Lux's Farewell

613 [0606] It takes skill to sow dissension

As the two sixth sons who focused all their skills on life-saving and had little frontal combat power, LeBlanc and Vladimir gave up their preparations for a direct assault after meeting Lux in the Shadow Realm.

That's too unstable.

The road to true immortality is right in front of them, and there is absolutely no need for them to take risks at this time, in case they fall short, they will be finished.

Therefore, considering Lax's other identity, they plan to provoke her and Jarvan IV to make her sink in the pain of a dilemma. At that time, no matter if Lax sinks as the banner of the nobility, she still insists on herself Allegiance, they will all prepare a duel for her and Jarvan IV to end everything.

To this end, LeBlanc and Vladimir prepared a very detailed plan to drive Lacus and Jarvan IV apart.

A model of nobility?

It is a gentleman who can be deceived!

From LeBlanc and Vladimir's point of view, if one day, Lacus will be surrounded by nobles, because of misunderstanding, estrangement and identity conflicts, she will feel extremely painful when she meets Jarvan IV. His love and loyalty to the king will be two grinding discs, completely crushing the heart of this noble model.

In the end, no matter whether she gave up her loyalty and completely became a careerist, or insisted on her loyalty and walked into her storm pavilion, Black Rose could successfully achieve their goals.

LeBlanc and Vladimir have done this kind of trick countless times in Noxus. In the history of nearly a thousand years, Noxus is not without patriots like Swain, but in the black Under Rose's ingenious layout, their love for the country often becomes their biggest weakness, just like Swain during the Ionian War.

Now, this script has been used on Lux after a little "Demacian localization".

LeBlanc and Vladimir, who first came to Demacia to perform, cherished this unique performance. In order to completely defeat Lux's will, they even mixed in the script a sadomasochism triangle, aristocratic conservative forces' counterattack, Factors such as religious infiltration have never existed in Noxus.

This is their greatest respect for climbers.

However, the two who started a new round of role-playing games with great enthusiasm were completely unaware that their plan, although ingenious, had a small foothold.

They don't know Lux well enough.

In fact, if the director of this script is Swain, who has now become the logistics chief of the Black Mist Legion, then he will definitely be bolder and go directly to cooperate with Lux, trying to win over the other party directly.

The reason is also very simple. Swain, who once had a head-to-head confrontation with Lacus in Vazuan, knows in his heart that although Lacus is known as a model of nobility, this guy is not a loyal and patriotic person!

You must know that in the Battle of Tobyssia, Swain, who almost changed his fate against the sky and completely counted all the organs, did not count Lacus, the peak climber, as the high-end combat power of Demacia—this is amazing It's not because of his omissions, but because he thinks from the bottom of his heart that Lacus and Demacia are not the same.

When he failed to lead the team alone in Piltover, Swain had carefully investigated Lax who turned out to be out of nowhere. At that time, he did not know that Lax was Laxana, so according to his judgment, this mysterious Lax , it should be someone from the Shurima Restoration Organization, her behavior has the obvious style of the ancient Shurima Empire, and she also took out the prince's golden feather.

Then, after collecting Demacia information and comparing it to confirm that Laxana is Lacus, Swain quickly realized that this person did not seem to be a typical Demacia.

But these black roses do not know.

The reason is also very simple - their top leader in charge of Shuangcheng intelligence was killed by Lux, and for Lux, all they got was second-hand information.

The second-hand information pieced together from small pieces of information is not bad in authenticity, but it is like a blind man feeling an elephant, unable to show the whole picture.

Black Rose didn't know about Lacus' development methods when she was in Zaun, so she didn't realize that she and the traditional Demacian nobles were not in the same way; Black Rose didn't know that Lacus was confronting Swain head-on Therefore, it is not at all clear that this golden feather was taken out by Lacus himself.

Therefore, from LeBlanc and Vladimir's point of view, Lax's experience in the Twin Cities should be "she upheld justice in the Twin Cities in the way of Demacia, but in the end she was taken out of the prince's golden feathered Zaun People take advantage of it, and finally leave in anger."

