Lux's Farewell

624 [0616] Eat melons to your own home

624 [0616] Eat melons to your own home

Demacia Xiongdu, early morning.

Although the temperature in Xiongdu is not low, as the representative of Fossbarrow, Haguier still wore a fur-based coat and left his residence calmly.

Haguier, a Fossbarrow native, is currently the leader of the Fossbarrow intelligence group [Birds Team], code-named [Tern].

The team leader who was born as a hunter is a rare non-caster in the intelligence team.

Before becoming a member of the intelligence team, Haguier, a hunter, already had the nickname of "migratory bird"-migratory bird means that no matter how complicated the environment is, he can always clearly distinguish the direction and keep in mind The way I came here was like migratory birds migrating every year.

Because of this ability, before Fossbarrow's production structure changed, he was the most important hunting guide of the Hunters Guild, responsible for leading the hunters into the mountain as a guide when the prey was the most prey.

In the Longji Mountains, snow can easily change the terrain. For hunters who cannot follow a fixed route, a guide who is extremely sensitive to direction is naturally extremely important. Great changes have taken place, and they will not get lost in the mountains.

Therefore, even if Haguier is only leading the way and never hunts, in the large-scale hunting, he gets the most prey in the end.

It was precisely because of his outstanding sense of direction that when Ino set off for Ionia, he was selected as a guide and became a member of the 30-member mission.

During this trip, Haguier showed amazing learning ability and enthusiasm. Although he has no culture and is basically illiterate, it took him more than a year to learn the basic skills of drawing maps.

Later, with the successful return of the 30-member mission and the gradual decline of Fossbarrow's hunting activities, Haguier completely gave up his identity as a hunter, and formally joined Fossbarrow's intelligence team through Ino's investigation.

Just at this time, Fossbarrow's tax holiday is about to end. According to the usual practice, Fossbarrow needs to send a representative to Xiongdu to attend the aristocratic council. After some internal inspections, Haguire passed After being personally audited by Karya, he became the team leader of the [Bird Group], code-named [Tern], which specializes in collecting information on Xiongdu.

The Northern Tern, which nests and breeds in the Dragon's Back Mountains in summer, is the bird with the longest migration distance known in Demacia. When the Northern Territory enters autumn, these small birds will fly across the entire Valoran continent to Wintering near Kalamanda, at the foot of Targon.

The code name of the tern means that Haguire can always remember all the routes and information like a tern that has migrated [-] miles.

After passing Carya's professional training, Haguire led the bird group and entered Xiongdu as the emissary of Fossbarrow, becoming an observer of the noble council.

According to the tradition of Demacia, the noble council should represent the will of all nobles. In theory, any noble should be a member of the noble council.

However, since the nobles all have their own fiefdoms, and it is not easy to live in a male, except for those big nobles with well-off families, it is difficult for other small nobles to really attend the noble council.

As a result, noble representatives came into being—the nobles could dispatch their most trusted people to attend the noble council on their behalf.

Aristocratic representatives have no right to make suggestions or votes, and they can only be regarded as ears in the aristocratic council.

In Demacia, the number of noble representatives is not large, because for those nobles whose fiefdoms are only the size of one or two villages, it is completely impossible to send a representative to go male, and even if such nobles appear in person, they will not speak A little weight, so they simply did not even send a representative, abstaining forever by default.

This had been the case with Forsbarrow earlier.

At that time, the situation in Xiongdu was tense, and the noble council and the royal family were almost torn apart. It was meaningless to send a representative at this time, and Fossbarrow had no one who could act as a representative at that time.

But then, with Ino's return, and with Forsbarrow to start paying taxes, the matter of dispatching representatives became very important.

Considering the special situation in Xiongdu, the archon who has rich experience in the Freljord is not easy to participate. In the end, Haguier, who showed his personal ability in the 30-member mission, was selected and became the representative Lux was the envoy to the noble council, and Fossbarrow's ear in Xiongdu.

