Lux's Farewell

625 [0617] Intelligence warfare in the dark night

Fossbarrow's intelligence team was guided by Carya and organized by Ino himself. The most important core members were almost all brought out by Ino.

They have dedicated channels for information transmission, professional secret language, and means of summarizing large amounts of data—both in terms of organizational structure and professional technology, they are all remarkable and can be called professional.

In this professional organization, Haguier's flock group is the least professional.

The working location of the bird group is in Xiongdu, so it is not easy for Ino to send archons there, but veterans with a lot of intelligence work experience in the Freljord are archons, and Haguiel is a minority after all.

Therefore, under the circumstances that veterans cannot come and can only rely on rookies to support the field, the strength of the bird group is somewhat weak.

It's okay to pass the news step by step, but once an emergency occurs, it will be in a hurry.

Just like now, because of the lack of anti-tracking capabilities, the messenger code-named [Carrier Pigeon] couldn't even do a little bit of maneuvering, and was quickly intercepted by Vladimir, which directly caused Haguire's intelligence to fail to be the first. Time to send.

Fortunately, according to regulations, Haguier used coded language when transmitting information, so although Vladimir got Haguire's letter, he couldn't understand the content of the letter at all.

Thus, Vladimir's goal was half achieved. He stopped the messenger, but failed to intercept effective intelligence.

This is more troublesome.

Just intercepting the messenger is of little significance to Vladimir-at most it will delay the time for Fossbarrow to get the news, and it will not cause more serious damage.

According to Vladimir's original plan, after killing the messenger, he was going to forge another letter to make another provocation.

After all, increasing Fossbarrow's tax payment standard "disaster to the fish in the pond" and deliberately targeting Fossbarrow are completely different situations. When he fell off the cliff, Vladimir used blood magic to save him The integrity of the corpse, if he can figure out the content and format of the letter, LeBlanc can temporarily control him from sending false reports.

But it's a pity that Vladimir couldn't understand every word in this letter, let alone learn to forge it.

Finally, with a click of his tongue, Vladimir gave up the letter, left it in the arms of the corpse, and left the scene of the incident alone.

Since there is no chance to forge the letter paper, it is better to find another method. Anyway, the noble council has passed a resolution, and the fact that Fossbarrow has to pay heavy taxes can no longer be changed. In the face of interest disputes, conflicts will always arise!
Haguier learns that something is wrong with the pigeon much sooner than LeBlanc and Vladimir expected.

Because between Fossbarrow and Xiongdu, there is a regular communication once a month-Sylvana or Iva will take advantage of the night to arrive at the warehouse rented by the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce in the outer suburbs of Xiongdu, and send blessings regularly Spyro's instructions, and take away Haguire's information.

In the regular communication in the second month, Haguier received instructions, and there was no indication of "emergency communication has arrived".

Hearing the news of 【Pigeon】had an accident, Haguier immediately became nervous.

[Carrier Pigeon] is the person responsible for emergency information transmission in the Bird Group. Although he has received intelligence training, he does not participate in any daily intelligence work. He will only be activated when urgent information needs to be transmitted.

Although he is the messenger of emergency information, [Carrier Pigeon] has not received training in secret language, so he does not know the specific content of the information. , it will exit the intelligence system and replace it with a new [Carrier Pigeon].

But now, 【Carrier Pigeon】has an accident.

[Pigeons] who usually do not act as intelligence personnel will have accidents, which means that the bird group has been targeted, so Haguier did not hesitate, and directly handed over a letter to Xiongdu for regular communication. Shyvana intends to activate the silent state.

On the premise of not knowing who is eyeing the bird group, Haguier must be cautious.

Then, just as Shyvana was about to leave, there was a commotion outside.

The Garrison surrounded the warehouse.


The one who led the troops to surround the warehouse was Feifu Callo, the captain of No. 13 Squadron of the Garrison Corps.

What prompted him to make this decision was the news from the Silent Man—the Silent Man who found him said that there was a giant dragon hidden in this warehouse.

