Lux's Farewell

Chapter 626 [0618] Long time no see, Miss Shivana

As a low-level officer in a place like Xiongdu in Demacia, and as the captain of the extremely troublesome security squadron, Fei Fu has his own philosophy of survival.

First of all, if possible, try not to get involved in disputes between nobles and lords.

Secondly, if you are forced to get involved, you have to choose the safest side to take the team.

Like this conflict, Fei Fu didn't want to get involved at all at first, but he really couldn't shirk it. After coming here, seeing that the victory and defeat had been divided, he stood on the winning side without hesitation, and directly expressed With the attitude of being a "witness", you can turn your face faster than turning a book.

That's why Fei Fu insisted on sending Shivana and the already dumbfounded Silent Man to the security office of the Garrison Corps, waiting for follow-up processing.

The matter has developed to this point, and it can almost be over-because when the silent man came to Feifu before, he kept saying "there is a giant dragon", and now the garrison army and the demon seeker have checked both sides, and here is also There are no dragons.

You can't say Miss Shivana is a dragon, can you?
In this case, the false accusation of the Silent Man was confirmed. From Fei Fu's side, it doesn't matter whether Shivana is a demon or a Vazuan.

Even if there is any problem with Earl Laxana, just go to trouble with the Reticent Man, and I have completely taken it out on my side.

However, what Fei Fu never dreamed of was that the demon hunter who led the team refused to agree. This guy blushed and insisted on verifying Shivana's identity. Freedom in West Asia.

The Feifu people who were stopped were dumbfounded.

Good guy, are you dragging me into the water?

Before opening the door, there was also a blue light, and then the torch was also a blue light, and finally when it was shone on a person, it was a red light... What the hell do you think I'm blind?

Although I don't know what your plans are, but I'm not your accomplice. If you take him away at this time and fall into the eyes of others, don't I belong to your group?

Fei Fu, who didn't want to be dragged into the water at all, showed considerable toughness. He firmly believed that this was a public security case and should be handled by the Garrison Corps.

The Demon Seekers insisted that Shyvana should be handed over to them, and took out the big hat of "the defender will not be harmed by evil mages", saying that they would take people away.

Then, when both sides refused to back down, the leaders on both sides quickly adopted similar strategies.

shake people.

Things started to magnify.

In other words, the issue of jurisdiction has been a long-standing problem in Demacia.

In Demacia, each has a special sheriff. These sheriffs are people trusted by the lord. They are responsible for commanding a part of the private army of the nobles, responsible for the security issues in a certain area, arresting thieves, handling cases, maintaining order and other tasks. It was in charge of the magistrates and the private army of the nobles.

In fiefdoms directly under the royal family like Xiongdu, although the royal family does not have a magistrate, the local garrison will often set up a special brigade to be responsible for the same work as the magistrate. These people are the main elements of the internal order of Demacia. protector.

Due to the high degree of feudalism in Demacia, the local sheriffs have always been responsible for the problems in this region, and the sheriffs in various places are only responsible to the local lords. There is no such thing as a general sheriff in Demacia. The positions that can govern all the magistrates, large and small, are all parallel positions, and they do not interfere with each other. They will only cooperate when fugitives are involved.

It is not difficult to see from this that the public security management in various parts of Demacia is completely the private power of the local lords. Although it is theoretically said that all magistrates must uphold the laws of Demacia, each locality also has its own local rules, which are combined , is the order of Demacia.

However, the team of Demon Seekers can operate across the country, directly under the jurisdiction of the royal family, and even some functions overlap with the Magistrate—in this case, if there is a conflict between the Magistrate and the Demon Seeker, then It's normal.

Everyone manages the same area, and the power overlaps!

Why do the mageseekers have the slur of "blue-robed hyena"?

Not only because they are ruthless, but more importantly, they are different from the sheriffs who follow the local rules. He is a good boy in everyone's eyes.

