Lux's Farewell

618 [0611] Unexpected harvest

618 [0611] Unexpected harvest

It seems that because she hasn't been with Kalya for too long, Bobo has forgotten how scary her teacher is-so, when she realized that something was wrong and raised her hand to surrender, Kalya had already found her weakness and gave her dealt a heavy blow.

It is foreseeable that in the future, as long as Bang Bang wants to engage in polymer research, Karya's words will make Ike more vigilant, and then... there will be no more.

"Tell me, what's wrong with Jinx." Carya finally spoke again when Bobo looked at Ike eagerly, but Ike just shook his head slightly, "Is she out of control?"

"Jinx is not out of control, she has been under my control." Baobo shook his head lightly, "It's just that her desire is getting clearer."

"Desire?" This statement surprised Kalya, "What is she longing for?"

"She is longing for freedom." Baobo lowered his voice, "She wants to leave me."

"It's really strange, how could she have such an idea?" Carya was also a little strange after hearing what Baobao said, "She is a part of you, why is she eager to leave you?"

"Maybe it's because... because of my job content, she learned some information about the ancient Shurima elemental puppets?" Speaking of this, Baobo was a little unsure, "She seems to think that a special puppet is just Set her free—maybe you should talk to her?"

"Well, that's fine." Kalya agreed, "Let me talk to Jinx and see what she wants."

After getting Karya's affirmation, Baobao stretched out her hand and held the hilt of the saber. The next moment, she and Jinx appeared in a vast desert.

In the desert, Carya was still the same as before, wearing a cloak and a mask, standing quietly in the yellow sand, watching Jinx who was temporarily separated from Bangbang's body, like a runaway husky, in the Running wildly and yelling in the desert.

"Tell me, what are you longing for?" After Jinx had run enough and finally calmed down, Kalya asked, "You want to separate from Bobo? In the form of an elemental puppet?"

"According to the translation materials in the laboratory, the puppet of ancient Shurima can be my body!" Jinx heard this, and quickly moved to Kalya's side, putting on an appearance that everything is easy to discuss, "I I don't want to just watch her get stuck with that little black bastard, it just makes me feel sick..."

Obviously, Jinx is completely different from Bobo, she doesn't seem to be interested in Ike at all, so Bobo's early marriage greatly stimulated her, and she finally couldn't wait to leave Bobo and start her own family .

And it happened that when Vazuan was translating the laboratory manuscript, he mentioned some content about the ancient Shurima elemental puppets. Jinx thought that according to the description of those experimental manuscripts, the elemental puppets might be able to carry their own existence, so they found Kalya, I hope that Kalya can provide himself with an elemental puppet, so that he can leave Bakubo.

"Then how do you leave Bobo?" Kalya didn't ask more questions about the elemental puppet, but changed his tone and talked about the issue of separation, "You should know that in fact, you and Bobo are one. "

"As long as I'm willing to leave, I can go anyway." Jinx was full of confidence, "Besides, Bobo would also like me to leave, and then live a two-person world with the little black egg! What the hell, you don't You know how desperate I was when they were together..."


Baobao, who was listening on the sidelines, was in a bad mood. Before Jinx said something bad, she covered the other party's mouth, and as the subject, Jinx physically closed it. Mouth.

"So, you still didn't say how you want to leave Bakugo." Kalya's eyes locked on Jinx, his eyes were full of scrutiny, "What are you covering up?"

Hearing what Kalya said, Bumblebee finally let go of Jinx, and at the same time, the way she looked at the other party became more subtle-could it be that her stability during this period was deliberately acted out?

"There's nothing to cover up." Jinx tossed his braids and shook his head, "I just found some inspiration from a few words, what's that called... bloodline stripping?"


Hearing what Jinx said, it was Kalya's turn to be silent.

"Well, I remember correctly, right?" Looking at the silent Kalya, Jinx showed a bright smile, "I am a part of Blast and a part of Blast's blood, as long as you strip me out and send it to With a reliable elemental puppet, I don't have to hang out with her anymore..."

Karya ignored her, but looked at Baobo, as if asking for Baobao's opinion.

"Jinx..." Baobo felt very strange at this time, "If Jinx can leave by some means, this may be a good choice for everyone."

"Have you figured it out?" Carya's eyebrows raised a few times on Kalya's mask. "That means you will lose the talent that Jinx brought to you. You should know how amazing her talent is."

"Thought it out," Facing Kalya's question, Bobo nodded firmly, "I used to long for Jinx's power very much. At that time, I needed this power to protect Van der, Wei, and Jinx. Our tavern, protecting Zaun—and now, what Zaun needs is security, and I have found other meaning in my life."

"These words are really good. It is indeed the result of two months of private preparation." Just when Baobo finally mustered up the courage, Jinx suddenly stood up and said, "However, to be honest, this After preparing for two months, I really doubt if you will become a fool after you leave me..."

Bang Bang's whole body was stiff.

Fortunately, Kalya waved his hand and imprisoned Jinx in place. He could only roll his eyes, but couldn't say a word. Then, he looked at Bangbo again and made a second confirmation.

But this time, even though Baobo was a little shy, he still nodded firmly.

"It seems that Lux has been busy for a while recently." After confirming that Baobo would rather sacrifice part of his talent and let Jinx leave completely, Kalya finally nodded slightly, "From now on, you Your honeymoon trip is officially over, and for at least the next month, you and Lux ​​will conduct docking experiments together and prepare for the bloodline stripping ceremony."

"One month?!" Bumblebee's eyes widened in astonishment, "Ike and I don't have such a long vacation!"

"Now." Kalya shrugged. "Later, you can go to Fossbarrow Public Hospital to issue a certificate. This is sick leave."

"Sick leave? What is the cause?"

"Intermittent schizophrenia."

