Lux's Farewell

Chapter 617 [0610] A unique honeymoon trip

Jax, who got the Prince's Golden Feather Mark, left Fossbarrow happily, and Lax quickly threw himself into the busy work——During the banquet in Xiongdu, Forsbarrow accumulated There are many things that need to be handled by her personally, and now that she has such a large amount of income, it is foreseeable that Lacus will be very busy for at least the next month.

But... Lux herself just enjoys it.

Over the past few years, whether it is Lux or others, it seems that they have gotten used to the fast-paced life of Forsbarrow.

Lacus worked overtime from dawn to dusk.

And at the Xingang Wharf, under the light of the lighthouse, one merchant ship after another quickly docked and left the port.

As long as these ships enter the predetermined berths and the steps for getting on and off the ships are paved, there will be porters who have been waiting here for a long time and will rush to load and unload the goods at the fastest speed.

In this port that has not been automated at all, the loading and unloading of goods still has to be done manually. This way of handling has absorbed a large number of employed people. Quite a few have joined the sequence of dockers.

For most of the porters, they prefer to live as a porter now rather than being a free hunter. Although this kind of work looks boring (in fact, it is also boring), the money earned It's not too much, but at least the harvest is protected from drought and flood, and there is no great danger.

When I was a hunter in the past, although lucky people could hunt some special rare animals and make a fortune, it was more likely that they would be injured or even die during the hunting.

The hunting of the hunters is not the same as the hunting of the nobles for entertainment. They need to carry unpalatable, dry and hard pancakes with no special smell, and hunt for wild animals in the Longji Mountains under various climatic conditions. And after discovering the beast, you need to carefully compare the difference between the enemy and yourself. If you provoke an enemy that you shouldn't provoke, you can only eat at home.

The hunters in Fossbarrow are not as happy as letting the eagle go. The life of leading the yellow on the left and Qingcang on the right is destined to be the embellishment of the nobles. The presence of large and dangerous beasts has also taught the northern hounds to shut up.

Therefore, compared to being a hunter, in fact, for these Fossbarrow people, there is nothing wrong with going to the pier to carry goods for others. They will look at the calluses on their palms and say "hunting skills are about to be lost", that's all.

Just as Fossbarrow has transformed from a backwater to a trading hub in the north, these residents who have lived in Fossbarrow for generations are also actively or passively welcoming a new life.

A new life with more and richer food choices, a brighter and better future for children, and a more stable and better-paying job, even if the Forsbarrows don’t adapt to it, they But try to adapt, except for a very small number of people who hold on to the handicapped, no one will miss the past.

After all... It has only been three years since the people of Fossbarrow had enough to eat.


Another merchant ship arrived at Xinfu Port, and another group of porters gathered.

While taking advantage of the steps on the side of the ship, a young girl with blue braids quickly slipped up to the viewing platform, condescending, and looked curiously at the port city named Xinfugang.

From her point of view, the size of this port city can only be described as pitifully small.

Whether compared with Piltover Port, which has four wharves, or Zaun New Port, which has almost completely realized the automatic packing of Hex, Xinfu Port is a small port that cannot be smaller.

"One, two, three...ten, this pier only has ten berths for cargo ships?"

"Come down, bang!" Seeing that the pedals have been set up, Ike can only shout helplessly, "Let's go, it's time to get off the boat-thank God, we are finally getting our feet on the ground."

While speaking, Ike came to the bottom of the viewing platform, stretched out his right hand, and motioned for Baobo to come down.

Then, a monkey backpack fell into Ike's hands, and he happily ran down from the side, and while Ike was in a hurry to hang the backpack on himself, he rushed to the pedal, as if three A step jump generally jumped onto the pier.

"Explosive, No.1!"

Seeing this scene, Ike could only shake his head helplessly in the end, and then strode up.

"I've booked a hotel." After coming to Baobo, Ike took out a map from his backpack, "However, it seems that Xingang has changed a lot compared to when this atlas was published. , we may need to find someone to ask..."

"Don't be so troublesome!" Bang Bang flicked his braids, "I just saw the clock tower—there should be the location of the clock tower on your map, right?"

