Lux's Farewell

612 [0605] Foxes of the year

612 [0605] They are all thousand-year-old foxes

Although the king's engagement ceremony is theoretically worthy of celebration throughout Demacia, the essence of the engagement banquet is still a noble banquet.

The noble banquet is a place where "express emotions and goals with greetings and politeness, and achieve cooperation with dance steps and small talk".

In addition, the ladies also bear the responsibility of competing for splendor. Here, wealth and heritage will be realized into gorgeous clothing and accessories, and displayed to others as much as possible. As the protagonist of the banquet, the future queen Ms. Lan Fu has almost surpassed all others.

Lux heard a lot of people whispering, saying things like "No wonder it can fascinate His Majesty the King".

"It's a perfect match." Picking up a glass of champagne, Lacus responded to the others with a smile, and praised Karya from the bottom of her heart, "After Gavin ascended the peak, my whole temperament has changed!"

"That's why I always feel a little awkward." Kalya seemed to have a problem with the new queen, "This Miss Lanfu is standing beside him, but she can easily attract the attention of others, not just relying on her appearance and dress just do it.”

"But she doesn't seem to have any problems." Lux didn't understand why Kalya was so sensitive today. "You tried it just now, and the other party didn't even respond with magic power."

"Yeah, everything looks normal. It seems that this Miss Lanfu is really just a beautiful, elegant, intelligent, and noble lady with a dusty temperament." Carya smacked her lips, "Considering that she is just more beautiful than you A few years younger...why have we never heard of her name?"

"Didn't you find out all about it before?" Lacus took a sip of champagne, "She was in poor health when she was a child, and almost never attended noble events, and she usually likes to read books."

"The books don't teach you to wear clothes for noble banquets." Kalya sighed, "I've seen people who are really weak and sick since childhood and like to read. They don't have the communication skills of this queen."

"Ah?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus was a little confused, "It seems that our future queen is not good at communication, and most of the communication is done by Jiawen."

"That's because she gave up the dominance on purpose." Kalya chuckled, "Her behavior is very natural, and she handed over all the guests who were not easy to deal with to Jarvan IV, but the question is, is she good to a guest? The judgment that should be dealt with is too precise."

"You mean, she's too perfect?" Lux thought, "Perfect is not good at communication?"

"Almost." Kalya affirmed Lacus' statement, "I think you should have a chat."

"What are you talking about?"

"Leave the topic to me." Kalya seemed to be interested, "The unknown temptation of words, this is a very interesting part..."


According to Kalya's request, Lacus held two glasses of juice, and when Jarvan IV was not around for the time being, she came to the opposite side of him and Lanfu.

"Your Majesty, congratulations." Lux greeted Jarvan IV with a sincere smile on her face, "You have once again walked ahead of my brother!"

"You bastard..." Jarvan IV heard the words, and the stiff smile on his face finally became more lively, "Stop teasing me at a time like this, respected Miss Noble Model!"

"Haha, I've never admitted this nickname." Lacus shook her head lightly. "So, Your Majesty, do you mind if I find a place to chat with your fiancée and relax a bit? She looks a bit tired."

"Thank you so much." Jarvan IV finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and looked at Lan Fu, "My dear, would you like to go to the slow platform on the second floor to take a breath?"

Lan Fu nodded impatiently.

"I'll leave her to you first." Jarvan IV nodded slightly towards Lacus, "Relax, dear, Lacus is my sister."

Handing over the juice in her hand to Lan Fu, Lacus took her to the slow platform on the second floor with ease.

"Lanfu, can I call you that?" Lacus took a step sideways, covering most of Lanfu's body, skillfully creating a semi-concealed space, "Come on, drink some juice and relax Bar."

"Of course." Lan Fu picked up the juice and took a small sip, with a somewhat relieved expression on his face, "Miss Laxana, can I call you Lacus?"

