Lux's Farewell

Chapter 621 [0614] Expansion

Chapter 621 [0614] Expansion
The impact of the immigration wave on Forsbarrow was staggering.

Even though this group of immigrants from all parts of the northern border is of the same origin as the Fossbarrow people, and they have similar values ​​and customs, they still brought a lot of impact to the locals of Fossbarrow.

Even if these people did not form any direct competition with the locals of Fossbarrow, there would not be a situation where "outsiders rob the locals of their jobs", and even Earl Laxana, the most respected by the Fossbarrows, was an outsider himself. …But there are still some Forsbarrows who are subtle when it comes to these immigrants.

But fortunately, the life of Fossbarrow people has not been affluent for a long time. Everyone used to be out-and-out countrymen. Under such circumstances, the people who are still full of repulsion to outsiders are after all a minority.

In this way, with the efforts of Lux and the entire Northern Frontier Group, a large number of immigrants from the Northern Frontier were finally slowly digested by Fossbarrow and incorporated into Fossbarrow's plan bit by bit. under the system.

With the addition of these immigrants, Fossbarrow's service industry, mining and metallurgy industry, civil engineering and construction industry, shipbuilding industry, and animal husbandry have all made significant progress.

Among them, the civil engineering and construction industry has little to do with other cities in the northern border. Although the shipbuilding industry has crushed the shipyards in other cities in the northern border that are not good enough, but since no city regards it as a pillar industry, those The handcrafted shipbuilding workshops that were crushed did not attract much attention.

The mining industry is Fossbarrow's dominant industry. After the Zika family sold the mining merchants in Veros when they were doing business with Lacus, Fossbarrow's mining industry is even more dominant. At this time, even if Fossbarrow took advantage of the immigration to bring a large number of manpower and expand the scale of the mining industry, but it still failed to attract the attention and attention of many people.

Among all the industries inflated due to the wave of immigration, only animal husbandry may form obvious competition with other areas in the northern region, causing dissatisfaction among other nobles—fortunately, not long ago, there was a breakthrough in the Elniuk breeding that Carya personally presided over. Under the artificial environment, Erniuk successfully achieved normal reproduction. Based on this, Fossbarrow can expand the track quietly and adopt a large-scale biological breeding plan that has never appeared in the north.

The quality of dairy and meat products provided by Elniuk is completely incomparable with that of beef cattle in other northern cities.

But it is undeniable that this rough plan has achieved excellent results.

The hunter guild is the same. Most hunter families have transformed into the fur industry. The few hunters who are still persistent and skilled are also targeting high-end fur. The price of high-end furs in West Asia has risen further, and relying solely on the Freljord trade cannot fully meet the needs of nobles for high-end furs. On prey that yields precious pelts.

As the proposer and leader of the plan, Pan De was naturally rewarded by the clerk during his study after his speech last winter. After intensive study, he became a member of the Northern Frontier Pioneer and became A member of the newly established Xinfucheng Community Construction Association, who is responsible for the community construction tasks of Xinfucheng this year.

Pan De, who graduated as a class leader, has his own contacts in various industries. He is willing to use these contacts to provide a little convenience for immigrants in the East [-]th District, as a supplement to Fossbarrow's immigration subsidies. The combination of the two is almost complete. The living and working needs of these new immigrants have been solved.

Erniuk's milk fat content is extremely high, and it doesn't taste very good to drink. Erniuk's meat is extremely rough. Newk, apart from being able to pull public carts, doesn't seem to have much application space, and is completely uncompetitive as a meat animal.

In the end, among the clerks in the East 32th District, [-] people without families became the building directors of the resettlement dormitory and lived with the immigrants in the East [-]th District.

Although saying this might sound like flattery, in Pan De's eyes, the lord is indeed a man of great wisdom.

Unlike when he accepted the surname of Parsons before, he saw Earl Laxana again, and after listening to her talk about these suggestions for the construction of the Xinfucheng community, Pender's mood could not be calm for a long time.