"Ah, yes!" Ike nodded, "The clock tower... the hotel I booked is not far from the clock tower."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Bang Bang's eyes lit up, "It's so slow to turn around here, take out your flying skateboard!"

Ike blinked and shook his head subconsciously.

"Flying boards cannot be used in cities..."

"It's Vazuan who can't use the aircraft!" Baobao corrected, "This is Xinfugang!"


Looking at Bang Bang who confidently stated that he would fly his skateboard in public places, Ike couldn't help but shook his head.

"This is the city under the supervision of Miss Lacus." He held his wife's hand helplessly, "Do you think she would leave such a blank line?"

"Xin Fook Kong does not have Hextech..."

"Maybe you should look up." Ike couldn't help but said, "Without Hex Technology, it doesn't mean you can't fly."

BANG BANG raised his head subconsciously, and was shocked to find that there were indeed many people hovering in the sky of Xin Fu Gang.

"How do they fly?" Looking at these people, Bao Bao opened his mouth wide, "What kind of big bird are they riding?"

"Should it be called Dragon Bird?" Ike flipped through a thick travel book, "It should be called this, the Demacians domesticated this animal as a mount."

"It's so cool." Bumblebee murmured, "I want to try it too."

"About Dragon Bird, there is no part about riding experience in the tour guide. Maybe Fossbarrow doesn't have a riding experience business?" Ike was a little uncertain, "Maybe we can ask someone later?"

"If you haven't, then you should give it a try." Bao Baowen became even more excited, "Only things that no one has experienced before can be more interesting and bring better sales if they are written in the travel notes!"

"...Honey, I need to remind you again." Ike was rather helpless, "This is our honeymoon trip, and the core of this trip is not to write a best-selling travel book. Mr. Er’s travel notes have been edited twelve times, and it is already the limit for us to take such a long vacation. After returning to Vazuan, the Alchemy Association will not give us free time to slowly revise.”

"I'm also here to make more money and support the development of your Flying Skateboard PRO version!"

"Honey, the research and development process of the flying skateboard did cost some money, but its design has passed the review of the Alchemy Association, and there are special subsidies, so it will not cost our own money at all." Ike tried his best to maintain a deadpan expression. Like, "If you're accumulating funds for your own failed polymer experiments, you could just be more direct—"

Without saying a word, Ike felt a little pain in his waist. He didn't need to lower his head to know that it must be a monkey with teeth and claws clamping the softest part of his waist.

"Okay, thank you dear for your support of my personal hobbies." The person who knows current affairs is Junjie, and Ike changed his words decisively, "As for the flying experience, I will find a way in the future. Now we have to find someone to ask how the clock tower got away. ..."

The hotel Ike booked was not hard to find.

In other words, as the only hotel that supports advanced reservation services, the location of this hotel is itself very particular.

It didn't take long for Ike to ask the direction of the hotel in his own plastic Demacian.

"Those locals are so enthusiastic." Seeing that the hotel was right in front, Ike walked towards the gate with bang bang, and said in surprise, "Or, my Demacian is very authentic?"

"Come on." Boom rolled his eyes disdainfully, "Your Demacian is not as good as mine, if I hadn't taken care of your poor self-esteem, I would have stumbled over you and couldn't remember how to say the word hotel When it’s time to ask someone else.”

"I'm just a little unskilled." Ike didn't seem embarrassed at all, and even played a single press once. "That's because I don't have experience in traveling far."

While talking, the two opened the door and entered the hotel, officially starting a special honeymoon trip in Forsbarrow.


Three days later, when Ino took the initiative to enter the office and told Lux ​​that Ike and Bobo had come to Forsbarrow, Lacus could hardly believe her ears.

"They came to Fossbarrow?" Putting down the documents in her hand, Lacus's face was full of surprises, "It's unbelievable... Didn't you say last time that Vazuan has no plan to send a special envoy to Fossbarrow? Is it?"

"It's not a special envoy, but a personal matter." Ino's expression was also very happy, "Didn't I tell you last time, under the auspices of Van der, Bobo and Ike got engaged."