To be honest, Fei Fu didn't believe it at all when he heard the news.

Although the size of this warehouse can indeed hide the next giant dragon, but being able to hide it doesn't mean it will hide it!
This is the territory of the Laurent family, and the warehouse is also a registered storage center specially used to store goods from the northern border. Now that the fur in the northern border is so popular, isn't it nonsense to go to check the dragon by yourself?
At night, let the brothers go to the outer suburbs with a torch to toss, who are you, with such a big face?

Therefore, Fei Fu listened to this news as a joke at first.

After all, the mysterious silent man has been a joke since the jailbreak incident of the devil-infected man. After Lord Laxana completely took away those hidden dangers, these mysterious guys can only use this method To reflect a little bit of self-worth.

However, what Fei Fu never expected was that the mute man became addicted to telling jokes. After he said that the joke was not funny, the other party directly said that he would go to the headquarters of the Garrison Corps!

What the hell, you guys just go on and on like this, don't you?

Leapfrog report?

In desperation, Fei Fu could only take the members of his squadron for a routine round.

Then, something unexpected happened.

When Fei Fu arrived at the outskirts of the warehouse, several guys looked very... nervous!
Very wrong!
Under the dim and uncertain light of the fire, Fei Fu began to get excited—if the news of the Reticent Man is true, and there is indeed a dragon hidden here, then he is in luck!

And if not...

That is, the silent person provided false information, which has nothing to do with him!

Thinking of this, Fei Fu swept away his previous casual attitude, and suddenly became energetic, shouting for the guys to open the door of the warehouse.

The folks at the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce naturally wouldn't give in easily, they only said that they had to wait for the manager to come over, otherwise no one would be able to afford the loss of furs - there are many high-end goods ordered by the nobles of Xiongdu in the warehouse!
In this way, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Fortunately, the steward of the warehouse came out soon, and Haguire, the representative of the noble council of Fossbarrow, came out with the steward.

Seeing these two, Fei Fu calmed down instantly.

Something is wrong.

Warehouse stewards are normal here.

But on such a late night, why would the Forsbarrow council representatives come here?

With Mr. Haguier here, no matter whether there are dragons in the warehouse or not, it seems that things are not something that a small squadron leader like himself should consider!
This is the site of the Laurent family, and the warehouse of Earl Laxana was built, which is full of high-end customizations from various bigwigs... How can I mess up here?
Fei Fu, who had calmed down, retreated secretly. Being in the garrison, there should always be something in the basic eyes. Unless the cause and effect of the big nobles are clear, there must be less involvement. Blending is!
However, just when Fei Fu was going to exchange a few words, then lead the person away, and complain to his superiors about the vote of the Silent Man, the Silent Man who brought him suddenly made a move without warning.

I saw him strode forward and came to the door, and then his hands lit up with blue light, and with his own strength, he pushed open the two heavy doors abruptly!
At this moment, Fei Fu only felt that his heartbeat was about to stop.

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen.

Under the light of the fire, various goods are neatly displayed in the warehouse, and a large number of shelves are arranged horizontally and vertically in the warehouse, and the end can be seen at a glance.

Maybe a lot of people can be hidden here, but there is absolutely no way to hide a giant dragon.

"Mr. Fei Fu!" Haguire's face was ashen, "What are you going to do? Looting?"

"No, no, calm down..." Fei Fu almost wanted to cry, "The person who acted just now came from a special organization, and it has nothing to do with me or the Garrison Corps—on the contrary, if you want to sue him, I am very happy." Happy to be present as a witness."

While comforting Haguiel, Fei Fu winked at the soldiers under his command, signaling them to quickly drag the mad Silent Man back—what the hell, the Silent Man kept silent because of the biting dog Don't you call?
However, before the soldiers could catch the Reticent Man, another group came here, wearing blue robes, holding chains and sticks, masks on their faces, and also holding torches.

"Wait a moment." The leader shouted loudly, "The demon searchers have also received a report, there are demon-infested people here!"

