Lux's Farewell

Chapter 627 [0619]

Chapter 627 [0619]
Jarvan IV was a little confused.

But fortunately, after years of training, he has already learned to hide his emotions and anger. On the surface, he was just chatting with an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time—this scene fell into the eyes of others. It would only make people think that he was taking the opportunity to beat the demon seeker who was going too far, but it was completely unexpected that his target was really Shyvana.

Even Shyvana couldn't imagine that Jarvan IV really wanted to chat with her, so that when the conversation ended, she was still quite guilty, completely unclear whether she had revealed any flaws.

On the other hand, after bidding farewell to Shyvana, Jarvan IV fell into long-term thinking.

Perhaps, I should try to get in touch with Miss Shivana more and get to know each other?
But now Ms. Lanfu is still her fiancee in name, and these years, Lanfu has been conscientious. She is a fiancee in name, but in fact she works as a secretary. If she has had close contact with Shivana, her I'm afraid there will be a lot of damage from wind reviews...

However, after a short thought, Jarvan IV quickly sorted out his thoughts.

Before, I had to find a fiancée. It was because the war had just ended and the Illuminati had not yet completed the transformation, so my administrative power was insufficient.

But now it has been more than four years since that time, and the situation in Demacia has gradually been fully controlled by him. Although the noble lords will still reject some of their policies, all they can do is passively sabotage. There is no ability to resist more violently.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Jarvan IV has already completed a small part of it in terms of gathering power.

So now, I no longer need to think too much about the attitude of the noble council, and I can bear the political influence!
In terms of relationship, the relationship between Ms. Lan Fu and her lover is still stable. If possible, I can preside over their wedding. The problem that could not be solved before is no longer a problem in retrospect!

That being the case...then what else can stop me?
Thinking of this, Jarvan IV became excited. If it wasn't for the fact that it was already very late and he had to worry about Miss Lanfu's reputation, he wished he could call her into the palace now and share the good news with her!


What seems to be good news to Jarvan IV may not necessarily be good news to LeBlanc.

At this moment, LeBlanc was completely unaware that her home was about to be stolen. While Jarvan IV was thinking about how to solve this problem decently, she was secretly meeting with the leader of the Demon Search Army.

The status of the king's fiancée has provided LeBlanc with great convenience. Demacia has never said that "the harem cannot interfere in politics". For a long time, wife politics has always been an important part of this country. In addition, she specially selected Jarvan IV appeared when he lacked the most reliable manpower, so she has always been regarded as an extension of Jarvan IV's will.

This undoubtedly gave LeBlanc a lot of convenience, and LeBlanc himself was very accustomed to this way of acting in the shadow of a huge organization. Even though Jarvan IV was definitely a wise king, in the dark, She still quietly weaves a network of relationships of her own.

In LeBlanc's network, the most important part is the magic seeker.

Since Lux brought the demon-infested to the north, the demon-seeker and the silent man have gradually lost their meaning in the eyes of the nobles.

The Silent Man is better, the nobles always have some things to deal with, and Grandma Ling is also from the Silent Man, they have something to do with Fossbarrow, so although they left the Illuminati, their situation is the same as before. Not as good, but at least they all lived decently.

But the magic searchers are different. As mentioned earlier, their own responsibilities have already been eroded by the Illuminati. In addition, Jarvan IV's plan for their future is to be technicians who specialize in dealing with magic issues. Now the huge Demon Seeker organization is almost in the state of "standing on the last post, and then waiting for His Majesty the King's big layoffs".

Objectively speaking, Jarvan IV was very kind to these demon seekers.

Most of the demon seekers who are willing to join the army and meet the criteria for joining the army will be accepted, and those who are unwilling to join the army, Jarvan IV will support them until retirement, which can be regarded as a smooth landing.

But even so, for the magic seekers, the gap is too big.

You must know that the power in the hands of the Demon Seeker Legion in the past can be said to be quite large. Because of the special nature of their work, they can often override the magistrates in various places, and the Demon Seekers never recruit outsiders. The mage recruited, or the son inherited his father's job, and had a proper iron job-the result is now good, Jiawen IV wants to turn the Demon Seeker Legion into a technical post, and lay off the staff, who would be happy?