Bang Bang and Jinx are lucky.

In fact, if it wasn't for Lux who had almost finished learning the introduction to advanced elements, even if they came to Fossbarrow and asked Kalya for help, Kalya would have nothing to do.

The bloodline stripping ceremony can indeed realize the method of stripping Jinx, but it requires the joint efforts of Jinx and Bang Bang, and the stripped Jinx also needs a special carrier.

When Lux couldn't make elemental puppets, even Karya couldn't find such a carrier for Jinx.

But now Lux’s study of the introduction to advanced elements is coming to an end, and the elemental puppet she rubbed is almost finished. can completely separate the two.

Judging from their current state, perhaps a complete separation would be a relief, right?

Of course, even if there is an elemental puppet that is about to be completed, if you want to perform the bloodline stripping ceremony, you still need to prepare a lot. In the next period of time, I am afraid that Lux will have to work overtime again.

Fortunately, Lax is completely used to working overtime at this time, and it is approaching the cold winter. Apart from the year-end audit and winter speeches, Lax's main tasks are not much left, no matter how busy she is, she is still busy Not too long.


As the Breath of Anivia returned to the Freljord, the aftermath of the cold wave rolled over the towering Dragon's Back Mountains, bringing a fair amount of snow to Fossbarrow.

There was heavy snowfall, and the whole of Fossbarrow was covered in white overnight, completely turning into a white world.

Ike and Bobo, who were forced to extend their vacation, became Fossbarrow's first batch of winter tourists. While cooperating with Kalya and Lacus' experiments, the two often wandered around in public carts, stepping on Walk in the snow.

During this quiet time, Fossbarrow ushered in Lux's sixth winter speech.

Compared with the previous winter speeches, the content of this year's winter speeches is actually not much. For this year, Fossbarrow does not seem to have too many groundbreaking discoveries and creations.

In other words, many of Fossbarrow's achievements this year are not suitable for appearing in the winter speech, so Lacus deliberately concealed them.

Therefore, compared with previous years, this year's Forsbarrow's winter speech seems to be a bit lackluster.

But in fact, from a historical point of view, future students will probably firmly remember the time of this year's winter speech, because in this speech, Lacus made a clear and undisguised statement for the first time The concept of the integration of the Northern Territory, and expressed the meaning of promoting Fossbarrow's standards and implementing them throughout the Northern Territory.

According to Lux, compared to the richer and richer south, Demacia's northern border not only has a lack of geographical environment and poor natural conditions, but also does not have enough population and needs to undertake the task of defense. , which makes the northern border always at a disadvantage in terms of internal competition.

The only way for the northern border to improve this is to make use of its strengths and avoid its weaknesses—that is, to take advantage of its large territory and low internal friction, unite as one, and carry out industrial complementarity with a unified standard to avoid insufficient natural conditions, insufficient population, and winter shutdown Unable to produce short.

Only in this way can the northern border become more competitive, and the northern border can no longer be a place where birds don't shit.

The content of the speech was as exciting as ever, with detailed data and reliable arguments. The only problem was that the content came out of Lux's mouth, which seemed somewhat blatantly ambitious.

At this time, most of the lords in the northern border who have cooperated with Fossbarrow have paid attention to Lacus's speech, and after receiving the content of the speech, without exception, "Laxana is going to The idea of ​​being the speaker of the northern border".

However, due to the inertia of thinking and Lux's status as a model nobleman, these northern nobles did not realize Lux's wolf ambition. For them, the core content of Lux's speech was to call By the way, she will be the leader of the newspaper group in the north—and after getting to know Lacus, these nobles without exception think that this is not a bad thing.

Earl Laxana's character is well-known, and everyone can see his business ability.

In the past two years, Xiongdu has been engaging in centralization of power. At this time, she will stand up and be the speaker in the northern border, leading everyone to unify standards, engage in trade, and make more money. There is nothing wrong with that. .

She can bring back such a large fur order when she goes to Xiongdu. Now that she is willing to be the first bird, there is nothing wrong with everyone following her for a drink of soup!

Moreover, if His Majesty in Xiongdu does something else in the future, at least someone in the northern border can stand up and speak on behalf of everyone.

No nobleman would think about "Lax is going to annex the entire northern territory", at least in the thinking of Demacia, this possibility does not exist - looking at the history of Demacia for nearly a thousand years , There is no precedent for any noble lord to directly annex other lords' fiefs!
Therefore, even if Lux is paving the way for the expansion of influence and the smooth unification of the Northern Territory, the northern lords who got the news looked happy, and even arranged a lot of banquets this winter. Get on the big boat of Lux as soon as possible, and take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money.

Since the content of the speech was public, it didn't take long before LeBlanc and Vladimir, who had begun to pay attention to Lacus, also got the news. The judgment was completely unanimous, this lady model of the nobility is indeed going to stand up to maintain the order of the nobility!

So, after some discussion, Vladimir and LeBlanc felt that this kind of behavior that would cultivate the power of local nobles must be strongly supported-for the current Jarvan IV, the northern border He has never paid much attention to the nobles, but if there is a trend of integration in the northern border and everyone starts to form groups, then Jarvan IV, who has already tasted the troubles caused by the nobles' grouping in the noble council, will be very afraid. Soon the spearhead will be aimed at the North.

Isn't that what we expect?

Therefore, with the idea of ​​"waiting for Laxana to be tolerated by Jarvan IV", Black Rose also quietly gave a helping hand and took the initiative to reduce the tax rate of several uniform standard commodities in the northern border.

 Carya's Small Classroom Bloodline Stripping Ceremony:
  If it is the source of the bloodline that strips off the bloodline magic of the younger generation, it is very simple.

  But if two souls were to be separated through the bloodline stripping ceremony, quite a lot of preparation was required.

(End of this chapter)

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