Lux's Farewell

619 [0612] Sharing and unity

619 [0612] Sharing and unity

Although still in the developmental stage, in order to further promote the integration of the Northern Territory, Lux finally began to show off her wealth in a restrained manner.

As a speaker in the northern border, you must have something to show.

In the previous battle of Mithril City, Lux had already proved that she was capable of supporting other nobles in the northern border, so next, she had to prove that besides being able to fight, she could also make money.

An order from Xiongdu is just the beginning, which can make the nobles in the northern border not disgusted, but it cannot make them completely obey the new order.

To make them obediently stick their heads into the tied noose, Lux needs to show more!
In the past year, Xinfu Port has undergone a small-scale expansion, and the goods shipped from Ionia have become more and more diverse. Moreover, because of the specialties of fragrant red persimmon and hazel antler, many caravans in Vazuan have chosen Go north to Sun Fook Kong for transactions.

So, when Lux invited the nobles from the northern border to Xinfu Port on the pretext of her birthday party, these "hillies" from the northern border saw a new kind of port city that they had never seen and could not imagine. Prosperity.

There are countless novelty gadgets here, countless gadgets that Demacia didn't have in the past.

In the past, because the only stable exports were unsalable grains and Demacia's unique brewing technology, Demacia has always been in a huge trade deficit in terms of international trade.

If they want to buy foreign goods, Demacians have to exchange them for real gold and silver, and others don't want other goods at all. This directly leads to Demacia's lack of interest in foreign trade, especially seaborne trade.

For example, the wind-up alarm clock that was dismantled by her brother when Lux was a child is one of the few foreign goods that can flow into Demacia-only nobles can afford these rare things.

Coupled with the threat of Noxus in the east and the lack of gold at that time, most of the time, the Demacians preferred to use surplus food to support Valoran. Between city-states and duchies, trade rich food for diplomatic influence instead of money.

But now, in front of these northern nobles, Lux showed a completely different possibility.

Through fragrant red sage and hazelnut, as well as unique trade channels, Lacus made Fossbarrow a part of the international trade in Runeterra. A kind of prosperity that had never appeared in Demacia before magically appeared in Fu Spiro.

Although no specific data can be obtained, just looking at the extremely lively appearance of Xinfugang Wharf, the northern nobles who participated in the birthday banquet were about to cry.

No wonder Earl Laxana went shopping with great fanfare after she came to Fossbarrow. This was not only because of the money in her own small treasury, but also because they knew how to manage it!

You must know that although the trade in Demacia is carried out by merchants and chambers of commerce, the local lords have a considerable degree of influence on them. It is not an exaggeration to say that "all merchants are the lord's white gloves".

After all, here, there is no such thing as the highest tax rate for commercial taxation, and the trade barriers between territories are even more reasonable. How high it is set depends on the mood of the lord.

After seeing the prosperity of the Xinfugang Wharf, although the other northern lords have no idea how much money Lux can get from it, everyone will have an estimate in their hearts.

Even if most people's estimates are inaccurate, at least one thing is certain - Earl Laxana has made a lot of money!

Where is this port?
This is clearly a gold mine!

Aware of this, when Lux once again mentioned at the birthday party that the northern border should "watch over each other, unite and forge ahead", many nobles looked at her with eager eyes.

What does this mean, we can have a sip of soup too?

Then, under everyone's expectant eyes, Lux continued to speak with a smile, announcing an amazing news in public.

In the presence of all the nobles, she announced that "the channel of prosperity is open to the people of the North who are willing to unite and help each other", allowing merchants from all over Forsbarrow to participate in the fair held in Forsbarrow.

To be honest, when the northern nobles who were planning to marry Lacus heard the news, they could hardly believe their ears—everyone knew that Earl Laxana was a model of nobility, and that she was very They can manage and drive the prosperity of the market through consumption, but they never imagined that Lux would allow other people to participate in the trade!

This is no longer soup!

This is clearly allowing others to take a share of her bowl!

You know, after seeing the prosperity of Xinfugang, although the nobles in the north are secretly jealous, but most of them are like a mirror in their hearts: I have never been able to cross the ice sheet and let the barbarians of the Freljord be honest. Reliable manpower, and second, the ability to communicate with Ionia and Vazuan and set up trade routes.

