Lux's Farewell

Chapter 616 [0609] Approval from Carya

In Vazuan, Jax deeply realized what sunk cost is - he was really unwilling to go back to Icacia and pass through the time magic lock again. When the manuscript fee was paid, a top-level firm was hired to conduct a "feasibility investigation of the trade between Icacia and Vazuan".

After a full three-month investigation period, Coupling Firm concluded that "Vazuan is not currently suitable for trading with Icacia".

What the fuck is this? !

Jax really never dreamed that he spent a lot of money to invite the most famous coupling firm in Vazuan, hoping to come up with a report approved by Lacus, but what he never expected was that, The other party gave a conclusion that Icacia trade is not recognized!
Moreover, if it wasn't because the other party was a top-level investigation firm, or because they really did the investigation, I'm afraid they wouldn't rashly draw a negative conclusion.

Take a look at the conclusion written in the report:
Due to the further development of Ionian trade, the current trade route of Vazuan is becoming saturated. Although the throughput of the canal is still there, the number of ships has reached the limit. In this case, unless someone can Provide more freight ships, otherwise, judging from a commercial point of view, Icacia's trade will not receive large-scale investment, and its development prospects will be lost.

In contrast, there are a series of detailed figures, which fully prove the above conclusions, and if Jax took this report to Forsbarrow, he would know on his knees that Lacus would definitely not give In the name of the prince.

In desperation, Jax could only follow the direction provided by the report and start to solicit investment and sponsorship. Through the connections of Xiao Huangmao, he attracted many ambitious or down-and-out business families. The pioneers are very interested in an emerging trade route—then, just when Jax approached the coupling firm again, hoping to get a report with a conclusion that it was feasible, Eno got through with Io the way of Nia.

Therefore, in the second report, Coupling Firm once again gave a negative conclusion, the reason is still the same, no one and no ship will invest in this unnamed trade route, those merchants who had agreed with Jax before , more than half of them took the trade route between Fossbarrow and Ionia, the so-called "a bird in the hand is worse than a hundred birds in the forest", although Jax said that there are hundreds of types of spices in Icacia, but At least everyone has seen Fossbarrow's Hongsu.

Now that Fossbarrow and Ionia have reached a cooperation, at this time, instead of investing the only wealth they have in Fossbarrow's trade, should they just wait for Icacia who doesn't know where the future lies?

Looking at the second report, the people of Jax were a little stupid. He never thought that there would be so many doorways just by connecting a trade route and doing some special product business. At this moment, He even had the thought of "otherwise I can find a small firm to issue a report".

But considering that this trade route is the lifeline of Icacia's future after all, and it is related to the rise of the motherland, Jax finally followed the requirements of the report and started running diligently.

So, more than a year later, with a lot of materials, he found Vazuan's coupling investigation firm for the third time.

This time, Jax finally got his wish and obtained a feasibility report that was judged to be "very commercially promising and worthy of promotion, and can apply for special funds from the Vazuan government".

Jax, who had already realized the timeliness, got the report without any hesitation, and directly boarded the boat to Fossbarrow - he had to hurry up, get the support provided by Lux, and then borrow the regent's Golden Feather!

In the tavern in Fossbarrow's Newport, Jax ate seven whole boiled eggs in a row before he could fully confirm his next words and deeds, with full preparation, absolute confidence, and a big heart. He finally came to Fossbarrow for the second time after piles of detailed materials and the feasibility report of the coupling firm.


After a long wait, Jax finally sees Lux again.

And compared to the last time, his attitude towards the "heir of the Prince Regent" is obviously a little more respectful - this kind of respect does not come from the strength of the other party, but because of Jax, who has been around for a long time in person, For the first time, I experienced the difficulty of dealing with people and operating production.

"Icacia is ready to return to Runeterra." Jax opened with a line he had prepared for a long time, "Although it has been isolated for a long time, Icacia has preserved the seeds of those precious spices for a long time. The Autonomous Council The great magicians in the world can provide a stable supply of spices through magic catalysis, which is enough to support a medium-sized trade route."

With that said, Jax took out the feasibility report stamped with the seal of the coupling firm.

Lux glanced at him, then reached out to take the report and read it in detail.

While she was flipping through the report, Jax had been carefully observing the changes in Lux's expression. The good news was that although there were occasional surprises and doubts in Lux's expression, at least there was no dissatisfaction or doubt in her expression.

The report seemed to move her.

"A very detailed report, so detailed that it even exceeded my expectations." After reading the final conclusion, Lux put down the report, "Also, I saw a few familiar names in the place where the person in charge of the report— —However, who is Orianna, her name is still in front of Silko."

"Orianna is the chief investigator of the Coupling Firm." Jax hardly needed any thinking, "Here is her certificate of practice, and the qualification documents of the Coupling Firm..."

Lux took the documents, and after reading through them, she gradually understood what was going on.

It turned out that after Lux and Ino left, although the two cities gradually resumed their integration, the rift in it could not be completely dissipated for the time being. In order to maintain the agreement, both sides made some concessions and made some controversial issues. The decentralization of power has gradually made the cooperation between the two parties more effective.

The intelligence organization in charge of Van der and Camille was reorganized. Regarding the security issues of the two cities, the newly established City Security Committee was in charge and handed over to the City Defense Force for parallel management. Regarding commercial information security, civil information confidentiality, Patent confidentiality and other aspects are in the charge of the city investigation committee.