In addition, in a sense, the Demon Seekers can also be regarded as loyal dogs of the royal family. As the only organization other than the army that can perform duties across the country, the development of the Demon Seekers organization is almost completely synchronized with the power of the Light Shield family. Yes, so even though this organization is a bit extreme and a bit bastard, their position is always stable.

It can even force the local sheriff to back down.

However, with the coronation of Jarvan IV as king, the mageseeker's life began to deteriorate day by day.

The superficial reason is that after Jarvan IV returned from the summit, Lacus took the initiative to go to Fossbarrow to take away most of the demon-infested people. Although Demacia still bans demons, the attitude of banning demons is not as strict as before. The change of the capital city brought about by Silas last ten years ago made the magic seeker see a big eye, and the ability and significance of the magic seeker had to be put into question.

But in terms of the root cause, it was the royal family's abandonment that led to the gradual silence of the demon hunters.

Jarvan IV, who became a climber and won the Battle of Tobyssia, has now become the leader of the two-in-one kingship and theocracy of Demacia. Good thugs: The Illuminati.

Compared with the disgusting blue-robed hyena, the Illuminati, which is kind and responsible for the folk order, is undoubtedly a more friendly organization. However, it was still gradually transforming into a grassroots organization directly responsible to King Jarvan IV.

Under such circumstances, the pre-cooling of the magic seeker's situation is naturally as it should be.

Just like this conflict, if it was the time when the Demon Seekers were in full swing, how dare the Garrison Corps compete with the Demon Seekers?
But now what...

You can tell by Fei Fu's calm look.

However, what is surprising is that the Demon Seeker showed surprising persistence this time.

It was obviously just a conflict that could be reduced to a trivial matter, but it quickly became the top dog of the head of the magic searcher army and the marshal of the garrison army!
Things have developed to this point, even Haguiel and Shivana are a little confused.

As for it?
As for, what's so special about—because even the head of the Demon Seekers and the Marshal of the Garrison Legion failed to reach a unified opinion in the end.

You know, although Lux's uncle has stepped down as the head of the Demon Seekers, the relationship between the Crownguard family and the Demon Seekers is still good. The truth is to not let go.

But the current Demon Seeker Legion firmly insisted on this matter, and even offered to report to His Majesty.

Although Jarvan IV is full of energy, he usually sleeps later than dogs and wakes up earlier than chickens, but to disturb Jarvan IV at this time...

Isn't this really crazy?


When he got the news, Jarvan IV hadn't rested yet.

However, unlike the bewildered Haguire, Jarvan IV felt like a mirror in his heart after listening to the simple description.

He knew very well why the Demon Seekers had brought things to this point—the living space of the Demon Seeker Legion had been squeezed to the extreme.

To be sure, the lords everywhere have almost completely abandoned the birdshunters.

The main reason for this phenomenon is that as the Illuminati gradually took root, a considerable part of the work of the magic searchers was taken away by the Illuminati.

In the past, if there were demon-infested people in the family, they should report to the lord and the demon-seeker, and if the demon-infected people destroyed or escaped, they should be arrested by the demon-seekers.

But now as the Illuminati has gradually become an administrative agency, the problems of the demon-infected people are reported to the Illuminati, and the Illuminati will also deal with it.

Moreover, members of the Illuminati are often locals, and their methods of dealing with problems are milder than those of the Demon Seekers, not at 01:30.

Under such circumstances, the work of the demon hunters gradually became difficult to carry out. Even for those out-of-control demon-infested people, the Illumination Society sometimes assists the local lords in arresting and handling them.

Even if the uncontrollable demon-infested person is still handed over to the demon-seeker, this also means that the demon-seeker has almost completely lost the right to arrest them.

This is simply "changing from a royal guard with special royal power" to "the jailer guarding the Arcatraz"!
The mageseekers are desperate to regain their status!

So, here comes the question - the root cause of the demon seekers' loss of power is that the royal family has another good dog. What should the demon seekers do to show their self-worth and restore their status?