However, the Demon Seeker Legion used to be the loyal dogs of the royal family, and the royal family was their only support. No matter how dissatisfied they were, they had no right to oppose the king's orders. Even their legion commander left the Demon Seeker Legion through Marshal Tiana's door!

At this moment, LeBlanc extended a hand of friendship to the Demonseekers.

LeBlanc's identity is quite subtle. Since she is regarded as Jarvan IV's spokesperson most of the time, in the eyes of the Demon Seeker Legion, this is an indirect communication made by His Majesty the King to solve the problem-although he does not understand it very well Why did His Majesty, who has always been straightforward, ask Miss Lanfu to communicate with him at this time, but he still expressed his needs very frankly.

The mageseekers craved status and interests of their own.

As for the needs of the Demon Seeker Legion, Miss Lanfu expressed her understanding, but she also explained Demacia's difficulties from the perspective of His Majesty the King.

Now the entire Demacia standing army has a huge number of standing troops. His Majesty the King has reason to maintain these troops, and he does not have a lot of money. Although the Demon Seeker Legion does not need to be equipped with armor, its expenditure is not small compared to the regular army. Something happened to the magic prison before, and the nobles were very dissatisfied with the expenditure of the magic searcher...

All in all, the royal family has no food left.

The cunning LeBlanc gave the answers to the problems faced by Demacia and the reasons why Jarvan IV wanted to turn the Demonseeker Legion into a technical organization, but she intentionally did not directly explain this point , but through some suggestive words, leaving a little room for thinking for the leader of the Demon Seeker Legion.

Not talking about His Majesty's expectations for you, but talking about His Majesty's difficulties, and incidentally mentioned some areas where His Majesty is currently unable to do so. These words fell into the ears of the leader of the Demon Seeker Army, as if to remind him , We must start from these aspects to show the value of the Demon Seeker Legion.

As a result, the head of the Demon Seekers quickly agreed, and according to LeBlanc's instructions, he found an opportunity to deal with a few stubborn nobles, and solved a lot of trouble for Jarvan IV.

It's a pity that Jarvan IV didn't appreciate the news after he got the news. From his point of view, this was completely self-assertion and self-righteousness of the Demon Seeker Legion. They used the means of combating magic to physically eliminate several noble families, but This behavior is actually not much different from flipping the table.

The last time Jarvan IV tried to overturn the table, it directly caused a joint rebellion among the nobles, almost allowing the Noxians to take advantage of it!

But because LeBlanc's timing was just right, Jarvan IV was tussling with the noble council on the issue of the local prosecutorial power of the Illuminati, so no matter how dissatisfied he was, he could not publicly punish the demon seekers and show weakness to the nobles.

Even though he criticized the leader of the Demon Seekers in private, LeBlanc quickly appeased him afterwards, and put on a posture of "His Majesty's reprimand is nothing to do". After some manipulations, The Demon Seeker thought he had done a good job!
Then, relying on the information gap, LeBlanc began to guide the magic seekers to act according to their own will.

LeBlanc took the pressure from Jarvan IV, and even if she reprimanded her, she would continue to make up for it.

During this process, LeBlanc took out her own method of managing black roses with ease, under the guise of Jarvan IV, and packaged a lot of black magic as "the harvest of ascending the peak" to share Gave it to the mageseeker.

The black magic carefully selected by LeBlanc is the magic that does not look evil, but has some mysterious rituals-even in the form of expression, most of them are actually not magical.

Even though the demon seekers are people who specialize in dealing with magic in Demacia, they actually don’t understand magic at all. In addition, the demon seekers and magic have been in frequent contact, and many of them are recruited demons. Although they had some doubts about the harvest of climbing the peak at first, they gradually accepted it later.

In this way, under the eyes of Jarvan IV, LeBlanc completed a delicate operation, completely distorted Jarvan IV's order, and brought the Demonseeker into his control.