However, there are no official investigators within the city investigation committee. Instead, it adopts the method of issuing investigation licenses, allowing private citizens to form investigation offices, and adopting the method of investigation reports obtained by them for unified management. The coupling office is the first An investigative firm jointly funded by the districts of Zaun and Piltover.

This Miss Orianna was the first batch of investigators to pass the review, and she was also the main person in charge of this investigation report, so her signature was the first.

"It's interesting, Eno has never dealt with these investigators, it seems that the Fossbarrow trade is still a special case?" Lux muttered in a low voice, then raised her head with a smile, "Then, Jia Mr. Kex, I am very glad to receive your investigation report..."

Jax nodded, his face under the mask somewhat tense.

"I just flipped through it briefly, and the report is well written, and the feasibility survey is reasonable and meaningful, so there is basically nothing wrong with it." Lux continued, "However, it will be noon soon, maybe we can work together. Lunch, and then talk in detail about the use of the name of the Prince Regent?"

Hearing these words, a sense of ecstasy surged into Jax's heart. Although he had already eaten a full stomach of boiled eggs, he still nodded hurriedly, as if he was afraid that Lax would regret it.

During the ensuing lunch, Lax and Jax reached an agreement on the use of the Golden Feather, the Prince Regent of Shurima. According to the agreement, after a special review, the ships related to the Icacia trade will get a painted Golden feathers, pale yellow flags with special magic circuits printed on them.

As a price, Fossbarrow will send a dedicated working group, mainly Archons, to Vazuan, and charge a 20% transaction tax on each such ship.

Note that the transaction tax here is 20% of the total transaction amount. No matter how many goods on the ship come from Icacia and how much all the goods are sold for, they must pay 20% of it, and there is no room for negotiation.

Fossbarrow will hire special personnel to regularly check and supervise the accounts. Any violation of the agreement will lead to unilateral termination of the contract by Fossbarrow.

Although Jax really hoped that Fossbarrow could provide a little extra security, even a symbolic shipwreck, but at this point, Lux bit her to the death and just refused to agree-I just put out a flag, and then Just sit and collect money, if someone else directly attacks your cargo ship, then you can solve it yourself, I don't care.

Seeing Lux clearly insisting, although Jax was unwilling, he finally nodded in agreement.

In the end, the two parties signed a cooperation contract.


After Jax left, Lux, who returned to the office, made herself a cup of tea and asked Karya strangely why he finally agreed to Jax's suggestion.

After all, the last time I procrastinated with the investigation report and asked Karya again, Karya gritted his teeth and said, "Icacia must die, toss him a few more times, and then annihilate his hope."

But this time, Carya suddenly told himself that Icacia was allowed to use the prince's feathers.

With Lux's current vision, it is not difficult to see that even if Icacia trade needs to pay high taxes, as long as the surrounding forces do not make trouble, this trade line is enough to inject fresh blood into the silent Icacia.

"When people get old, they will always be soft-hearted." Regarding Lacus' doubts, Kalya gave his answer with a smile, "Besides, Icacia has been around for so many years... After all, it is also a part of Runeterra. After such a long time, even if it is a rotten sore, it is time to heal now."

"But last time you said you wanted to torment him a few more times?"

"Didn't you listen to him talk about his own experience? The little yellow hair has had enough." Kalya's tone couldn't tell whether it was carefree or regretful, "To be honest, the current Jax is the same as the terrible one in my impression." totally different."

"What kind of person is Jax in your impression?" Lux blinked curiously after hearing this, "Can you tell me?"

"Probably, he is a stubborn guy who only accepts death, right?" Kalya said as he recalled, "It is always the kind of person who is very axis and it is difficult for you to explain the truth to him. I think even After 1 years, he will still be a stone in the latrine, but now it seems that he is also a little bit intrusive."

Lux thought for a while, but she couldn't figure out what kind of guy Karya was talking about Jax.

"People are always like this." Carya sighed, "Some things will never be admitted until they see them with their own eyes, but when they see them with their own eyes, they will find that they cannot accept such a heavy reality—no one has There is another chance, so the most important thing is to grasp the moment."

Although she has experienced a lot, but after all she is not yet old, Lacus didn't have a deep feeling for Kalya's emotion, so she just nodded in the end. Seeing that Kalya seemed to be in a bad mood, she didn't continue. Instead of asking, he began to arrange related questions for the working group in Vazuan.

To mobilize such a group to work in Vazuan, there are still many things to prepare!
Of course, it is foreseeable that Fossbarrow's financial report this year will be very good. With the two new items of high-end fur sales and Icacia trade commissions, the technology reward plan that Lacus has been thinking about before is finally here. It can be put on the agenda.

Moreover, the Archons who have been living and working for free before should now consider giving them a complete and brand new incentive plan.

Although the magic power control knowledge taught by Lux is the knowledge that brought them back to life for these archons, but in the past five years, they have also rewarded Lax with the labor of building embankments, planting trees and raising cattle.

Even today, Archon is still the most stable base for Lacus. Except for some who have families, most of them have no other views on their own treatment, but Lacus can't really treat them as cattle and horses.

If there is no accident, during this year's winter speech, the Archon Research Group headed by Fuquelin's team will receive a copy of their own late technology from Lacus under the audience of everyone. With the Progress Award, other Archons will also have a clear understanding of their future treatment.

Well, this kind of personnel plan involving all Archon, Lacus needs to hold a plenary meeting in the future...

After making a note on the schedule, Lux lowered her head again and devoted herself to the follow-up work.

It's another peaceful day in Fossbarrow today!

There is another chapter to follow!

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