Lux's Farewell

623 [0615] Slander

623 [0615] Slander
The speed of the development of a city and the expansion of a power has never been linear.

Just like Fossbarrow, behind every step of development, there is a foundation laid in advance. Without these foundations, Fossbarrow would not be what it is today.

Not long ago, Fossbarrow, which had just absorbed a large number of immigrants and was expanding its industrial chain, had begun to gather strength again after undergoing rapid expansion.

It's time to keep a low profile again—Forsbarrow's standards have gradually become popular in the northern border, and then they should permeate into the lives of every northerner.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on. When Lux began to plan to accumulate strength, in the capital of Demacia, some guys who didn't like her very much finally found a chance and became active.

Although LeBlanc is a very patient guy, with the beginning of this role-playing game, her patience is still exhausted a little too fast-Jarvan IV is indeed a climber, and his thoughts are far greater than Love's. Lan's expectations were more careful. In this case, she rashly caused trouble for Lacus, but she was destined to only cause trouble for herself.

In addition, in terms of feelings, Jarvan IV's persistence also exceeded her expectations. Even if she tried her best, Jarvan IV didn't have any other thoughts about her.

Note that the "no idea" here does not mean "has an idea but restrained it because of morality", but "hasn't even thought about it at all".

This also directly led to the delay in the role played by Vladimir on the stage, and the delay in the love triangle plot.

Without the catalysis of the love triangle, although Lan Fu has become an important friend and partner of Jarvan IV, but just because of this status, LeBlanc dare not rashly give eye drops to a powerful nobleman.

Then, just when LeBlanc's heart gradually began to gather, the opportunity came.

Taric has returned from Shurima.


Taric's trip to Shurima took far longer than expected. If it wasn't for the fact that he would occasionally send letters back, and that he was also a climber himself, Jarvan IV would have already started worrying about his safety.

Moreover, due to the delay in the return of the previous inspectors, the Shurima trade that Jarvan IV expected could not be carried out, and the royal family's economy has gradually become a little tight.

Then, just when Jarvan IV was already thinking about giving up the Shurima trade, Taric returned.

With Taric's return, Ranf, who had won the trust of Jarvan IV, also joined the discussion circle on Shurima trade, and participated in (mainly observed) several internal meetings discussing Shurima trade issues.

At the meeting, Taric briefly introduced Shurima's geographical environment and division of forces, and finally made a judgment that he believed that Shurima trade had great potential.

For the judgment given by Tarek, Jarvan IV naturally believed very much. In his opinion, Tarek's three-year investigation was enough for him to understand Shurima. Shurima has no problem selling food, so there must be no problem!
As a result, Jarvan IV quickly began to study with Barrett the specific issues of Shurima trade—from grain collection to storage, transportation, sales, and so on.

Originally, Demacia wanted to sell grain to Shurima, which had nothing to do with LeBlanc. She was not interested in Shurima, nor did she care whether the Shurima trade would succeed. She just wanted to provoke Jarvan IV It's just the relationship with Lacus.

However, at this meeting, when talking about the collection and purchase of grain, several people chatted and chatted, and the topic soon came to business tax.

In Demacia, there is no unified rule of commercial taxation. How much tax to pay for the circulation of goods depends entirely on the conscience and reason of the lord on the commercial road.

However, as a large agricultural country in Demacia, commercial taxation is not a big deal, so when gathering the power of the nobility, Jarvan IV only stipulated the highest percentage of land tax, and did not set any regulations on commercial taxation.

LeBlanc had studied Fossbarrow specifically, and she was disappointed for a long time when she found out that there was almost no land tax in Fossbarrow, and only the poll tax was paid to the royal family—it was just in time for Fossbarrow Ending the tax holiday, if there was a problem with Forsbarrow's first taxes, she would definitely blow it up and turn it into an accident.

It's a pity that because Fossbarrow's share of taxes is pitifully small, and Lux ​​has no plans to evade taxes, in the end LeBlanc still didn't dare to directly tamper with the tax books.

During this period, LeBlanc kept thinking about how to make trouble for Lux and Fossbarrow, but there was really no trouble there.

LeBlanc is playing Lan Fu, and she really can't do without Xiongdu - because Jarvan IV, after discovering Miss Lan Fu's government affairs ability, gave her a considerable part of the task, and the result was that LeBlanc was prostituted for nothing The labor force, even the chance to go to the north with the help of the reserve body is gone...

In addition, Vladimir will not be avatar, and now he also has a role to play. What they rely on now is only the spies of Black Rose.

As a result, LeBlanc and Vladimir, who were waiting for second-hand information in Xiongdu, got the news that "Forsbarrow is invulnerable."

Seeing that the trash under their command couldn't find out any meaningful news, LeBlanc and Vladimir could only temporarily hibernate in the end, waiting patiently for an opportunity.

And now, LeBlanc finally got his chance.

When Jarvan IV and Barrett discussed matters related to grain collection, Lan Fu seemed to remind him casually.

"What if Shurima trade becomes an important source of income, and other nobles follow suit?"

Hearing this question, Jarvan IV and Barrett both laughed.

