Lux's Farewell

620 [0613] Immigrant tide

620 [0613] Immigrant tide

Looks like the North is in for a good time.

The aristocrats manipulated their white gloves and made a lot of money in the trade. Thanks to the generosity of Earl Laksanna, even the aristocrats who don't know how to run a business can make a fortune from the simplest reselling , and those people with a heart, relied on this rare opportunity to make a lot of money and accumulated a large amount of wealth.

As for the common people, although the aristocrats will not reduce the rent and land tax because of making more money, at least as their lives become more and more extravagant, they are more or less getting a little bit of light-not much, but for them In other words, this is also an excellent year.

In addition, although nobles from all over the country mostly chose cronyism when they participated in the northern border trade, commoners could also benefit from it in terms of transportation and handling of caravans, accommodation and food along the way.

Even if most of the porter's foremen and hotel owners are offshoots of nobles or run-down nobles, at least they have to hire some assistants, and the emergence of these jobs has made life easier for young people who cannot inherit their family land.

In the past, these young people who were born in peasant households and were not qualified to inherit their few acres of Susukida could only earn a living as long-term laborers and tenant farmers. , is also an introverted job.

Now, with the rise of trade in the northern border, young people who have just grown up in recent years can work as waiters in newly opened hotels, or load and unload goods for others, and carry fiber. Although life is still very hard, compared to the past , but also somewhat rushed forward.

Of course, since the trade in the northern border is still an official trade monopolized by the lords, the employment it can provide is limited in the final analysis. When more and more young people want to give up being long-term tenants, they want to see if they can go When they were men and trackers, there was no place for them around the trade routes.

It was at this time that Fossbarrow began to recruit workers on a large scale.


In the past, Lux also engaged in immigration a few times, but those were either accepted by chance, or accepted after natural disasters and man-made disasters. For the rest of the time, Fossbarrow wants to accept immigrants, and Lax needs to think about it. Fan, or make special preparations, or conduct political transactions, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

However, it is different now.

With the nobles in the North getting a piece of the pie in Fossbarrow, now Lux can absorb the surplus labor force in the whole North with great fanfare - Fossbarrow is short of manpower, and I can't help it!

In the past, if Fossbarrow recruited immigrants on a large scale, even if the other nobles did not think about rebellion, they would feel more or less murmured in their hearts, and they would doubt what Fossbarrow's purpose was.

But with the development of trade in the northern border, even if Lux absorbs the population on a large scale, and all of them are young and middle-aged laborers, the nobles whose population has been stolen will not realize the seriousness of the problem for a while.

With the administrative methods of the northern nobles, they will know that Fossbarrow is short of people and that Fossbarrow wants to recruit people, but they definitely don't know how many people Fossbarrow recruited, and they will not understand why Lacus recruited What do these people, after recruiting these people, do.

It is precisely because there are new hotels and new piers all over the northern border, so when they found out that Fossbarrow was recruiting people and young people in their own territory who could not inherit the land went to Fossbarrow to break into the docks, the lords from all over the place be completely blinded.

In this case, they would only judge others by themselves, thinking that Fossbarrow lacked the necessary trade manpower due to the expansion of trade. They would never have thought that Lux had recruited so many new immigrants to rely on With these young and middle-aged laborers, Fossbarrow has built a multi-field production framework!
They don't even realize that the simple unified standardization system advocated by Fossbarrow, in addition to making the products in the North more competitive, can also make Lux ready to kick herself away. Afterwards, the digestion of the entire northern territory became smoother.

Completely immersed in the prosperity brought about by trade, and even started to support the arts leisurely, the northern nobles who wanted to make their own voices were connected in small series, completely unaware that a noose had hooked their necks, and started Tighten quickly.

Objectively speaking, looking at the whole of Demacia, the nobles in the northern border are actually quite good. After all, this is the border, and if they are completely mixed up and wait to die, they may be robbed by the Freljord barbarians.

But even so, no one discovered Lux's tricks.

It is difficult for people to imagine things beyond what they know. No matter how smart the nobles in the North are, they will not understand the collective production of Zaun, let alone understand how magic can increase the level of productivity.

The work experience in Zaun and the travel experience in Shurima have long allowed Lux ​​to outline a blueprint for the future of Fossbarrow in her heart, and even if this blueprint is handed over to the nobles, they will not understand it at all .

Let alone the northern nobles.

Even Kyle and Morgana, who are in Fossbarrow and are taken around the streets in the form of gods every day, don't know what Lux is doing.

Due to security concerns, it is impossible for Lacus to allow these two to meet outsiders, but for the information from the outside world, except for the need to keep the content confidential, these two almost always answer their questions.

But even so, Kyle and Morgana still can't figure out the key.

After all, the perspective of longevity species is different from that of mortals.

Facing the ever-changing Fossbarrow, the Flying Wing sisters are like blind people who feel the elephant.

They can clearly see the increase in the population of Fossbarrow, the growing prosperity of Xinfugang, and the increasing number of people in Fossbarrow, but behind all this, there are always things that they have failed to grasp. live.

But that missing point is the key to Forsbarrow's transformation.

In this city, everything is different from the rules of Demacia in the past, but under the guidance of the clerk, everything seems to be in order.

At first, Kyle and Morgana thought Lux was a follower of demons.

But after staying in Fossbarrow for a long time, they have to admit that as a lord, Lux has done a good job-Morgana came to Fossbarrow in the past, compared to that time, Forsbarrow is heaven now.

The Feiyi sisters fell into confusion.

In addition to confusion, due to their cognitive differences, Kyle and Morgana's other emotions are also different.

Apart from his doubts about the changes in Fossbarrow, Kyle is somewhat dissatisfied, mainly because of the attitude of the people.