Otherwise, it is completely impossible to explain why she chose to leave when she became the actual ruler of Vazuan-it does not make sense at all.

Without the information that "Golden Feather was brought out by Lux", the most reasonable explanation is that Vazun used Lax, they prepared the Golden Feather, and kicked her when Lax was fully utilized. Kick away.

Moreover, the battle in the Shadow Realm also showed that Lux's performance was completely inconsistent with Vazuan's appearance of annihilating thousands of troops with one move, so the prince's golden feather is obviously not Lux's.

The above is the unreliable Lacus information that Black Rose pieced together through second-hand reliable information.

It was based on this information that they judged that Lacus could be dealt with through political means, just like she made wedding clothes for others in Vazuan!
And the plan based on this information can only be said to be fundamentally wrong.

If Elise can return to Noxus alive, she will definitely tell Black Rose that Lacus is not an ordinary person, let alone a model of nobility—but because she raised spiders with living people in Zaun, Lacus The killer killed her and buried her directly in the desert, so Black Rose had no direct information about Lacus at all!

LeBlanc and Vladimir, who are good at deception and acting, didn't even realize that Lux was a colleague at all!

Although she is a well-known model of aristocrats in Demacia, deep down, Lux is a pure rebel...or a revolutionary!

Expecting to tear Lacus apart through traditional loyalty and patriotism is purely overthinking.

If it weren't for the fact that the Northern Territory hasn't really achieved integration, if it wasn't for the current Fossbarrow being too weak, and if it wasn't for the fact that the current Archons haven't completed the system construction, Lacus would have taken the initiative to fight with Jarvan IV without any provocation. Let's meet!
From this point of view, Black Rose's plot is likely to turn into something... Strange things.


Lux didn't know that someone had already woven a big net for her.

After attending the king's engagement ceremony, in addition to accompanying her parents at home, she devoted herself to the communication of nobles again after many years.

Like the previous engagement ceremonies, in these aristocratic exchanges, her main purpose was to bring goods.

Although Fossbarrow's furs already had a lucrative market in Ionia, but making money—especially making money from nobles, naturally, the more the better.

Moreover, it is also very necessary to try branding and high-end industries. The experience of Shuangcheng has proved that the toll-based trade that relies solely on geographical location has huge limitations. Although high-end brand trade itself does not It is not as indispensable as other commodities, but the profits it brings can be flexibly invested in various aspects.

Money, for most Demacian nobles, is a tool to show their status and the basis for extravagant enjoyment.

But for Lacus, money is a precious development resource. With the official start of various industries in Forsbarrow, she has clearly felt the importance of money investment.

In Fossbarrow, the huge profits brought by the government-run trade supported the research of the archon, the construction of new cities and new ports, the control of prices, and the large-scale compulsory education.

Without this money, all of Lux's plans would be castles in the air - Fossbarrow was able to achieve leapfrog development in just a few years, relying on the macro control of the economy and the control of Demacia based on the Archon. High-end productivity scheduling.

Now that Fossbarrow's development has achieved initial results, Lacus doesn't want to stop, so she needs more money to attract immigrants, expand industries, expand the scale of education, and improve various systems.

Now that we have come to Xiongdu this time, and it is just in time for almost all the nobles to attend the king's engagement ceremony, it is natural to take advantage of this opportunity to promote the special products of the northern border, and try to seize this short-term opportunity for blessings. Spiro made a fortune!
It’s also interesting to say that although frequent visits to noble banquets these days are hard work, this is the happiest time for Lacus to participate in noble banquets since she met Karya—although the rules and etiquette are still complicated and cumbersome, although the content of the banquet is still the same. Extravagant and boring, but Lux is in high spirits.

In the past, every time she participated in noble banquets, she regarded herself as Kalya's tool, but this time she had a lot of subjective initiative.

And so frequent participation in banquets, the results are gratifying.