From Jarvan IV's point of view, the reason why the Demon Seekers have not let go of Fossbarrow's Chamber of Commerce this time is because they want to show their self-worth.

But in fact, all of this was completely hinted by LeBlanc, or in other words, the whole incident was manipulated by LeBlanc.

The silent man who seemed to be the mastermind was not from LeBlanc—he really saw the dragon, because Shivana did arrive here in the form of a dragon under the cover of night for daily messengers.

However, the Demon Seeker Legion followed up on this matter firmly, even if the commander of the Garrison Legion came forward, they would not let it go, but it was indeed LeBlanc's instruction.

In fact, if Shyvana hadn't met Jarvan IV, I'm afraid the Demonseeker Legion would not hesitate to rob people directly, because according to LeBlanc, His Majesty the King really wanted to restore part of the Demonseeker's power. But at this time, this part of the power has fallen into the hands of the Fossbarrows. Count Laxana is a model of nobility with an amazing reputation. On the contrary, the Demon Seeker showed his eyes once before, and His Majesty is very difficult to do.

According to LeBlanc's hint, the leader of the Demon Seekers believes that His Majesty needs to suppress Earl Laxana's reputation, let her lose her life once, and is not qualified to continue to manage the demons, so they will seize this opportunity and bite tightly Hold on till he hears that Shyvana is not from Forsbarrow but from Vazuan, who has seen His Majesty.

To be honest, the subsequent development of the matter was completely beyond LeBlanc's expectations. She thought that this incident would further intensify the conflict between Lacus and Jarvan IV, making Lacus think that the king was consciously targeting her, but it made her desperate. Unexpectedly, in that warehouse at that time, the dragon disappeared, replaced by an old acquaintance of the king...

What a disaster.

Seeing that the leader of the Demon Seekers was reprimanded by a lot of people, and even the Reticents were sacked, LeBlanc could only go to appease him, and promised some benefits again.

However, what LeBlanc never dreamed of was that the next day, something bigger came.

When she went to work in Dawn Castle and played the role of fiancée, Jiawen IV suddenly mentioned her lover to her!

Just when LeBlanc thought that Jarvan IV was finally moved and that the drama she had prepared for several years could be officially staged, Jarvan IV changed the subject and said something that she did not expect.

"We all know that the original agreement was an expedient measure under special circumstances." Jarvan IV smiled, and said the words that made LeBlanc fall into the ice cave, "Now, the situation in Demacia has basically changed." Once you've stabilized, you won't have to suffer such grievances anymore."

LeBlanc really wanted to say that she was not wronged, but in this situation, she could only frown, and said teasingly, "This is all for Demacia, it's nothing."

"How could it be nothing?" Jarvan IV smiled and shook his head, "You don't have to worry, I've seen what you've done over the years. I said before that you should remain anonymous, but now that I think about it, it's really cruel. Some - so, I figured it out, it's time for this engagement to end."

LeBlanc was stunned, she couldn't figure out what kind of wind Jarvan IV was having today, and why he suddenly made such a fuss.

"I've invited your father over." It wasn't over yet, and then Jarvan IV uttered words that left LeBlanc stunned, "I'll make it clear to him, your contribution to Demacia , your loyalty to love, I think he will understand and be proud of you!"

Looking at Jarvan IV who was smiling so brightly in front of her, LeBlanc already wanted to scold someone, but she could only show a bit of worry and joy on her face, as if she was eager to let her love be blessed by everyone, And worried that it might have a bad influence on Demacia.

At the same time, LeBlanc was also quickly thinking about the countermeasures.

The previous script now seems completely unworkable.

What happens next... I'm afraid I'm going to tear up the script!

 Kalya's Small Classroom: The "Blessing" of the Climber:
  When climbers bathe in the sky, their bodies will be strengthened, and they will not grasp the blessings of climbers.

  Most of the "blessings" that LeBlanc gave to the Demonseeker Legion in the name of Jarvan IV came from the ancient magic of the Immortal Fortress—although after a little processing by LeBlanc, they are just some Patterned weapons and exercise methods to enhance physical fitness don't seem to be very magical.

(End of this chapter)

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