacus took it for granted, "To be honest, if the patriarch of the Crownguard family is my brother, then the Crownguard family is probably no different."

"That's hard to say." Kalya chuckled, "But no matter what, this Miss Davill is really good—you have to be careful!"

"Be careful?" Lux was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing, "When it comes to acting, I don't think anyone can compare to me, right? After all, since I was nine years old, I have to get used to the behavior of a certain villain." exists!"

Then, while Lacus and Karya were chatting, Yuhua's voice sounded outside the door.

Sona is back.

Opening the door, Lux found that Sona seemed a little depressed, so she took Sona's hand into the room and made a joke.

"Did Aunt Lestara also urge you to get married?"

However, what Lux never expected was that Sona nodded slightly.

Seeing this scene, Lux fell silent.

"Actually, it's okay." Sona looked at Lacus's appearance like a frost-beaten eggplant, and couldn't help stroking the strings, "After all, I can't speak, and my mother has already realized that I can use magic, so She's not going to help me arrange blind dates or anything."

"Then she?"

"She is just from the perspective of a mother, hoping that her daughter will be happy." Sona plucked the strings with a rare sluggish movement, "This is the reason why I can't refuse."

"But since I want you to be happy, then naturally there is no meaning of urging you." Lacus's reaction was quick, "So why should you worry?"

"After all, I feel that I am a little different." Sona seemed to have sorted out her emotions, "In Fossbarrow, there are many archons around who have families, but there are also more people who are used to being alone. I never I didn’t feel like I was any different.”


"But in Xiongdu, some people who had a good relationship with me before now have children and even call me [Aunt Suona]. This is somewhat concerning."

"Actually, you don't need to pay too much attention to this issue." Kalya said as if he had the right to speak, "Actually, after stepping into the extraordinary ladder, there are already quite a lot of differences between extraordinary people and mortals." There is a gap, the ethics of ordinary people may not be suitable for extraordinary people... Although it is suspected of relying on the old to sell the old, but in my opinion as an old man who is thousands of years old, your main problem is that you have not adapted to the concept of time as an extraordinary person. "

"The transcendent's concept of time?"

"Yes, as an extraordinary person, not only is it more powerful, it can do many things that ordinary people cannot do, and more importantly, a longer life will also give people a completely different perspective." Kalya said He comforted him in the tone of someone who had experienced it, "Fossbarrow's development is very fast, even from the perspective of a mortal, so you haven't realized it for the time being——When I was in Shurima, I had many plans. With a span of decades, hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, extraordinary people possess not only power, but also more time."

Kalya seldom talked about this kind of thing to Lacus and the others, so when Kalya talked about the time concept of supernatural beings, both of them listened quietly.

"It's like the cultivation of the rune tree. The whole plan took more than 200 years. Not long after Shurima was established, I had a plan. Until the Shurima Empire was completely destroyed, the rune tree did not reach the level I expected .”

A 200-year plant-cultivation program...

In contrast, Fossbarrow has mastered the planting technology of Hongsu in just over a year, which is indeed a world of difference.

"The development of Fossbarrow is very fast now, because the starting point here is low, and as long as many things start, it will advance by leaps and bounds." Carya seems to have guessed their thoughts, "But as long as you continue to go, you have to gradually adapt to it. The reduction in development speed...the long lifespan of a transcendent is an important guarantee to prevent these long-term plans from collapsing."


"So, if you feel sorry simply because of the difference in life with others, then there is no need." Seeing that both Lacus and Sona fell into silence thoughtfully, Kalya simply concluded, "Being an extraordinary person, It's just a journey to the top. If you don't have a clear goal, it's really easy to get lost. In Shurima, besides those who can't control their power, there are many people who have power but don't know it. What to do with it, end up in a madman."

"Perhaps, if I have time, I should go back to Ionia." Hearing what Kalya said, Sona seemed to have an idea, "I heard from Ino before that the vastaya there should be very researched in this area." , I think she is very used to all this."