"Naturally." Lux nodded with a smile, "Relax a little, Lanf, you've done it perfectly, now you don't need to control your center of gravity."

"Really?" Lan Fu, who put down the cup, seemed a little surprised, "Your Majesty often tells me about you, saying that you are a model of nobility, and your etiquette has never been picky."

"Etiquette is the rule of nobility." Lux showed a modest look on her face, "However, in front of close people, excessive etiquette can only represent alienation—so, relax a little, and stand in high heels all afternoon. It’s not good, you must seize all the time worth resting to let yourself relax.”

After hearing this, Lan Fu blinked and leaned back slightly against the wall.

"This is different from what I imagined, Lacus." Lan Fu's whole body was visibly relaxed, and her beautiful eyes narrowed comfortably, "I thought you would be a serious person. "

"How is it possible." Lux shook her head lightly, "Actually, before I was ten years old, I followed His Majesty and my brother almost every day, and I didn't look like a girl at all—only this part of the past, His Majesty should not be very happy to mention it to you."

"Ah? Why is that?" Lan Fu was a little puzzled, "Uh, wait a minute, shouldn't I ask this?"

"No, no, it's not that serious." Lux continued to smile, "It's mainly children... they are more mischievous. If you talk about my childhood, you may inevitably talk about your majesty's own glorious experience when you were young. I'm afraid he will Worried about destroying the perfect image of yourself in the heart of your lover."

Lan Fu seemed a little surprised. She was stunned for a moment and blinked her eyes before she understood what was going on. Then she couldn't help but opened her folding fan and covered her mouth.

Judging from her shaking shoulders, Lan Fu seemed to be smiling happily.

"Although I know very well in my heart that many things are normal for children, there will always be an inexplicable shame in declaring them." Lacus seems to feel deeply about this, "Speaking of this topic , I heard that Lan Fu, you liked reading when you were young, and you always stayed in the library at home?"

"I was weak when I was young." Speaking of this topic, Lan Fu finally stopped smiling, "Even basic exercise is difficult, and most of the time I can only study at home."

"This is a good thing." Lux looked extremely envious, "It doesn't matter whether you are five years old, 15 years old, or 50 years old, you can tell me about reading..."

"But if you think about reading fairy tales over and over again when you were a child, that feeling is also amazing."

"It's better than remembering the dull pain in my knees when I plunged into the ditch when I was a child..."



As if they were really just sisters and sister-in-laws, Lacus and Lan Fu chatted for nearly two quarters of an hour in this undisturbed corner, until Lan Fu seemed to be in a much better state, and then bid farewell.

Seeing that Lanf and Jarvan IV were entertaining noble guests again, Lacus handed the two empty glasses to the waiter, and then asked Kalya how she felt.

"Miss Lanfu, what do you think?"

"It's not that good." Kalya came to a conclusion that left Lux stunned. "She's been hiding something."

"How is this possible?" Lux had no idea at all, "What is she hiding?"

"Although the performance tends to be perfect, the level is almost meaningless." Karya commented in a very professional tone, "The expression of pretending not to know is not natural enough, and the expression of trying to make me discover something is a bit obvious."

"What is she trying to let you find out?" Lux was already in a daze, "And, how can there be any hesitation?"

"On the issue of her childhood, among the lines I gave you earlier, there were a few puns from fairy tales, but after you said them, she didn't respond." Carya chuckled, "Believe me, I like reading People in fairy tales, when they hear these puns, will be as happy as discovering a friend, but she tries to act like she doesn't know—that's the kind of appearance that she knows but pretends not to know."

"What does this mean?" In terms of micro-expressions and verbal connotations, Lacus couldn't keep up with Kalya's level of thinking at all. "She wants me to find out on purpose?"

"That's right, this is quite a flaw. If you have good observation skills, you should be able to catch this problem and notice something is wrong." Kalya continued, "However, she deliberately exposed this flaw, and In this performance, she was a little bit less interesting."

