Lux's Farewell

614 Long-lost visitor [0607]

In any case, Lux's trip to Xiongdu should be regarded as fruitful.

A large order was placed, and Fossbarrow's financial pressure was greatly relieved this year-so, Lacus couldn't be happier with the engagement of Jarvan IV.

As for the queen who looks very complicated...

According to Kalya, that shouldn't be what Lacus is thinking about now, and now is a good time for Lacus to promote the integration of the northern border!

Of course, with Fossbarrow's current poor size, while promoting integration, she also needs to continue to absorb immigrants in order to continuously expand her basic base.

And because Jarvan IV completely suppressed the noble council for the time being, and after the tax inspectors searched carefully, the turmoil of the two taxation has gradually subsided, so there are almost no bankrupt farmers, and Fossbarrow wants to reap More immigrants can only rely on industrial expansion and reaching out to the Freljord.

That's right, after many years, Lux once again set her sights on the Freljord.

In other words, for so many years, Lux's eyes have been lingering on the map of the Freljord.

According to the news from the members of the intelligence team who followed the migration of the Avarosa headquarters, the focus of the Avarosa people has now been completely on Lax Stark. With a large amount of supplies, they are working hard to win over allies and build an order with Avarosa at its core.

In this case, although Ashe also assigned some staff to maintain the trade with Fossbarrow, her control over Sifreljord was significantly declining.

In the past, small tribes in the Severljord all chose to ally themselves with Avarosa for two main reasons—either they needed Avarosa's artifacts, or they needed Avarosa's protection.

But now, with Avarosa moving eastward, these two points are no longer the main needs of these small tribes.

Without the Winter's Claw and the rise of new powerful tribes, these small tribes in Sifreljord do not have much survival crisis for the time being. After the Battle of Mithril City, their main enemy is only There are wolves, white bears, lost people, trolls and other animals. Before a new tribe has developed enough to be ambitious, the external crisis of these small tribes is very small.

As for the demand for handmade products... As the news of the alliance between Avarosa and Fossbarrow gradually spread, seeing that the people of Avarosa are all trading with the Fossbarrows, why don't they go directly to Fussbarrow? What about Spiro?
Of course, according to the style of the Freljord people, before trying to trade with Fossbarrow, they first tried to make a zero-yuan purchase, hoping to directly make a no-cost transaction through looting.

It's a pity that with the special protection of the Archon Sequence and the Northern Walker, although there were some thrills during the period, five years have passed in a flash, and no tribe has successfully taken advantage of Fossbarrow's side.

Buying for zero yuan didn't work, and finally some tribes pinched their noses and sent envoys to try to make a deal with Fossbarrow.

However, just when Lux was about to agree, Kalya stopped the transaction in time.

"This is impossible." Carya did not intend to let the people of these small tribes easily get what they wanted, "They just attacked the caravan before, if they directly agree to the request for trading at this time, it is undoubtedly agreeing with their legitimate reason to rob the caravan It is impossible for trade in the north to maintain its current scale and form forever, and this opening cannot be opened."

"So you want to reject them?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux was obviously a little reluctant. "This kind of looting is the norm in the Freljord. At least they want to sit down and negotiate a deal now..."

"They sat down to talk because they couldn't grab it. If they sit down and talk now, as long as they have a chance in the future, they will definitely try to tear up the agreement and then come to a wave of looting." Carya emphasized, "Although Most of the agreement is to be torn into waste paper, but the cost of breaching the contract is too low, and it is not conducive to future work."

"Then what should we do?" Lux was a little puzzled, "We can't ask them to hand over the looters, and it's not easy to judge them..."

"It's true that we can't judge them, but someone can." Kalya chuckled, and finally showed his fox tail, "Ash is our ally, although these guys avoided the half way escorted by the Avarosa However, this does not prevent us from making a serious protest to Miss Ashe."

"...Protest?" Kalya's words made Lux even more confused, "Is protest enough?"