"So...they got married?" Lux blinked, "So soon? I remember that guy Vi, doesn't seem to even have a boyfriend?"

"...Well." Eno remembered some of the rumors he had heard when he was in Vazuan, and finally didn't say much about Wei's topic, "In short, this is Ike and Bobo's honeymoon trip, they chose Fossbarrow as his honeymoon destination,"

"They picked a good time." Lacus nodded lightly, "It just snowed in Fossbarrow, and the weather isn't too cold to be unbearable, so it's really a good time to play... Speaking of which, what do you think of opening a ski resort on the Longji Mountains?"

"It's not good." This time, before Ino spoke, Kalya decisively poured cold water on him, "Ike and Bobo are special cases. The current Fossbarrow should not and is not suitable for the development of tourism."

"Okay." Hearing what Kalya said, Lux finally shrugged, and then glanced at the wind-up clock on the wall, "So, tonight, let's have a meal together?"

"Well, that's what they mean too." Yinuo nodded, "Teacher is also here, and Bobo needs a little help."

"Jinx is restless again?"

"No, it's not restlessness." Ino's tone was a little subtle, "It's that Jinx seems to be a part of Bang Bang. According to Ike's description, Jinx's state is very similar to those who have just awakened their magic power. child."

"This is really rare." Kalya was also a little surprised when he heard this, "Okay, let's take a closer look at night."


At dinner, Lux finally sees Ike and Boom, whom she hasn't seen in years.

Compared with before, the two of them seem to have matured a lot, especially Ike. Although his dress still has a strong sense of personal style and fashion, considering his posture with big bags and small bags, he is already as cool as The boy drifted away.

"How are you doing recently?" After taking her seat, Lux asked with a smile, "By the way, I haven't congratulated you on your happy wedding yet!"

"It's not bad." Ike shrugged. "Except for the explosive polymer experiments that always fail the safety audit of the Alchemy Association, everything is going well."

"It's not that I can't pass the security audit, it's that they don't agree with me borrowing the most advanced security laboratory!"

"Private use is not allowed in the highest-level security laboratory." Ike mumbled subconsciously, then shuddered suddenly, and then there was a polite but awkward smile on his face, "Maybe we can Build a high-standard security laboratory that allows private use?"

"I saw your little moves, it's explosive." Just as Ike was trying to win the respect, the saber that was just placed on the table by Lux suddenly made a sound, "Wait, you fused with Jinx? "

"Teacher Kalya?" Under Ike's astonished eyes, Baobo grabbed the saber in surprise, "You can talk?"

"I always will." Kalya's voice suddenly became calm, so calm that Lux and Ino next to him sat up straight subconsciously, "Just like for Ike, you have always—"

Karya subconsciously elongated her voice, as if she wanted to say some explosive little secret to calm her down.

It's a pity that Bumblebee doesn't seem to care about this at all.

"What about Ike?" She smiled and spun around with her sword in her hand, "Have you always plotted against Ike? He is my legal husband now, and such a trivial matter can't threaten me—"

Then, just when Lacus and Ino thought that Kalya's "Recalling Childhood Method" was about to fail for the first time, Kalya calmly gave the second half of the sentence.

"Just like for Ike, you have always hoped to free him from the busy study and work." Carya's tone was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, "When you were young, you wanted to blow up the workshop where he was an apprentice. Now study polymer……"

Baobao finally panicked, she put down her saber directly, clasped her hands together, trying to shut up her teacher.

But it was too late.

It is foreseeable that even if the flesh on the waist is pinched into white, Ike will probably not agree to help Bangbang in the research of polymer explosion.

A few words about the episode:

First of all, I am very happy that everyone likes the prequel.

Secondly, some people said that they hoped that I would start a new book for Karya—this is unlikely, because the prequel actually adds up to dozens of chapters at most, and it will not be on the shelf after it is finished, so it is simply published as a side story.

Finally, with regard to the extra fees, every thousand monthly tickets are free of charge, and additional subscriptions are normally required.

Yes, it is like that.

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