Seeing these blue-robed hyenas surround him, Fei Fu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed angrily in his heart—obviously, he had already realized the problem, and he had already been involved in the vortex of a struggle. So far, he still doesn't know what's going on.

You gods fight, what's the point of putting me, a mortal, in the middle?

Before Fei Fu could find a way out, the demon seekers had already started to act. They picked up the torches in their hands and approached the warehouse door carefully. The yellow flame color instantly changed to blue.

"There are traces of magic!" The leader of the demon searcher became excited instantly, "Surround this place, everyone must be inspected!"

In this way, while the demon-infested person sealed off the scene, he mobilized more manpower to conduct a thorough search of the entire warehouse—whether it was a buddy, a porter, or a coachman, they all had to be inspected.

However, although the demon seekers checked the past one after another, there were no demons among them.

The leader's expression also began to develop in Fei Fu's direction.

If the traces of magic on the warehouse door came from the fur of some precious magical beast, then I'm afraid I'm going to be out of luck next time.

Just when he was worried, the demon hunter found the demon-infested man in the room where the coachmen lived outside the warehouse.

This lady is different in dress and appearance, but what is certain is that there are extremely strong traces of magic on her body.

However, when the torch was close to her, the color was red, which did not match the color of the warehouse door.

"This is Hextech, bastard!" When the demon-infected man took out the magic stone shackles and wanted to arrest her, she resisted fiercely and shouted loudly at the other party, "This is a Demacian What is your attitude towards foreign envoys?"

The leader of the mageseekers looked at Haguire.

"This is Miss Shivana from Vazuan. She is an artist and an important partner of Fossbarrow." Not only did Haguier not panic, he even had a smile on his face, "Hey Miss Wana has seen His Majesty before, but she is not a demon-infested person."

The leader of the magic seekers was a little confused.

If it's just an emissary from Vazuan, then it's not a big problem—it's completely normal for foreign mages to be supervised by demon seekers in Demacia.

But if this Miss Shivana really had an audience with His Majesty, and this matter was really brought before His Majesty, then things would really be a little troublesome.

He knew in his heart that it would be best not to let His Majesty know that he came here to do something today.

Moreover, the news I received at that time was that there was a dragon here, not a Vazuan. The situation was already very bad. Maybe I would have to face the internal punishment of the Silent Man in the future and continue to do it. , Punishment is probably punishment!

However, Fei Fu, who had been thinking silently and waiting for an opportunity, suddenly jumped out before the magic hunter found a way for him.

"Since Miss Shivana is the envoy of Vazuan, the security work should be handed over to our garrison." He turned to Shyvana with a standard smile on his face, "Sorry, Miss Shivana , The methods of the demon seekers have always been rough and direct, which does not represent Demacia's attitude, and Demacia has always been extremely enthusiastic about friends."

Saying that, Fei Fu did not hesitate to let his soldiers squeeze away the demon seeker and surround Shivana.

"Someone reported to me that there was a dragon hidden in this warehouse, but it turned out that it was an insidious provocation, trying to achieve some ulterior and evil purposes." Seeing this VIP fell into his control Fei Fu picked up Fan again, "For safety's sake, Miss Shivana, the garrison will be responsible for your defense mission..."

There is no doubt that Fei Fu has made up his mind, and he has not hesitated to change sides - he has now "recognized" the truth of the whole thing.

Some of Fossbarrow's furs should be related to magical beasts, so when he surrounded the place, the guys would have abnormal expressions.

And this Miss Shivana should be Vazuan's emissary. After all, such things as "I have met His Majesty" cannot be faked.

As for the silent person, he is completely using himself as a gun. Whether it is the threat of a leapfrog report or the behavior of opening the warehouse door, they are all walking alone and must be severely punished!

Wait, when the silent man opened the door before, there seemed to be a faint blue light on his hand, and when the demon hunter approached the gate with that torch for the first time, it was because the flame turned blue that he said there was a demon infected...

Is this planting?
Woohoo, the temperature here dropped 16 degrees overnight!
Everyone must pay attention to keep warm!

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