Due to the development of trade in the northern border, Fossbarrow already has several independent shops in Xiongdu at this time. Through the channel of the chamber of commerce, Haguier can continuously send the news he inquired in Xiongdu back to the northern border, and at the same time The information of Lacus and Ino at her mother's house is confirmed by both, which serve as an important reference for Xiongdu.

Moreover, as the representative of Earl Laxana, Haguire can also openly contact the Art Support Association and collect information through the Art Support Association-the Earl is most concerned about art.

Previously, Fossbarrow's high-end furs set off an upsurge in Xiongdu through the Art Support Association, in which Haguier contributed a lot.

Today is the regular session of the noble council again. After waking up early and putting on formal attire full of Fossbarrow style, Haguier came to the venue of the council early as usual, and found a good seat in the auditorium.

Although Fossbarrow can be regarded as an important town in the north, here, Haguire is a proper little transparent-in fact, even if it is a representative who can only listen and cannot speak, his status is also of various grades, like They are offshoots of nobles, children of nobles. Even if they are not qualified to speak at the meeting, they can at least communicate with each other and even reach cooperation.

But like Haguire, the eight generations of ancestors are all representatives of civilians, so they can really only serve as the background of the meeting, wood carvings and clay sculptures.

In addition, Haguier deliberately speaks in a strong northern dialect every time he speaks. Over time, even the representative who hopes to have a relationship with Fossbyrolla is too lazy to talk to him.

Soon, today's regular meeting began.

Haguire was sitting upright, with a serious expression, but he couldn't help but let go of his heart—the regular meetings of the noble council are often quite boring. Although the content of the meeting is not trivial, it is not a big deal after all, plus Forsbarrow Out of the public eye, Haguire doesn't even have much to document.

However, there seems to be something wrong with today's regular meeting.

Mr. Barrett Bouvier, His Majesty's confidant and pocketbook, attended the meeting in person.

Under normal circumstances, a regular meeting is not enough for the busy Mr. Barrett to attend in person—considering that this guy doesn’t seem to be here for a while... I’m afraid there should be a regular meeting this time. Quite an important thing!
Realizing this, Haguier immediately became vigilant.

Then, Barrett dropped a blockbuster directly: he announced an extremely lengthy proposal, but Haguire realized the weight of the proposal when he listened to the beginning.

"Several proposals regarding the succession of the nobles to Fatine..."


In Demacia, the Tweeting Succession Law was proposed hundreds of years ago, and was even used for a time.

In that era, the nobles' territories and titles would be jointly inherited by all their heirs except the illegitimate sons, the territories would be subdivided infinitely, and the titles would be reduced from generation to generation.

The nobles who were split into small families were difficult to unite, and their strength was limited. The noble council was gradually reduced to a vegetable market - the king only needed to pay a small price to win the nobles into his camp, thus completely controlling the council.

Therefore, the then King Enno I, who promoted the Tween Succession Law, almost turned the noble council into a face-saving organization by virtue of this hand, and completely gathered power in the hands of the king.

Then, when Demacia began to develop towards a centralized state, history made an interesting joke. Enno I had many heirs, and the guys who were not clear-headed among them began to make noises, so the royal family also There was a serious split, and Demacia was even thrown into chaos for a while.

It coincided with the massive invasion of the Noxus, and if Galio hadn't just awakened, I'm afraid Demacia would have suffered bad luck in that war.

Afterwards, the royal family and the nobles, who had lingering fears after the incident, finally sat down to have a good conversation, and tacitly denied the Tween inheritance law. It was also after that that the system of offshoots of the Demacian noble clan was born and gradually developed to today.

Haguier has studied this part of history, so he is very clear about what it means for the royal family to propose the law of succession again at this time-His Majesty the King is a climber, and it is really too early for him to consider the issue of inheritance. If the Tween inheritance law is passed, he can completely dismantle all the nobles' fiefs into pieces!

So, before Barrett finished reading the opinion draft, the aristocratic council exploded, and voices of opposition abounded.

As long as nobles with a little bit of historical knowledge will never agree to restart the Tweeting inheritance law-this is simply digging the lifeblood of the nobles!