Therefore, no matter how jealous you are, everyone can only be greedy for such things.

In the eyes of these nobles, Lux can make money from the Freljord and get cheap furs because she defeated the Freljord savages in the Battle of Mithral.

And Lacus was able to establish Xinfu Port and make money through maritime trade because of her rich family background, which allowed her to invest heavily, and she had a good relationship with Miss Sona, and she had a way in Ionia.

These conditions are not reproducible at all, so even if the heart is more sour than eating lemons, after calming down, the nobles are thinking about whether they can get something from it.

At the very beginning, they thought about Lux's marriage problem—although Galen was still single, as her younger sister, Lux should not get married in theory, but considering that she was already the lord of Fossbarrow, it was considered a separation So skipping Garen shouldn't be a problem.

Therefore, the eager eyes of the nobles at this birthday banquet largely came from their idea of ​​marrying Lacus.

Even if you can't get married, you still need to establish a good relationship with Earl Laxana. She is rich and has a high level of consumption, so she can definitely provide large orders!

Just like the improvement of the living standards of the Forsbarrow people before, the pastures producing meat, eggs and milk near Forsbarrow received large orders. They hope that Lacus can give them a hand at the critical moment, and hope that Lacus can give themselves Fossbarrow's order.

But they never imagined that this model of nobility is even more model than everyone thought!

You must know that the trade among nobles in Demacia is essentially an official monopoly trade-the lords have absolute control over their own territories, so they can openly reject all requests from other lords.

In this case, Lacus can eat all the goods in Xinfu Port by herself, and then resell them to other nobles in the form of an official monopoly, becoming a profitable second-tier dealer.

However, what people never expected is that the Earl of Laxana now generously expressed that other people are welcome to come to Fossbarrow for trading. She will hold two trade fairs every year after the spring and autumn harvest. And welcome the caravans of all the lords in the north to come to participate in the trade fair.

Earl Laxana can not only fight and manage, but also lead everyone to make money together!
And this good thing?
After a moment of fanaticism, many lords present came to their senses and began to think about Lux's purpose.

Is it just solidarity and mutual assistance as a model of nobility?
No, not only that.

Many people have recalled Lacus' repeated and repeated statements before, and considering her statement of "opening channels of prosperity to compatriots in the northern border who are willing to unite and help each other", the implication of this may be the transfer of interests , in exchange for power!

This is interesting.

Did Earl Laxana choose to stand up as the speaker in order to better unite the nobles in the north, or did she always set an example of the nobles just to become the speaker?

It's a really delicate question.

However, although there was some subtlety in their hearts, none of the nobles present planned to reject Lacus.

Even if Earl Laxana wanted to become the speaker of the northern border because of ambition, or even to fight against His Majesty Jarvan IV... so what?

When His Majesty the King is pressing every step of the way, isn't it normal for some noble models to stand up and express their dissatisfaction?
In any case, everyone is the lord of the northern border, and we are our own people!

Due to the lack of time, the Forsbarrow Spring Fair in the first year was not very popular. Only some recent merchants had time to prepare goods, prepare money, and rush to Forsbarrow. Therefore, most of the imported goods at the fair The goods were all eaten by Lux herself.

Then, in the autumn of that year, the number of caravans participating in the trade fair increased—the spring trade fair has proved that you only need to pay a small transaction tax here to buy special products shipped by merchants from all over the world. , after confirming the authenticity of the news, the trade fair suddenly became prosperous.

It seems that the generous Count Laxana did open the door to prosperity and shared it with all.

Although the lords of the northern border have all kinds of guesses about Lux's purpose, but in terms of action, they can only describe it as scrambling to be the first.

If you go late, you will buy less, and if you buy less, you will earn less. No noble will think that his castle is not gorgeous enough or his jewelry is too extravagant.

Under such circumstances, Fossbarrow's market has ushered in unprecedented prosperity, and Fossbarrow's new order has also achieved unprecedented expansion and development in the northern border.

As Lux expected, under the common interests, the northern border has accelerated the pace of integration, and the integration is based on the Fossbarrow-style order.