"Ino is very used to all this, I think it's entirely because of me." Kalya heard this, and after a moment of silence, he said helplessly, "However, if you have to say it, there is nothing wrong with going to Ionia Well, it's your hometown after all—well, don't be so serious, the future is still far away, you can get used to this kind of thing slowly, now, my dear students, you should go try on the dresses. Counting the time, the dresses from the Art Support Association will be delivered soon!"

When Lacus and Sona heard this, they couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation.

"Also, don't forget." Kalya added in a timely manner, "You are still responsible for bringing the goods. The sales of Fossbarrow's furs have dropped sharply recently. We don't need the low-end market. But the luxury fur industry on the aristocratic side must be firmly grasped, this is not for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of Fossbarrow!"

Hearing that Kalya started talking nonsense again, Lacus simply hung her saber on the wall, pulled Sona and went to the next room to try on the dress.


The dress styles offered by the Arts Support Society are very good.

The dress is a traditional Demacian petticoat, but not bulky.

At the request of Lux, this petticoat added a lot of Fossbarrow's northern style-the dyeing style of Demacian blue ochre, plus cryolite decoration, and white fur decoration, so that the whole petticoat has a This kind of "cold breath originating from the northern border, as long as the person wearing it appears on the stage, it will make the dance scene cool for a while."

Fossbarrow's fur is thick and strong, but after special processing, the decoration of its skirt, cuffs and neckline instead of the conventional satin and lace design is still eye-catching, while the appearance of cryolite is Resembling icicles, the combination of the two can give people a clear impression of snow.

If such a match is worn on those noble ladies in Xiongdu, it will be a bit overwhelming, but for the well-proportioned and stylish Lacus, and the broad-minded Sona, there is a kind of just right elegance. And a unique style originating from the North.

In addition to petticoats, this complete dress also includes gloves, stockings, shawls, waistcoats, high heels, veils and many other complicated accessories. The manuscript is provided free of charge, otherwise the price of this outfit alone would be enough to buy a three-story building two miles away from Hongwei Square in Xiongdu.

No need for servants, Lux and Sona helped each other, and quickly finished wearing the whole dress.

At the moment when they looked into the mirror, the two could hardly believe that the person in the mirror was themselves.

"Very beautiful." After being stunned for a moment, Lacus had a wry smile on her face, "If I hadn't met Teacher Kalya, I would have been very happy wearing such an outfit—but now, I just feel that It's a little cumbersome."

"It's not even easy to pluck the strings." Sona added, "They also designed decorations for Yuhua, and Yuhua didn't like it either."

"But I have to say, Sona, your figure is really enviable by everyone." Lux laughed, "It seems that the task of bringing high-end furs will fall on you!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"This is not nonsense." Lacus tried her best to put her face on the floor, trying to flatten the corners of her upturned mouth, "Come on, Sona, in order to make Fossbarrow's fur industry go to the high end, come up with your most perfect fur industry." Come here with a gesture—wait a minute, won’t this steal the limelight from the future queen?”

However, it turns out that Lux was overthinking.

At the engagement ceremony, when she saw the future Her Majesty the Queen appearing at the entrance of the auditorium holding Jarvan IV's arm, she was surprised to find that even though the other person's figure was not good enough, his overall demeanor was completely different. Not inferior to Sona!
Although she was not very old, in this future queen, Lux unexpectedly felt a kind of dignity that she usually only saw in her mother.

In Karya's words, this is called the gesture of mothering the world.

"She's only 21 years old!" Lux could hardly believe her eyes, "This is unbelievable!"

"What's even more unbelievable is that she has almost the same idea as you." Kalya added, "The gemstones on the lace of her skirt are all high-quality lapis lazuli, and the largest lapis lazuli produced in the entire Demacia The area is the fiefdom of their Davier family... This future Her Royal Highness, the Queen, is probably not an ordinary person!"

 Carya's Small Classroom Demacia's Lapis Lazuli:

  In Demacia, lapis lazuli is considered a gemstone that is neither high-end nor too popular. This gemstone is mainly produced in the mountains in the south of Demacia, centered on Pingze Town, and the largest lapis lazuli The mining area is located within the fiefdom of the Davier family.

(End of this chapter)

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