Shake your teeth at the royal family?

Of course not, because the current king is strong enough.

Therefore, the demon seeker gave his own answer: to show his teeth to the noble lord, and tell His Majesty the king that he still has unique means that the Illuminati do not have.

The Demon Seekers have been holding back their energy for a long time, and want to find someone to stand up to!
In this case, due to the guidance of some people, Count Laxana became the target of the Demon Seeker's prestige.

The reason for choosing Earl Laxana as the object of Liwei is also very simple-she is loyal, well-behaved, and a model of nobility.

Nothing will happen if a good man points a gun at it!

That aristocratic model Liwei far away in Fossbarrow is easy to use and has no risk!
After thinking about what happened, Jarvan IV would naturally not be used to the evil of the Demon Seeker.

What are you doing?

Are you forcing the king to make a decision?

The job of the magic searcher is to ban magic, to prohibit the magic in Demacia, to prevent the people of Demacia from being harmed by magic, not to form cliques in the political arena!

In Jarvan IV's blueprint, the Demon Seeker should be a technical department responsible for dealing with the problem of demon contamination, not a power department!
Don't think about improving your own level, and always think about reaching out where you shouldn't reach out...

Just asshole!
However, when Jarvan IV angrily saw the person involved, His Majesty's gaze landed on the Vazuan man in a strange way, and most of his anger dissipated.

is her!

Therefore, regarding the reckless actions of the Demon Seekers, he did not lose his temper after all. After reprimanding the head of the Demon Seekers, ordered the Silent Man who had falsely accused him to be thrown into the Arcatraz, and asked the person in charge of the Silent Man to reflect on himself, He turned his head, looking at Shivana as if casually.

"Long time no see." Jarvan IV's voice was calm, "Miss Shivana, you still look good."

"It's all thanks to Hex Technology." Shivana thought that the other party suspected why she was not getting old, so she pushed the matter to Hex Technology, "The transformation of Hex Technology can make people stay young forever and delay aging .”

"Oh? Hextech still has this function?" Jarvan IV's eyes lit up. "I've seen some Hextech products, such as street lights... It's not so magical at all."

"This involves complex body modification projects." Shyvana pursed her lips, barely coping, "Like Ms. Camille in Piltover District, she is over a hundred years old this year, but whoever looks at her Come on, she is just an elegant middle-aged lady..."

"So, Miss Shivana also accepted that... body modification?"

"Well, the latest style." Shyvana could only continue to make up, "I have traveled to many places in Runeterra, this world is too big, and the short lifespan is not enough for me to appreciate all of it..."



As if meeting old friends, Jarvan IV asked a lot of questions about Hextech, which made Shyvana's heart hang. She never expected that she had only met him seven years ago. On the part of His Majesty the king, he still remembers that he likes architecture...

Is this the superior memory of Dengfeng people?
Shyvana, who was afraid that she would reveal some flaws, could only try her best to recall that trip to Xiongdu, answering Jarvan IV's question according to her personality at that time. I'm afraid I'm already sweating profusely.

However, completely different from what she had imagined, Jarvan IV's memory was not that good. He could remember Shyvana because Shyvana left a deep impression on him during that banquet. .

It's hard to describe this feeling. It's obvious that we just met by chance and chatted casually, but I can't forget it.

Even when he heard that Shyvana had undergone Hex's body transformation, her lifespan had been extended and she would not age easily, Jarvan IV felt a bit of indescribable joy in his heart.

Long life is good!
So are the climbers!

After hearing the news that the head of the Demon Seekers and the commander of the garrison had an audience together, Miss Lanfu, who was planning how to appease the head of the Demon Seekers while continuing to make trouble for Lacus, never dreamed that she would stare at her. The elm pimples that had been there for several years suddenly sprouted without warning.

Update early!

Go to bed early and get up early!

Jarvan IV and Shyvana...hehehe~

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