Lux's Farewell

615 Jax's hardships [0608]

615 Jax's hardships [0608]
In Fossbarrow, Jax carefully made his final preparations—a few years of hard experience and bad luck had made him cautious and cautious, and he wanted to do everything right.

He even deliberated over every word Lux ​​might say, and carefully prepared his own response, as long as there was no problem at all.

Such an exaggeration is not because he is nervous, but because during the period of preparing for a feasible investigation, Jax's luck is really bad. In order to avoid any unplanned troubles, he is used to preparing everything thoroughly.

The last time he came to Forsbarrow, Jax didn't find it difficult to face Lux's request for a workable report.

Although Jax himself is not very good at this kind of writing work, after the destruction of Icacia, and now in the ruins of Icacia, Zilean's time barrier still shelters many of the last essence of Icacia. Someone among them will be able to complete the report.

It is based on the above judgment that Jax believes that he will return to Forsbarrow in half a year at most, get the promise from the prince's heir, and break the substantive blockade of Icacia.

However, it turns out that the issue of the feasibility report seems to be doomed to many twists and turns.

First, several outsiders recklessly broke into Zilean's time barrier before Jax returned to Icathia.

If it wasn't for seeing these two people, Jax couldn't believe that an outsider could pass through the veil of time and trigger the maze of time without knowing anything about Icacia.

However, this was not a big problem at first. With Kieran hosting and controlling, the time fan lock was quickly restarted smoothly, and the time curtain was successfully repaired. However, due to the restart of the time fan lock, Icacia's time flow Again there was a brief disturbance.

During the time when Icacia's time was disordered, Jax conveyed the request from Lacus to the Icacia Autonomous Committee and received a lot of technical support. He felt that he was fully prepared, Jax confidently determined that although he had lost some time, he would be able to return to Forsbarrow in at most a year.

In this way, Jax followed the little yellow fur who claimed to be the "Great Guide" and left Icacia, and went to Vazuan via Ixtar.

This road was chosen by the little yellow fur. He said that walking through the jungle is shorter than walking in the desert. The power of the Veil of Time, Jax believed his words.

Moreover, this Mr. Ezreal also provided Jax with a very surprising piece of information: In Vazuan, there are many professional organizations present for the feasibility study, so Jax does not need to escort a civil servant thousands of miles away. All the way from Icacia to Vazuan, you only need to travel light with yourself!
Jax, who got the news, was in a very good mood, and once again became optimistic about his next trip.

In order to wait for the time fan lock to be repaired, I have been delayed for too long, and now I must act as fast as possible!
However, Jax hadn't realized at all what "haste makes waste"--and he hadn't even thought that the "Great Guide" was just a curious baby at all.

Not only was Jax himself blown out by his endless questions along the way, what's worse, his exuberant curiosity was stimulated to the greatest extent after entering the jungle of Ixtar.

In this engulfing jungle, it seems that all animals and plants are new to him. Jax watched him fill his backpack with simple specimens of various flowers and fruits, and write a book full of them. This is another diary that looks like waste paper, recording the experiences of the two of them in detail...

More importantly, although the little yellow-haired man's performance in the desert is really worthy of the name of a guide, after entering the rainforest, he seems to know nothing about it - under Jax's unbearable questioning, he Only then did I admit that "although I have entered the rainforest, it was only the "marginal zone" north of the Kumanggu jungle.

What the hell, the guide that was promised, turned out to be a dragger!

If it's just a drag bottle, it's not really a big problem.

Considering that Mr. Ezreal is at least a Vazuan and a professional explorer, Jax agreed because his curiosity wasted some time in exchange for the convenience of moving in Vazuan.

After all, it's been so many years, where hasn't Jax been?
Even if there is an extra curious baby, Jax's pace will not be slowed down, and he can finish the report on time!

Jax soon realizes, then, that he's being naive.

After a lot of effort, the two finally passed through the shady jungle and arrived at Ixocan, the capital of Ixtar, and were about to repair and continue northward. By chance, he was involved in the vortex of the succession of the Ixtar Kingdom.