"With the ability of the royal family, even if you want to sell food to Shurima, you need to think carefully. Other nobles don't have this ability."

"But what if they join forces?" Lan Fu continued, "At least we have to prepare in advance."

"...Your reminder is very reasonable." Hearing this, Jarvan IV finally nodded, "To be on the safe side, it's best to set the standard in advance, Barrett, do you have any good ideas?"

"If you create a rule out of nothing, it may cause dissatisfaction." Speaking of this topic, Barrett frowned slightly, "Besides, the newly formulated rule requires a plenary meeting of the noble council, and it would take too much time to summon all the nobles. .”

"It's not only time-consuming." When it came to this topic, Jarvan IV couldn't help but frowned, "I'm afraid that even if they don't know our fundamental purpose, they will definitely not agree to doing these things with great fanfare."

"Besides, it's hard for us to come up with a decisive reason." Barrett added, "So, we may be able to take a slight detour."

"Detour?" Jarvan IV blinked incomprehension, "For example?"

"Such as increasing the tax rate for selling grain abroad?" Naturally, Barrett put his thoughts on taxation, "Exporting grain abroad is a tax, but the tax rate is very low, only one in a thousand, often It is only used as a docking fee for ships."

"We raise it?"

"It can be increased by three hundred times." Barrett opened his mouth with a frenzied figure, "Just changing the tax rate in details, we don't need to convene all the nobles, only one meeting with more than half of the noble representatives present is enough. Once it is settled, as long as it is settled, even if there are others who want to sell the grain to Shurima, they will have to pay a heavy tax of 30.00%."

"It's a good way." Hearing what Barrett said, Jarvan IV's thoughts gradually opened up, "Valoran Duchy has always had a shortage of food, and a lot of food on the market has flowed there. A trade tax on grain exports should also curb this... but to be honest, the tax rate is so shocking that I don't even have the confidence to pass it at the Congress."

"On this point, Your Majesty can take a small measure." Hearing what Jarvan IV said, Barrett finally showed a smile on his face, "To sort out a complicated document, it is best to deal with the law of succession. Then look for a few days of trivial standards and propose them together with this one."

"The succession law is doomed to be impossible to have any changes, so in the end the aristocratic council will shelve it." Jarvan IV heard the string song and knew the meaning, "These will be passed smoothly?"

"That's it."

Soon, Jarvan IV and Barrett reached some common views on the trade tax on grain exports.

And that's exactly what LeBlanc wants to see.

According to her understanding, a large part of Fossbarrow's income comes from their trade with the Freljords. They sell food to the Freljords at crazy prices.

Although I don't know how the Fossbarrow people got those Freljord people, but what is certain is that the Freljord trade is an important purse of the noble lady model.

Once the trade tax on grain exports is greatly increased, it means that a big hole will be broken in the heavy money bag.

Although this may not bring any fatal trouble to Fossbarrow, it will undoubtedly make Fossbarrow dissatisfied with Xiongxiong.

And, this is just the beginning.

People's dissatisfaction is accumulated, as long as they are teased a few times, conflicts will inevitably erupt between the North and Xiongdu.

In this way, taking advantage of Jarvan IV's opportunity to establish and prepare for the Shurima trade, LeBlanc made trouble for Fossbarrow throughout the whole process.

Fossbarrow makes money selling grain to the north?
Then increase the food export tax rate!

Profitable fur industry in Forsbarrow?
Then promote the silks and fabrics of Shurima, and find competitors for furs!

Fossbarrow is the largest source of blue ocher in Demacia?
Then promote the red gemstones of Shurima, and start a red wave at the Art Support Association!


All of the above, whether it was proposed by LeBlanc, or she guided Jarvan IV to think of it, each one is very specific.

But if it is taken out, each one is proposed based on Tariq's notes, and the purpose of each one is to help the royal family monopolize the Shurima grain trade and maximize profits.

So if Fossbarrow suffered any loss in these regulations.

Sorry, that's your bad luck, we're not targeting it at all.

Moreover, these were all passed by the noble council, and it was almost no problem for other nobles - Fossbarrow didn't even have a potential ally!
Once furs are out of fashion, grain exports are heavily taxed, and demand for blue ochre begins to wane...

I'm afraid I heard that Fossbarrow, who is developing well now, will be beaten back to his original form soon!
And at that time, even if it is a noble model, I am afraid that it will be dissatisfied, right?
Even if Laxana was truly loyal enough not to have any dissatisfaction, that would be fine.

Because LeBlanc would make Jarvan IV aware of the impact he had on Forsbarrow and convince him that Miss Laxanne would be displeased.

After all... as long as the seeds of doubt are planted, they are destined to take root and germinate.

 Representatives of the Council of Nobles:
  Since not all nobles can leave the fief and live in Xiongdu, the noble council can also send representatives to participate.

  According to the rules, if Demacia wants to pass new laws and formulate national policies, all nobles or noble representatives must attend the meeting, and most of them agree.

  But if it is just to modify some "minutiae" issues, as long as the nobles who are resident in Xiongdu agree, then it will be passed.

(End of this chapter)

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