Thus, under the organization of Lacus, Fossbarrow carried out the first large-scale organization expansion.

To be honest, Pan De was somewhat reluctant to leave.

Regarding the expansion and recruitment of clerks in the East [-]th District.

If there is no accident, after finishing the last document processing tasks for the immigrants in the East [-]th District, Pan De will leave the East [-]th Community and go to work elsewhere.

It is foreseeable that in this expansion, many members of other local organizations in Fossbarrow will choose to try to become a clerk—or today, the four major industry associations in Fossbarrow have already Half of them have entered the stage of the last shift, which exists in name only.

Another winter passed.

After all, in the Fossbarrow area, solving the living and working difficulties of new immigrants is not fundamentally in conflict with the interests of the locals—not only not, but this is even where the interests of the locals lie.

From Pan De's point of view, there is not much difference between himself and these immigrants from all over the northern border. The reason why they came to Fossbarrow should also be the same as when he chose to leave the port of Mihril City. , In the new environment, they will instinctively feel uneasy, so the best way to make the East [-]th District transition smoothly is to eliminate their uneasiness and let them smoothly integrate into the order of Fossbarrow.

In this way, under extremely strict control, although Fossbarrow has absolutely surpassed and crushed other northern cities in many aspects, and even knocked down some people's jobs, when other northern lords said When talking about Earl Laxana, they still think that he is "a true model of nobleman" and the best speaker in the northern border.

Many members of the Hunter's Guild and the Herbal Gatherer's Guild became members of the Fur Industry Association or the Archon Research Group.

While the veterans were still struggling with the arrival and placement of these outsiders, Pande was very aware of what these outsiders needed—in terms of accommodation, he boldly used his own experience as an example to propose He came up with the idea of ​​"mixing new clerks and immigrants", and was the first to move out of the clerk dormitory.

The planting industry of saffron and hazelnut, and the cultivation of other characteristic plants in the northern border are also going on. Most of the herb collectors have begun to change their careers, and the few who are still persisting in the herb collection have also begun to change the main goal of picking. , and increased the selling price to match Fossby's gradually increasing price level.

Pande Parsent sat in his seat with the bread in his mouth.

In the tenth year of Fossbarrow's calendar, Fossbarrow, Sun Fook City and Sun Fook Kong finally paused a bit—the expansion of the city has almost reached its limit, and now, the city's management organization has emerged Solved the problems of insufficient manpower and insufficient division of labor.

Both the Northland Walker Legion and the clerk group will recruit new people on a large scale this year.

Just a few days ago, at the founding meeting of the Xinfu City Community Construction Association, Pan De met Earl Laxana up close for the second time.

Swallowing the last bite of bread, Pan De put the "Several Suggestions" over again, and finally turned around to deal with his last job in East [-]th District.

The main reason for all this is that the upgrading of the industry has severely reduced the scale of herb pickers and hunters in Forsbarrow, and even gradually has a trend of high-end development.

Moreover, different from the way that the clerks were completely uniformly trained and tested in the past, although the new batch of clerks will also be tested uniformly, they do not require unified training.

Regarding the community construction of Xinfu City, she has an extremely clear plan, an extremely complete blueprint, and an extremely clear development sequence. She praised the subjective initiative of the East [-]th District, and also clearly pointed out that this radical approach needs to be adapted to local conditions Yes, the population of the East [-]th District is relatively small, and the local clerks have rich immigration experience, which is the main reason for the good results.

However, what is surprising is that the East [-]th District took up this challenge with ease.

Therefore, according to Pan De's idea, giving more space for communication is undoubtedly an excellent means of dealing with problems at the grassroots level.

Although he has only graduated less than two years and has only formally assumed work tasks within the clerk for more than a year, Pan DePassent is already an important clerk in Xinfugang East [-]th District—this young man thought He is delicate and flexible, and it is said that he was the monitor of their class when he graduated, and he has a good relationship with many students of the same class. With his joining, many jobs in the East [-]th District have become smoother.