Jax really wanted to break his head and couldn't figure out why a little yellow-haired man who just came to Ixoken the day before would become a friend of the seventh princess of Ixtal after just one day, and for the sake of She came forward and took the initiative to provoke Qiyana, the tenth princess of Ixtar who had recently gained fame...

If it wasn't for Jax's help, this little yellow hair would have been completely destroyed by the violent elemental power manipulated by Qiyana!
Worried that Ixtal would overreact if he made a move, after saving the little yellow hair with two swords, Jax took his luggage and planned to leave Ixaucan early, but he never dreamed , not long after he left the city, the Seventh Princess of Ixtar also chased him with a few followers.

The excited little girl entangled Ezreal, and even said "I can wander to the ends of the earth with you", which shocked Jax's pupils.

Your Excellency the Seventh Princess of Ixtar, you must be blind, right?
No matter what, Jax couldn't understand why this stinky boy who only knew how to ask questions along the way could fascinate the seventh princess of Ixtar. Could it be because of his face?
Shaking his head slightly, Jax didn't think about it for the time being, but urged Ezreal to leave quickly.

"Either leave with me, or stay in Ixtar forever!"

After hearing the words, Ezreal quickly made a decision, and swiftly threw off the Seventh Princess—although the other party really planned to elope with him impulsively, the little Huangmao didn't have the idea of ​​driving a big car.

It's a pity that even though Ezreal reacted quickly without any delays, Qiyana still followed the short delay.

Then, just when Jax was thinking about giving up on the little yellow fur, Qiyana approached him.

That's right, Qiyana was not interested in the weak little yellow hair, and she didn't think her stupid and ignorant Seventh Sister could be regarded as her opponent. She rushed all the way, and her main target was Jax.

"Take up your weapons." After the soldiers loyal to her completely surrounded Jax and the others, Qiyana stepped forward, "Your dual-knife combat skills are not bad, but not as good as Ixtar's. The amazing talent is amazing, the previous battle is not over yet!"

If it was another time, Jax would be happy to have a discussion with her and let her understand the truth that there are people outside of people and outside of heaven.

But the current situation is too delicate, and Jax still has his own mission, so he doesn't intend to deal with this megalomaniac ten princesses.

It's a pity that he didn't want to talk to Qiyana, but Qiyana seemed to recognize him—no matter what Jax said, as long as he didn't agree to fight with Qiyana, he wouldn't even think about leaving Ixoken.

Considering his mission, Jax felt that he might be able to "fight hard" once to satisfy the little girl's strong desire for challenge.

In this way, a duel began.

Jax still uses dual swords. As Icacia's weapon master and Koali warrior, he is proficient in many weapons, and double swords are no problem. Even if he doesn't like this kind of weapon, it doesn't prevent him from using it Here comes a decent loss to Qiyana.

And just like that, a battle began.

Qiyana seems to be a peacock with its tail open. While fighting Jax, she shows off her amazing talent with all her strength, as if she wants to impress Jax and let him work for her.

However, she obviously didn't realize that although this level of talent is not bad, in Jax's eyes, it is not amazing at all. After seeing the last glory of the Shurima Empire, Jax From Si's point of view, Qiyana's talent... If you want to become an Ascendant, you need to queue up slowly, and there is a high probability that you will not be able to get in the queue.

While silently evaluating the savage princess in his heart, Jax followed his own plan and lost to Qiyana in a very respectable manner.

Then, just when he thought that he had satisfied the other party's request and could leave, Qiyana issued an order to him to be loyal to him, and it was the kind of loyalty or death.

"Since you lost, the loser should be dominated by the winner."

Looking at the soldiers who showed their weapons, and Qiyana, who was brewing a huge elemental power, Jax finally realized that he didn't know enough about the savageness of Her Royal Highness.

In desperation, Jax could only come up with something real - while Qiyana was stunned, he easily found the weakness of the "amazing talent" magic structure, and easily turned the entire berserk spell into He blew a gust of wind, and then defeated Qiyana within three moves, and even surrendered her ring blade.

"Arrogance is the biggest obstacle to being powerful." Jax threw the ringblade decorated with gems and painted with complex magic circuits on the ground, "You are amazing? You are still far away..."

As the victor, Jax left Ixoken smoothly, and the little yellow fur who quickly followed him also threw away the seventh princess.