With the goods brought by Lux and Sona, the nobles of Fossbarrow have almost accepted the style of the northern border, and even those families who are not short of money have begun to take the initiative to customize a full set of clothing with the northern style for themselves and accessories too.

Although for them, this special style of decoration may not be used for a while, and they may even wear it at most three or five times in their life, but it is worth it.

After all, the number of various clothing and accessory styles in the wardrobe is also part of the "noble heritage". Being able to wear the most correct clothes on the right occasion is the most noble thing to reflect.

And these Northland-style clothing and accessories, although custom-made through the Art Support Association, the materials have to be bought from the North—or Fossbarrow.

After all, this style was worn by Earl Laxanna. Of course, Fossbarrow's materials are the most authentic, even if the price is a lot more expensive, but is it expensive for aristocratic things?
That is noble!

When this period of communication ended, and Lacus and Sona finally set off to return to the northern border, according to Kalya's calculations, this wave of high-end fur trade actually sent Fossbarrow enough to support Fossbarrow for two years. Funding for compulsory education.

Compared with this, the smiles squeezed out these days can only be described as value for money!

Lacus and Sona were in a good mood because of this high-level order, while on the other side, in the Xiongdu of Demacia, Miss Lanfu also seized this opportunity and started her own sowing discord.

Once "inadvertently", during the break between Jarvan IV's office, when Lan Fu sat with him and drank tea, they chatted about the latest aristocratic trend.

Jarvan IV didn't know much about this, but anyway, it was just chatting after work. After talking about this topic, he asked Lanfu by the way, what's popular with males recently.

Therefore, Lan Fu told Jarvan IV that because of the many banquets held before, recently Xiongdu has a lot of styles that were not there before, and the most popular one is the northern style.

Jarvan IV had never heard of the style of the Northern Territory—you must know that before, at the request of his father, he had participated in many banquets of the Art Support Association. Although he was not obsessed with art, he at least had a basic understanding of it.

Therefore, Jarvan IV curiously asked Lan Fu, what is the northern style.

Facing Jarvan IV's question, Lan Fu, like a little girl who likes beautiful clothes, explained the characteristics of the northern style to Jarvan IV in detail.

In the process of narrating, she didn't directly mention its price, but said through such things as "I heard that the orders from the Art Support Association are full, and the high-end furs are sold out. Now I have to pay a deposit to order a dress." times" This kind of non-salty and not weak words, give a little hint of yourself.

Jarvan IV didn't think there was any problem at first, and he had seen the fad. This thing comes and goes, and the heat rises and dissipates quickly.

When Jarvan IV said that, Lanf paused for a moment, then nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Yes, yes." She agreed with Jarvan IV's statement, "The dress is okay. This kind of thing is most obvious in accessories. The territory of the Davier family is rich in lapis lazuli. I heard that every once in a while, There will be a gemstone trend, such as lapis lazuli and blue ocher this year..."

"I know lapis lazuli, what is blue ocher?"

"Blue ochre is a special ore from the north." Lan Fu explained actively, "I heard that the dye of the Demacia flag is mainly dyed with blue ochre--recently I heard that small pieces of blue ochre raw ore are also It started to be used for decoration, and it matches the northern style very well!"

"That's it." Jarvan IV nodded, and finally showed a thoughtful expression, "It seems that the northern border has gradually found its own way... It seems that our noble model is indeed very capable people!"

Jarvan IV's voice was not loud, but Lan Fu heard it clearly, but she blinked and looked at Jarvan IV in confusion, as if she didn't know why he said that.

Seeing Lan Fu's expression, Jarvan IV shook his head slightly, then changed the subject with a smile.

His Majesty the King, who was delighted with the development of his friend's fiefdom, did not notice that the moment he changed the topic, Lan Fu's innocent eyes showed a little bit more joy of planning,

Karya's Small Classroom · Blue Ocher for Decoration:
Demacia does have a small amount of blue ocher used for accessories, but it's a very small number, and LeBlanc said that on purpose.

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