Facing the aristocratic nobles, Haguier only felt it was funny.

Although ten years ago, he was still an unknown hunter guide, and he had never even seen the faces of nobles, but now his footprints have traveled through several continents in Runeterra. For these "noble" nobles, his heart Not even an iota of respect.

Tweet inheritance law?
That thing has nothing to do with Fossbarrow, eat melons, eat melons!

This proposal is good, and it immediately refreshes my spirit!

In this way, Haguier happily sat in the back row all morning, seeing all the hysterical ugliness of the nobles - the only pity is that Barrett was not firm enough, and under the unanimous opposition of everyone, Tween continued The law has not even entered the deliberation stage.

Mr. Barrett, whose face was refuted, seemed quite dissatisfied. Seeing that the issues related to the Tween Inheritance Law could not be passed at all, he continued to think about the minutiae proposals in a fit of anger: the use of the family emblem, the size of the carriage, the opera Tax exemption for performance groups, diplomatic attitude towards the Principality of Valoran, transaction tax for food import and export...

Wait, transaction tax on food import and export?

Haguier, who had been happily eating melons before, was extremely shocked to find that this time he ate melons and actually ate them at his own home!
According to Barrett, with Valoran's peace, Demacia should reduce grain exports to the Principality of Valoran, especially low-priced exports. Without the interference of the Noxus, these countries should learn to Produce food instead of lying on Demacia's body as a vampire.

The words were high-sounding words, but when they fell into the ears of the nobles, they sounded like the lord who had lost face before.

As for the proposal to increase the grain export tax, it is clear that the royal family wants to reduce the subsidized aid to allies and instead let them spend money to buy it—for fear that some nobles will snatch the business and deliberately increase the tax rate!
But... If you are willing to improve, then improve!

Anyway, the line close to the Valoran city-state and the principality is almost all the territory of the royal family, and there is no way for us to sell it!

Therefore, this article was passed quickly, and no nobleman was willing to entangle here.

I'm going to eat soon, hurry up and finish talking, hurry up and eat.

As this one was quickly passed, the Haguills were dumbfounded.

You're all right, what about Forsbarrow?
It will be ten years soon, and Fossbarrow will pay all taxes normally. In this case, the passage of this proposal will mean that Fossbarrow will have to pay three Give one part to Xiongdu!
Although the Freljord trade makes money, after such a cut, the profit will be reduced by at least half, right?

As an observer, Haguier does not have the right to vote or speak. Under such circumstances, he can only watch the proposal pass and enter the follow-up review stage. If it goes well, it will be implemented this year!
How the hell did this happen?
Aren't you discussing the Tweet inheritance law?
At the end of the meeting, Haguier left in a hurry, returned to his residence immediately, and wrote a letter.

After sealing the credit seal, he quickly went to the store where he often met, and sent the letter through the channel of the bird group.

However, what Haguier didn't know was that just as the next ring of the bird group was hurriedly leaving Xiongdu with a letter and riding a fast horse, a dangerous hunter followed him.

The courier had just left the range of Xiongdu and just entered the mountains. On the galloping horse, he suddenly felt a burst of heart palpitations. The blood in his chest seemed to have boiled, and his eyes became extremely red.

Realizing that something was wrong, the courier tugged at the horse's reins, but before the horse stopped, his heart stopped beating with the reverse flow of blood.

The next moment, the sensitive horse was suddenly frightened. After a long hiss, it ran wildly, rushed out of the road, plunged headlong down the cliff, and finally a bright red flower bloomed under the cliff.

Then, a ghostly figure appeared next to the corpses of one man and one horse, and took out the blood-stained letter paper in a leisurely manner.

"The reaction is quite fast." The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and he easily tore off the wax, "Let me see what you wrote...huh?"

Looking at the square symbols on the paper, at this moment, Vladimir fell into self-doubt.

"What is this?"

 Fossbarrow's secret words:

  Fossbarrow's secret language is extremely high, because it is written in Chinese—except for specialized intelligence personnel, almost no one knows it.

(End of this chapter)

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