Last year, a large number of immigrants from the north flooded into the East [-]th District of Xinfucheng. For the newly established East [-]th District at that time, this was undoubtedly an extremely severe challenge.

Even though theoretically speaking, the East [-]th District of Xinfu City is not the location of Pan De's first job (in fact, Mithral City Wharf is considered), but for him, this is the place where he realized his self-worth for the first time .

The East Twelfth District is not that big, but here, most people will greet him with a smile after seeing him——even if he just celebrated his birthday, he is still an out-and-out He is a bachelor, but in the eyes of most residents in East [-]th District, Pan De is the most "popular" witness and the most respected person here.

Your Excellency Laxana's analysis fits perfectly with Pan De's self-summarization, and after she elaborated on the main steps of community building, Pan De felt an indescribable sense of mission.

When Pan De integrated into the school collective, the common experience of eating and living together gave him a lot of help. He thought that the clerk should take the lead at this time, so as to eliminate the gap between outsiders and locals. gap between.

Objectively speaking, the mixed housing plan proposed by Pan De is a very immature plan - the clerks have a lot of tasks, and they cannot pay attention to all aspects of immigration like the aunt of the neighborhood committee. Even when this plan was just proposed, Pan De himself was completely unaware of how to integrate the building manager system with the clerk's job.

However, while swallowing the bread, he rubbed his fingers over the document with the red title of "Several Suggestions on Community Construction in Xinfu City". An indescribable ambition dispelled the melancholy of parting.

According to Kalya, Fossbarrow can carry out large-scale farming. Relying on organizational advantages, Fossbarrow is fully capable of crushing the animal husbandry industry in most cities in the north just like crushing the shipbuilding industry in other places. But there is no need to do that, and it will cause strong dissatisfaction among residents in other parts of the northern border.


Increased daily contact with immigrants can resolve conflicts in the bud to a large extent, and also allow the clerks to quickly realize the crux of the problem. In addition to undertaking orders from the clerk organization from top to bottom, the clerks Can also play their own subjective initiative from bottom to top.

Therefore, even though he is about to leave the East [-]th District, Pan De is still full of confidence in his next job, and is also full of expectations for the future of Xinfucheng.

Yes, as the population increased, so would the clerks at Forsbarrow.

To be honest, this was a crazy proposal, but in the internal meeting of East [-]th District, Pan De finally convinced everyone.

But in fact, Erniuk is the most suitable livestock for Fossbarrow. They are extremely tolerant to the harsh environment and require a very low proportion of concentrated feed, even if it is the salinity around Fossbarrow. The various thorny and leafless plants that grow on the wasteland can still be enjoyed happily.

In this case, instead of rolling in wildly, it is better to overtake on a curve.

Although when Pan De proposed this idea, his main idea was to extend his own experience to others as an "old immigrant", but in terms of results, the East [-]th District has achieved excellent work results. When there are more or less troubles elsewhere, the excessive immigration in the East [-]th District is stable, and there is no problem at all.

Under this change, with the expansion of Fossbarrow's clerks, more industry association members will enter the ranks of clerks—it is foreseeable that when this wave of expansion is successfully completed, the once filled The trade associations that have created a power vacuum at the grassroots level in Forsbarrow and maintained the order at the grassroots level in Forsbarrow for hundreds of years will completely lose their power and become a non-governmental organization with limited influence.

And this also means that the entire Forsbarrow's new system is completely completed, and the baby grows into a giant.

 Karya's Small Classroom · Preparation:

  In the past, Fossbarrow's per capita prenatal education did not graduate, so to become a clerk must be uniformly trained in advance.

  But now, the recruitment of new clerks doesn't have to be so troublesome - there are students as the basis, and there is a new social order, clerks can directly sign up for the exam!
(End of this chapter)

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