But Qiyana is not easy to get rid of - after being easily defeated by Jax, she stalks him desperately, trying to learn from him.

And after seeing how difficult the other party is, Jax has no intention of showing anything, and just wants to leave quickly.

One of the two sides ran, the other chased, and soon entered the jungle, and then Jax discovered that the ten princesses had actually mastered a lot of original axioms about plants.

Jax is strong, but at the end of the day he's not a spellcaster.

Xiao Huang Mao said that he is a great guide, but he is also a rookie in the rainforest.

Therefore, this combination faced Qiyana who was biting and refusing to let go in the jungle, and couldn't get rid of it for a while.

Qiyana challenged Jax every time she caught up with him, and was easily defeated every time, but even so, she was still unwilling to give up.

Jax is not a sloppy person, if Qiyana wasn't the tenth princess of Ixtar, he would have killed her long ago, but she is also planning the tenth successor of Ixtar, Icacia A trade route, he can't kill the killer, and the result is that he has to face Qiyana's challenge every three days, and the trip to the rainforest, which is already slow, is delayed even more...

In addition, Xiao Huangmao took the opportunity to collect specimens and write a travel diary. When Jax finally walked out of the Kumanggu jungle and arrived in Kumanggra, the year he had planned before had already been completed. More than half have passed.

After finally getting rid of Qiyana, Jax arrived in Vazuan by boat from Kumanggra, and began to hire a special person to write this feasibility report. Then, in order to make the report more detailed and impress the prince Heir, he hired Vazuan's most professional investigation team to conduct this investigation.

However, when he asked about the price of the investigation report, Jax was embarrassed.

He brought a lot of money, but even so, there was still a long way to go before hiring this team - Vazuan's top firm, the price was ridiculously expensive.

Just when Jax was planning to settle for the next best thing and change to a less top-notch firm, Xiao Huang Mao confidently said, "I will pay for this money."

Could it be that besides being an explorer, Ezreal is also a rich second generation?

Facing Jax's question, Xiao Huangmao said, "It's not a big problem. My travelogue will be published soon. This kind of book is the most popular in Vazuan. I will have a lot of money soon."

"Think about it, Mr. Jax." Ezreal said in a seductive tone, "You have already gone through the most troublesome steps before, so why do you need to go through the next less troublesome but most critical part?" Why settle for the next best thing because of a little money issue?"

Eventually, Jax was persuaded by Ezreal,

On the one hand, it was because he was unwilling to mess with the most critical part of the investigation report, and on the other hand, it was because he also thought that Xiao Huangmao's travel notes should sell well.

According to Ezreal, his travel notes will be divided into two volumes. The first volume is "Twenty Thousand Miles of Yellow Sand", which travels in the desert, and the second volume is "Dark Green Ocean", which travels through the rainforest. , as a witness of the journey, after looking through Ezreal's notes, Jax has to admit that the content is very detailed and the story is very exciting. Compared with the works that Vazuan is selling, it is completely crushing The advantages.

So, with the mentality of not being fooled, he decided to wait another month or two, and after receiving Xiao Huangmao's manuscript fee, he hired Vazuan's senior firm to issue a feasibility report on the new trade route.

In this way, in Vazuan, Jax waited for three months, and Xiao Huangmao's manuscript fee was delayed.

Confused, Jax found Ezreal and asked him what was going on, and then got a news that could be called a bolt from the blue:
Xiao Huangmao's travel notes have been rejected!

"This is just a technical adjustment..." Ezreal said helplessly, but he was still very confident, "I just need to refine it!"

"Are all the editors in Vazuan blind? Even if it's just a manuscript, your travelogue is [-] times better than the trash on the market—wait, what is this?"

"This is the seventh edition of the manuscript."

"You wrote it?"



Holding the seventh edition of the manuscript that Ezreal was planning to submit, and seeing the narcissism and meaningless rhetoric that almost overflowed between the lines, Jax covered his face in pain.

No wonder I had to pass the draft! ! !

Even if you submit the original manuscript of your travel diary, it will be better than this messy narcissistic travel journal! ! !

 Two extra articles will be updated tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!
  It's the end of the month, pay all the monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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