"It's enough." Kalya was full of confidence, "Ashe is not an ordinary Avarosa war mother, although she will choose to protect these tribes and let everything go, but believe me, she will definitely fight with those little ones." The war mother of the tribe should have a good talk."

"And then?" Lux still didn't quite understand, "What's the use of that?"

"It's useless, it's very useful." Kalya's tone began to become subtle, "It is to let the war mothers of these tribes realize that the Avarosa tribe at this time is useless."

Lux blinked her eyes, and after thinking for a while, she finally came to a realization.

"Are you hoping to drive a wedge between Avarosa and these small Severljord tribes?"

"Almost." Kalya admitted happily, "Ashe is a very thoughtful person, but her ruling foundation is not stable at all. Now that Avarosa has moved east, the power of Severljord There is quite a blank space... Aren't you not tempted?"

Hearing what Kalya said, Lux was somewhat speechless.

"Is it really okay to so blatantly attack the sphere of influence of the allies?"

"This is no longer Avarosa's sphere of influence." Carya heard this, but gave a cold and realistic explanation, "Many of Ashe's ideas are very good, and even have some romantic idealism, but it's a pity The work she is doing is too rough, and with Avarosa's size, the area she can control is quite limited."


"You should have discovered that in recent years, the importance of clerks has become more and more obvious." Seeing Lux fell silent, Kalya gave an example around her by the way, "If you want to maintain order and rule, Relying on personal prestige and charisma alone is far from enough, members of these tribes that violate the order of Avarosa also worship Ashe, but this does not prevent them from plundering caravans against Ashe's request."


"Actually, even without the Battle of Tobysia, Fossbarrow needs a complete reorganization. When the city was small and the population was small, you could lead by personal prestige, but now With the expansion of Fossbarrow, the completion of Xingang, and the completion of Xinfu City, the size of your team will become larger and larger. At this time, if you rely on pure personal prestige, the result will be the same as the current Avarosa. People go out of politics."

Lux fell silent.

She understands what Kalya said—but to be honest, deep down in her heart, what she wants to see more is that the courtiers, clerks, and walkers in the north of Forsbarrow all have the same ideals as her, and all of them share the same ideals. effort.

But that's impossible.

Even Ino, after working in Vazuan for a period of time, did he fully understand Lux's ideals and truly become her comrade. The lord, the good leader, believes that Lacus can lead Fossbarrow to glory, but it is obviously impossible for them to have Lacus's preparation for sacrificing their personal interests, and even cutting their families in the future.

"So, we can also be regarded as a lesson for Ashe?" In the end, Lux decided to make a joke to make the atmosphere less serious, "Let the tribe of Severljord realize that Ashe is useless, and then what ?”

"Then tell them that we are useful." Carya said in a cheerful tone, "This is how power ebbs and flows. What we have to do is to let these tribes get out of Avarosa's order and enter our trade order, and then Absorb it."

"Like a walrus tusk?"

"It's similar, but there's a big difference." Carya corrected, "The warmother of Walrus Tooth is a rare wise man, but most of the tribes that send troops to plunder are war lunatics, so if you want to They absorbed them, made them part of Fossbarrow, and most importantly separated the Warmother from her people."

"It's too difficult." Hearing what Kalya said, Lux wanted to shake her head subconsciously. "The war mother is the connection and bond of the tribe. It's hard for me to imagine how to separate the war mother from the tribe."

"Here we need to use a bit of sausage cutting skills." Carya seems to be quite good at this kind of thing, "Don't be limited by the mindset, we don't necessarily need to actively separate the two sides, and induce the war mother to give up some [meaningless stoves] Account] is a better choice.”

"You mean, by way of trade?"

"The formation of a run on trade means is one aspect." Carya seems to have a comprehensive plan, "In addition to this, the more important thing is that you have to let the war mothers focus their vigorous energy on dealing with them." Go somewhere more meaningful."

"You're not talking about war, are you?"