These people from the north whose lives are gradually getting better have not shown even the slightest respect for the gods, and the local Illuminati Society is even more incompetent. They have not carried out any actions to spread the glory of the gods, but only exist for existence.

More importantly, Fossbarrow's school never mentioned any content related to gods. For Kyle, who was used to the Rakkor people's preaching for generations, it was simply outrageous.

How could the Forsbarrows be led to peace of mind if they were not actively preaching?
Living on Mount Targon all year round, Kyle will inevitably compare the Fossbarrows with the local Rakkors. In her opinion, the life of the Fossbarrows is not as far as that of the Rakkors—— The city is changing with each passing day, and if there is little rest, it will be left far away. After getting used to today's fast-paced life, the Fosbarrow people will not have time to gain peace of mind through meditation...

If things go on like this, sooner or later something will happen to Fossbarrow!

In Kyle's view, mortals are ignorant, so they need the guidance and control of gods. If mortals are allowed to act according to their own desires, then their result can only be self-destruction - the previous rune wars have proved all this.

Contrary to the pessimistic Kyle, although Morgana is also confused and worried, but in addition, after seeing the great changes in Fossbarrow, she also feels a little bit of indescribable joy in her heart.

In the past, Morgana has always believed that people have great potential, and that people's emotions and desires are the power to create miracles.

Therefore, Morgana prefers to give people opportunities, and she looks forward to more people bursting out with this power.

At Fossbarrow she saw something of it.

Especially after learning about the past of the city's rise, Morgana felt an indescribable surprise.

Mortals can indeed perform miracles!
Therefore, unlike Kyle, Morgana's hostility towards Lux is slowly fading.

It's a pity that Lux doesn't have the time to care about Morgana's thoughts now.

With the influx of immigrants, Lux's workload increased sharply again.

Even though a lot of preparations have been made in advance, many jobs have been prepared for the new immigrants, but when the immigrants really arrived in Forsbarrow, a thousand and one things piled up, still kept Lacus very busy .

In other words, not only Lacus, but the whole Forsbarrow was too busy.

Before Lux arrived, Fossbarrow was a fortress city on the border, and there was no movement of people at all. If I had to say it, at most, the recruits of the Third Northern Army could be regarded as foreigners.

Under such circumstances, Fossbarrow should be naturally unadapted to foreign immigrants, and this unsuitability is likely to lead to xenophobia and other bad situations.

Fortunately, Lacus is also an outsider, and an outsider who brought hope to Fossbarrow. With her arrival as an example, her prestige as a confidence, and the previous waves of small-scale immigrants, in a short period of time, The conflict between Fossbarrow natives and outsiders has yet to erupt.

And what Lux has to do is to seize this precious period and fully bring these immigrants brought in by herself into the order of Fossbarrow.

Unlike the previous immigrants from Walrus' Tusk, these new immigrants are all from the north, and their customs are mostly similar to Fossbarrow's, and it is impossible to separate them alone—and in the case of more frequent contact, Lux must first What is guaranteed is that outsiders will not disrupt the existing order.

Specifically, Forsbarrow's immigrants need to have a very high employment rate and an extremely low crime rate, otherwise once they are idle, or even idle around, the Forsbarrow natives will quickly become hostile.

A high employment rate is actually easier to manage. Fossbarrow is now able to set foot in many industries, and the funds are relatively abundant. Among them, the parts with low technical requirements can be handed over to new immigrants.

Although the salaries for these jobs are not high compared to the local people’s cultivation of fragrant red persimmons and hazel antler cultivation, but according to previous surveys, at least the salary of a worker is still better than that of a long-term worker or a tenant. A lot of.

Therefore, when it comes to the work of immigrants, Lux has nothing to worry about.

On the contrary, in terms of legal issues, these outsiders are very troublesome to supervise-not that these immigrants are all scum, but that the number of existing administrative staff in Forsbarrow is too small.

Even though Lux had the largest "private administrative organization" in the North, the clerk, after the immigration began, Fossbarrow's administrative pressure was directly at its peak.

Various industries have begun to set up frameworks, the release of various job recruitment information, resettlement and guidance of immigrants, and the increasing scale of northern border trade...

A large number of tasks fell on the clerks, and almost all of them were at a loss.

In the past, Fossbarrow was sparsely populated, and there were not many people in the entire area, and the pressure on public security was very small.

But with the influx of immigrants, these young people who have just separated are all at the most impulsive and energetic age, and they are prone to radical behavior when they are not familiar with the place.

In order to avoid vicious cases, and to prevent petty thieves from taking the opportunity to fish in the troubled waters of Forsbarrow, Lacus could only mobilize the reserve force of Miyin City, that is, the reserve force of the Northwalker, to participate in the security management task. .

With these armored warriors on patrol, Fossbarrow, Sanford City, and Sanford Kong could keep order in the cities—even so, after the immigration wave began, there were several impulsive fights.

People from the northern border tend to have a more irritable temper and a more straightforward personality. They don't care about anything when their heads are hot, and then they fight...

In this way, even though Lux had made all the preparations she thought, when the immigration wave began to appear, she still had to frequently ask Karya for advice. She has been a leader for several years, but she is still not familiar with such things as immigration and has no experience at all.

Fortunately, Fossbarrow still has Karya behind him.

At this time, an old man in a family is like a treasure.

According to Carya's point, the big ship Fossbarrow, amidst the turbulent waves of immigrants, has been steadily moving towards the direction Lacus expects, riding the wind and waves, and sailing straight to the clouds.

In the ninth year of the calendar, Fossbarrow has finally become a metropolis with amazing development potential as Lacus expected.

 I've had trouble sleeping again these days, Gan

(End of this chapter)

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