"Why would she do this?" Lux was completely confused, "Is there any benefit in making me feel that something is wrong with her?"

"I haven't discovered this yet." Speaking of this, Kalya was also a little helpless, "Although she is not a simple person, she is not a simple person. If you want to find out her details just by chatting for a while, then It's just a fantasy."

"So what are we going to do next?" Lux wondered, "You noticed something was wrong with her, and then what?"

"Then just wait." Carya said in a delicate tone, "I have a hunch that this guy's identity may not only be as simple as the future queen, but it's hard to say now--however, this has little to do with Fossbarrow, We can just be patient and let the bullets fly for a while."


While Lacus and Karya were talking about Lanfu, on the other side of the banquet hall, while entertaining guests, Lanfu also whispered something about Lacus to King Jarvan IV.

"Your Majesty, that noble model seems to have discovered something." According to the outline of the script, Lan Fu began to put eye drops on Lux calmly, "I always feel that her perception is too sharp."

"Isn't it?" Jarvan IV was quite surprised to hear what Lanfu said, "Aren't you just chatting?"

"Just chatting is enough." Lan Fu sighed helplessly, "As expected of a noble model, her insight is really too keen."

"What did you talk about?" Jarvan IV wondered, "Could it be that she can still find out that our plan is not working?"

"The plan can't be discovered, but I'm afraid the suspicion has already grown." Lan Fu lowered her head slightly, "She told me a lot about her childhood, about her, about you—our plan didn't include this part. "

When Jarvan IV heard the words, he quickly understood what the other party meant.

"But it's okay, after all, even a loved one may not be willing to share things about their childhood."

"I also answered with similar reasons, but it didn't seem to satisfy her... It seems that in her opinion, you would be willing to share these things with your true lover."

"Even if she really feels something is wrong, you don't have to worry too much." Jarvan IV blinked his eyes when he heard this, but after thinking for a while, he quickly relieved, "Forsbarrow is far away from Xiongdu. Very well, after the engagement ceremony, she will go back."

In the end, the engagement ceremony ended smoothly and was successfully completed.

That night, Lux rarely returned to Crownguard Manor.

Although she slept in the bedroom she was familiar with again, but this time her identity has changed from a princess to a guest.

Putting aside the matter of Lanfu for the time being, Lacus lay silently on the soft bed—the bed and quilt were both the style she had when she left Xiongdu and went to Forsbarrow, but lying here again, she no longer had that feeling.

On the other side, Lan Fu did not let go of Lacus.

At this moment, Lan Fu, who was in the Dawn Castle, was facing the script with another actor in the shadows.

"The plan is going well, Laxana will leave Xiongdu soon."

"Why, are you sure this guy is hard to deal with?"

"It's not easy for me to deal with it directly. The little king seems to have quite a lot of trust in her—but it doesn't matter, now I am really my own."

"So, the prologue is over, it's time to start the first act."

"Have you got in touch with Noxus?"

"Of course, someone will give me a medal of arms soon in order to wash away the shame of the Battle of Tobyssia."

"Then you can take it easy, don't take credit for it, and you will become someone else's credit instead."

"Don't worry, without us, Noxus is already a crumbling old house, anyone who kicks it will fall off something - but you, when will you be able to completely take down that broiler chicken?"

"You don't need to worry about that. When you return from your meritorious service, the second act of the sadomasochistic love triangle will definitely proceed smoothly."

"That's good, you can go and don't let me down."

"Each each other."

 Karya's Little Classroom: Mischievous Trio:
  Jarvan IV, Galen, and Lacus are relatively similar in age, and they used to play together when they were young—these three little troublemakers have left a lot of "great achievements" in Xiongdu, including but not limited to giving the statue of the Forbidden Stone Coloring, falling into the same gutter in line, ruining half of the garden by making flower cakes, trying to climb dragon bird perches to artificially hatch dragon bird eggs...

(End of this chapter)

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