"It's not a war, it's a tribal conflict at best." Kalya said scary words in a natural tone, "Cheap food and handmade products will make war mothers no longer have to worry about it, so they can focus on cleaning up those who don't like it. In this process, the strong make meritorious deeds, and the weak will not be taken seriously even if they become stove households..."

Lux couldn't help rubbing her temples upon hearing this.

She had already guessed what Kalya was going to do next—it was nothing more than watching the war lunatics destroy themselves in the war, while Fossbarrow took the opportunity to take over their tribes and clansmen.

"Teacher Carya." At this moment, Lux's tone became serious, "You haven't been influenced by demons, have you?"

"Demons? They don't have such brains." Kalya snorted, "This is already a very gentle plan, Lux, and you don't think that Severljord will not explode without intervention. Clash of clans?"


"The power gap left by Avarosa's departure is destined to be filled by a new order. Even if you don't do anything, sooner or later a new tribe will be born with ambitions and start conquests—if all goes well, they will become If the new Avarosa or Winter's Claw doesn't go well, this place will fall into chaos for decades until the next strong one emerges."

Lux sighed. Although she didn't want to admit it, what Kalya said was the normal state of the Freljord. On this hard-to-survive ice sheet, war is often the main theme.

"About Erniuk's breeding, we already have a little idea here." Seeing that Lux's mood was still a bit depressed, Kalya took the initiative to talk about happy things, "If it goes well, after we meet Sifreljo After the German peninsula has a certain degree of control, we may try to provide them with ernuk cubs with a relatively high survival rate. If they are not willing to leave the Freljord, at least they can live more easily.”

"So, when you proposed to breed Ernyuk, did you already think of this?" Lux, who couldn't laugh or cry, could only sigh helplessly, "Are you always like this?"


"Take every opportunity available to you, and make a plan into which the target will fall unknowingly?"

"It sounds like a compliment." Kalya said happily, "Well, not bad."

Lux was silent - she subconsciously remembered some stories about Shurima that Kalya told herself when she was a child. At that time, it sounded like there was no Kalya in the stories.

But come to think of it now, in those stories, Karya was everywhere.


When Ino led the team to go to Lax Stark to find Ashe to protest, a special visitor finally came to Fossbarrow by boat.

Ajax—oh, it should be called Jax, this time finally came to Forsbarrow with a report.

After disembarking at Xinfu Port, like many businessmen who came here for the first time, he looked at everything in this port with great interest.

"It's changed a lot." He muttered in a low voice in a language that others could not understand. "She must be his heir. Except for him, no one is so interested in building new cities and new ports..."

With a slight sigh in his heart, Jax touched the report in his arms, and then strode into a restaurant.

Although the difficulty of this report exceeded his expectations, Jax, who thought he could return to Forsbarrow in half a year, took four full years to set foot on the land of Forsbarrow again. He still needed to eat and prepare before going to see Miss Laxana.

In Jax's view, the next negotiation will be very troublesome. Although this Miss Laxana is not as good as that prince, she is not an ordinary person. If he wants to persuade her, he must work hard.

Sitting down at a table in the corner, Jax organized his words while casually ordering some of his usual food. Since it was not a meal time, the dishes Jax ordered were served quickly.

"It's a pity, Kieran still can't leave." Seeing that the dishes were all served, Jax finally shook his head and picked up an egg on the plate, "If he can come, Icacia will be saved... ..."

Kalya's Small Classroom Loose Freljord Tribes:
The poor natural environment and low productivity level of the Freljord have determined that the Freljord people like to report to the group in small groups for warmth, and it is difficult to form a large-scale organization—don’t look at the ability of Winter’s Claw Pull up a team of tens of thousands of people to go south with Sejuani to plunder, but in fact, very few of them belong to Winter's Claw and fully accept Sejuani's orders.

Within the sphere of influence of the rising large tribes, in order to survive, small tribes often rely on the other party's command and accept command to a limited extent.

This kind of command is generally in a state of listening to the tune and not listening to the announcement, and the big tribes will not annex it-because the big tribes are not easy to feed so many people, and they cannot organize management of this scale.

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