As part of the "Northern Solidarity and Mutual Aid", other northern cities opened their markets to Fossbarrow one after another, and offered Fossbarrow to provide raw materials. Gold coins began to circulate in a small area.

Although Fossbarrow's official name for this kind of gold coin is "Zhenzhen Coin", people in the north often like to call it ice gold coin-this kind of gold coin is wrapped with Zhenbing particles. It is easy to frostbite people, but it is also almost impossible to be heated. This characteristic makes it completely impossible to be imitated, so it is very suitable as a settlement certificate for bulk trade.

In name, the ice gold coin is a kind of token. According to Fossbarrow's official statement, its main purpose is to use it within large trade fairs. Caravans participating in the trade fair can exchange their gold coins with their hands when joining the trade fair Ice gold coins, and then use ice gold coins to trade within the trade fair, settle accounts uniformly, and then exchange them back to gold coins when leaving the trade fair.

Compared with the Xiongdu Fair, Fossbarrow's Fair undoubtedly made merchants feel a lot more convenient. With ice gold coins as tokens, it became easier to balance accounts and calculate—they didn't need to troublesome calculations Exchange rates, whether it's Ionians, Vazuan, or Demacians, can use ice gold coins to trade commodities.

Moreover, within the trade fair, Lux also thoughtfully prepared translators and arbitrators for them. These trading methods that Kalya once implemented in Shurima reappeared at the trade fair in Fossbarrow.

To be honest, Demacia has never had such a professional trade fair in the past.

Even for the Xiongdu Trade Fair, which provided a large amount of taxation, what the royal family did was to delineate the venue, provide security, and collect taxes based on goods. As for the transaction itself, they could not provide substantial help.

But now, at the Spring and Autumn Fairs in Fossbarrow, Lux is actively guiding and helping merchants to create a better trading environment. This is undoubtedly the first of its kind in Demacia.

The curious merchants and the noble lords behind them didn't realize that during this process, Lux had actually controlled the exchange rate.

With the progress of one trade fair after another, under the control of Lux, the exchange ratio of Demacia gold coins and ice gold coins has gradually increased from 120 to 150 at the beginning to [-] to [-] and [-] to [-]. , two hundred to one, and it seems to continue to rise, so many merchants simply choose to hold ice gold coins after the transaction is over, instead of exchanging them back, and even start hoarding ice gold coins and exchange business.

Lux, who should have cracked down on this kind of business, chose to turn a blind eye. As a result, ice gold coins began to flow into the market, and gradually gained wide recognition in the North.

The eighth year of Fossbury's calendar is destined to be a year of rapid development.

After seven full years of accumulation, Fossbarrow finally showed the tip of the iceberg of his great power to the northern border. Through the wooing of economic interests, Lacus gradually secured his position as the speaker of the northern border, and Fussbarrow The order represented by Spiro gradually penetrated into every corner of the northern border along with the canals and trade routes.

In the past, the poor northern nobles began to scramble to renovate their castles, and all kinds of new gadgets that had never been seen in Demacia also appeared on the display shelves of the northern nobles. Suddenly, the entire Foss Bailuo and even the entire northern border of Demacia showed a tendency of burning oil.

The northern aristocrats who made a lot of construction work and made Fossbarrow withdraw a lot of money didn't realize it at all. Before they knew it, they had already put their heads into the tied noose, waiting for the noble model The lady pulled out the ladder under her feet.

All the gifts of fate have their prices secretly marked behind them. The ones that look free are actually the most expensive.

 Carya's Small Classroom Demacia's Business Tax:
  According to the tradition of Demacia, the lords have complete governance rights over their territories, so how much commercial tax a territory collects and where it is collected are determined by the lords themselves.

  Moreover, as local lords, nobles have the right to refuse someone or a certain caravan to enter their territory for trading.

  This is the withdrawal of the aristocracy's fiefdom governance rights, and it also greatly disrupts commercial circulation.

  In the past, the Fossbarrow people could only rely on the Xiongdu Fair to make money, because they had no lord, could not talk to their neighbors, and could not conduct any trade at all.

(End of this chapter)

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